Изображения страниц

Bee Orchis, its Fertilisation, 222

Beet, Cultivation of, 90


Beginning, The; its When and its How," by M. Ponton, 321
Behm (E.), his "Geographisches Jahrbuch," 44
Beke (Chas. Tilson), Civil Service Pension to, 260
Belfrage (C. H.) on the Entomology of Texas, 51
Belgium, Royal Academy of Sciences, 379

Bennett A. W., F.L.S.) on Hybridisation, 46; on the Fer-
tilisation of the Bee Orchis, 222; on New and Rare Fungi,
240; on Newspaper Science, 425; on Winter Fertilisation, 506
Bennett, Prof., his Graduation Address at Edinburgh, 288
Bentham (G., F.R.S.) his Anniversary Address to the Linnean
Society, 92, 110, 150, 170, 129

Berkeley (Rev. M. J., F.L.S.), Reviews of Books, 240; on
Dr. De Notaris' Work on Italian Mosses, 383, 446
Berthon (Rev. M. L.), his New Dynameter, 427, 446

Bessemer Bombs, 123

Beswick Perrin (J.) on an Additional True Rib in the Human
Subject, 188

Bhyscuppra, an Indian Saurian, 514

Biblical Archæology, Society of, 19, 39, 104, 215, 374

Bickerton (A. W., F.C.S.) on Conversion of Heat in the Steam
Engine, 203

Billings, on the Supposed Legs of Asaphus, 254

Biogenesis, Sir Wm. Thomson on the Law of, Remarks by E.
Ray Lankester, F. L. S., 368 (See Origin of Life)

Biology, Prof. Huxley's Instruction at S. Kensington, 168, 325
Biology at the Br. A. (Section D.), Opening Address, 292 ; Sec-
tional Proceedings, 332, 355, 377

"Birds of Europe," by Sharp and Dresser, 308

Birds of the Lesser Antilles, Dr. P. L. Sclater, F. R. S., on, 473
Birmingham (J.) on Snn-spots, 102; on Prof. Zöllner's New
Theory of Sun-spots, 164; Observations of Comets, 359
Birmingham Saturday Half-holiday Guide," 225

[ocr errors]

Black Rain, Edwin Lee, F. L.S, on, 161

Blake (C. Carter), Cave Lion in the Peat, 27

Bland (Thos.), Conchology of the West Indies, 307

Blood, its Constitution, Dr. Marcet on, 57

Blood Spectrum, H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., on, 505

Boettcher (Dr. Arthur) on the Structure of the Ear, 64; on
Defective Vision, 140

Bolide seen at Marseilles, 339, 454, 503
Bolivia, Silver, Coal, and Gems in, 418

Bond (Dr. Francis T.), on Degrees for Engineering Students at
London University, 67

Bonney (Rev. T. G., F.G.S.) on Dr. Tyndall's "Hours of Ex-

ercise in the Alps," 198; on Ice Fleas, 467
Boston (U.S.) Natural History Society, 373
Botanical Department of the British Museum, 286

Botanical Exchange Club, 32

Botanical Science, its Study in England, 193

Botany at the Br. A., 317, 355, 377


Botany, Domestic," by John Smith, A.L.S., 301

"Botany, First Catechism of," 12

Botany, Journal of, 77, 108, 233, 359, 399, 453, 498
Botany, Manual of Structural," by M. C. Cooke, 44

Botany of Africa, 11, 447; of India, 90; of Queensland, 349;
of South America, 62

Boucard (M.), his proposed work on American Coleoptera, 50
Bradford (W.), his Paintings of Arctic Scenery, 210

Brazil, Rock Inscriptions in, 114

Brazil, Scientific Research in, 299

Brighton Aquarium, 394

Brine (Capt. L., R.N.,) on the Ruined Cities of Central

America (Br. A.), 358

Bristol Observing Astronomical Society, 175, 359, 440
"Britain," Name of, 7, 27

British Archæological Association, 324, 374

British Association, Arrangements for Meeting at Edinburgh,
148, 229, 244; Remarks on the Meeting, 261, 313; Address
by the President, 262; Opening Addresses in each Section,
270, 273, 277, 293, 297, 298, 318; Sectional Proceedings, 291,
292, 313, 315, 316, 317, 331, 352, 375, 376, 377, 396; Grants
for Scientific Purposes, 314

British Association and Local Scientific Societies, 242
“British Fungi, Handbook of," by M. C. Cooke, M. A., 321
"British Guiana, Geology of, 115

"British Insects," by E. F. Staveley, 22

British Museum, Sponges added to its Collection, 50; the Natural
History Collections, 181; Report on Botanical Department,
286, 452

British Mosses, D. Moore, F. L. S., on, 487

Bromine, Action of Heat on, by Dr. Andrews (Br. A) 316
Brothers (A., F. R. A.S) on Coronal Rifts, 66; on his Eclipse
Photography, 121, 327, 367

Brown Trust for Treatment of Sick Domestic Animals, 190, 210
Browning (John, F. R. A. S.), on a Universal Atmosphere, 487
Brussels Museum, Geological Collection at, 76

Buchan (Alexander), on Great Heat in Iceland, 202; on Rain-
fall in January and July (Br. A.), 358; on the Rainfall of
Scotland (Br. A.), 398

Burder (Dr. George F.), on Daylight Auroras, 84; on a Lunar
Halo seen at Clifton, 33

Burgoyne (Sir John F., F.R.S.), Obituary Notice of, 476
Burmah, Hairy Family in, 454, 477

Butter, Adulteration of, 90

"Butterflies, British, Natural History of," by E. Newman,
F.L.S., 219

Butterflies, Migration of, 12, 487, 494
Butterflies of North America, II
Calcutta, New Museum at, 89

California Academy of Sciences, 419
California Vulture, 52

Cambridge, Science at, 11, 32, 72, 107, 129, 555, 210, 261, 452,
476, 488, 493, 513

Cambridge, Philosophical Society, 39, 155

Cambridge, Woodwardian Museum, 100
Canada, Meteorology in, 349
Canine Madness in a Horse, 308
Carbolic Acid for Snake Bites, 229

"Carboniferous Epoch, Fauna of the," by Henry Woodward, 59
Carboniferous Fossils of West Scotland, 443

Carpenter (Dr. W. B.) on Ocean Currents, 71, 183, 243, 435a
446, 468; on Deep Sea Explorations. 73, 107; on Deep Se
Temperature, 97; Elected President of Br. A. for 1872, 290
Carruthers (Wm., F. R.S.) on "Supposed Vegetable Fossils," 234
Carter (H. J.) on Affinities of Sponges, 184
Cassowary, New Species of, 436

Cave of Aurignac, 208; at Wyandotte, 514

Cayley's Report on Abstract Dynamics, Sir Wm. Thomson,
F.R.S., on (Br. A.), 264

Celebes, Vis. Walden on its Ornithology, 37;
Cellulose, M. Payen on, 59

Volcano near, 286

Central America, Ruined Cities of (Br. A.), 358
Ceratodus, Discovered in Queensland, 406, 428, 447
Changes in the Habits of Animals, 489, 506
Charcoal Respirators for use in Smoke, 127

Charlesworth (E.). Recommended to Survey the Wealden, 493
Cheese Factories, Scientific Value of, 104

Chelsea Botanic Gardens, Lectures at, 89


Chemical Analysis," Wm. Crookes, F. R. S., on, 81

Chemical Dynamics, J. H. Gladstone, F. R. S., and Alfred Tribe

on, 195; (Br. A.), 291

Chemical Papers, Published Abstracts of (Br. A.), 331

Chemical Society, its Journal, 2, 38, 95, 134, 359

Chemical Society, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 284

Chemical Science at the Br. A. (Section B), Opening Address,

273; Sectional Proceedings, 291, 316, 331

"Chemistry in the United States" (Br. A.), 292

Chemistry, Investigations by the late Prof. Payen, 261
Chemistry, Italian Journal of, 73; Literature of, 2
Chemistry of Milk, 96

Chemistry, Manual of Organic," by Dr. Armstrong, 50
Chestnut-tree of Mount Etna, 166

China, Science in, 43

[blocks in formation]

Clifton College Scientific Society, 51; Conversazione at, 148;
its School of Science, 329; View of the Museum, 330
Climate of Nicaragua, 206

Clock Tower, Westminster, Magneto-Electric Light for, 107
Cloud Scenery, 4; New Form of, 489, 505

Coal in Bolivia, 418; in India, 514; in Panama, 309; (Br. A.),
332; Royal Commission on, 148, 287

Coal Plants, Exogenous Structures in (See Williamson, Prof. W. C.)
Coal, Velocity of Sound in, 487, 506

Cobbold (Dr. T. Spencer, F.R.S.) on Entozoa, 479; on the
Beef Tapeworm, 506; on Stephanurus discovered in America
and Australia, 508

Coleoptera of America, M. Boucard on, 50; of New South
Wales, 436; of Palestine, 55

Coles, Emily, Civil Service Pension to, 260

College of Physical Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 21, 189,
217, 284, 416, 435, 493

College of Physicians, Scheme of Examination, 73, 168
Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians, 229
College of Surgeons, Ireland, 129

Collins (J. H.)," Western Chronicle of Science," 220, 243, 338
Colour, the Sensation of, 27; Dr. H. M'Leod, F.C.S., on Red
and Blue, 122; Hon. J. W. Strutt on, 142; "Is Blue a
Primary Colour," 465; Lecture Experiments on, 346; Colour
of the Sky, 4; Optical Phenomenon of, 68; Colour Vision,
J. C. Maxwell on, 13; Colours of the Sea, W. M'Master on,
203, 305

Comet, Futtle's, its Ephemeris, by J. R. Hind, F.R.S., 374;
New, discovered by Temple, 189; Spectrum of, 95

Comets, Observations by J. Birmingham, 359; Sir W. Thomp-
son, F.R.S., on (Br. A.), 268

Compass, Transparent, 366

Compound Prism for Spectrum Microscope, 511

Comte (M.), and Anthropology, 466

Conchology of Polynesia, 37; of the West Indies, 307
Conservation of Force, 47

Constantinople, Astronomy in, 128

Cook (Captain), Monument to, in New South Wales, 271

Cooke (M. C, M.A.), his "Manual of Structural Botany," 44;

his "Handbook of British Fungi," 321

Cooley (W. D.) on Elemetary Geometry, 485

Cooper's Hill, Indian College of Civil Engineering, 244
Corals, 37, 38; Prof. P. M. Duncan on, 57
Coral Fauna of the Deep Sea, 153

Corfield (Prof.) on Sewage, 287

Corona, Remarks on the, 42, 121, 160; its Radial Appearance,

46; Prof. Serpieri on, 99; A. C. Ranyard, F.R.A.S., on, 466

Coronal Rifts, A. C. Ranyard, F.R. A.Š., on, 27; A. Brothers
on, 66, 121

Cornwall Institution, 375

Cornwall Polytechnic Society, 169, 287

Corrosion of Copper-plates by Nitrate of Silver (Br. A.), 353
Cotteau and Triger (M. M.) their “Echinides du Département
de la Sarthe," 120, 220

Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 32

Cotton-wool Respirators, 126, 164


Dall (W. H.) on Striated Muscular Fibre in Gasteropoda, 114;
his "
Brachiopoda of the United States Coast Survey," 238;
his Explorations in Alaska, 455

Dana (Jas. D.) on the supposed Legs of Asaphus platye-phalus,
152, 254

Danger and Storm Signal Light, inextinguishable, 49

Darwin (Charles, F. R.S.) on a New View of Darwinism, 180
Darwinism, Notes on, 5, 46, 117; a New View of, by Henry
H. Howorth, 161, 180, 200, 221, 240

Dase's Tables of Prime Numbers, 6

Davidson (Thomas) Memoir of, in Geological Magazine, 36
Davies (Lieut. A. M., R. N.) on Saturn's Rings, 203
Davis (A. S.) on the Aurora, 385

Davis (Barrett) his Tables of Prime Numbers, 6
Davis (Henry) on Eclipse Photography, 445

Davy (Sir Humphrey) Statue to, at Penzance, 307
Dawkins (W. Boyd, F. R. S.) on the Interment in the Aurignac
Cave, 208; Mammalia of the Glacial Period (Br. A.), 355 ;
Origin of Domestic Animals (Br. A.), 357; Classification of.
the Paleolithic Age (Br. A.), 358; Discoveries of Platycnemic
Men in Denbighshire, 388

Dawson (Principal, F. R.S.) on Hydrous Silicate in Fossils, 162;
on the Higher Education of Women, 515

Day (St. John V,, CE.) " Papers on the Great Pyramid," 303
Debus (Dr., F. R.S.) on Ozone, 134

Deep Sea Explorations, 73, 87, 167, 290; in America, 233; in
the Baltic, 417; in Indian waters, 307; Dredging in the Gulf
of St. Lawrence, 210; Deep-Sea Temperature, 97; Resolu-
tion of the Br. A., 313; (See Carpenter, Dr. W. B.; Ocean

De Fonvielle (W.) on Aerostation, 3

Delaunay (M.) on the Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 28, 45,
65, 141

Denbighshire, Discoveries of Platcycnemic Men in, 388
Denmark, Biology of, 150

De Notaris (Dr. G.), "Epilogo della Briologia Italiana," 383,
446; D. Moore, F. L. S., on, 487

Derry, Natural History Society of, 51

Deschanel (A. Privat), "Elementary Treatise on Natural Philo-
sophy," 343, 405, 425

Desert of the Tih, Report by C. F. Tyrwhitt Drake on, 33, 52
Devonshire Assoc. of Literature, Science, and Art, 169, 374
Dewar on Thermal Equivalents of Oxides of Chlorine (Br. A.), 291
Diamond Fields of Natal, 190, 418


Dickson (Alex., M.D.) Suggestions on Fruit Classification"
(Br. A.), 347, 475

Diving Bell, Photographic Apparatus for use in the, 477
Dobell (Dr.) his Reports on Practical Medicine, 140
"Domestic Botany," by John Smith, A.L.S., 304
Donegal, Geology of, 234

Doubleday (Thomas), "Matter for Materialists," 321

Drake (C. F. T.) his Report on the Desert of the Tih, 33, 52
Dredging Expedition off Spain and Portugal, its Zoological Re-
sults (Br. A.), 456

Dredging of the Gulf Stream, 87

Dresden Natural History Society, 133

Coutts (Baroness Burdett) her Prize for Essay on "The Balance Drought caused by Drainage, 386
Spring," 229

Coventry Institute, Science Classes at, 493

Crace Calvert (F., F. R.S.), on "Protoplasmic Life," 57
Cramming for Middle Class Examinations, 202, 285

Crinoids, Paleozoic, Prof. Wyville Thomson, F.R.S., on their

Structure, 496

Crocodiles at Greytown, 27

Croll (Jas.) on the Age of the Earth

Crookes (William, F.R.S.), his "Chemical Analysis," 81; on
"Psychic Force," 237, 278

Crotch (G. R., F. L.S.) on Geographical Distribution of Insects,
65; his Expedition to Australia, 129

Cryptogamia in Coal Measures, Classification of, Prot. W. C.
Williamson, F.R S., on (Br. A.), 173, 357, 408, 426, 490, 504
Crystal Palace Aquarium, 469

Cundurango Tree, 514

Cunningham (Major.-Gen. A., R.E.) "The Ancient Geography
of India," 381

Cycloid, the, Note by R. A. Proctor, F. R. A. S., 465, 487
Cyclone in the West Indies, 417, 454, 464

Cyclones, Converging of Wind in, 254; Low Barometer in,

226; J. J. Murphy on their Origin, 305

Czermak (Prof.) his Electric Double Lever, 5

Dallas (W. S., F.L.S.) on “Newman's British Butterflies,” 219 |

Dublin: Geological Society, 135; Natural History Society, 36,
135; Queen's University, 189; Royal Society, 96; Royal
Irish Academy, 19, 77, 136, 196, 379, 440; Trinity College,
129; University Diploma on State Medicine, 137, 148
Duncan (Prof. P. M., F.R.S.), on Corals, 37, 57, 77; on the
Coral Fauna of the Deep Sea, 153

Durham University and College of Science at Newcastle, 21,
189, 217

Dust and Smoke, Prof. Tyndall on, 124

Dyer (Prof. W. T. T.), his Lectures on Botany, 107; on Mimicry
in Plants (Br. A.), 355; on Fossil Cryptogams, 444, 504;
on Geometry at Oxford, 485; on Homoplastic Agreements
in Plants, 507

Dymond (W. P.), on the Irish Fern in Cornwall, 8

Dynameter, New, Rev. T. W. Webb, F. R. A.S., on, 427, 446
Dynamics, Abstract, Cayley's Report on (Br. A.), 264
Dynamics, Stokes's Theory, Sir William Thomson, F.R.S., on
(Br. A.), 267

Dynamite, Dr. Guyot on, 156

Ear, the, Dr. Arthur Boettcher on its Structure, 64

Earth, the, its Age as determined by Tidal Retardation, 323;
its Internal Structure, H. Hennessy, F.R. S., on, 182; its
Temperature, 133; Thickness of its Crust, 28, 45, 65, 141,
344, 366, 383

[ocr errors]

Earthquakes in Columbia, 51; Hawaiian Islands, 51; Peru,
51, 74, 169, 230, 418; Salvador, Valparaiso, 51; Celebes,
85; China (fatal), 145; Chile, 150, 230, 418, 454; the
* Himalayas, 150; Mexico, 169; America and Canada, 169;
India, Hayti, 212; Hawaiian Islands, 230; New York
State, 230; Himalayas, Cashmere, near New York, 287;
China, 309; in Scotland, Report on, (Br. A.), 317; Simla,
325; Boston, U.S., 326; at Worthing (alleged), 349, 385;
Panama, 350; Australia, 350; New England, 373; West
Indies, Philippine Islands, 375; Jamaica, 387; Madeira, 436;
Callao, 494; Constantinople, 494

Earwaker (J. P.) his Collection of Fossils, 96; on" Psychic Force,

Eastbourne Natural History Society, 190

Echini, Cotteau and Triger on, 228

Echinoderms, Prof. Wyville Thomson on (Br. A.), 334
Eclipse at Darmstadt, 1699, alarm caused by it, 418
Eclipse, Solar, of 1868, 399

Eclipse, Solar, of Dec. 22, 1870; photographs of, 85; J. Norman
Lockyer, F.R.S., his Lecture at Royal Society on, 230, 241
Eclipses, the Recent and Coming, by J. N. Lockyer, F.R.S. (Br.
A.), 352

Eclipse, Solar, of Dec. 12, 1871: Preparations to observe it,
128, 197, 210, 228, 259, 290, 348, 373, 394, 435, 445, 492;
Map of Shadow Path over India, 258; Government Aid to
Observation, 324; Suggestions to Observers, by A. C. Ran-
yard, F. R.A. S., 327; Lieut.-Col. J. F. Tennant, R. E.,
F.R.S., on, 339, 486; M. Janssen on (Br. A.), 352; French
Expedition, 373; Sailing of the English Expedition, 512;
"Instructions for Observers at the English Goverment Expe-
dition," 516

Eclipses, J. R. Hind, F. R.S., on Total Solar Eclipses Visible
in England in 1954 and 1999, 260
Eclipse Photography, 121, 160, 327, 367, 445

Economic Science and Statistics at the Br. A. (Section F),
ing Address, 298; Sectional Proceedings, 336
Edinburgh Meeting of the British Association at (See British
Association); its Medical School, 288; Prof. A. Geikie,
F.R.S., on its Geology, 277; (Br. A.) 315; Botanical Society,
51; its Flora (Br. A.), 356; Naturalists' Field Club, 10;
Royal Physical Society, 39; University, Prof. W. Thomson's
Introductory Lecture, 74, 90; Anatomy and Physiology at,
168; Botanical Class, 374; Science at, 452, 514
Edmonds (Richard) on the name "Britain," 3, 27
Education in Science: Lectures and Teaching for the People,
81, 101, 120, 141, 192, 211, 281; Science in Schools, 243,
257, 285, 308, 314, 296, 349, 417, 421, 452, 437, 461; Prof.
Allen Thomson on (Br. A.), 296; G. F. Rodwell on, 455,
Report of London School Board, 198, 192; Prof. Huxley on
the Duties of the State, 495; Education for Farmers, 66,
89, 101 (See Female Education, Technical Education)
Edwards and Kidd, Illustrations of the Heliotype Process, 85
Eel's Skull, its structure, W. K. Parker, F.R.S., on, 146
Egyptian Antiquities, Mr. R. Hay's Collection, 130
Elastrus dolosus in the Azores, 162
Electric Double Lever, by Czermak, 5
Electricity, Animal, 29

Elementary Examination Papers, their Defects, 202, 285
Ellery (Robert J.), on the Spectrum of the Aurora, 280
Elliot (Sir Walter) on Provincial Museums (Br. A.), 377
Embryology, Prof. Allen Thomson on (Br. A.), 295

Encke's Comet, 394; Observations by J. R. Hind, F. R.S., 435,
492; by M. Stephan, 492, 499

Engelman (Dr. R.), Light of Jupiter's Satellites, 442
Engineering, its Study at the London University, 67
Entomological Society, Proceedings, 39, 154, 215
Entomology, its Study in Great Britain, 194
Entomology at the Br. A., 333

Entomology of America, 30; of New South Wales, 436; of New
Zealand, 40; of Palestine, 55; of Texas, 51

Entozoa, Dr. F. Cobbold on, 479; Stephanurus in Hogs, 508.
Eozoon Canadense, John B. Perry on, 28; Notes on, 72, 85
Ericsson (J.), the Temperature of the Sun, 204, 449
Ernst (A.), Yellow Rain in New Granada, 68

Erskine (Lieutenant Vincent), "Meteorology at Natal," 305
Essex Institute, Salem, U.S., Proceedings of, 43, 501
Ethnological Classifications, 56

Ethnological Society, Journal of, 76

Ethnology in America, 12, 32, 89, 154; at the Br. A., 289; of
the Coasts of Behring's Sea, 519; of Palestine, 34, 53; of
South Wales, 261


Euclid, a Substitute for (See Geometry, Elementary)
Evans (Colonel Albert S.), Our Sister Republic; a Gala Trip
through Tropical Mexico," 322

Everett (Prof. J. D., D.C.L), on Units of Force and Energy,
6; 353; his Translation of Deschanel on Natural Philosophy.
343, 425, 505; on Wet and Dry Bulb Formula 353; Cir-
culation and Distribution of the Atmosphere (Br. A.), 353;
Report on Underground Temperature (Br. A.), 396
Exogenous Structures amongst the Stems of Coal Measures (See
Williamson, Prof. W.C., F. R.S.)

Examination Tests, Use and Abuse of, 467
"Experimental Mechanics," by R. S. Ball, 510
Exploration of Palestine, 33, 52, 215

Explosion (?) on the Sun, 488

Fairlie, R., on the Gauge of Railways (Br. A.), 337
Falmouth, Meteorological Observatory at, 247, 248
Fawcus, George, on a Transparent Compass, 366

Fawcett (Thomas), on Science Lectures for the People, 101; on
Drainage as a Cause of Drought, 386

Fellowes (Lieut. John, R. N.), on Steam Lite Boats, 181
Ferrel (W.), Low Barometer in Polar Regions and Cyclones, 226
Fertilisation of the Bee Orchis, 222

Finnis (M. M.), on Meteors in South Australia, 345
Fish, as affected by Fresh and Salt Water, 245, 339
Fish and Fisheries, New York Commission, 244
Fish, Fossil, in the British Museum, 77

Fish of Nicaragua, 207; of North America, 33
Fish, Phosphorescence in, 287

Fish-Crow of Oregon and Washington, 287

Fixed Stars, Method of Estimating their Distances (Br. A.), 396
Flammarion, Camille, on Aërostation, 3

Flamsteed (John), his Ghost, on the Sun's Parallax, 503
Fletcher (A. E., F. C.S.), on the Rhysimeter (Br. A.), 338
Fletcher (L. E., C. E.), on Steam Boiler Legislation (Br. A.), 397
Flight, Recent Researches on, 516; of Butterflies, 487, 494
Flint, Hawkins Johnson, F.G. S., on, 154; Formation of, 223, 243
"Flora of Mentone and the Riviera," 502
"Flora of Tropical Africa," 287

Flower (Prof., F.R.S.), on Rib Variations, 188

Fluid State of Matter, Speculations on its Continuity (Br. A.), 291
Forbes (David, F.R. S. )," On the Nature of the Earth's Interior,"
28; on the Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 65; on News-
paper Science, 406, 464

Force and Energy, Units of, 6; Correspondence on, 69; Prof.
Everett on (Br. A.), 353

Foreign Scientific Associations, 43
Formosa, Birds and Beasts of, 44

Forth, Estuary of the, its Geology, 422

Fossiliferous Boulder in Northumberland, 386, 467

Foster (Dr. M.), his Physiological Class, Cambridge, 107; on
the Action of Codeia Derivatives, 174

Foliage, the Various Tints of, 341


Fragments of Science," by Prof. Tyndall, LL.D., 237
France, Baron Liebig on its Scientific Men, 190

Frankland (Prof. E. F., F. R.S.), on Metropolitan Water Supply,

349; on Ice Fleas, 426

Frankland Institute, Journal of the, 211, 229, 452

Fraser (George) on Scientific Lectures for the People, 120; on
Psychic Force," 279

Frigate Bird at the Zoological Gardens, 394

Freke (H.), on " Dependence of Life on Decomposition," 422
French Recent Zoological Discoveries, 369
Freshwater Bathybius, Dr. R. Greef on, 49

"Fruit Classification, Suggestions on," by Alex. Dickson, M.D.
(Br. A.), 347, 475

Fruit, International Exhibition at the Horticultural Society, 394
Fungi, New and Rare, 240

Fungi in Living Birds (Br. A.), 356

Fungi, Exhibition at the Horticultural Gardens, 476, used for
food in China, 494

Futtle's Comet, Ephemeris of, 374

Galton (Francis), on Pangenesis, 5. 25

Ganoid Fish discovered in Queensland, 406, 428, 447


Gaseous and Liquid States of Matter," Dr. Andrews on, 186
Gasteropoda, Striated Muscular Fibre in, 144; Auditory Organ,

Geikie (Prof. Archibald, F.R.S.) Opening Address at Geo-
logical Section, 277; Geological Survey of Scotland, 292
Geneva, Natural History Society of, 36

Geographical Distribution of Insects, G. R. Crotch on, 65
Geographical Surveys in India, 418

[blocks in formation]

Geography at the Br. A. (Section E), Opening Address, 297;
Sectional Proceedings, 335, 358

Geography: International Congress at Antwerp, 168; Lectures
at Maidstone, 417; St. Martin's Année Géographique, 44
Geological Atlas of England, by W. Stephen Mitchell, 373
Geological Magazine, 36, 76, 194 254, 453

Geological Society, Proceedings, 18, 37, 77, 115, 153, 234
Geological Society, Dublin, 135

Geological Survey of Scotland (Br. A.), 292

Geologists' Association, 10, 73, 95, 154, 168. 211, 229, 254
Geology in America, 12; American, by Dr. Hayden, 24
Geology at Christ's Hospital, 130; at Oxford, 485

Geological Science, at Br. A. (Section C), Opening Address,
277; Sectional Proceedings, 317, 332, 354, 376
Geology: Endowment by Mr. James Yates at University College,
260; of Edinburgh and Neighbourhood (Br. A.), 315; Glou-
cestershire, 32; Estuary of the Forth, 422; Thames Valley,
157; the Ural and Caspian Sea, 417

Geometry, Elementary Practical; J. M. Wilson on Teaching,
387; a Substitute for Euclid, 366, 404, 505; R. Wormell on
425; W. D. Cooley and Thomas Jones on, 485, 486
"Geometry, Elements of Plane and Solid," by H. W. Watson,
Geometry, Practical and Plane," by J. W. Palliser, 484
Geometry, The Axioms of, Prof. Helmholtz on, 481

[ocr errors]

Germ Theory, Dr. Bastian on, 178, 458; Notes on, 125, 165, 378
German Arctic Expedition, 439, 513

Germany, Science in, 60, 108, 169, 170, 229, 234, 439, 453, 477,

Gibraltar Current, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F. R.S., on, 468
Ginsburg (Dr.), his Expedition to Moab, 492

Glacial Fossils at Finchley, 514

Glacier Ice, the Bending of, Prof. Tyndall on, 447

Glacier Sculpture, 198

Gladstone (John Hall, F. R. S., and Alfred Tribe), on Chemical
Dynamics, 195; (Br. A.) 291; on the Corrosion of Copper-
plates by Nitrate of Silver (Br. A.), 353

Glaisher (James F.R.S.), his "Travels in the Air," 3; on Day
Auroras, 209

Glaisher (J. W. L.), on Tables of Prime Numbers, 6

Glasgow: Anderson's University, 190; Meteorological Observa-
tory, 256; Geological Society, Transactions, 443
Glass, Researches on, by Rev. W. V. Harcourt (Br. A.), 351
Gold at Penang and New Grenada, 419

Gould (John), on a New Humming Bird, 77

Government, the, and Prof. Sylvester, 324, 326

Harkness (Prof. R., F. R.S.), Ancient Rocks of South Wales, 77
Harris (John), "Kuklos," 25

Harrison (William H.) on the Heliotype Process, 85
Hartley Institution, Southampton, 350, 453

Hartman (Dr.), "History of Domestic Animals," 253
Hartog (N. E), Senior Wrangler, his Death, 148

Hartt (Prof. C. F.), his Expedition to Brazil (Br. A.), 299
Haughton (Rev. Prof.), Lectures on "The Principle of Least


Hayden (Dr.), on Geology of America, 24, 109; his Expedition,
213, 293, 387

Hayward (George), Murdered in Kashmir, 297
"Health, National," H. W. Acland, F. R.S., on, 463
"Heat," A. P. Deschanel on, 343, 405, 426
Heat in August 1871, 325; in Iceland, 202
Heat, its Action on Protoplasmic Life, 57
Heat, Mechanical Equivalents of, 27, 68

Hector (Dr. James, F. R.S.), on Recent Remains of the Moa,
184, 228, 306, 324

Heis (Dr. Edward), Correspondence of Aurora Australis and
Borealis, 213

Heliotype Process, 85

Helmholtz (Prof.,) Axioms of Geometry, 481

Henle (Prof.), “Handbuch der Systematischen Anatomie,” 101
Hennessy (H., F.R.S.), Internal Structure of the Earth, 182
Herschel (Prof. A. S.) on the Marseilles Meteorite, 503

Herschel (Sir John) on Ocean Currents, 71; Deep Sea Tempe-
rature, 98; his Death, 50; Obituary Notices, 69, 73, 89; re-
marks on, by Sir W. Thomson, F.R.S. (Br. A.), 262
Highton (Rev. H.), Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, 27, 68
on Thermodynamics, 46

Hincks (Rev. W., F.L.S.), Obituary Notice of, 436

Hind (J. R., F.R. S.,) on Total Solar Eclipses visible in
England, 260; Observations of Encke's Comet, 435, 492
Hinrichs (Prof. Gustavus, A. M.), "Elements of Physical Science
and School Laboratory," 421

"Hippocrateaceae of South America," by J. Miers, F.R.S., 135
Hippopotamus, Skeleton of, 37

His (Prof.) "Theories of Sexual Generation," 114
Histology, Prof. Allen Thomson on (Br. A.), 294
Hodge (George), Obituary Notice of, 387

Hofmann (Dr. F.R S.), on the Royal College of Chemistry, 16
Holmes (N. J.) on Submarine Telegraphs, 8
Holmes (N.), his Inextinguishable Storm Signal Light, 49
Home (D. M.), "The Estuary of the Forth,"
Homoplastic Agreements in Plants, 507


Hooker (Dr. J. D.), his African Expedition, 11, 89, 129, 149,
168, 196; his Report on Kew Gardens, 210

Government aid for Observing the Eclipse of December 12, 1781, Hopkins (W.) on the Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 28, 45,,

and Transit of Venus, 324

Government aid to Science, 462, 495

Gratz, Physiological Researches at, 402

Gravitating Currents in Relation to Auroras, 497

Gravitation, Sir W. Thomson, F. R. S., on the Law of, Remarks

by E. Ray Lankester, F.L. S., 368

"Great Pyramid Papers," by Sir John Vincent Day, C.E.,
"Plan and Object of its Construction," 303
Greeff (Dr. R.), Freshwater Bathybius, 49

Green (A. H., F.G.S.), Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 45, 383;
the Geology of Donegal, 234

Green (Jas.), his Standard Barometer, 412

Green Light for Ships, Prize Offered for, 418
Greenwich, Visitation to the Observatory, 50, 103

Greytown: Noises at Sea, 26; Crocodiles, 27; its Climate,
View of the Harbour, 206

Grierson (Dr.), on Provincial Museums (Br. A.), 377

Grote (George), his Illness and Death, 107, 148; Legacy to Uni-
versity College, 260

Gulf Stream, Dredging of the, 87

Gun Cotton Explosion at Stowmarket, 309, 518

Günther (Dr. A., F.R.S.), New Ganoid Fish (Ceratodus) dis-

covered in Queensland, 406, 428, 447

Hackney Scientific Association, 379

Hæmatite Ores, Thos. Ainsworth on (Br. A.), 292

Hairy Family in Burmah, 454, 477

Hall (Capt.), his Polar Expedition, 309, 349

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Horological Institute, 229

Horticultural Society, 210; International Exhibition, 1866, 307;
Exhibition of Fungi, 476

Hospital for Domestic Animals, 210

Hough (Prof. S. W.), Self-registering Barometer and Meteoro-
graph, 410, 430

Howorth (Henry H.), "A New View of Darwinism," 161, 180,
181, 200, 221, 240

Huggins (Dr. William, F. R.S.), on the Spectrum of Uranus,
88; of a Comet, 95

Hulk (J. W., F. R.S.), Fossil Vertebrata from Kimmeridge Eay,

Hunt (Dr. T. Sterry, F. R.S.), on Palæozoic Crinoids, 72; on
Hydroussilicate in Fossils, 162

Human Anatomy and Physiology, edited by Dr. L. S. Beale, 343
Human Locomotion," by Prof. B. G. Wilder, 437


Humphry (Prof.), his Anatomical Classes, Cambridge, 107;
his Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 359

Huxley (Prof.), on the Duties of Civil Engineers, 12; on
Ethnology, 76; at the Br. A., 290; his Instruction to Science
Teachers at South Kensington, 325, 361; Palæontological Ex-
cavations at Lossiemouth, 417, 436; State Aid to Scientific
Teaching, 462; Duties of the State, 495

Hybridisation, A. C. Ranyard on, 26, 46; R. Meldola and Dr.
L. S. Beale on, 46

Hall (Marshall), Education for Farmers, 89; Sea-Water Hydraulic Buffer for Heavy Guns, 105

[blocks in formation]

Hydrobromic Acid, C. R. A. Wright on, 174
Hydrocarbons, by C. Schorlemmer, 95

Hylobates Ape, 6

Ice for India, 325

Ice Fleas, Prof. E. F. Frankland, F. R.S., on, 426; Rev. C, A.
Johns, F. L.S., 446; Rev. T. G. Bonney, F.G.S, 467
Ice, Glacier, the Bending of, Prof. Tyndall on, 447
Iceland, Great Heat in, 202

Ichthyosaurus from Kimmerridge Bay, 153

Im Thurn (Everard F.), on the Irish Fern in Cornwall, 68
India: Cotton Cultivation, 33; Geographical Survey, 418;
Science, 32, 89, 150, 192, 212, 287, 307, 325, 418, 437, 514;
Snake Bites, 74; Tea Cultivation; 169; "Ancient Geo-
graphy," by Major-General A. Cunningham, R.E., 381;
Wheat Cultivation, 108

Indian Education, Jiram Row on (Br. A.), 336

Indianapolis, Meeting of the American Association for Advance-
ment of Science, 373

India-rubber, Collection and Manufacture of, 207
Inextinguishable Storm and Danger Signal Light, 49

Ingleby (Dr. C. M.), on Lee Shelter, 183; on Recent Neolo-
gisms, 201, 242, 385

Insects of Missouri, Official Report on, 302

Institution of Civil Engineers, 12; of Naval Architects, 149
Intellectual Qualities, Transmissibility of, 154
Iowa State University, 229, 308, 421

Irish Fern in Cornwall, 8, 68

Iron and Steel, W. M. Williams on, 226

Iron and Steel Institute, Meeting at Dudley, 348, 361

Iron-paper Making, 494

Iron Telegraph Poles, 287

Italian Journal of Chemistry, 73

Italian Mosses, Dr. de Notaris on, 383

Italy, Science in, 98, 153, 254, 468

Jack (R. L.) on Thunderstorm near Glasgow, 202

James (Sir Henry), "Notes on the Great Pyramid," 303
Janssen (M.) on the Eclipse of December 12, 1871 (Br. A.),
352; appointed to Observe it, 373

Jardin d'Essai, Algier, 447

Japan: Science, 44; Typhoon, 375: Meteorological Notions, 435
Jeffreys (J Gwyn, F.R.S.) on Dr. Lea's "Synopsis of Unionida,"

119; Dall's" Brachiopoda of the United States Coast Survey,"
238; his Visit to America, 418, 512

Jenkin (Prof. Fleeming, F. R.S.), Opening Address on Mecha-
nical Science (Br. A., Section G), 318

Jeremiah (John) on Daylight Auroras, 7, 47, 142; on Yellow
Rain, 160

Jevons (Prof. W. Stanley), "Helmholtz on the Axioms of Geo-
metry," 481

Johns (Rev. C. A., F.L.S.) on Ice Fleas, 446

Johnson (M. Hawkins, F.GS) on Flint, 154, 223

Johnston (Alex. Keith, LL.D.), medal of Geographical Society
awarded to, 108; his Death, 210; Obituary Notice, 225
Jones (T.) on Science in Schools, 243, 285; on Elementary
Geometry, 486

Joseph (D.), Velocity of Sound in Coal, 487

Joule (Dr. J. P., F.R.S.), Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, 68.
Journal of Botany, 77, 108, 233, 359, 399, 453

Jupiter, Drawings of its Bands, 32; Observations of, 175
Jupiter's Satellites, Light of, 442

Kaines (J.), on Anthropology and M. Comte, 466

Kea (Nestor notabilis), Progress of Development in, 489, 506
Kent (W. S. F.Z.S.), on Affinities of the Sponges, 184, 201;
Dredging Expedition of Spain and Portugal (Br. A.) 456.
Kent's Cavern Explorations (Br. A.), 332

Kew Gardens, Dr. J. D. Hooker's Report on, 210

Kew, Meteorological Observatory, 247, 248, 289; Sir W. Thom-
son (F.R.S.) on (Br. A.) 263

Key (Rev. Henry Cooper) on Daylight Aurora, 121
Kinetic Theory of Gases, Sir William Thomson, F.R.S., on
(Br. A.), 265

King (Prof. William) on Eozoon Canadense, 85

[ocr errors]

Kingsley (Rev. Canon) on the Colours of the Sea, 203; At
Last a Christmas in the West Indies," 282; Cyclone in the
West Indies, 464

Kirkwood (Prof. Daniel), Great Sun Spot of June, 1843, 172;
"Are Auroras Periodical?" 505
Klein (Von H. J.) on Astronomy, 24

Klinkerfues (Dr.), his Theoretical Astronomy, 24
Kropotkine (P.), Arctic Auroras, 142
Lake (John J.), Colours of the Sea, 305

Lamp (New) for Street Lighting, 477

of Biogenesis, and the Law of Gravitation," 308
Latham (R G.) on the word " Prolificness," 324
La terade (M.) "Theory of Two Suns," 216

Laughton (J. K.) on West Winds, 8; on Occan Temperature
and Currents, 162, 183, 223, 243; "A Plane's Aspect?" 466
Lea, Isaac, LL.D., "Synopsis of Unionidæ," 119
Lead, Metallurgy of, 218

Lecocq (M. Henri), his Bequests for Scientific Purposes, 512
Le Conte (Prof. John A.), Velocity of Meteoric Stones, 398
Lecture Experiment on Colour, 346

Lectureships at London Medical Schools, 1, 61
Lee (Alec), "Romance of Motion," 45

Lee (Edwin, F. L. S.) on Black Rain, 161
Leicester Literary and Scientific Society, 211

Leighton (Rev. W. A., F.L.S.), "The Lichen Flora of Great
Britain," 482

Lepidosiren, its Characteristics, 406

Leslie (A., C. E.), on Salmon Ladders for Reservoirs (Br. A.), 337
Leyden, Science at, 31

"Lichen Flora of Great Britain," Rev. W. A. Leighton,
F. L.S, on the, 482

Liebig (Baron), on the Scientific Men of France, 190

"Life, its Dependence on Decomposition," H. Freke, M.D., 422
Lifeboats, Steam, John Fellowes on, 181

Light, Prismatic Analysis of, Sir W. Thomson, on (Br. A.), 266
Light of Jupiter's Satellites, 442

Lighthouses, New Reflector for (Br. A.), 396

Lima, International Exhibition at, 418

Lindley Library, at the Horticultural Society, 307

Lindsay (Dr. W L., F.R.S.E.) on Mind in the Lower Animals,
169; on Leighton's" Lichen Flora of Great Britain," 482
Lindsay, Lord, Aurora at Aberdeen, its Spectrum, 347, 366; his
Aid to Observing the Eclipse of December 12, 1871, 435
Linnean Society, Proceedings, 11, 19, 36, 72, 39, 135; Anni-
versary Address by Bentham, 92, 110, 156, 170, 192

[ocr errors]

Liquid and Gaseous States of Matter," Dr. Andrews on, 186
Little (W.), on Technical Education for Farmers, 66
Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club, 211

Livingstone (Dr.), Intelligence of, 31, 195, 297, 349, 417
Lloyd (W. A.) on the Crystal Palace Aquarium, 469
Local Scientific Effort, Organisation of, 281

Local Societies, Duties of, 141, 463

Lockyer (J. Norman, F.R.S.), on R. A. Proctor's Treatise on
the Sun, 83; on Observations of the Solar Eclipse of Dec. 12,
1871, 197; Lecture "On the Solar Eclipse of Dec. 1870,"
230, 248; "The Recent and Coming Solar Eclipses," 352
"Loess," a Chinese Clay Deposit, 38; M. Engelhardt on, 134
Login (T.), Cotton and Wheat Cultivation in India, 33, 108
Lombardy, Royal Institution of Science, 99

London Institution, Educational Lectures at, 107; Proceedings,
148, 452, 514

London Medical Schools, 1, 324

London University: Lectureships at, 2; Proceedings, 11, 31, 73,
168, 349; Degrees for Engineering Students, 67; Female
Students at, 50, 89; Physiological Scholarship, 189; the
Brown Trust, 190, 210; Sharpey Scholarship, 210, 260; Ex-
aminations, 229; Proposed Mathematical Chair, 259; Elec-
tion of President and Professors, Legacies to, 260; Slade
Professorship, 50

Longet (M.), Obituary Notice of, 12

Low (D.), on Daylight Auroras, 121

Lowne (B. F., F.R.C.S.), on Mr. Howorth's New View of
Darwinism, 221, 240

Lubbock (Sir J., F.L.S.), on Scientific Teaching, 461
Lucas (John), on Day Auroras, 183, 305
Ludlow Natural History Society, 418

Luminous Meteors of 1870-71, Observations of (Br. A.), 350
Lunar Halo seen at Clifton, 33

Lunar Objects suspected of Change, Report on (Br. A.), 352
Lunar Rainbow at New York (Br. A.), 300; in Cheshire, 466
Lynn (W. T., F.R.A.S), on Prof. Newcomb and Mr. Stone, 465
McLeod (Herbert), on Red and Blue, 122

McMaster (Lt. Col. W.), on the Colours of the Sea, 203
McNab (Dr. W. R.), on Prof. Williamson's Classification of
Vascular Cryptogams, 426, 504; on the Classification of
Fruits, 475

Macnamara (C.), "Treatise on Asiatic Cholera," 302
Madreporaria (See Corals)

Magnetic Storms in Higher Latitudes, 441

Magnetism, Discovery of Halley's Magnetic Chart, 103

Magnetism, Terrestrial, Sir Wm. Thomson, F. R.S., on, 264
Magneto-electric Light, for the Clock Tower at Westminster, 107

Magnus (Dr. Hugo), on the Bones of the Head of Birds, 364
Maidstone Natural History Society, 308, 417

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