The Development of Social CognitionSuzanne Hala Psychology Press, 1997 - Всего страниц: 408 This bookpresents a lively, up-to-date examination of both the classical issues and contemporary understanding of theory and research in social cognitive development. |
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The beginnings of meaning and communication | 9 |
Understanding what people think | 17 |
The development of morality | 23 |
Adjustment difficulties and failure to develop | 29 |
development | 43 |
theoretical | 65 |
Empirical evidence | 72 |
Elaborations and extensions | 81 |
Recognition of facial and vocal expressions | 174 |
Social referencing | 180 |
childrens understanding | 189 |
a multilayered view of childrens | 241 |
Phases of emotional development | 247 |
Culture and context in human development | 260 |
Conclusion | 267 |
Childrens understanding of traits | 273 |
Acknowledgements | 87 |
Early precursors and beginnings of social | 93 |
Joint attention negotiating a common code internal | 134 |
Conclusion | 145 |
Mita Banerjee Pitzer College 1050 North Mills Avenue Claremont | 153 |
Infants understanding of affect | 161 |
Sensitivity to information for affect detection | 167 |
New approaches | 281 |
Moral development in the broader context | 297 |
Social cognition and prosocial development | 329 |
What do children and adolescents think about themselves? | 365 |
395 | |
405 | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
3-year-olds ability adolescents adults affective argued aspects Astington attribution autism babies Cambridge Carpendale Chandler chapter Child Development children's understanding cognitive development communication concept constructivist context cultural deception Developmental Psychology discriminate discussion display rules early Eisenberg emergence emotional competence emotional expressions empathy Erlbaum evidence example experience facial expressions false belief false-belief understanding feelings folk psychology gender gender identity Gopnik Hala ID speech identity individual Infant Behaviour interaction internal interpretation involves joint attention knowledge Kohlberg language mentalistic moral development moral functioning moral reasoning mothers motives newborns object one's parents peer perception Perner person perspective taking perspective-taking Piaget Piaget's theory predict preschoolers processes prosocial behaviour pseudohermaphrodites relationship representations responses role self-focus sense simulation situations social cognition social referencing stage studies suggest task theoretical theory of mind theory-of-mind theory-theory trait terms understanding of emotion visual vocal expressions Vygotsky Wellman Werker young children Yuill