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The Official Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of
Evangelical Knowledge.











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-in combination with the United States flag, also
the United States shield-enamelled in their true
colors- make a suitable gift arranged as an auto-
mobile mount.

Q3476-6 inch, St. Christopher, $7.00
Q3477-5%1⁄2 inch, Seal and Shield, $7.00

The Gorham Company

Fifth Ave. and 36th St.

New York City


Same shield

on reverse

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

Necessity is a stern THANKSGIVING teacher. She is also often startlingly illuminating. As our National Thanksgiving Day comes near, we find ourselves admonished to thrift and denial, to sacrifice and economy. Are we then poorer for all this? No! We feel suddenly richer. Scales fall from the eyes of our hearts. We see the real blessings. By a sudden flash of insight we know what really matters. "Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

We mount hardly to this height. The air is too rarified. We have been dwelling in the lowlands of materialism. We have thought possessions, crass earthly possessions and power, were the things really worth while. We forgot the Master of life. We called Him Poet and Romancer when He said-Be not

anxious about things, about property and

possessions; not because they are not important, but because they are deeply damning unless brought into a larger, creative, spiritual inclusion. Seek first the right, seek Liberty; create a society in which the fear of destitution and the

NO. 3

desire for great possessions are not of necessity the two supreme motives of life. Then things will be added, will increase, will sing about you.

We come to our Thanksgiving with penitence and confession. We acknowledge before God that in the Church, as well as out of it, we have paid tributethe tribute at once of envy and admiration-to wealth and power, and not to wisdom and honor.

We have counted the rich and mighty, fortunate. We have not regarded the humble and teachable, the free who have refused compromise, the just who live by faith. But now, Lord, we see and believe; help Thou our unbelief.

What is our Thanksgiving but deep gratitude that we made the choice for freedom and the fight for the new world order of justice and liberty. Out of this choice is coming insight, for which we praise God. Out of this self-giving of national life is coming the larger life that Christ promised. Losing our life we are finding afresh the meaning of redemption. We inherit the "Blesseds" Thanksgiving for virtues and not for of the Master. We praise God this goods; for qualities of the soul and not for houses and lands and the clothing wherewithal. We thank God for thrift that feeds the starving; for economy and denial that make the sinews of Freedom's war; for the love that puts cour

[graphic][graphic][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-in combination with the United States flag, also
the United States shield-enamelled in their true
colors - make a suitable gift arranged as an auto-
mobile mount.

Q3476-6 inch, St. Christopher, $7.00
Q3477-51⁄2 inch, Seal and Shield, $7.00

The Gorham Company

Fifth Ave. and 36th St.

New York City

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

Necessity is a stern THANKSGIVING teacher. She is also often startlingly illuminating. As our National Thanksgiving Day comes near, we find ourselves admonished to thrift and denial, to sacrifice and economy. Are we then poorer for all this? No! We feel suddenly richer. Scales fall from the eyes of our hearts. We see the real blessings. By a sudden flash of insight we know what really matters. "Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

We mount hardly to this height. The air is too rarified. We have been dwelling in the lowlands of materialism. We have thought possessions, crass earthly possessions and power, were the things really worth while. We forgot

the Master of life. We called Him Poet and Romancer when He said-Be not

anxious about things, about property and possessions; not because they are not important, but because they are deeply damning unless brought into a larger, creative, spiritual inclusion. Seek first the right, seek Liberty; create a society in which the fear of destitution and the

NO. 3

desire for great possessions are not of necessity the two supreme motives of life. Then things will be added, will increase, will sing about you.

We come to our Thanksgiving with penitence and confession. We acknowledge before God that in the Church, as well as out of it, we have paid tributethe tribute at once of envy and admiration-to wealth and power, and not to wisdom and honor.

We have counted the rich and mighty, fortunate. We have not regarded the humble and teachable, the free who have refused compromise, the just who live by faith. But now, Lord, we see and believe; help Thou our unbelief.

What is our Thanksgiving but deep gratitude that we made the choice for freedom and the fight for the new world order of justice and liberty. Out of this choice is coming insight, for which we praise God. Out of this self-giving of national life is coming the larger life that Christ promised. Losing our life we are finding afresh the meaning of redemption. We inherit the "Blesseds" of the Master. Thanksgiving for virtues and not for We praise God this goods; for qualities of the soul and not for houses and lands and the clothing wherewithal. We thank God for thrift that feeds the starving; for economy and denial that make the sinews of Freedom's war; for the love that puts cour

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