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ment, that they would spend an hour, each Sunday, in arranging their toilet; or that the fine lady would devote her days and nights to the preparation of elegant dresses, to the display of her fine feathers and silks, in promenading through the woods? Would she not soon lay aside those fashionable dresses, and adopt some of plain substantial material, and of convenient form, in which she could walk about her farm at ease, and enjoy life? Would the fine gentleman be willing to spend half a day every week in burnishing up the harness of his coach, in order that he might drive about his farm and secure the unlimited admiration of his horses and cattle? Would not all their fine equipage and furniture lose its value in their eyes, when there were no other eyes to be astonished and dazzled? It is too palpably obvious, that all of this luxury in society, which its apologists claim as the legitimate gratification of ideality and taste, is, in reality, the mere gratification of vanity and selfishness. Is it not evident, that in proportion as we indulge in a more ostentatious style of living, we nourish avarice, ambition, envy, and vanity? Is it not evident that luxury, instead of being a refining agency-instead of being a benefit to society-is one of the most potent means of corrupting public sentiment, and deadening the moral sense in a thousand ways? Luxury continually fosters selfishness, avarice, profligacy, and the overbearing arrogance, which, in aristocratic Europe, grinds the millions into dust-and, in would-be aristocratic America, deadens the sympathy with humanitary reforms.

In truth, I cannot but regard luxury as a crime, for I have no greater rights than my fellow beings. If every man is alike a child of his Divine parent-if we are all brethren-if I am bound to love my neighbor as myself, how can I, with brazen hardihood, stand up and avow myself a Christian or a moralist when I know that millions are at this time in want-want of the necessaries of life, want of knowledge and want of health, and suffering every form of human wretchedness, disease and death. How can I, with professions of virtue and honesty, hold in my hands the means of life-bread for the thousands, knowledge for the millions, and after all my own wants have been gratified, when I have food and clothing, society and books, declare that this superfluity which is in my possession shall be expended in the gratification of some elegant fancy, some ostentatious whim, some contemptible form of vanity-in building me a splendid mansion of which I have no need-in purchasing magnificent mirrors, and carriages from which I can expect no real benefit, thus declaring that the gratification of my slightest whim or my most selfish desires is worth more to me, than even the lives, health and happiness of thousands of my brethren. What should we think of the man who, in walking upon the banks of our river, should find a party of twenty or thirty men, women and children, struggling to reach the shore, their boat sprung a leak, and sinking almost within reach of land, and he,

having a splendidly finished boat, which he was occupied in admiring, who would positively refuse to lend that boat, to save the lives of the families perishing before his eyes, simply because he preferred surveying the architecture of his little boat, to gratify his vanity, and did not wish to have it a moment out of his possession. Such is practically our position, if when we have far more than a competency, we employ our superfluous resources, not in doing good to mankind-not in accumulating treasures to be laudably employed, but in wasteful, profligate expenditures to gratify our vanity, and leave our fellow beings to suffering, ignorance and crime, and so far from checking the progress of their misfortunes, do all we conveniently can to increase their prevalence by setting another example of profligate expenditure, adding additional force to the decrees of fashion, in behalf of an ostentatious life, and urge on, by all the force of our example, the mad pursuit and waste of wealth, in which conscience, benevolence, religion and science, the present and future welfare of man are continually sacrificed.


(From the New York Tribune.)

MR. EDITOR: My attention was called to the subject of Spiritual manifestations nine months since, while a skeptic, which I continued to be until I had several opportunities for investigation. For the last two months the youngest of the Fox family-a girl 14 years of age has resided in my family. During this time I have investigated daily, sometimes alone, and sometimes with my family, and with a great number of others who have sought the opportunity to do so. Several gentlemen of moral and religious standing united with me for investigation and instruction. For this purpose we have met once a week, with a few exceptions, at a place of our own choice, and generally alone with Miss Fox. On some occasions, others were present by invitation on our part.

One result of these investigations is a firm conviction of myself that we have held converse with the spirits of departed friends, which converse was had through the medium of sounds made when letters of the alphabet were spoken, forming words and sentences, which presented correct answers to our questions. I believe all my associates agree with me in this opinion.

I have looked with anxiety for the results of investigations by others, and am surprised to find that no two reports upon the subject agree as to the source of the sounds, or the mode by which some think they are made, or from what part of the person they proceed. Neither does any one theory, or all of them together,

as yet made public, satisfy the claims of the believer in spiritual manifestations, which are as follows:

First. That sounds are made by other than known natural


Second. That sounds are heard separate and apart from any human being or known cause; sometimes on doors, at a distance from any person, as loud as would be produced by a violent blow of a man's fist.

Third. That invisible power is exerted in moving material things, separate and apart from any conscious human agency.

Fourth. That table bells are rung by some invisible agency in response to questions.

Fifth. That time to music is often correctly beaten.

Sixth. That intelligence is manifested in rapping when a letter in the alphabet is spoken, which it is proper to use in spelling out correct answers to questions, put mentally, orally, or in writing. Also, in the voluntary spelling of sentences of instruction and direction, and the names of strangers.

Seventh. That the answers to questions and voluntary communications usually are, and it is believed invariably would be, under proper and orderly circumstances, of an instructive and elevating character.

Eighth. That these communications come to us from the spirits of human beings that once existed as such upon the earth.

Many other things might be mentioned, but this will suffice for the present purposes. The published reports of investigations of the subject, taking an opposing ground, simply show that some person has been found who can make sounds by some unusual mode; but does it disprove the fact, that spirits out of the form can make sounds by showing that spirits or persons-in the form can imitate some of them? Does it disprove the fact that some persons are mediums for spiritual communications, while in their natural and usual state and positions, if such communications should not take place when they are put in an uuusual state or position? Does it disprove the fact that the spirits of departed friends sometimes communicate with us, if they do not at all times and under all circumstances answer to our call? Does it disprove the fact that persons standing upon an insulated stool may be so charged with electricity as to cause their hair to stand on an end, if the same results are not produced while standing on iron or other substances? Would it disprove the fact that Dr. Franklin directed the lightning by the use of iron rods, if it is shown that lightning has shattered a wooden rod to pieces?

I have probably put a thousand questions to the spirits, and they all, with one exception, which was explained very satisfactorily the same day, have been correctly answered. In September last, myself, wife and daughter, while traveling in this State, concluded to stop a day at Rochester and investigate the "rapping." We

arrived at the residence of Mrs. Fish and Miss Fox at 11 o'clock in the morning, and requested an interview with the Spirits-this they kindly granted. We were then strangers in the city, and to the ladies, never having spoken to them before, and purposely avoided making ourselves known. Immediately upon our taking seats raps were heard. The question was put, "will the Spirit rap if I write the name it bore on earth?-Ans. Yes. Something like twelve names of living and deceased persons were written, and raps were made while writing the name of my brother who died in Califoria in September, 1849.

Question. Will you rap if I write the month in which you died? Ans. Yes. July, August, September-Raps were made while writ ing September, which was correct.

Ques. will you rap if I make figures signifying the day of the month of your death? Yes-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30-raps were made while writing 25, which was the day of my brother's decease. Several other questions of a business character were asked and answered; and voluntary information was communicated by use of the alphabet. This, at the time, was not believed; but subsequent events proved it was strictly and sadly true. We went to our hotel, and returned to the house between three and four o'clock, P. M. Being again put in communication the question was asked, "Will the spirits wishing to communicate rap when I point to their names written upon paper? Ans. Yes. The former list had been increased to perhaps twenty names, about half of them belonging to persons living. Raps were made when I pointed to the names of a deceased son, brother and cousin; and while pointing to these with my arm upon a large dining table, it moved away from me eighteen inches or more. I looked around and drew it back. Presently it moved again, as before. I then got up, and upon examining the table and floor under it, was convinced that no person touched it, or had anything to do with its being moved. Soon after this a terrible creaking noise commenced, like the groans and creaking of a ship, which continued ten or twelve minutes. While this was being made, Mrs. Fish spoke and said it is an unusual sound, and she did not know what it meant. I thought it similar to the creaking of the steamer Atlantic before its wreck on Fisher's Island in November, 1846, at which time I was on board of her. This brought to my mind a lady who was then in my care, and was lost. I added her name to my list. While writing the name a shower of raps was heard, apparently all over the table. Mrs. Fish inquired if I knew what it meant. I repiled, "I believe I do, but do not wish to tell you, because it will afford me a better test." After the noise had ceased, I asked if the spirit wishing to communicate bore the name I last wrote upon my listit was answered by a similar shower of raps. Q. How many years since your death? A. Three full and one partial rap, signifying

three years and a fraction-which was correct. Did it take place in the month of July, August, September, October, Novemberraps were made while writing November, which was right. Will you rap if I make figures signifying the day or days of the month the circumstances happened causing your death? "Yes." I then wrote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Raps were made while writing 27 and 28, which was correct. Q. Can you tell why you did not keep hold of me as agreed? A. It was fright that deprived me of reason. Q. Why have you made this effort to call yourself to my remembrance, since I have never thought of placing your name on the list of deceased persons? A. I have always watched over you all, and felt an interest in your welfare. Q. How many children have I living? A. By four raps-correct. Q. By one present, "Shall I ever realize more happiness in life?" "Yes, you will begin to realize more happiness in life, just as soon as you give your thought to God. He is able to protect you from all evil, and permits your dear child to linger in the shades of earth to guide you to the heaven of eternal rest.”

Several gentlemen in this city, of reliable integrity and honesty of character, and purity of purpose, have met nearly every week for two months past, in a place of their own choosing, to investigate the Spiritual Knockings, and for instruction through them; and the following are some of the questions put and answers obtained. At the close of one of the meetings, at which questions had been put to the spirits, the communication, "We must go now," was spelled out alphabetically. Upon the meeting again of the same individuals, the question was asked: "Why had you to go then?" A. We had duties to perform. Q. Do you, as individuals, have duties to perform? A. Yes. Q. Is the performance of those duties necessary to a greater spiritual development? A. Yes. Q. Do you learn these duties by your own intuitive knowledge, or are they pointed out to you by another? A. By a higher power than even directs you, my friends. Q. Will you tell us what power you refer to? A. Do you not know that the spirits of your departed friends are directing you from day to day? Well, then, reflect; is there not a still higher power directing us, else how could we direct you? Q. Are any duties pointed out which are not performed? A. No; would we do right to disobey? Q. Can you tell us in what the different degrees of duties. consist in the spiritual world? A. We have duties that would be impossible for you to understand. Q. Has our coming together anything to do with the "rappings?" A. Not at all. Q. Are they produced by some power entirely independent of us? A. Yes. Q. Does the readiness, or freedom to communicate, depend upon our motives? A. Yes. Q. Are there different spheres of happiness in the spiritual world? A. Yes. Q. Will the spirit rap the number? A. By rapping 7. Q. Does the spiritual development

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