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Observer, June 1, '72.

with fear; but, nevertheless, she was brave for the cause of Christ, and resolved that neither cruelty nor flattery should induce her to reveal the hiding-place of her father and his friends.

Presently Claverhouse himself, surrounded by a score or two of his soldiers, met them on the moor. Seeing the girl in the hands of the dragoons, he rode up, expecting that now he should gain his ends. But he was deceived; for Ailsie feared him no more than she did his men. "Ha! Ha!" shouted he with savage delight," we may depend on the old fox being pretty near when we have got the cub. Now, my pretty one," continued he, " you must forthwith tell me where your father is hidden, or I shall have to compel you. Were you not going to him just now with that food and


She paused and considered but she could not tell a lie. Looking up into his face with a timid, tearful countenance, such as might have moved to pity any man who was not a brute, she answered:

"I cannot tell you, sir,"

"You mean that you will not, you little piece of impudence. Now, mind what you're at, and answer me. Where is your father?"

No answer.

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These instruments of torture are made to fit on each thumb, something like the thumb of a glove. But in the part which comes against the thumb-nail is fitted a small iron sharp and penetrating like a corkscrew, the point of this screw being screw. When the instrument is adjusted, the executioner proceeds to twist this spiral screw into the quick of the nail. Imagination must picture the acuteness of the torture. The pain is most bitter and excruciating. Strong men faint under it, much more this little girl of fourteen.

The thumb-screws were fitted on, and the soldiers proceeded to twist the screw. Claverhouse stood by, watching the whole proceeding keenly. He was determined not to be beaten by a girl. At the first revolution of the screw she winced, but soon was calm again. Presently, however, the piercing pain made her scream.

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"Stop," said Claverhouse to the men. "Now, will you tell, girl, where your old psalm-singing fox of a father is ?"

"I will not," she replied, rendered bold by her sufferings. "And as for

Observer, June 1, '79.

your torture, God will help me to will not tell, you shall die for it," bear it."

"Go on," he said, and the torture went on. But the bitter agony was too great, and Ailsie swooned away. As she lay on the green sward, Claverhouse ordered the thumbscrews to be taken off, and water to be dashed in her face. It was done; but she lay so still and white, with the blood oozing from her mutilated thumbs that it was a sight sufficient to move the stoutest heart. It seemed as if some emotion of pity moved even Claverhouse's brutalized nature, for he bent down over her and said:

I wish the little jade were not so stubborn. I dont particularly want to hurt her; but I'll not be beaten by a girl. Rouse her up if you can."

Again water was sprinkled on her face, and a little brandy was poured into her mouth, and presently animation came to the tortured frame. Slowly she opened her eyes and gazed upon her persecutors. Then presently she gathered herself up and sat upon the grass, but like one stunned, and only partly conscious. Then, as she looked up into the soldiers' faces and saw no pity, nothing but stern, unrelenting severity, she burst into tears. She thought, maybe, of her father, exiled from home and family; of her mother, looking and watching for her; and perhaps too, she feared that death might be her portion; and then who would wait upon her father, and console her mother? But there was scant time for weeping, in the midst of this pitiless crew.

"Now, girl, remember that I am not to be fooled," said Claverhouse. "We have orders to get your father's head, dead or alive, and we mean to stick it up at Edinburgh. So, as you know where he is to be found, you must just tell us at once, or be prepared to suffer the consequences. And, remember too, that if you will

and as he said this he clenched his teeth and swore a terrible oath.


I can die for it," she returned, "and will die rather than discover to you where my father is. You are bloody men, and God will enter into judgment with you for persecuting his saints. If you kill me, you will only send me to heaven a little sooner to enter on my rest."

"Fit on the thumb-screws again," interrupted Claverhouse. "Fit them on, and we'll see if she can preach then."

So the soldiers put on the instruments again, and again they turned the screws. Another fearful groan came from Ailsie's quivering lips, and yet another, and yet another, as the excruciating agony grew more and more intense.

"Oh! mercy, mercy!" she cried. "Yes, we will show you mercy when you tell us where to find your father," was the answer.

Her eyes flashed, however, and her courage rose to the last effort. Stopping her groans and entreaties, she said: "I cannot tell, and I will not tell where my father and the Lord's saints are hidden. You are all bloody men of Belial, and you will have to answer for your deeds of cruelty. But I fear you not. Rather, I fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body. He is comforting and sustaining me even now," and again she swooned away.

Still the soldiers heeded not, but drove home the torturing screws with an alacrity which could only be born of cruelty. Presently Claverhouse ordered them to desist and dash cold water in her face. Haply, he was meditating other cruelties, Ailsie Bruce was gone beyond their power, for she had departed this life by the door of martyrdom. Claverhouse and his soldiers galloped away, after satisfying themselves that the vital spark had fled, and left the lifeless murdered body of

Observer, June 1, '7%.

Ailsie alone upon the cold turf, be- | Scotland is that of Ailsie Bruce; for she counted not her life dear unto her, but "was tortured, not accepting deliverance, that she might obtain a better resurrection." British Messenger.

neath the holy stars, as they crept out one by one from the blue vault above, as a witness against those cruelties. But among the names dear to men, women and children in

Intelligence of Churches, &q

SHEFFIELD.--I have just spent two Lord's days with the church meeting in the Temperance Room, Duke Street Lane, Sheffield Park. The visit has been an enjoyable one. The meetings were small but not without interest, and two were baptised, both of whom had formerly been considering the way of salvation. The brethren are few in number, but exercising prudent zeal, they bid fair for a measure of success; as they are earnest and devoted, anxious to promote the cause of our dear Redeemer.

Judging from my own experience, any brother calling upon them will have a cordial reception. Perhaps some readers of the "E. O." who want "an out" may find it convenient to visit the small church

in Sheffield, and give an encouraging word and a helping hand. Temporary arrangements are being made for some little speaking assistance from neighbouring churches; but Sheffield, and the brethren there, are worthy of a more protracted and decided effort. Such a populous seat of industry merits attention.

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from Chelsea, has spent four Lord's days
LEICESTER (May 13, 1872).—Bro. Ellis,
here. His visit to Leicester will be long
with pleasure on account of his interesting
remembered both with pleasure and pain-
and profitable discourses, both to believers
and unbelievers. During his visit eight
The painful element in his visit was that
persons put on the Lord Jesus by immersion.
my brother, Thomas Leavesley, took ill and
The very active part that Bro. Ellis took in
died while he was staying at his house.
cheering and otherwise aiding the bereaved
family will long endear him to us.
he left, two others have been immersed and

added to the church.


JAMES LEAVESLEY. WREXHAM.-The chapel in King Street having undergone repairs and beautifying was re-opened on Lord's day April 14, 1872. We were then visited by Bro. Thomas, of Llansaintfraid, Montgomeryspoke in the morning on the Ordinances of shire (late of Camden Town, London), who the Christian Church, and in the evening proclaimed the gospel.

On Lord's day, April 28, Bro. G. Y. Tickle, of Liverpool, preached in the evening, and on Lord's day, May 5th, we were visited by Bro. Carnduff, E. MORRIS. of Bridgnorth.

A. BROWN. SAUGHALL, CHESTER.-This is the week when "Chester Races" take place. Crowds come from far and near; a flood of negligence, immorality and crime, seems to set in, and when the great wave subsides, it leaves its slimy sediment upon the shore. How eager and hilarious the multitudes are! Would they come with equal ardour for a religious object? Or evince such cordiality at the call of humanity or philanthropy? How much yet remains to be GREEN HILL LANE, DERBYSHIRE.-The done in this land of Bibles, ere the God of small church has been unable to make much the Bible shall be generally revered, progress, owing in part to the want of suithonoured and obeyed! On the second day able place of meeting. We have now of this race week, we had the pleasure of secured ground, and commenced to erect a baptising five young persons into the name new Meeting House. The cost of the of the Lord Jesus,-may the Lord protect ground is very considerable for so small a and bless them! Laying aside every weight company. The churches of the district may they run with patience the "race" I have promised to aid us in erecting a con

venient place. The foundation stone was laid on the 24th of April, by Bro. T. Wallis, of Nottingham, in the presence of a good company. Brethren addressed the people and commended to them the good old way of the apostolic church. We hope to be able to open the chapel in August. Brethren willing to aid by contributing will engage in a good and needful work.

J. H. LIVERPOOL.-Since our last communication the church in Liverpool has ceased to meet in Hope Hall, and now occupies two meeting places, one at the north end of the town and the other at the south. This arrangement has proved a very satisfactory one as far as respects the north end, and we are hoping ere long to make it equally so for the south. The church remains under one eldership, with the deacons about equally divided between each place. The funds are kept distinct, but are regarded as equally available for the whole body. I rejoice to say that the brethren in both places are working together in perfect harmony. Evangelistic help has been chiefly directed to the north end, as affording the best opening for gospel proclamation. There have been several additions, and an excellent Sunday school has been established at this end of the town. Bro. Scott has bestowed a considerable amount of labour upon the neighbourhood, and Bro. Ellis, during the last four weeks (while Bro, Scott has been to Chelsea), has drawn large audiences, and we are gathering fruit already from his labours. We regret his departure this week, as we believe great good would result from his continuous and concentrated effort in this field of labour. We hope soon to have a better opening at the south end, as we wish for a more populous and less aristocratic neighbourhood to work open.

G. Y. T.

Observer, June 1, '72.

toral relations, and seventy others have re-
signed, who are not yet reported as settled
again. The church membership has risen to
243,395, there being a net increase on the
year of 9,720 and the number of scholars
under training in Baptist Sunday-schools
is 315,080. The large measure of pros-
perity indicated in these returns has led
your committee to prepare a resolution ex-
pressive of devout thankfulness to Almighty
God, which will be laid before the session.
With regard to the next autumnal session,
your committee have pleasure in stating
that the churches in Manchester have given
a very cordial invitation to the Union to hold
its session in that city, which your com-
mittee have gladly accepted." We are
thankful for the increase in the number of
the immersed, thus recorded, but how it
can be taken as indicating a "large measure
of prosperity we cannot divine.
average increase to each church is but three-
and-a-half-not an evidence of large pros
perity, but rather of the want of it. We
wish it were ten times larger; and we
believe it might be, if the Baptists would
employ the means they have at command
more in accordance with the apostolic
order of things.
D. K.

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THOMAS LEAVESLEY, of Leicester, fell asleep in Jesus, April 17th, 1872, aged forty years, after a severe illness of a few days duration. He was baptised into Christ Leicester, in 1858. At that time a small some two years before he removed to church, about six in number, met in the house of James Leavesley; which was the only meeting until Bro. D. King, at the instance of the Evangelist Committee, took a provisional oversight, engaging the Tem perance Hall for regular meetings; which place was occupied till the chapel in Crafton Street was erected. During some fourteen years Thomas Leavesley and his brother James Leavesley, took leading positions in the Leicester church, and the close application of the departed to the interests of the church, has largely contri

BAPTIST UNION. -The Report of the Committee of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, recently presented, contains the following:-"Your committee respectfully direct the attention of the session to the statistics published in the 'Handbook,' which show the progress made by the churches during the past year to be considerably beyond the average. Of new churches there were reported forty-buted to the success which has been reali three, making the total number 2,602. Sixty new chapels have been built, at a cost of £109,915; and forty-seven chapels have been enlarged, or otherwise improved, at an outlay of £19,565, making a total expenditure in building of not less than £130,000. In the changes of the ministry, eighty-two have been introduced to the pastoral office, and thirty-five have been called to their heavenly rest; 119 have formed new pas

zed.. Ever ready to promote the cause, his heart, time, and home, were at the service of the brethren. On the Lord's-day following his death, he was conveyed to the silent resting place, followed by about a hundred brethren and friends, which number would have been larger but for the con⚫ tinued rain. The funeral service was con ducted by D. King, of Birmingham, and B. Ellis of London.

Observer, July 1, '72.



"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."JOHN XIV. 23.

THREE things, in this verse, will at once appear to the thoughtful reader: (1.) The great subject of love to Christ "If a man love me." (2.) The divine assurance that where love to Christ really exists it will manifest itself in obedience-"If a man love me, he will keep my words." (3.) The blessed reward of loving obedience-" My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."


I. LOVE TO CHRIST.-This subject is fundamental and vital. It lies at very foundation of all true relationship to God. Without it there can be no pardon, no salvation, no peace and joy in believing, no eternal glory. For the Spirit has said expressly, "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha,"-accursed when the Lord comes. Love to Christ cannot be exercised by any mere act of will. In order to be exercised at all it must be intelligently exercised. In order to love truly and deeply any object, human or divine, we must, to some extent, possess a knowledge of that object. I beg, therefore, in harmony with this law of our moral nature to advance several reasons why we should love Jesus.

1. We should love Him because of what He is in Himself. We open the Gospels, in which the manifold excellencies of His person are unfolded, and what a character we have brought before us. Jesus stands alone in history. In His humility, in His lowliness, in His meekness, in His goodness, in His spotless purity, in His boundless compassion, in His undying love, He has no peer. He is fairer than the children of men. Grace is poured into His lips. All His garments smell of myrrh and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces. He is the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley. He is the Chief among ten thousand. Yea, He is altogether lovely.

Listen to the following words. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." It was Jesus who uttered these words. No other heart could have given utterance to such words of grace. They reveal to us a heart that has sounded the deepest depths of human woe. They reveal to us a nature that can feel for us in all our weakness, our weariness, our unworthiness, and our sins. They hold out to all the hope and the promise of rest. Rest from the bondage of Satan; rest from the toilsome pursuit of worldly vanities; rest from all the weariness of self and sin. The one who uttered these words is surely worthy of being loved, because of what He is in Himself.

He saw

2. We should love Him because of what He has done for us. We had all sinned against God. Because of sin we had come under condemnation. But for Jesus we must have perished for ever. us lying in our sins, and His bowels melted with compassion. He as sumed our nature; He lived a life of perfect holiness; and by His death

* Preached in Brown Street Chapel, Glasgow, May, 187%.

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