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penditure. If, however, this so-called
cheapest road causes waste of horse-power,
undue wear and tear of horses and vehicles,
loss of time by being unfit for sudden tran-
sit, and occasions loss to the inhabitants by
filling their dwellings with dust and covering
their clothes with dirt, it is evident that such
a road is really very dear. There is an
apparent diversity of interest between those
who use and those who pay for our public
streets; as the principal loss from bad roads
falls directly upon those who keep or employ
horses and vehicles, while the expense of
road repairs falls upon the inhabitants gene-
rally. A little consideration, however, will
show that this diversity of interest is more
apparent than real. It is the interest of all
that there should be easy, safe, and cheap
means of transit through the public streets;
and any increase in the cost of transit is a
source of indirect expense even to those who
have no horses of their own, as it must add
to the cost of everything carried through
the streets, and of all hired vehicles, and of
all the numberless conveniences which ac-
company residence in a large town. It must
also be remembered that it is very wasteful
to allow a road to go out of repair, since it
is less costly to keep a road up than to
restore it. That roadway is best for the
owner or user of a horse or vehicle which
can be travelled over most easily, safely,
quickly, and cheaply; and that ease, safety,
speed, and economy are to be obtained by
having the road firm, even, and smooth,
and perfectly free from mud or dust, or any
form of unattached materials. It is evident
that the same qualities will render the road-
way most free from noise, dirt, and dust;
the three great causes of annoyance and
injury to the inhabitants of all ordinary
streets. The question which remains to be
considered is, whether the advantages of
good roads to the inhabitants generally are
worth their cost? If the question had to
be decided in accordance with the interest of
the users and owners of horses merely, no
doubt whatever would be entertained. Of
whatever nature the surface of a road is to be,
it is essential that its foundation should be
of firm material, well consolidated, and per-
fectly drained; if not, the crust becomes
loosened and destroyed, the road is rough
and uneven, and wears into holes and ruts.
Having obtained a good foundation, the next
point is to cover it with a hard, compact crust,
impervious to water, and laid to a proper
The stones must be broken
cross section.

to one regular size, well raked in, and fixed
there by a binding composed of the grit col-
lected in wet weather by the sweeping-ma.
chines and preserved for this purpose. This
binding must be laid on regularly, and

watered until the new material is firmly set,
which it will do very quickly and with the
regularity of a well laid pavement. The
sharp angles of the stones are preserved,
and there is both great saving of material
and a firmer crust formed than by the com-
mon method of leaving the material to work
into its place without the use of binding-
in which case the angles of the stones are
worn off and reduced to powder, and at
least one-third of the material is wasted
in forming a binding in which the stones
may set. By the improved method the
binding is formed of material that would
otherwise be useless. Many road-makers
object to the use of binding, on the ground
that the road is rendered rotten by it, and
that when the road is set it has to be carted
away again. This is apt to be the case under
bad management; and when ordinary soil
is used, the fine particles of which work it
into mud and keep the road from setting
firmly. But the coarse grit obtained by the
sweeping-machine off the roads is the very
same material as is produced by wearing
away the angles of the stones, and when
judiciously applied to a new coating it will
speedily become as well consolidated and
firm as an old road. In the common method
not only is there great waste of material,
but the loose stones occasion delay by their
resistance, great fatigue to the horses and
danger to their feet, while the noise pro-
duced by their grinding together is annoying
to the inhabitants. Upon the improved
method the inconveniences of road repair
are incomparably less than those of pave-
ment. Both recoating and repairs may be
made without stopping the traffic. Under
no circumstances must any imperfection of
surface be allowed. If a hollow be not im-
mediately stopped it very quickly extends
All loose stones should
over the surface.

be carefully picked, as every loose stone
passed over by heavily-laden carriages, if
not ground to powder, breaks the crust of
the road, and if water be permitted to lodge
on the surface it will cause great mischief.
It is the neglect of these essential precau-
tions that has led many to consider mac-
adamized roads expensive. They are expen-
On a well-made road
sive if neglected.
heavy showers do good, by cleansing them;
so, also, does artificial watering if the road
be clean or swept quickly after it is watered.
A road which is perfectly dry loses its tena-
city and the surface grinds into dust;
whence the economy of judicious watering
in hot weather, which preserves the road as
well as prevents the annoyance of dust.
The practice so common in London and
elsewhere of heavy watering a dirty road
without cleansing it, and thereby converting


the dust into mud, is very injurious to the road, and merely changes one nuisance into another-dust into mud. A great source of waste, both to those who use and to those who repair a road, is to allow it to be dirty. The draught on a dirty road is twice as heavy as on a clean onethat is, a horse must exert double force to draw his load with the same speed. The cost, however, of employing double force is so great, that the expedient of diminishing the speed is generally adopted, as a horse can exert greater pulling force at a slower pace,-less power being required to carry his own body. It often happens that the extra resistance occasioned by dirt diminishes the speed one-fifth or one-fourth. The effect of the dirt, therefore, is to increase the work by twenty or twenty-five per cent. It will easily be believed that such a waste far exceeds the cost of the most perfect cleansing. This is the case when cleansing is done by scrapers (the greatest enemy a macadamized road has to contend against). By their use the stones are dragged from their places, and the adhesive dirt is not effectually taken away. Sweeping is the only mode of cleansing that should be allowed, either on streets or on turnpikeroads. Sweeping by the wide brooms of Mr. Whitworth's machine is preferable to all other modes of cleansing yet tried. It must be evident, that the fact of these wide brooms sweeping longitudinally, with a pressure that can be adjusted according to circumstances, tends powerfully to preserve the road and to consolidate its surface. They press most upon the ridges, and least upon the hollows, thus tending to reduce the former, and fill up the latter. When the dirt is stiff, and adheres firmly to the stones, it should first be well watered, when it may be completely removed by the machine, without disturbing the crust, leaving the surface firm and compact. The use of water for this purpose has been objected to by high authorities, on the ground that it does remove the useful grit ; but the contrary has been proved by ample experience. I have found that the use of the sweeping-machines, with the proper employment of water, has reduced the amount of material required for the repair of roads in Birmingham one-third -namely, from about 20,000 to 13,000 cubic yards. The first-named amount is the average for seven years preceding the introduction of the machines,-the latter of the three years subsequent. I communicated these details to a friend in London, and he determined to test their correctness. The following is the result of his experiment to settle whether useful grit was or was not removed by water and machine sweeping.

On the 22nd of March last, the Quadrant, Regent-street, was covered with a thick layer of dirt, which was causing great annoyance as well as injury to the road, but could not be removed by scraping without removing also much of the new stone to which it adhered. It was determined to sweep half of it dry, and half after proper watering. This was done, and the sweepings removed were washed, to separate the refuse from the stony matter mingled with it. One third part of that which was taken dry, consisted of coarse grit, which would have been useful on the road-one-twelfth part only of that which was removed in the form of slop was stony matter; and that was so completely pulverized, as to be of scarcely any use; it had done its work. After the two portions of the road had been cleansed, the difference between them was very striking. That which was swept dry was still covered with adhesive matter, which was lifted by the wheels, together with the stones to which it adhered, the whole road being rough and uneven; the portion which had been swept with water was perfectly even and smooth. On the 24th both portions were swept, but only one quarter as much dirt was taken from that which had been water-swept as from the other. On the 26th it rained, and three times as much slop was taken off the part of the road which had not been waterswept on the 22nd. The preservative effect of water machine sweeping was most evident by the decidedly better condition of that portion of the road cleansed in this effective manner. The great objection urged against macadamized roads for streets is the annoyance by dust and dirt which they occasion, and many persons prefer submitting to the deafening noise of pavement in order to avoid these; but this would not be the case if water and machine-cleansing was adopted, the cost of which would be saved in diminished wear and tear. The entire cost of cleansing and watering Birmingham is about 5,000l. per annum,-or less than one penny per week for each of its inhabitants. It has been objected to macadamized roads that the draught upon them is heavier than upon pavement;-and with carriages altogether similar this is the case, and especially so with vehicles travelling slowly. But it must be remembered that the proportion of the draught is only one of the circumstances by which the labour of the horse is to be estimated. Another very important consideration is the surface which gives the horse the safest footing; and his footing on pavement is so much less secure than upon a good broken stone road, that he does not receive the full advantage of the smaller draught. Again, carriages-especially those travelling

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quickly are exposed to much more violent concussions upon pavement than upon a smooth macadamized road; consequently, not only must the carriages be stronger, and therefore heavier, but the increased frequency and violence of the concussions consume a larger portion of power, which goes far to counterbalance the diminished friction. There can be no doubt that the wear and tear of both horses and vehicles is far greater upon pavement than upon macadamized roads. In reckoning the real cost of a road, all expenses attending its use should be calculated; and if this were done, pavement would be perceived to be exceedingly expensive. Carriages roll so smoothly over a well-maintained macadamized road, and horses are so little injured either by falls or strains, that I conceive the wear and tear upon them is not half of what it is on pavement.


Sir,-On reference to the Mechanics' Magazine, No. 1362, it may be observed that the articulation of Mr. Bourne's barges for East India navigation, their shallow draught of water, and the application of wheels to them, are so analogous to similar particulars of Sir Samuel Bentham's vermicular vessels, and his amphibious carriages, as to have led to the supposition that the articles in the Mechanics' Magazine respecting these inventions, had suggested the adaptation of similar contrivances to the navigation of East India rivers; but Mr. Jackson explicitly states that Mr. Bourne was altogether unacquainted with those inventions of Sir Samuel's. This therefore shows how true was an observation made in No. 1338 of the Mechanics' Magazine. In speaking of the Pentonville Penitentiary there was occasion to say, that "the seats for the prisoners when present at Divine service are constructed precisely in the same manner as they were designed" (by Sir Samuel for the intended Panopticon Chapel, 1793") and in the note, p. 298, it was observed, that "when two men of ability have it in view to produce the same effect, they frequently invent identical means of effecting their purpose. The seats and screens for the prisoners are similar to those invented by Sir Samuel, of which a drawing made in the year 1793, still exists." "Yet there is no reason to suppose that Colonel Jebb

ever saw those drawings." So it appears that Mr. Bourne and Sir Samuel have invented, separately, the same means for navigating shallow tortuous rivers.

The success with which Sir Samuel's vessels were attended, is confirmatory of Mr. Bourne's views, as exhibited in his published Report. But it may be asked, -If articulated shallow trains were so advantageous, why has their use not been continued in Russia? Sir Samuel immediately after their construction was selected to create and arm a flotilla at Cherson, and then to command the first division of it in the Liman of Otchahoff,* where in three days' engagements his flotilla overthrew a more numerous Turkish one, took one ship of the line, sank another, and burnt seven more; his promotion for this service, and selection of a command in Siberia, entirely precluded further attention to the vermicular vessels. Lord St. Helen's and the Count de Segur (both of them in the year 1787, Ambassadors from their respective Courts to that of St. Petersburgh), having been on board of the Imperial Vermicular, had at different times before their death spoken in my presence of her; and it is to be regretted that no record has been preserved of details that from time to time have been elicited respecting the advantages of Sir Samuel's reticulated vessels, as such particulars would have tended to confirm the eligibility of Mr. Bourne's trains, navigated as they would be by steam power.

M. S. B.

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surface of the water. On the contrary, in heavy ships of war the old English form of midship section had a much broader flat floor, about three-fourths of the main breadth with a quick curve below, and less curved sides to the load waterline.

If my views are correct the breadth of Canopus at 8. s, would not exceed, perhaps not quite amount to, 40 feet, (see section 9). Small diagrams are apt to mislead; but as truth is a public object, perhaps your correspondent would be kind enough to state in figures the depth below load water-line of the several sections, ab, ss, &c., &c., and also whether Canopus has the French or old English midship section.

Sir W. Symonds's vessels are usually constructed with a straight rise of floor, and a quick curve just below the surface of water, and not with the curved floor of the diagram, and the small amount of breadth, 46 feet, a b, which requires confirmation-or rather the depth below surface; so that any person may lay a larger scale as the midship section required. I remain, your obedient servant,

September 12, 1849.



The newspapers of the past weekthe Times leading the way-have called in a very prominent manner the attenand tion of the public to two "new" wonder-working inventions-the one a rotary engine," the invention of Cap tain W. E. Fitzmaurice, late of the 2nd Life-Guards, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Halford," the other a patent steamgenerator," invented" by a Mr. Wright.

The rotary engine has been reclaimed in the Times by the ingenious Mr. Elijah Galloway, C.E., as being the identical rotary engine last patented by him (December 14, 1846), and in which he has merely given Captain Fitzmaurice a proprietary interest for certain moneys had and received. The newspaper paragraphs mentioned that the Captain had (much to his honour!)

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given the invention freely to the public. A smart way this of achieving eminence as an original inventor and public benefactor!

Mr. Wright's steam-generator is, in like manner, nothing more nor less than

the cellular steam-generator of Mr. W. H. James, the clever son of the clever but sadly ill-requited JAMES, to whom, more than any other man, belongs the merit of having originated the modern railway system, (see Mech. Mag., vol. xlix., pp. 401-500,) — which cellular generator was patented years ago by Mr. James, and fully described in this Journal (vol. xlviii., p. 471). Mr. Wright's right to identify himself with this invention is just no right at all; or, at best, some such parchment or paper title, as that which Messrs. Fitzmaurice and Halford may, but do not boast of.

We must not, however, allow the false colours under which these Revivers spread their canvass to the wind, to prevent us from recording what the two inventions referred to, are stated to have accomplished in their resuscitated state.

Of the rotary engine we have this


It was fitted up in a frigate's pinnace, 10 tons burden, carrying 5 tons, and though calculated at 10-horse power, occupied only 21 by 7 inches. The boat is 32 feet long and 8 feet broad in the beam, and though intended to mount carronades and carry men, was not fitted for speed; she is propelled by a screw, 3 feet diameter, worked by the engine, which made 200 revolutions per minute, and the boat 2 miles in 20 minutes, or 3 miles per hour. The working parts of the engine are most simple, consisting only of two pieces, which work with the greatest ease, are free from any dead points, and without the slightest vibration, however high the velocity. There are no springs or packing; and the motion being a rolling one, there is little friction, and the works will last a great length of time without repair. It weighs less than 1 cwt. per horse power, and requires much less fuel than other engines. The boat started against the stream with seven persons on board in fine style, and on Mr. F. P. Smith timing the revolutions of the screw, he found them to be 192 per minute, and that may be considered the average speed on this occasion, with a very little exception, when the screw got entangled in weeds, which were soon removed when found adhering, by a few back turns of the screw. The distance run out and back was about 26 miles, and once through the lock of a canal; for which species of navigation it appears to be admirably adapted, having shown on a previous occasion its capabilities for towing, by drawing a broad-bowed and flat-bottomed barge, 30 feet long by 12 feet in breadth, at

the rate of three miles an hour against the stream. The speed attained by the boat on this occasion was ascertained by Mr. F. P. Smith and Captain Houston Stewart to be fully seven knots per hour, or 8.055 statute miles an hour-a remarkable result, considering that the boat was in no way constructed for speed. The ease with which the engine could be set in motion, and stopped or graduated to any degree of velocity up to its full speed, was a subject of surprise to the visitors, and the rough manner in which it was used to show its instantaneous effect, and difficulty to put it out of working order, could not be credited unless they were witnessed. The absence of vibration in the engine, and the uniform continuous motion, satisfied the visitors that Captain Fitzmaurice had overcome the difficulties which eminent engineers have always considered it difficult to obviate in rotary engines, and they left, on their return to town, much gratified with the result of all they had witnessed, and pleased with the minute details he entered into, when showing the model, and explaining the principle on which the two pieces of which it consists work, the one within the other. - Daily Journals.

The experiments with Mr. James's cellular steam-generator were as follows:


The experiments gave an evaporation of 124 lbs. of water by the combustion of 1 lb. of coal-that obtained by the usual construction of boilers not exceeding 8 lbs., or an increase, by the application of the patent, of 60 per cent. of evaporative power. Besides the saving of fuel thus to be effected, there is the advantage that the flame scarcely impinges on the boiler, arising from the intervention of the cellular vessel; and the boiler is accordingly saved from the rapid deterioration to which it is now exposed by the excessive heat which plays upon it. applied to steam navigation, the effect of so reduced a consumption of coal in the working of large steam-vessels, must be obvious; -the saving, in the shape of 50 to 60 per cent. in the article of fuel, being further increased by the extra space rendered available for the stowage of freight, or, on the other hand, the accelerated speed in steam propulsion, arising from a lightened burden of coal, are all advantages, the vital importance of which it is almost supererogatory to notice.

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59 m. P.M., or 1 h. 12 m. from the commencement of the experiment, the indications of the water-gauge were taken, from which it appeared that, in that period of time, the apparatus had vaporised 720 lbs. of water, equal to 12.86 lbs. of water converted into steam by 1 lb. of coal. The general size of the boiler, which is of the wagon form, without a flue, is 6 ft. 9 in. long, 3 ft. 6 in. wide, and 2 ft. 6 in. high; the area of the bottom is about 21 superficial feet. The flue-surface is about 23 feet area. The area of the cellular plates exposed to the direct action of the fire is about 25 feet, and that of the plates within the boiler about 23 feet. The fire-bar surface is equal to 4 square feet. The quantity of water in the boiler was about 1500 lbs., and that contained in the cellular vessels about seven gallons. The quantity of water said to be evaporated by this boiler is about 12 cubic feet per hour, making it capable of raising steam sufficient for a 12-horse power engine, although its dimensions are only equal to that of an ordinary 4-horse power boiler.

It may be observed, as relates to the economy calculated upon by the application of the patent to steam navigation, to say nothing of the saving of space, that, taking a vessel of 400-horse power, such is found to consume about 27 tons of coal per day of 24 hours, which, with a saving of 60 per cent., assuming the passage to be 15 days, would give the following results :-Consumption of coal, say, 400 tons, saving 240 tons, which, if taken at 40s. per ton, including the cost of coals and allowance for space occupied, and which might otherwise be applied, would give a saving of 4807. We are aware that an estimate has been made, whereby our assumed saving is carried out more than threefold on a voyage of 45 days; but we think the present statement amply sufficient to establish the saving which may be effected.

As applied to locomotive engines, it is to be supposed the patent will be equally applicable, although we are well aware that difficulties present themselves which do not apply to stationary engines, or those employed for steam navigation. The cost of coke per mile is, however, so formidable an item, that any saving which could be effected would necessarily lead to a considerable increase of profit and dividends to the shareholders. We do not deem it necessary further to enter on the varied applications, such as breweries, distilleries, and other establishments, where large quantities of liquid are required to be boiled, heated, or converted into steam, as the excess of power obtained is equally applicable, and a com

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