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For Him every road is a road to Emmaus. Where two or three walk and talk about the things of righteousness, about hope of a better earth day, He joins them in their walk, until their hearts burn with the flame of a divine Comrade walking with them and making the meaning of human event clear in the light of the eternal purposes. When the humble and simple break bread, He becomes to them the bread of life, and in the sudden thrill of heightened emotion, in human love, they know Him, whom to know is life eternal, as He vanishes from their sight. He is the Wayfaring God,

"And thou shalt know Him when He


Not by any din of drums,
Nor the vantage of his airs;
Neither by his crown, nor his gown,
Nor by anything he wears.

He shall only well known be,
By the holy harmony
That his coming makes in thee."


The Vatican has at last broken the thick silence there maintained since the war began. Peace with no annexations and no indemnities is practically what the Vatican offers the warring nations. That these terms are received favorably in Germany and unfavorably among the allies is of itself a proof that Germany knows she is losing ground. Not such the program of conquest she set before her eyes in the beginning. Yet these terms today may be just what Germany needs to save her from defeat. The restoration of Belgium and Serbia will be a hard thing for the Germans. Nevertheless, it is better than a worse thing. The pope's phrases make it probable that in the diplomatic settlement most other consequences bad for Germany could be

avoided. The German soil would remain untouched, while the borders that march with Germany would all be harried beyond imagination. The German army and navy would remain intact. The terror of German militarism would have sunk deep into the soul of Europe. Germany's allies would emerge triumphant and unhurt, but Roumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece would have received a terrible lesson, not to be forgotten. The near-eastern policy of Germany would be advanced greatly. The ring of the allies could never be reconstructed. In a few years, Germany would have to be recognized as dominating Europe.

Commercially, while all Germany's industrial machinery is and would be intact, Belgium and France, at least, could be counted out as competitors.

The papal peace may not be all Germany could have desired, but it would be a great German victory just the


This, then, is the first word from Rome anent the war. Priests could be murdered; churches, seminaries, and universities ruined; deeds done for which, in former centuries, excommunication and interdict would have fallen from the Vatican, but Cardinal Mercier was kept waiting in the ante-chamber and infallibility was speechless. Now, when a word may help the Central Powers, when Prussia and her allies are growing anxious and uneasy, now comes the word and though the voice is Benedict's the thought might well be William's or Michaelis's. To say the least these are mysterious coincidences. If there had been all along a sympathetic understanding between the two great inheritors of the tradition of the Caesars, between the military and the ecclesiastical autocracies, events would have shaped themselves why, just about as they actually have shaped themselves.


Goldwin Smith and other sensible people used to bemoan the schism in the AngloSaxon race. Episcopalians were almost the only people who felt kindly toward England, and this was was counted to them for a reproach. New England and Virginia had won the Revolution between them and, in the civil war, the English had first antagonized the North and then betrayed the South. At least that was our way of looking at it and it did not leave old England many friends among her children here. Of course those Americans not of English descent, New Netherland's Dutch, Huguenot, Pennsylvania Germans, Scotch, Irish, and the great nineteenth century immigration of Germans and Irish never liked England anyway.

There are signs today that all this is changing and that we are beginning to close up the schism in the Anglo-Saxon race. About one-quarter of us are English. All of us speak and think in English. Our institutions are every one of them English. If America has any traditions, memories, ideals they are English or nothing. The very Revolution was not un-English, but, like the revolutions on British soil in 1640 and 1688, was a revolt to maintain against unlawful tyranny the ancient rights of Englishmen. The present international situation is bringing people to see these things. We are all realizing that the old English inheritance is something to be proud of; that we are a part of the mighty English-speaking world; that our share in this vast confederacy of free democracies in a possession to be claimed, a defence to be relied on, a duty and responsibility to be sustained. Of course we have had internecine conflicts in the past. What great, highspirited people has not? We do not minimize them, but we are beginning to transcend them and to see them in the

great perspective of the painful evolution of freest, biggest racial unity the world has ever known.


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Americans have been the most wasteful of all peoples. The exigencies of the present time will teach us lessons in economy which will be useful after the war is over. The Food Inspector, through the churches and synagogues, is going, on the twentythird of September, to send out enrollment cards. All families in the land are to be enrolled. Every effort is to be made to bring about economies. Reports are to be returned and the campaign will go on while the war lasts. We can eat more beef and less veal; more fish and less beef; more maize and less wheat. We can utilize local garden products which could not be exported. We can and should conserve for our allies the sinews of war, which have come to mean food almost more than anything else. This is a case where every one can help. Moreover almost every one will be benefited by helping.


The schism between Western democracy and Prussianism cannot fail to have an effect on our attitude toward German scholarship and peda

gogics. Not that the two sets of things

have much to do with each other. It is rather that, having lost confidence in the Germans, we can reconsider their achievements impartially. For hitherto we have awarded German thought an undue favor. Partly because postgraduate study is a fact of continental invention, partly because the unlimited Protestantism of North Germany gave a certain freedom in handling problems not found at English and American colleges, partly, it may be, because it all came on us as something so new, German scholarship in the nineteenth century was revered as German. Every

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the United States shield-enamelled in their true
colors make a suitable gift arranged as an auto-
mobile mount.

Q3476-6 inch, St. Christopher, $7.00
Q3477-51⁄2 inch, Seal and Shield, $7.00

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On a dusty day Jesus threw himself down by a wayside well to rest: A woman came thither to draw water. Jesus asked her for a drink. In that exchange of courtesy. God looked in on her life, redeemed and blessed it. He is the Wayfaring God. He is found in the 'dusty activities of the every day goings and comings. "Entering my heart unbidden, even as one of the common crowd, unknown to me, my King, Thou didst press the signet of eternity upon many a fleeting moment." Unbidden He comes to us. When we look back over our lives, we find memory poignant with happy pain as we think of some little, scarce noticed.. meeting and greeting, something that stirred in us and passed; yet now we know it was the Master, it was the King of kings. In the everyday of life, in the meeting of friends in the twilight, in the greetings of workers 'neath the hot sun, by well-curbs, in factories everywhere, in the commonplace, He comes to speak to us, to ask for a drink and give a glimpse of life eternal.

How often He goes out of the temple man has built, out to the fields and roads and shops where men and women work and struggle, and meets them for salvation. Almost all the ministry of Jesus was accomplished in this manner.


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the Reformation too, God deserted the temples and went out to the wayside meeting places to bless and comfort and give a sense of His Presence for peace and spiritual victory.

Alone, wounded, seemingly deserted, an English soldier who had grown up in formal religion without knowing God, is suddenly found of Him. Lying beneath the quiet stars, there sweeps in upon his consciousness the verse, "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms," and somehow he feels all is well. He knows, with a flood of joy, that this means God, and he goes to sleep like a tired child. It may be while at work or at play; in some remark of a friend; or beneath the silent stars; in the kitchen or in the shop or in the office, that God looks in upon us. "Give me a drink," He says, "I am like thee; driven, often tired; yet as we give to each other we revive, life sweeps in upon us, for I come to minister, to give and to receive, to love and to be loved; to call you with myself into that outpouring of energy. : in service that is eternal renewal."

He is the Seeker by all ways. He stands near, striving to reveal Himself in every human experience. In the hush of the night where the toilers have worked, seemingly without avail, He whispers His nil desperandum - try again-and they answer with renewal of effort, "It is the Lord."

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For Him every road is a road to Emmaus. Where two or three walk and talk about the things of righteousness, about hope of a better earth day, He joins them in their walk, until their hearts burn with the flame of a divine Comrade walking with them and making the meaning of human event clear in the light of the eternal purposes. When the humble and simple break bread, He becomes to them the bread of life, and in the sudden thrill of heightened emotion, in human love, they know Him, whom to know is life eternal, as He vanishes from their sight. He is the Wayfaring God,

"And thou shalt know Him when He


Not by any din of drums,
Nor the vantage of his airs;
Neither by his crown, nor his gown,
Nor by anything he wears.

He shall only well known be,
By the holy harmony
That his coming makes in thee."


The Vatican has at last broken the thick silence there maintained since the war began. Peace with no annexations and no indemnities is practically what the Vatican offers the warring nations. That these terms are received favorably in Germany and unfavorably among the allies is of itself a proof that Germany knows she is losing ground. Not such the program of conquest she set before her eyes in the beginning. Yet these terms today may be just what Germany needs to save her from defeat. The restoration of Belgium and Serbia will be a hard thing for the Germans. Nevertheless, it is better than a worse thing. The pope's phrases make it probable that in the diplomatic settlement most other consequences bad for Germany could be

avoided. The German soil would remain untouched, while the borders that march with Germany would all be harried beyond imagination. The German army and navy would remain intact. The terror of German militarism would have sunk deep into the soul of Europe. Germany's allies would emerge triumphant and unhurt, but Roumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece would have received a terrible lesson, not to be forgotten. The near-eastern policy of Germany would be advanced greatly. The ring of the allies could never be reconstructed. ed. In a few years, Germany would have to be recognized as dominating Europe.

Commercially, while all Germany's industrial machinery is and would be intact, Belgium and France, at least, could be counted out as competitors.

The papal peace may not be all Germany could have desired, but it would be a great German victory just the


This, then, is the first word from Rome anent the war. Priests could be murdered; churches, seminaries, and universities ruined; deeds done for which, in former centuries, excommunication and interdict would have fallen from the Vatican, but Cardinal Mercier was kept waiting in the ante-chamber and infallibility was speechless. Now, when a word may help the Central Powers, when Prussia and her allies are growing anxious and uneasy, now comes the word and though the voice is Benedict's the thought might well be William's or Michaelis's. To say the least these are mysterious coincidences. If there had been all along a sympathetic understanding between the two great inheritors of the tradition of the Caesars, between the military and the ecclesiastical autocracies, events would have shaped themselves why, just about as they actually have shaped themselves.

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