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The Christ Child, Murillo.

Christ Child, Sinkel.

The Nativity, Muller.

The Holy Night, Correggio.

The Apparition of the Shepherds, Plockhorst. The Arrival of the Shepherds, LeRolle.

Rest in Flight to Egypt, Titian.

Adoration of Shepherds, Murillo.

The Virgin at Six, Zurbaran.

The Angelus, Millet.

Feeding Her Birds, Millet.

The First Step, Millet.

Bringing Home the New Born Calf, Millet.



THE procedure will depend somewhat upon the place and the time where the material is used. Wherever this may be, the hour will open with preparation of the room and work and with greetings to the children.

Order of service.-After the children have arrived, a conversation period with more general greeting may follow. If any of the children have birthdays, these may be recognized. If there is a Cradle Roll Department, new babies may be welcomed to it. When a collection is brought by the children, it should be received early in the hour, as the money, even when carried in an envelope or pocket book, is a cause for distraction until safely deposited.

After these more general forms, the special material for the day may be presented, and the contributions of the children received. Sometimes this part of the hour consists of a picture, flower, object, or animal study, and discussion. There are always songs, verses, or a story, and sometimes a dramatization. The prayer is woven in where it will express thought and feeling. Handwork usually follows the story in its function of interpreting or expressing. After the separation into the .smaller handwork groups there is always a coming together again for a song or two and a brief closing prayer. The personal good-by of the teacher is cherished by each child.

Birthdays. The recognition of his birthday means so much to the child that he looks forward to the day sometimes for months. It is an opportunity too for others to express their

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love and good wishes for him. The children like to guess whose birthday it is; they can usually tell by the pleased, conscious look on the face of the birthday child. They may sing the birthday song to him:

"Happy Birthday we will sing you;
Many wishes we will bring you;
We will light the candles gay,
For you are five years old to-day."

(Songs for the Little Child.)

The tiny birthday candles may be used and the small tin holders in which they fit. As many of the candles may be lighted as the child is years old. While they burn he may choose his favorite song and the children may sing it with him. Then he is glad to carry each candle to a playmate who blows it out for him and wishes him "A Happy Birthday" or some other joy. Perhaps the teacher will provide a flower or a card for the birthday child. All the children may repeat very softly:

"Love we are bringing thee,

Playmate so dear.

God give thee happiness
All through the year."

Instead of the verse an informal prayer may be made from the children's wishes, as, "Dear Heavenly Father, please give John a happy birthday and take care of him on this and every day."

The Cradle Roll.-Whenever a new baby comes to the home of any child in the group there should be a welcome for it. The child should have the opportunity to tell about the coming of the baby and the facts which he has gleaned concerning it; its name, how big it is, what it looks like, its lack of teeth and hair, its inability to walk or talk. The teacher

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