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"O yes, mamma," persisted the little Bell; "Aunt Sarah calls them naughty names. She said my Celia with curls, and Eva that moves her eyes, were graven images.' I don't like people to call my dolls nicknames," and the red lips were pouted far out at the remembrance of recent indignities offered by Miss Sarah Lee to her mute darling.

"What does the child


Observer, July 1,72.

"Poor Bell," continued Mary, in a low tone, "ran and hid the doll, and only glanced at it by stealth, while Aunt remained. It was not from unkindness, mamma, I'm sure, but from a queer belief she has that everything is useless, unless you can eat or drink or wear it."

Mary had solved the mystery, child as she was. Aunt Sarah was always a great utilitarian, and now,

Mary?" asked Mrs. Gray, of her as age drew on, and she naturally

eldest daughter.

"O! mother dear, only what Aunt Sarah said to her, when pa brought wax Eva home. Bell was so delight ed, she wanted everybody else to be so too. She ran up to Aunt Sarah almost crying for joy, and showed it to her, Aunt asked her if her mother had never taught her the commandments; she said, That doll is an idol-we are forbidden to make unto ourselves any graven images, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath that doll is the likeness of a baby. So you are a little


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enjoyed less of the world, she made the follies of childhood and unnecessary enjoyments of others her hobby. If she could have had the remodeling of the universe, how she would have clipped Dame Nature of all her superfluous ornaments! Not a tree nor flower which did not promise fruit-not a bird too small to be cooked, not a stream which could blotted out for ever. not turn a mill, but she would have But this she could not do, and was therefore obliged to hear sounds from child and bird, which awoke no responsive chord in her cold bosom-to gaze on scenes which had no charm to her dull eye. J. D. C.


A MORE sneaking, cowardly, fiendish liar than "They say," does not exist. That personage is a universal scapegoat for personal gossip, envy and malice; without form of flesh and blood, when invoked, and yet stalking boldly in every community. The character is a myth, and yet real; intangible, and yet clutching its victims with remorseless power. It is unseen, and yet from an exhaustless quiver wings its poisoned arrows from day to day. And no mail is proof; no character, position, or sex escapes; no sanctuary is too sacred; no home is bulwarked against its assaults. When one base heart wishes to assail some person's character or motives, They say' is always invoked. That is the


assassin who he strikes in cloud; the Thug who haunts the footsteps of the offender, and tortures from careless word or deed an excuse for the stiletto. Men dare not always reveal their own feelings. With smiles and pretended friendship they prevent the envenomed shaft as coming from "They say." Be sure, reader, that when some villanous tale is told to you, and the relater cannot give an author more tangible than " They say for it, that the slander is the creation of the heart by your side, and reeking with the poison of envy and hatred, and earnest with a wish to have the falsehood of "They say " bud int) reality and become current coin in the community.

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Observer, July 1, '72.

"They say" we repeat, is as cowardly as it is false and fiendish; a phantom creation which smiles, while letting loose a brood of vipers to crawl in your path, and blast by their venom. To retail the stories

of "They say," is to sneak behind an intangible personage, and put into circulation the infamous inuendoes and calumnies which, from raw material, are forged nearer home.


LET us try to be like the sunshiny member of the family, who has the inestimable art to make all duty seem pleasant; all self-denial and exertion easy and desirable; even disappointment not so blank and crushing; who is like a bracing, crisp, frosty atmosphere throughout the home, without a suspicion of the element that chills and pinches. You have known people within whose influence you felt cheerful, amiable, hopeful, equal to anything! Oh, for that blessed power, and for God's grace to exercise it rightly!

I do

not know a more enviable gift than the energy to sway others to good; to diffuse around us an atmosphere of cheerfulness, piety, truthfulness. generosity, magnanimity, It is not a matter of great talent, nor entirely a matter of great energy, but rather of earnestness and honesty-and of that quiet, constant energy, which is like soft rain gently penetrating the soil. It is rather a grace than a gift; and we all know where grace is to be had freely for the asking. Country Parson.

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Intelligence of Churches, &q.

MANCHESTER AND NEIGHBOURHOOD.Not weary in well doing, we are still working cheerfully for the Master; seeking to save souls and to edify one another in love. Our labours have not been in vain in the Lord, so that we rejoice to say, for Manchester, that since December twelve persons have put on the Lord by baptism into his death, and four baptized believers have been received into our fellowship. Besides this, some five brethren have come amongst us from other churches. Feeling moved to do something for the godless multitude in this big and populous industrial hive, where some 200,000 persons go to no place of worship, a few of the brethren have opened a "Christian Mission Room," in Salford, in addition to our ordinary chapel, 116, Grcs venor Street, where, on Lord's-day and week-day evenings, outside and inside, we are preaching Jesus to the people. Two of the baptized are from this source, and by Divine help we hope for still further success.

Bro. Hindle, in turn with other preaching brethren, has been with us for a week, with his " Bible Carriage," causing no small stir in the town, and reviving the cause in our midst. His visits have been fruitful in results, and, on both occasions, several have been hastened to decide for Christ ; and those just now will be baptized in due time. Our Sunday school is sustaining its name as our church nursery; the Mutual Improvement Class has just ended an edifying session by a cheerful social meeting; the Sisters' sewing meeting has done a good work during the winter months; so that altogether, while we desire to feel our solemn responsibility as a light for Christ in this city, we have reason to thank God, take courage, and go forward in the Divine strength to work for the Saviour, and the eternal weal of our fellow men.

For OLDHAM I report four baptized and added to the church. Prospects are cheering in this place. A series of open-air

gatherings have been commenced here very hopefully on Tuesday evenings, when I and others speak for Christ, and trust we shall not speak in vain.

For ASHTON I report one baptism. A good deal of labour has been given to STOCKPORT, not in vain for the church, though as yet there are no more actual additions.

In ROCHDALE the brethren are still meeting to break bread, in Bro. Drake's house, Union Street, Lower Place, where they will be most happy to see any brother passing that way. As far as possible we have sent help now and again to Huddersfield, which they return to the district. We regret not being able to do so much for Bolton this quarter, as they are really needing more help and are deserving of it. Although nominally stationed in Manchester, my work has not been confined to it or the district, but has during the year, up to this date, taken me from Manchester at least some nine Lord's days visiting other churches, within a radius of fifty miles.

June 14th, elder David Walk, from Memphis, Tennesse, U.S., has just left us for Nottingham, after seeing a little of the brethren and of Cottonopolis. He is on a short tour through the Kingdom.


DUNDEE.-On Saturday, May 18th, the foundation stone of a new Meeting House for the church which now assembles in Tay Street, was laid by I. K. Tener, of Moree. The pastorate, a large portion of the members, and many others were present. The building is to be a neat specimen of gothic architecture, and is in Constitution Road. After singing, and an appropriate prayer, by John Aitkin, of Edinburgh, a bottle, containing the following articles was deposited in the cavity of the stone: Copies of the "Ecclesiastical Observer," "Old Paths,” and “Sunbeam;" portraits of the church pastorate, the donors of the chapel, the Architect, the builder, and the Queen; description of the chapel and the names of the architect and contractors; sketch of the origin of the church; copies of the Dundee Courier and Argus, Dundee Advertiser, Northern Warder, Weekly News, and Peoples' Journal. After the above articles had been deposited, the stone was lowered, and having been found properly placed, it was declared by Mr. Tener to have been duly laid. T. Y. Miller, the Secretary, then read the sketch of the origin of the Church, as deposited in the stone, the substance of which is as follows:- "The church for whose accommodation this chapel has been reared was formed in Dundee on the 13th November, 1839. The circumstances which led to its formation

Observer, July 1, '72.

are as follows:-For a considerable number of years a congregation, known as the "United Christian Church," worshipped in the Old English Chapel, now the Union Hall, and to the office of pastor Mr. G. C. Reid of Liverpool was "called" in 1837. In his charge Mr. Reid was a devoted and devout servant, and the truth being a living power with him, he strove to be consistent in all he advocated. Meanwhile pleadings were made throughout the kingdom, but especially in England, for a return to the order of worship as originally instituted, and hearing them, some of the members of the United Church were led, and latterly Mr. Reid himself, to make a strict investigation into the Scriptures, with the view of ascertaining, as far as they possibly could, the real nature of the order and worship of the first churches. The investigation lasted for many weeks, Mr. Reid, as pastor, conducting them. Mr. Reid for some time zealously maintained his position, but subsequent private consideration made him change his mind, and resulted in his voluntarily resigning his charge. Such an act of self-denial, so noble and so admirable, had the effect of inducing the larger portion of those over whom Mr. Reid had been a faithful overseer, to follow him, and on Sunday, the 13th November, 1839, the first church in Dundee, based on the New Testament, was formed. Mr. Reid was appointed to the pastorate. Creeds and theological Confessions of Faith were discarded; the union of all believers was sought on the common ground of Biblical belief; the Scriptures were made the sole guide for church government and discipline; sectarian names were renounced as unscriptural; a plural pastorate was substituted for the one-man ministry; the Lord's Supper was observed weekly; believer's baptism was substituted for infantsprinkling; and the obligation of contributing to the maintenance of the church, and preaching of the gospel was confined to those who become members. Since the above date the church has continued its efforts, and not without success. Chapels in the same connection have now become numerous, in Scotland, England, and Ireland, in America, New Zealand, Australia, and other places, the aggregate membership being over a million. On leaving the Old English Chapel the Church in Dundee met for a number of years in the Hammermen's Hall, Barrack Street, and then because of that place becoming inadequate, in the old Watt Institution Hail, in Constitution Road, and now, on account of the Watt Hall having been sold, to the Young Men's Christian Association, in the West End Academy, South Tay Street. The

Observer, July 1, '72.

necessity for a permanent chapel has been long felt, and this want has now been supplied through the very laudable and Christian-spirited liberality of some of the members of the church. The proceedings were then closed by John Strang, of Glasgow, engaging in prayer. An interesting tea meeting was afterwards held, also highly acceptable services on the Lord'sday. Bro. Mackie, who is the only mem ber in the church now who was in it at the beginning, occupied the chair. He was so affected that he felt unable to express the emotions within his heart, and in the course of a fervent address, referred to the past and present, and concluded by an appeal to all to shew their gratitude to God for having enabled them to see this day, by increasing their love, humility, faithfulness, and self-sacrifice. Bro. Selbie, in a heart-felt address, thanked the donors of the gift for their laudable beneficence. Bro. Aitkin followed with a fitting address and appeal, his subject being the "Name of Jesus."

LEEDS. Since last report five have been added to the church here. In order to suitable accommodation for our increased gatherings we have taken a larger room. We now meet in the Assembly Rooms, Cookridge Street. A. BROWN.

SAUGHALL, CHESTER.-I have to record the baptism of Frederic, the youngest son of Charles Davies, of Coxlane. The Davies family will long be remembered in connection with the churches in this locality. The memory of the late John Davies, of Mollington, is fragrant among us, for his exemplary diligence, fervent piety, and truly Christ-like zeal. His brother, Samuel Davies, is worthily following in his steps, labouring in word and doctrine. His other brother, Charles Davies, who has for many years laboured much in the Lord, lives in the very house at Coxlane where the first church of the "Reformation " in this country was formerly in the habit of holding its meetings. His earnest wish was that he might be spared to sec all his children confess the Lord. His desire has been granted. Of a family of eight, seven of whom are sons, and some of whom have addicted themselves to the work of the ministry, all have now "put on Christ." May all prove faithful unto death, and be crowned of the Lord in the day of His coming.

PETER STEPHEN. ROTHERITHE, LONDON.-We have been favoured with several visits, including one Lord's day, by Bro. Scott, of Liverpool, whose labour has not been in vain; Brn. Rotheram and Corrie also spend a portion of their time with us. Four persons have made the good confession. J. TUDOR.

BRIGHTON.-The church meeting in Ship Street Chapel, Union Street, has been encouraged by six immersions into the ever blessed name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We were greatly assisted last Lord's day by a visit from Bro. Ellis, on his way to Piltdown, who gave able and encouraging exhortation and proclamation to a well filled house. The church is dwelling in peace and unity. R. S.

REDDITCH, NEAR BIRMINGHAM.-Four members having removed from Birmingham to Redditch, and one person there having made the good confession and put on Christ in baptism, the five formed themselves into a church on Lord's day, June 2, 1872. The meetings for the present will be held at the residence of W. James, Richmond House, Beoley Road. Several brethren from Birmingham were present at the formation of the church.

TASMANIA.-This Island of the Sea, Van Diemans' Land of old, I reached January 6th, 1872, by steamship from Melbourne, having been advised by my physician to come here for the sake of the bracing sea air, which envelopes the Island. On arriving at the northern part of the Island we approached the city of Launceston, steaming up the winding river (Tamar) something like driving into a country village by coach. It was to me a novel way of coming from sea, sailing right out of the broad ocean into an insignificant river, which Americans would call a creek-turning round the hills a few times, and lo! we came in sight of the city, which at a distance, looked as if it had been made in the night and put down on the hillside, but when we drew nearer, a valley appeared, studded with houses of no mean dimensions ; and there ten thousand people have their homes, in a city lighted by gas, and having artificial water supplies reaching to the top storey of almost every house. We found the place all alive. The semi-weekly arrival of the steamer is an event which causes the people to swarm to the wharf, and the hundreds of people, on a holliday excursion from Melbourne, had filled the houses of accommodation, so that there was difficulty in finding a night's repose.

Having to spend a Lord's day here, by the aid of letters of introduction from brethren in Melbourne, we soon formed acquaintances, and found a little, old dismal Baptist Chapel in an obscure part; but instead of their meeting "to break bread," they had their Sunday School children (about 50, all they have collected in a number of years) on the stage, singing an anniversary song, after which a Wesleyan preacher delivered an address in a manner peculiar to his order.

Although kindly received and hospitably entertained by these people, we could not repress the feeling that the city would be better off, religiously, if they were all in Abraham's bosom. They are good, pious men, and we love them for this, but their hard, dry, cold hyper-Calvinism has made the Baptist Church in Launceston of no effect, and has turned the people against the parts of the truth they do hold. Their prayers, songs and their very demeanor all take a Calvinistic turn. I lent some copies of the Apostolic Times which I had with me, and on invitation, preached my first sermon in Tasmania, to a small audience of attentive, humble people. It was gratifying to find one man (he a leading man among the Baptists) who agreed with what I preached, and who told me that if I would remain at Launceston he would unite with me in an effort to build up a church according to apostolic teaching and New Testament order. A Presbyterian said he would see that I should have his Chapel to preach in, and I may accept it some day, but having an engagement in another part of the Island, I could not then. I took occasion to hear a most wonderful preacher, who believes almost everything the Baptists do, except their Calvinism, but who did not have faith enough to preach what he believed. Alas! there are many such in Tasmania. This man had sneaked away quietly and been baptized, but he would not preach baptism to the people, lest they should become superstitious. He was on a visit, preaching for two weeks in the Town Hall (a grand building for the place. British Colonists are proud of their public buildings, and well they may be. They spend their money to an alarming extent on their public buildings instead of developing the resources of the country, and in this they show their folly.) There had gathered around this novel preacher the lame the blind, the halt, and after singing, (and he did sing most charmingly) and praying, he began by reading the Scripture like a stage actor would repeat his piece. After which he read about a dozen letters received from persons all over the Island, who were seeking religion, or anxious for the salvation of their kindred and friends.

After the

reading of each letter he offered a short
prayer, and then called on several of the
audience to pray in succession.
"Be brief,"
he said. "Ask for what you want, and
then have done with it." All this was a
successful effort to fan himself and the
audience into a fury. And when he had
succeeded up to the very extreme of
required points, he delivered a most thrill-
ing and impressive sermon, on "Awake thou
that sleepest and arise from the dead, and


Observer, July 1, "72.

Christ shall give thee light." Everything he said on this was good, just the thing, and I was delighted with it. But he then went off into a hysterical kind of preaching and tale-bearing, warning every one that if any one left the house he would put his brand upon them-which consisted in telling such a one plainly, without any qualification, that he or she is going to hell. Having learned that such was his plan to keep an audience, I took my seat near the door, for I had also heard that he was in the habit of continuing his speech till midnight, and when I had kept my seat as long as the bench with no back to it permitted me, slipped out unnoticed, fervently praying that that man might learn the gospel, and tell poor sinners what to do to be saved. I was forced to leave this interesting man without having an opportunity to speak to him, and when I reach my destination I will give you some more notes on Tasmania. Fraternally, O. A. CARR.

January 8th, 1872.


JAPAN. We have received good news from Japan. That empire has long been closed against Christianity. The intercourse of the Japanese with Christendom has at length produced its appropriate fruit. Last April an Imperial decree abolished all national edicts against Christianity. The people accept the decree. Our Japanese brethren see clearly enough that Christians are mighty and influential. Their recent interchanges of visits have opened their eyes to some of the advantages which follow in the train of the Christian religion. Let us hope that their intelligence and sense of justice constrain them to allow religious liberty to all who dwell in Japan. Whatever the cause of or motives to the decree, the fact is one on which we congratulate our readers. In the present instance the priests are not like the people. Seeing their craft in danger, they repaired to the palace to overawe the civil power. Imperial guards cut short their purpose by slaying them. We deplore their fate. Japan open to the Gospel! should be spread through the churches, rekindle missionary zeal, and awaken in the minds and hearts of young men the resolve



But the

The news

forth and claim that land for Christ. Freeman.


W. LATIMER, of Dornock, departed this life March 3, 1872, aged seventy-two years. This was a faithful brother, who during a number of years has made known the truth, by life and speech, and who has led into the bath of water many who had confessed the Saviour.

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