ScienceJohn Michels (Journalist) 1958 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 88
Стр. 27
... acid ( 6 ) . The complex of ferrous iron and dipi- colinic acid which is prepared from the authentic dipicolinic acid described by Black , Depp , and Corson ( 7 ) is unstable , but the addition of a reducing agent such as ascorbic acid ...
... acid ( 6 ) . The complex of ferrous iron and dipi- colinic acid which is prepared from the authentic dipicolinic acid described by Black , Depp , and Corson ( 7 ) is unstable , but the addition of a reducing agent such as ascorbic acid ...
Стр. 28
... acid to each , and steam - distilled to remove volatile acid . Titratable acid , amounting to 165 and 230 μequivalent / ml of culture , was pro- 1001 80 60 40 20 Ο 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fig . 1. Distribution of titratable acid ( open ...
... acid to each , and steam - distilled to remove volatile acid . Titratable acid , amounting to 165 and 230 μequivalent / ml of culture , was pro- 1001 80 60 40 20 Ο 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fig . 1. Distribution of titratable acid ( open ...
Стр. 324
... acid diethylamide on self - stimula- tion are antagonized by serotonin and other points where the effects are not antagonized . At the points where serotonin fails to protect againt lysergic acid diethylamide , bromo- lysergic acid ...
... acid diethylamide on self - stimula- tion are antagonized by serotonin and other points where the effects are not antagonized . At the points where serotonin fails to protect againt lysergic acid diethylamide , bromo- lysergic acid ...
Humin analysis of 702 | 3 |
Hawaii book review of Flora Hawaiiensis | 5 |
Infrared absorption spectra of steroids | 9 |
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AAAS Acad acetylcholine acid activity American amino acids animals annual Association Atomic Energy biochemical biochemistry biological bone brain Calif cells Chem chemical chemistry Chicago chlorothiazide chlorpromazine clinical College Colorimeters Committee concentration culture Department Dept director drugs effect electric electrodes electron ence engineering enzymes equipment experimental experiments field galactose gram helium hydrocortisone hypothalamus increase industrial Institute instrument Klopsteg laboratory lysergic acid diethylamide mathematics measured Medical Medicine ment method National neutron nuclear operation optical organic papers particles percent Ph.D physical present President problems production professor radiation rats References and Notes reported reserpine response retinene rhodopsin samples School Science scientific scientists serotonin Service session Society stimulation strontium-90 superfluid symposium tektites temperature tion tissue tube United Univ University Usselo vitamin B12 volume Vriezenveen Washington York