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[To decide what is the right handle to a passage not pointed to
by a chapter title, and place it in an index where an average reader
will expect it, is often very hard. An alphabetical list of proper
names and rememberable words that are in or near passages which
one may wish to look for is much more easy to make than a minute
subject-index, and it supplies much surer clews. What an Index
Nominum does for the Latin or Greek scholar suggests the service-
ableness of this Index.]

[blocks in formation]

Bayard, 241, 244.
Beatrice, 195.
Beauregard, 293, 316.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 152.
Beecher, Dr. Lyman 189.

Benjamin, 239.

Benton, 126.

Bentonville, 60.

Bible, the, 39.
Binney, 64.

Bishop, J. P., 141.

Blaine, 39.

Boley, 374, 408.

Bonnivard, 128.

Breckinridge, 266.

Brockhaus, 296, 360.

Brooks, Preston S., 237.

Brown, John, 264, 270, 352.

Brown, Joseph E., 317.

Brown, Prof. William Garrot, 274, 289,


Buena Vista, 310.

Bunyan, 145.

Burgoyne, 317.

Burke 41, 187, 204.

Butler, 244.

Bacon, 144.

Bagehot, 437.

Barnett, Samuel, 279.


Cæsar, 244, 343.

"Battle Hymn of the Republic," 205.

California, 40, 80.

Calhoun Correspondence, 100, 105,

Calhoun, Floride, 99.

Calhoun, John C., 17, 18, 19, 22, 30,
40, 65 sq., 85, 89, 135, 143, 150, 152,
153, 158, 186, 208, 209, 212, 225, 226,
239, 247, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 299,
311, 351.

Casabianca, 319.

Cass, 239.

Catullus, 151, 278.

Centralizing and decentralizing forces
in America, 5.

Channing, 196.

Chase (of Maryland), 54.

Chase, Salmon P., 21.

Choate, 146, 219.

Cicero, 15, 18, 38, 124, 144, 237.

Classics, ancient, 37.

Clay, 97, 246, 251.

Cleopatra, 19.

Cleveland, Grover, 325.

Clingman, 157.

Clinton, George, 96.

Cobb, Howell, 214, 229, 252, 253, 261,


Cobb, T. R. R., 38, 39, 42, 48, 266.
Coleridge, 202.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, the Anglo-
African composer, 25.
Comings, S. H., 368, 419.
Cone, 218, 222.

Confederate States, its evolution simi-
lar to that of the United States, 53;
African slave-trade prohibited by its
constitution, 55; its commissioners,


Cornwallis, 317.

Cosmic force and law, 26, 211.
Cotton, 35.

Cowper, 136.

Crawford, George W., 246.

Crawford, William H., 218.

Crittenden compromise, 262.

Crocket, 144.

Cromwell, Oliver, 274, 281.

Cromwell, Richard, 297, 298.

Cumming, Major Joseph B., 35, 321,

347, 348.

Curran, 437.
Curtis, 70.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jackson, President, 283.

Jackson, Stonewall, 91, 259.

Jamaica, negroes of, 367 sq., 379.

Jamestown, 36, 37, 345-

Jefferson, 41, 53, 54, 56, 59, 106, 142,

147, 436.

Jesus, 40, 128, 352.

Jevons, 107.

Johnson, Andrew, 307.

Johnston, Joseph E., 284, 316.

Kansas, 209.


Kent, Chancellor, 65.

Kentucky, 186.

Kimball House fire, 280.

King's Mountain, 61.

Knight, Landon, 296, 303, 305, 312,

316, 317, 319.

Ku-Klux, 369, 423.

[blocks in formation]

Lee, R. E., 20, 21, 128, 259, 276, 299,


Lee, Stephen D., 328.

Legaré, 150.

Lewis, William H., 425.

Lexington, 77-

Lieber, 187.

Liebknecht, 112.

Lincoln, Abraham, 20, 21, 23, 30, 33,

64, 160, 169, 210, 262, 267.

"Little Giffen," 29.

Livy, 146.

Lloyd, H. D., 187.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 70, 72, 133, 134,

136, 137, 146, 155.

Logan, General, 441.

Lower class of negroes, 24-26, 410 sq.

Lucanian ox, 200.

Lucifer, 273.

Lucretius, 87.

Lumpkin, 83, 219, 222.


Madison, 56-58, 64, 68, 96, 133.

Mallory, 272.

Mann, Horace, 152.

Mansfield, 141.

Maoris, 413.

March, 146.

Marshall, C. J., 141.

Martial, 278.

Marx, Carl, 107, 124.
Maryland, 54.

Mason, Jeremiah, 136.

Maximilian, 298.

McClellan, 294.

McClung, 309.
McDonald, 261.
McDuffie, 222.

McKinley, President, 357.

McMaster, 70, 134.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Schurz, Carl, 134.
Scipio, 294.

Scott, General, 309.
Scribner, Anne, 406.

Sellers, Mulberry, 288.

Seneca, 37.

Seward, William H., 21, 22, 236.
Shakspeare, 30, 136, 138, 144, 278.

Sharpsburg, 273.

Sherman, General, 346.

Shiloh, 283.

Shirley, 136.

Simmons, 243.

Simonides, 171.

Slavery. (See chaps. ii., iii., x., xiv.)
Slavery, ancient contrasted with south-

ern, 155 sq., 432.

Slave-trade, African, 46.

Smith, Adam, 107.

Smith, James M., 391.

Smith, W. B., 365.

Socrates, 196.

South Carolina, 54, 90, 11.

Southerners and northerners contrasted,

Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,


Spaight, 54.

Spencer, Herbert, 144.

Starke, W. Pinkney, 93, 94, 97, 100.
State, for the negroes, 413 sq.

Staunton, 255-

Stephens, A. H., 21, 55, 69, 71, 82, 99,

106, 219, 221, 227, 232, 249, 251, 252,
254, 257, 264, 266, 268, 285, 286 sq.,

290, 306, 430.

Story, 64.

Stovall, 222, 290.

Stowe, Mrs., 185, 187, 189, 197, 333-
Stuart, J. E. Β., 294.

Sulla, 244.

Sullivan, 106.

Sumner, Charles, 89, 152, 356.

Sumner, Colonel, 312.

Surratt, Mrs., 298.
Switzerland, 77.

Taylor, Dick, 273.


Taylor, Edward B., 364, 383.

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