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the sermon, remember the directions and helps for practice, with which the truest method usually shuts up the sermon.

Direct. IV. When you come home, let conscience in secret also repeat the sermon to you.' Between God and yourselves, consider what there was delivered to you in the Lord's message, that your souls were most concerned in. What sin reproved which you are guilty of? What duty pressed which you omit? And there meditate seriously on the weight and reasons of the thing; and resist not the light, but yet bring all to a fixed resolution, if till then you were unresolved: not ensnaring yourselves with dangerous vows about things doubtful, or peremptory vows without dependence on Christ for strength: but firmly resolving and cautelously engaging yourselves to duty; not with carnal evasions and reserves, but with humble dependence upon grace, without which of yourselves you are able to do nothing.

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Direct. v. Hear the most practical preachers you can well get.' Not those that have the finest notions, or the cleanest style, or neatest words; but those that are still urging you to holiness of heart and life, and driving home every truth to practice: not that false doctrine will at all bear up a holy life, but true doctrine must not be left in the porch, or at the doors, but be brought home and used to its proper end, and seated in the heart, and placed as the poise upon the clock, where it may set all the wheels in motion.

Direct: vi. Take heed especially of two sorts of false teachers. Antinomian libertines, and autonomian pharisees.' The first would build their sins on Christ; not pleading for sin itself, but taking down many of the chief helps against it, and disarming us of the weapons by which it should be destroyed, and reproaching the true preachers of obedience as legalists, that preach up works and call men to doing, when they preach up obedience to Christ their King, upon the terms and by the motives which are used by Christ himself, and his apostles. Not understanding aright the true doctrine of faith in Christ, and justification, and free-grace (which they think none else understand but they), they pervert it and make it an enemy to the kingly office of Christ, and to sanctification, and the necessary duties of obedience.

The other sort do make void the commandments of God by their traditions, and instead of the holy practice of the laws of Christ, they would drive the world with fire and sword to practise all their superstitious fopperies; so that the few plain and necessary precepts of the law of the universal King, are drowned in the greater body of their canon law, and the ceremonies of the pope's imposing are so many in comparison of the institutions of Christ, that the worship of God, and work of Christianity is corrupted by it, and made as another thing. The wheat is lost in a heap of chaff, by them that will be law-givers to themselves, and all the church of Christ.

Direct. VII. Associate yourselves with the most holy, serious, practical Christians.' Not with the ungodly, nor with barren opinionists, that talk of nothing but their controversies, and the way or interest of their sects (which they call the church), nor with outside formal ceremonious pharisees, that are pleading for the washing of cups, and tithing of mint, and the tradition of their fathers, while they hate and persecute Christ and his disciples. But walk with the most holy, and blameless, and charitable, that live upon that truth which others talk of, and are seeking to please God by the" wisdom which is first pure, and then peaceable and gentle," when others are contending for their several sects, or seeking to please Christ, by killing him, or censuring him, or slandering him in his servants".

Direct. VIII. Keep a just account of your practice; examine yourselves in the end of every day and week, how you have spent your time, and practised what you were taught; and judge yourselves before God according as you find it.' Yea, you must call yourselves to account every hour, what you are doing, and how you do it; whether you are upon God's work, or not; and your hearts must be watched and followed like unfaithful servants, and like loitering scholars, and driven on to every duty, like a dull or tired horse.


Direct. Ix. Above all set your hearts to the deepest contemplations of the wonderful love of God in Christ, and the sweetness and excellency of a holy life, and the certain incomprehensible glory which it tendeth to, that your souls may be in love with your dear Redeemer, and all that is

r Jam. iii. 17, 18.

s John xvi. 2, 3. Matt. xxv. 40. 45.

holy, and love and obedience may be as natural to you.' And then the practice of holy doctrine, will be easy to you, when it is your delight.

Direct. x. Take heed that you receive not ungrounded, or unnecessary prejudices against the person of the preacher.' For that will turn your heart, and lock it up against the doctrine. And therefore abhor the spirit of uncharitableness, cruelty, and faction, which always bendeth to the suppressing, or vilifying and disgracing all those, that are not of their way and for their interest: and be not so blind as not to observe, that the very design of the devil, in raising up divisions among Christians is, that he may use the tongues or hands of one another to vilify them all, and make them odious to one another, and to disable one another from hindering his kingdom, and doing any considerable service to Christ. So that when a minister of Christ should be winning souls, either he is forbidden, or he is despised, and the hearers are saying, 'O, he is such, or such a one,' according to the names of reproach which the enemy of Christ and love hath taught them.


Directions for profitable Reading the Holy Scriptures.

SEEING the diversity of men's tempers and understandings is so exceedingly great, that it is impossible that any thing should be pleasing and suitable to some, which shall not be disliked and quarrelled with by others; and seeing in the Scriptures there are many things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest to their own destruction. And the word is to some the savour of death unto death. You have therefore need to be careful in reading it. And as Christ saith, "Take heed how you hear;" so I say, Take heed how you read.

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1. · Direct. 1. Bring not an evil heart of unbelief. Open the Bible with holy reverence as the book of God, indited by the Holy Ghost. Remember that the doctrine of the New Testament was revealed by the Son of God, who was b Mark iv. 24. 2 Cor. ii. 16..

a Pet. iii. 16.

c Luke viii. 18.

purposely sent from heaven to be the light of the world, and to make known to men the will of God, and the matters of their salvationd." Bethink you well, if God should but send a book or letter to you by an angel, how reverently you would receive it? How carefully you would peruse it; and regard it above all the books in the world? And how much rather should you do so, by that book which is indited by the Holy Ghost, and recordeth the doctrine of Christ himself, whose authority is greater than all thè angels? Read it not therefore as a common book, with a common and unreverent heart; but in the dread and love of God the author.

Direct 11. Remember that it is the very law of God which you must live by, and be judged by at last. And therefore read with a full resolution to obey whatever it commandeth, though flesh, and men, and devils contradict it.' Let there be no secret exceptions in your heart, to baulk any of its precepts, and shift off that part of obedience, which the flesh accounteth difficult or dear.

Direct. III. Remember that it is the will and testament of your Lord, and the covenant of most full and gracious promises; which all your comforts, and all your hopes of pardon and everlasting life are built upon. Read it therefore with love and great delight.' Value it a thousand fold more than you would do the letters of your dearest friend, or the deeds by which you hold your lands; or any thing else of low concernment. If the law was sweeter to David than honey, and better than thousands of gold and silver, and was his delight and meditation all the day, O what should the sweet and precious Gospel be to us!

Direct. IV. Remember that it is a doctrine of unseen things, and of the greatest mysteries; and therefore come not to it with arrogance as a judge, but with humility as a learner or disciple: and if any thing seem difficult or improbable to you, suspect your own unfurnished understanding, and not the sacred Word of God.' If a learner in any art or science, will suspect his teacher and his books, whenever he is stalled, or meeteth with that which seemeth unlikely to him, his pride would keep possession for his ignorance, and his folly were like to be uncurable.

Read Chap. iii, Direct. i. And against Unbelief, Part i..

Direct. v. " Remember that it is an universal law and doctrine, written for the most ignorant as well as for the curious; and therefore must be suited in plainness to the capacity of the simple, and yet have matter to exercise the most subtle wits; and that God would have the style, to savour more of the innocent weakness of the instruments, than the matter.' Therefore be not offended or troubled when the style doth seem less polite than you might think beseemed the Holy Ghost; nor at the plainness of some parts, or the mysteriousness of others: but adore the wisdom and tender condescension of God to his poor creatures.

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Direct. vI. Bring not a carnal mind, which savoureth only fleshly things, and is enslaved to those sins which the Scripture doth condemn :' " For the carnal mind is enmity against God, and neither is, nor can be subject to his law.' "And the things of God are not discerned by the mere natural man, for they are foolishness to him, and they must be spiritually discerned f:" and enmity is an ill expositor. It will be quarrelling with all, and making faults in the Word which findeth so many faults in you. It will hate that Word which cometh to deprive you of your most sweet and dearly beloved sin. Or, if you have such a carnal mind and enmity, believe it not, any more than a partial and wicked enemy should be believed against God himself; who better understandeth what he hath written, than any of his foolish enemies.

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Direct. VII. Compare one place of Scripture with another, and expound the darkest by the help of the plainest, and the fewer expressions by the more frequent and ordinary, and the more doubtful points by those which are most certain;' and not on the contrary.

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Direct. VIII. Presume not on the strength of your own understanding, but humbly pray to God for light; and before and after you read the Scripture, pray earnestly that the Spirit which did indite it, may expound it to you, and keep you from unbelief and error, and lead you into the truth","


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Direct. Ix. Read some of the best annotations or expositors;' who being better acquainted with the phrase of

e Rom. viii. 7. 8.

1 Cor. ii. 10. 12. xii. 8-10.

2 Cor. ii. 14.

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