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admire fo much the wonderful perfeverance of men, who brave fuch dangers in spite of repeated experience, and who exhibit the most exalted state of human fortitude and philofophy, by fubfifting in the utmoft mifery, for weeks and months, in an open boat, perhaps, without a compafs to guide them. A hurricane in the West Indies he has been perfectly in friendship with, fince the violent oppofition given to the plan for abolishing the traffic of human flesh. Why,' fays Hilarius, feel for those who have no feeling for others, who systematically add to the afflictions of human nature!' In a word, Hilarius is proof against all that may happen in this world to himself or others.

Some time ago, he fell from his horfe, and broke his leg. This, among his friends, was a fubject for condolence. Not fo with Hilarius. • Wherefore all this piece of work; I fhall be confined for fome weeks, and I am as well pleased to be at home as abroad; my furgeon will receive a handfome fee for his trouble, and without fuch accidents, how are these men, who have spent the best of their days and their fmall fortunes in acquiring skill, to exift? This accident too has reminded me of the shortnefs of life, and the fuddennefs of its termination, which I should probably have forgot in the course of the long and pleasant journey, which is now prevented from taking place.'

From a character like this, fomething may be extracted that is valuable, but fomething muft be guarded against, which in its tendency is pernicious. He no doubt carries his doctrine too far, and if men in general carried it fo far, the confequence would be anarchy of principle and licentioufness of practice; evils, to produce which no new fyftem is furely wanted. But it is rather fingular that this doctrine of All for the beft,' has lately been revived by the abettors of violence and bloodshed in a neighbouring country. The vilelt atrocities which were committed there last year


have been defended on the ground that they were for the best." It was allowed that they were bad, but then, they would produce good effects, and that out of them an overruling providence can bring order and happinefs. What greater impiety can there be than thus to make the Deity a partner in the wickedness of the most abandoned of a mob! What the pofe of the Almighty may be in permitting fuch wickedness, we know not, but we know that his unalterable decree to punith evil will be executed, and that his vengeance is denounced against thofe, who do evil that good may come of it.' This indeed, might be the plea of a highwayman, or a murderer of any defcription, and might, as it really has been, be brought in defence of the most cruel máfiacres that ever stained the history of human nature.

In the character of Hilarius, on the other hand, we may refpect the contentednefs with which he bears the leffer evils of life, and which indeed, not to bear with refignation, argues a mind as unfit for this world as unprepared for any other. It is wonderful how much the evils of life are multiplied by the cowardice of the mind, and by the perverfities of the temper. Selfish folly lays claim to uninterrupted happiness, and is continually ruffled by trifles, which difinterefted and manly wifdom can defpife. Though we cannot attain the ftate of ftoical philofophy, yet, as a great writer obferves, we may very properly enquire, how near to it it is in our power to approach, and how far we can exempt ourselves from outward influences, and fecure to our minds a ftate of tranquillity; for though the boaft of abfolute independence is ridiculous and vain, yet a mean flexibility to every impulfe, and a patient fubmiffion to the tyranny of cafual troubles, is below the dignity of that mind, which, however depraved or weakened, boasts its derivation from a celestial original, and hopes for an union with infinite goodness, and unvariable felicity.'


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THE THE fcarlet fever began to prevail very early in the month, and increased in frequency as it advanced, particularly at the wettern part of the town, but all its fymptoms were mild; fwellings of the tonfils and glands of the throat (as is ufual) accompanied it, but fuppuration very feldom took place. The weather being warm, free admiffion of air into the apartments of the fick was beneficial, the fever was moderated by it, and the exceffive debility which frequently fucceeds this difeafe was in a great degree prevented: acid gargles, when the throat was affected, were particularly ufeful; and ripe fruit proved beneficial, by keeping the bowels in a proper state, and tending to check the putrid fymptoms. The fmallpox ftill continued, and was more malignant than in the preceding month; in the natural ftate it was moftly of the confluent kind. It is ufual under inoculation to prepare the body for this difeafe, by giving mercurial medicines in alterative dofes, from the time of inferting the matter till the appearance of the eruption, and daily experience proves its utility; yet this medicine has feldom been given in the natural difeafe: but it is an established fact, that corrofive fublimate in particular, mixed only with fugar, and in a fmall dole twice or three times a day from the firft appearance of the eruption, will, even in the worst confluent kind, render the fymptoms much milder, and affift very much in conducting the patient through the difeafe. The urticaria Ikewife continued. Apthous ulcerations of the mouth and fauces, were very prevalent, but in general without fever, or any other unpleafant fymptom. The hoopingcough was also very prevalent, but extremely mild.

A Curious Account of the DRESS of the different ORDERS of SOCIETY in England and Scotland, during the Reigns of Henry VII and VIII.

[From Dr. Henry's History of Great Britain, Vol. VI, just published.]

HE drefs of the nobility during
the reigns of Richard and Henry
VII, was grotesque and fantastical,
fuch as renders it difficult at first to
distinguish the sex. Over the breeches
was worn a petticoat; the doublet
was laced, like the ftays of a pregnant
woman, across a stomacher, and a
gown or mantle with wide sleeves de-
fcended over the doublet and petti-
coat down to the ankles. Common-
ers were fatisfied, inftead of a gown,
with a frock or tunick shaped like a
shirt, gathered at the middle, and
faftened round the loins by a girdle,
from which a fort dagger was gene-
rally fufpended. But the petticoat
was rejected after the acceffion of
Henry VIII, when the traufes or light
breeches, that difplayed the minute
fymmetry of the limbs, was revived,
and the length of the doublet and

mantle diminished. The fashions which the great have difcarded, are often retained by the lower orders, and the form of the tunick, a Saxon garment, may be fill difcovered in the waggoner's frock; of the tranfe, and perhaps of the petticoat, in the different troufers that are worn by feamen. Thefe habits were again diverfified by minute decorations and changes of fashion: from an opinion that corpulence contributes to dignity, the doublet was puckered, ftuffed, and diftended around the body; the fleeves were fwelled into large ruffs; and the breeches bolstered about the hips; but how fhall I defcribe an artificial protuberance, grofs and indecent in the age of Henry VIII, if we judge from his, and the portraits of others, a familiar appurtenance to the drefs of the fovereign, the knight,


and mechanic, at a future period retained in comedy as a favourite theme of licentious merriment? The doublet and breeches were fometimes flashed, and with the addition of a fhort cloak, to which a stiffened cap was peculiar, refembled the national drefs of the Spaniards. The doublet is now tranfformed into a wa ftcoat, and the cloak or mantle, to which the fleeves of the doublet were transferred, has been converted gradually into a modern coat; but the drefs of the age was jully cenfured as inconvenient and clumsy. 'Men's fervants,' to whom the fashions had defcended with the clothes of their masters, have fuche pleytes,' fays Fitzherbert, upon theyr breftes, and ruffes uppon theyr fleves, above theyr elbowes, that yf theyr mayfter, or theym felfe, hadde never fo greatte neede, they coude not shoote one fhote to hurte theyr ennemyes, tyll they had cafte of theyr cotes, or cut of theyr fleves.' The dress of the peasantry was fimilar, but more convenient, confifting generally of trunk hofe, and a doublet of coarfe and durable fuftian.

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The materials employed in drefs were rich and expenfive; cloth of gold, furs, filks, and velvets, profufely embroidered. The habits of Henry VIII, and his queen, on their proceffion to the Tower previous to their coronation, are described by Hall, an hiftorian delighting in fhows and fpectacles. His grace wared in his uppert apparrell a robe of crimfyn velvet, furred with armyns; his jacket or cote of raised gold; the placard embrodered with diamonds, rubies, emeraudes, greate pearles, and other riche ftones; a greate bauderike aboute his necke, of large balaffes. The quene was appareled in white fatyn embrodered, her haire hangyng downe to her backe, of a very great length, bewtefull and goodly to behold, and on her hedde a coronall, fet with many riche orient flones.' 5

The attire of females was becoming and decent, fimilar in its fashion to their prefent dress, but lefs fubject to change and caprice. The large and fantastic head-dreffes of the former age were fuperfeded by coifs and velvet bonnets, beneath which the matron gathered her locks into tufts or tuffocks; but the virgin's head was uncovered, and her hair braided and faftened with ribbons. Among gentlemen, long hair was fashionable through Europe till the emperor Charles, during a voyage, devoted his locks for his health or fafety; and in England Henry, a tyrant even in tafte, gave efficacy to the fashion by a peremptory order for his attendants and courtiers to poll their heads. The fame fpirit induced him, probably, by fumptuary laws to regulate the inordinate dress of his fubjects. Cloth of gold or tiffue was reserved for dukes and marquifes; if of a purple colour, for the royal family. Silks and velvets were reftricted to commoners of wealth or distinction; but embroidery was interdicted from all beneath the degree of an earl. Cuffs for the fleeves, and bands and ruffs for the neck, were the invention of this period; but felt-hats were of earlier origin, and were still coarser and cheaper than caps or bonnets. Pockets, a convenience unknown to the ancients, are perhaps the latest real improvement on drefs; but inftead of pockets, a loose pouch seems to have been fometimes fufpended from the girdle.

The Scottish was apparently the fame with the English drefs, the bonnet excepted, peculiar both in its colour and form. The mafks and trains, and fuperfluous finery of female apparel, had been formerly prohibited; but fashion is fuperior to human laws, and we learn from the fatirical invectives of poets, that the ladies ftill perfifled in retaining their finery and muzzling their faces.




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