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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Waddell, James, 262.
Waddell, Moses, 93, 94.
Wade, 239, 243, 266.
Walker, J. B. A., 368.

Washington, Booker, 25, 380, 387, 402,

409, 411, 414, 415, 417, 419, 420.
Washington, Mrs. Booker, 395.
Washington, George, 19, 53, 56, 64,
115, 118, 282, 440.
Waterloo, 60.
Watson, Tom, 224.

Webster, Daniel, 19, 30, 64, 65 sq., 82,
83, 85, 100, 105, 113, 118, 120, 121,
247, 255, 266, 275 sq., 304, 307.
Wendell, Prof. Barrett, 28-30, 161, 162,
163, 206.

West Territory, 54.

White labor class, 336 sq.

Whittier, 29, 88, 406.

Wilfer, Reginald, 207.

Willcox, Professor, 390, 403.

Wilmot proviso, 155, 227.
Wilson, General, 308.

Winthrop, 252.

Wirt, 141.

Wirz, 298.

Wright, Richard R., 344, 406.

Wright, Silas, 242.

Wyeth, 291.

Wynne, John, 156.




With sixteen full-page illustrations from photographs 300 pages. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50 net. Postpaid, $1.64.


PLAIN, connected, carefully prepared narrative of the actual

and proved dealings of the United States government with the subdued Indian — the Reservation Indian. The author's account of governmental oppression and ill-faith, and of successive removals of the Indians from their homes to regions unattractive to white settlers, and of the confiscation of Indian property, are supported by extracts from official records. After chapters describing the experience of the Umatillas (with whom the government held to its treaty), the Flathead Indians of the Bitter Root, the Nez Perces, the Poncas, and the Mission Indians, comes an important chapter on "Dividing the Spoils," with a graphic and moving description of the scenes at the opening of the Cherokee Strip, drawn from the author's personal experiences. A chapter is devoted to an exposure of the Rosebud Reservation bill, the latest example of governmental confiscation, while the final chapter gives an original and convincing explanation of the remarkable persistence of vicious influences in our Indian system, in the face of the equally persistent desire of the American people to grant the Indian fair play. Helen Jackson's "A Century of Dishonor" has received a valuable companion work in the present book.


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