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S The Successful Introduction

of a really meritorious remedy is immediately followed by
the unwarranted and most damaging dissatisfaction of Imi-
tations and Substitutions, which flood the market almost
beyond the physician's comprehension, it therefore behooves
us to kindly and particularly request not only the specification
(Gude), but the prescribing of ORIGINAL BOTTLES by
every physician who desires to employ in his treatment

"Pepto-Mangan ("Gude")

which is the original and only true organic preparation of iron and
manganese, and the source and foundation of all the exceptional
and positive therapeutic merit experienced in this product.

Imitations with similar sounding names, but dissimilar in every other respect, are mischievous enough, but in nefariousness are

yet unequal to substitution and the substitutor, against whom

the physician's only assurance is an original bottle.

GUDE'S PEPTO-MANGAN has, since its introduction to the Medical Profession of the World, always proved its superiority over other blood-making compounds, and furthermore will always substantiate all the statements so highly commending its value.

As this certainty in efficacy has won for this preparation the confidence and reliance of the physician, we, to protect you, your patients and ourselves against such conscienceless methods, earnestly ask the prescribing of original bottles only. This request, though seemingly of little importance, will be significant in view of the astounding knowledge that 75% of the manufacturers are not only offering but selling gallons and kegs of so called "Just as Good" iron mixtures, which have not undergone and dare not undergo either the scrutiny of the physician or examination by the chemist.

While there is only one Pepto-Mangan
which is never supplied in any form of package other than our
regular eleven-ounce hexagonal bottle,

you will readily surmise the intent of these imitation preparations which are wholly unknown to the Medical Profession, and agree with us in the importance of the above request.

Any one offering Pepto-Mangan in bulk form, either intentionally or unintentionally practises substitution; hence our solicitation for your co-operation against this harmful, unjustifiable, and inexcusable fraud.



Give no quarter to the Substitutor. He tampers with Human Life.




is most successful because BOVININE supplies
absolute and perfect nutrition.

It not only stimulates, but completely feeds the
new born blood cells, carrying them to full maturity.
It increases the leucocytes and thereby most
powerfully retards pathological processes.

As a food and nutrient it is ideal, requiring little
or no digestion, and being at once absorbed and

For starving anæmic, bottle-fed babies, its results
are immediate and most gratifying, as it is a ready
alimentation as soon as ingested, and never causes

It will be found equally reliable for nursing
mothers, affording prompt nourishment and
strength to both mother and babe.

In typhoid fever and all wasting diseases it may
be administered per rectum, and will sustain the
strength and support the heart without need
for recourse to alcoholic stimulants.

Records of hundreds of cases sent on request.


The man who substitutes in filling prescriptions cannot be trusted to sell other drugs.

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Coughs, Bronchitis, Phthisis, Asthma, Laryngitis,
Pneumonia and Whooping Cough.

Glyco-Heroin (Smith) has passed the scrutiny of both clinical and scientific investigation and its
therapeutic value has been well defined and established by prominent men in the profession of medicine.
Each teaspoonful represents one-sixteenth grain Heroin

A true exact solution of
Heroin in Glycerine.


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to enhance the palliative effect of Heroin and to embody decided

curative properties in this preparation.

Glyco-Heroin (Smith) places at the command of the physician and for his convenience a most superb and finished remedy to be accepted and used by him as an ethical preparation with physical characteristics and therapeutic properties far excelling all other remedies of the Materia Medica and Pharmacopoea for the treatment of Coughs in all the various forms.

Adult dose-one teaspoonful.

The quantity ordinarily ordered by the physician is two, three or four ounces.

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Iron, Manganese, Strychnin, Arsenite Y reason of the presence of Strychnine and Arsenic this preparation is of wide application as a tonic and restorative in general debility and conditions of depression or exhaustion consequent upon organic disease.

The great advantages of Ferri Pepton-al and Ferri Pep-ton-al Comp. over all other preparations of iron are that it does not injure the teeth; it does not constipate, it does not disagree with the most delicate stomach; it is readily absorbed; it increases the red corpuscles and the hemoglobin of the blood; it tones the system; it increases the appetite; it shortens the duration of sickness and promotes convalescence.

The Clinical reports of the physicians using our preparations
indicate the most satisfactory results

If your druggist is not supplied, four samples will be sent by express prepaid
upon receipt of forty cents

The Agnew Pharmaceutical Company


You can cure the Substitut ng Kleptomaniac by sending your patients to an honorable druggist.

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