INDEX [To decide what is the right handle to a passage not pointed to Bayard, 241, 244. Benjamin, 239. Benton, 126. Bentonville, 60. Bible, the, 39. Bishop, J. P., 141. Blaine, 39. Boley, 374, 408. Bonnivard, 128. Breckinridge, 266. Brockhaus, 296, 360. Brooks, Preston S., 237. Brown, John, 264, 270, 352. Brown, Joseph E., 317. Brown, Prof. William Garrot, 274, 289, 369. Buena Vista, 310. Bunyan, 145. Burgoyne, 317. Burke 41, 187, 204. Butler, 244. Bacon, 144. Bagehot, 437. Barnett, Samuel, 279. C. Cæsar, 244, 343. "Battle Hymn of the Republic," 205. California, 40, 80. Calhoun Correspondence, 100, 105, Calhoun, Floride, 99. Calhoun, John C., 17, 18, 19, 22, 30, Casabianca, 319. Cass, 239. Catullus, 151, 278. Centralizing and decentralizing forces Channing, 196. Chase (of Maryland), 54. Chase, Salmon P., 21. Choate, 146, 219. Cicero, 15, 18, 38, 124, 144, 237. Classics, ancient, 37. Clay, 97, 246, 251. Cleopatra, 19. Cleveland, Grover, 325. Clingman, 157. Clinton, George, 96. Cobb, Howell, 214, 229, 252, 253, 261, 285. Cobb, T. R. R., 38, 39, 42, 48, 266. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, the Anglo- Confederate States, its evolution simi- 74. Cornwallis, 317. Cosmic force and law, 26, 211. Cowper, 136. Crawford, George W., 246. Crawford, William H., 218. Crittenden compromise, 262. Crocket, 144. Cromwell, Oliver, 274, 281. Cromwell, Richard, 297, 298. Cumming, Major Joseph B., 35, 321, 347, 348. Curran, 437. Jackson, President, 283. Jackson, Stonewall, 91, 259. Jamaica, negroes of, 367 sq., 379. Jamestown, 36, 37, 345- Jefferson, 41, 53, 54, 56, 59, 106, 142, 147, 436. Jesus, 40, 128, 352. Jevons, 107. Johnson, Andrew, 307. Johnston, Joseph E., 284, 316. Kansas, 209. Κ. Kent, Chancellor, 65. Kentucky, 186. Kimball House fire, 280. King's Mountain, 61. Knight, Landon, 296, 303, 305, 312, 316, 317, 319. Ku-Klux, 369, 423. Lee, R. E., 20, 21, 128, 259, 276, 299, 356. Lee, Stephen D., 328. Legaré, 150. Lewis, William H., 425. Lexington, 77- Lieber, 187. Liebknecht, 112. Lincoln, Abraham, 20, 21, 23, 30, 33, 64, 160, 169, 210, 262, 267. "Little Giffen," 29. Livy, 146. Lloyd, H. D., 187. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 70, 72, 133, 134, 136, 137, 146, 155. Logan, General, 441. Lower class of negroes, 24-26, 410 sq. Lucanian ox, 200. Lucifer, 273. Lucretius, 87. Lumpkin, 83, 219, 222. Μ. Madison, 56-58, 64, 68, 96, 133. Mallory, 272. Mann, Horace, 152. Mansfield, 141. Maoris, 413. March, 146. Marshall, C. J., 141. Martial, 278. Marx, Carl, 107, 124. Mason, Jeremiah, 136. Maximilian, 298. McClellan, 294. McClung, 309. McKinley, President, 357. McMaster, 70, 134. Schurz, Carl, 134. Scott, General, 309. Sellers, Mulberry, 288. Seneca, 37. Seward, William H., 21, 22, 236. Sharpsburg, 273. Sherman, General, 346. Shiloh, 283. Shirley, 136. Simmons, 243. Simonides, 171. Slavery. (See chaps. ii., iii., x., xiv.) ern, 155 sq., 432. Slave-trade, African, 46. Smith, Adam, 107. Smith, James M., 391. Smith, W. B., 365. Socrates, 196. South Carolina, 54, 90, 11. Southerners and northerners contrasted, Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 225. Spaight, 54. Spencer, Herbert, 144. Starke, W. Pinkney, 93, 94, 97, 100. Staunton, 255- Stephens, A. H., 21, 55, 69, 71, 82, 99, 106, 219, 221, 227, 232, 249, 251, 252, 290, 306, 430. Story, 64. Stovall, 222, 290. Stowe, Mrs., 185, 187, 189, 197, 333- Sulla, 244. Sullivan, 106. Sumner, Charles, 89, 152, 356. Sumner, Colonel, 312. Surratt, Mrs., 298. Taylor, Dick, 273. Τ. Taylor, Edward B., 364, 383. |