Science: v.1-v.219Moses King, 1958 |
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Стр. 1030
... enzyme is known only to oxidize glyceraldehyde - 3 - phosphate irre- versibly to phosphoglycerate ( 49 ) ; the emergence of this enzyme in photosyn- thetic tissue would thus support not the phosphoglyceric acid theory of Calvin ( 44 ) ...
... enzyme is known only to oxidize glyceraldehyde - 3 - phosphate irre- versibly to phosphoglycerate ( 49 ) ; the emergence of this enzyme in photosyn- thetic tissue would thus support not the phosphoglyceric acid theory of Calvin ( 44 ) ...
Стр. 1338
... enzyme assays were performed as follows : ( i ) Glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase : 0.1M MgCl2 , 0.5 ml ; 0.25M glycylglycine buffer , pH 7.6 , 0.5 ml ; 2.3 × 10 - M triphosphopyridine nucleotide , 0.1 ml ; 0.5M glucose - 6 - phos ...
... enzyme assays were performed as follows : ( i ) Glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase : 0.1M MgCl2 , 0.5 ml ; 0.25M glycylglycine buffer , pH 7.6 , 0.5 ml ; 2.3 × 10 - M triphosphopyridine nucleotide , 0.1 ml ; 0.5M glucose - 6 - phos ...
Стр. 1444
... enzymes , as compared with the extent of addition in the absence of enzyme ( 6 , 7 ) . The nucleophilic substances which show this favored addition fall into two classes ( 7 ) : ( i ) ions , such as sulfide , bisulfite , and cyanide ...
... enzymes , as compared with the extent of addition in the absence of enzyme ( 6 , 7 ) . The nucleophilic substances which show this favored addition fall into two classes ( 7 ) : ( i ) ions , such as sulfide , bisulfite , and cyanide ...
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AAAS acid American amino acids animals annual applications Association basic Biochem biochemistry biology Calif cells Chem chemical chemistry chemists Chicago chloroplasts College Department Dept EDTA effects electric electron ence engineering enzyme epinephrine equipment ethanol experimental experiments field frequency genetic Herschel ical Illus Institute instrument iproniazid klystron Laboratory Maclear material mathematics measurements mechanics Medical ment methods microscope microwave National norleucine normetanephrine nuclear nucleotide observed obtained operation optical organic papers penicillin percent Ph.D phosphate phosphorylation photosynthetic physics plants polyphase system present Press problems produced professor protein putrescine radiation radio rational mechanics reaction References and Notes reported sample satellite School scientific scientists Society space specific temperature Tesla theory tion tive tube ultraviolet United Univ University virus volume Washington York Zoology zymosan