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taken in Tennessee in 1795 concerning admission to the

Union. Out of approximately 9000 votes, 2562 were cast 8

opposing admission to the Union. The great number of negative votes came from the Cumberland region where grievances were concentrated against the central government.9

One of the most important factors that influenced the trend of events in the Southwest was the Indian problem. The Indians' grievance against the Americans was greatest, because the Americans were primarily farmers and, once moving into a region, made it impossible for the Indians to remain. For this reason, the Indians

favored the other side, and in this case allied with the Spanish. Spain, perplexed, found it difficult to decide whether to hold the Indians back or set them against the 10 Americans. This uncertainty as to policy puzzled the

Talapoosa Indians, who were led to remark, "Carondelet tells us we should make peace with the Americans, and at „11 the same time that we should make war upon them.

8. Ramsey, p. 648.

9. Ibid.

10. Jane M. Berry, "Indian Policy of Spain in the Southwest 1783-1795", in Mississippi Valley Historical Review, III (1916), pp. 462-470.

Mira's diplomacy aimed at holding the Ameri

can frontiersman in check without openly giving cause for war. His treaty with the Indians provided that no American traders be allowed in the Indian country. was to protect and guarantee the Indian lands by secretly and cautiously furnishing the Indians with arms and ammu



On the other hand, Miro tried to dissuade the Indians from aggressive warfare with the Americans because of the possibility of American success in which case the Indian barrier would be destroyed. In such a turn of events, Spain would have to step in to protect the Indian wards, and Spain was not prepared to war with the United States. The new danger of American expansion with the Georgia western land sales in 1789, caused Miro to change 12 his tactics, and to encourage the Indian raids.


In December 1791, the Baron de Carondelet became Governor General of Louisiana and West Florida. solution of using the Indians effectively against the American advance was to confederate all the tribes under


the protection of Spain. This was accomplished in Octo

ber, 1793, after Carondelet had justified his position as


12. Berry, "Indian Policy of Spain in the Southwest 17831795", in Miss. Valley Hist. Review, III, pp. 465-468.

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