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FAME, n.





Fr. fame; It. and Sp. fama; Gr. phun, from pnui, dico, loquor, I say, I speak.

To speak or talk of, to report, to record, to rumour, to celebrate, to renown; to confer or bestow, renown or celebrity.

þe kyng hadde eke a broper, Nenny was hys name, Strong knygt and hardi, and mon of gret fame. R. Gloucester, p. 48. Ac pow hast famede me foule. by fore pe kynge here. Piers Plouhman. Vision, p. 49. And his fame wente into al Syrie, and thei broughten to him alle that weren at mal ese. Wiclif. Matthew, ch. iv.

And his fame spred abrode thorow out al Siria. And they brought vnto hym al sycke people that were taken with diverse diseases. Bible, Anno 1551.

The fame anon thurghout the toun is born,
How Alla King shal come on pilgrimage,
By herbergeours that wenten him beforn.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5417.
Or of Cesar the famous high renoun.

Id. Certaine Balades, fol. 338.

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There haue been diuers sonnes of Rome, whiche beyng in straunge countreies, haue doen great profite to the comon welth, and no lesse famed throughout the worlde, which after thei were retourned to their own houses, haue spilt more bloud in innocents, than thei had done before of the Barbariens. Golden Boke, ch. xiii.

I answere that Master Wyclife was noted whyle he was lyuynge, to be a man not onely of moste famous doctryne, but also of a very syncere lyfe and conuersació.

A Boke made by John Fryth, p. 19. An Answer to the Preface of

Master More's Boke.

This is certaine and cannot be denied, but that he being the publick reader of diuinitie in the uniuersitie of Oxford was for the' rude time wherein he liued, famously reputed for a great clearke, a deepe schooleman, and no less expert in all kind of philosophy. Fox. Martyrs, fol. 390. John Wickliffe his History. Unto this heauenly matter there was specially deputed a tendre young virgin, not set forth to the world with aboundaunce of riches or possessions, not by famousness of name, not portlynesse of fyfe, ne with the other thynges whiche this world vseth to haue in highe regarde, but endewed with excellent vertues of the minde, the whiche doe make a man acceptable in the sight of God.

Udall. Luke, ch. i.

A mischiefe Fame, there is none else so swift;
That mouing growes, and flitting gathers force:
First small for dred, sone after climes the skies:
Stayeth on earth, and hides her hed in cloudes.

Surrey. The fourth Book of Virgiles Encis.
This wit Futelli brings a suit of love
From Levidolche, one, however mask'd
In colourable privacy, is fam'd

The Lord Adurni's pensioner, at least.

Ford. The Lady's Trial, act i. sc. 3.

MAR. Why, art thou fam'd for any valour?
BES. Fam'd! I, I warrant you.

MAK. I'me e'en heartily glad on't, I have been with thee e're since thou cam'st to th' wars, and this is the first word that ever I heard, prethee who fames thee.

Beaumont and Fletcher. King and No King, act i. sc. 1.

D. ZAN. Madam, 'tis true, that absent at Madrid,
The custom of the Court, and vanity,
Embark'd me lightly in a gallantry

With the most fam'd of beauties there, Elvira.


Digby. Elvira, act v.


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be kyng hadde eke a broper, Nenny was hys name, Strong knygt and hardí, and mon of gret fame. R. Gloucester, p. 48. Ac pow hast famede me foule, by fore be kynge here. Piers Plouhman." Vision, p. 49. And his fame wente into al Syrie, and thei broughten to him alle that werea at mal ese. Wielif. Matthew, ch. 1.

And his fame spred abrode thorow out al Siria. And they brought vato hymn al sycke people that were taken with diverse disse Bible, Anno 1551.

The fame anon thurghout the town is born,
How Alla King shal come on pilgrimage,

By herbergtours that wenten him befom.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 17.

Or of Cesar the famous high reason.

There have been diners annues of Home, whiche beyng in ****** countries, haus doen great profits to the time walth, wit famed throughout the worlde, which after that were phy their own houses, haus spilt more blod in in, wind was done before of the Barbarien tublen Hube, fo

I answere that Master Wynlife was mided whyle b to be a man not only of muste pumune det syneere lyfe and

A Boke made by John Bryth, p. 19. An Answer to the for

Muster More's Hohe,

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FAME. Julius Cæsar took Pompey unprovided, and laid asleep his industry and preparations, by a fame that he cunningly gave out, how FAMILIAR Cæsar's own soldiers loved him not; and being wearied with the wars, and laden with the spoils of Gaul, would forsake him as soon as he came into Italy.

Bacon, Fragment of an Essay on Fame. Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise (That last infirmity of noble mind)

To scorn delights, and live laborious days;

But the fair guerdon when we hope to find,

And think to burst out into sudden blaze,

Comes the blind Fury with th' abhorred shears,
And slits the thin-spun life.

PETILL. That man that loves not this day,

Milton. Lycidas.

And hugs not in his arms the noble danger,
May he dye fameless and forgot.

Beaumont and Fletcher. Bonduca, act iii. sc. 2.

Arabia may be happy in the death

Of her reviving phenix: in the breath Of cool Favonius, famous be the grove

Of Tempe while we in each other's love.
For that let us be fam'd.

Habington. Castara, part ii.

She that with silver springs for ever fills
The shady groves, sweet meddowes, and the hills,
From whose continuall store such pooles are fed,
As in the land for seas are famoused.

Brown. The Inner Temple Masque.

Marvellous piece of divinity! and well worth that the land should pay six thousand pounds a year for, in a bishoprick; although I read of no sophister among the Greeks that was so dear, neither Hippias nor Protagoras, nor any whom the Socratic school famously refuted without hire.

Milton. The Reason of Church Government, book i. ch. v.





Bernard Gilpin, fum'd in the North for his zeal in religion, and
his care of his flock, was sent for up to court, to preach before the
Strype. Memorials. Anno 1552.
Macrobius too relates the vision sent
To the great Scipio, with fam'd event;
Objections makes, but after makes replies,
And adds that dreams are often prophesies.

Dryden. The Cock and the Fox.
In such base sentence if thou couch thy fear,
Speak it in whispers, least a Greek should hear.
Lives there a man so dead to fame, who dares
To think such meanness, or the thought declares.

Pope. Homer. Iliad, book xxiv. Since you do me the favour to desire a name from me, take that of Corinna, if you please; I mean not the lady with whom Ovid was in love, but the famous Theban Poetess, who overcame Pindar five times, as historians tell us.

Dryden. Letter 38. vol. i. part ii. p. 98. Fame is a blessing only in relation to the qualities, and the persons that give it, since otherwise the tormented prince of Devils himself were as happy as he is miserable; and famousness unattended with endearing causes is a quality so undesirable, that even infamy and folly can confer it. Boyle. On the Style of the Holy Scriptures.

It may be fit that I should set out with reminding you, that the great Earl of Chatham began and established the fame and glory of his life upon the very cause which my unfortunate clients were engaged in, and that he left it as an inheritance to the present minister of the crown, as the foundation of his fame and glory after him; and his fame and glory were accordingly raised upon it.

Erskine. Speeches, vol. iii. p. 395.

He [Du Fresnoy] had read his poem to the best painters in all places through which he passed, and particularly to Albano and Guercino, then at Bologna; and he consulted several men famous for their skill in polite literature. Mason. The Life of Monsieur Du Fresnoy.


Fr. famille, familier; It. famiglia, famigliare; Sp. familia, familiar; Lat. familiaris, from familia; Gr. oulia, from ourAos, an assembly, a gathering; from ouòs, and ŋ, a crowd, a multitude.

FA'MILISM, FA'MILIST. Many assembled, gathered or collected together; under the same household, of the same kin or kind, or lineage. Familiar, domestic, (in which sense it is particularly applied to a titular Officer of the Inquisition,) living together, as of one family; and thus, well known to, or acquainted with, each other; free from, or without restraint or ceremony; free, unceremonious, unrestrained; common, frequent.

Familiar, noun, is applied to a supposed Demon or
Spirit, who serves as a familiar or domestic attendant,
Ful wel beloved, and familiar was he
With frankeleins over al in his countree.

Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 216.
This yonge monk, that was so faire of face,
Acquainted was so with this goode man,
Sithen that hire firste knowlege began,
That in his hous as familiar was he,
As it possible is any frend to be.

Id. The Shipmannes Tale, v. 12961.

Lo in aduersity, thilke been his foes that glosed and seemed frendes in wealth; thus arne his familiars his foes & his enemies : and nothing is werse ne more naughty for to annoy, than is a familiar enemy.

Id. The second Booke of the Testament of Loue, fol. 301.

She [Fortune] vseth ful flattering familiaritie with hem that she enforceth to beguile. Chaucer. The second Booke of Boecius, fol. 215.

O perilous fire, that in the bedstraw bredeth :

O famuler fo, that his service bedeth!

Id. The Marchantes Tale, v. 9658.


I Nebucadnezar) happye and prosperous in my familie) and ryche in my palace) did see a dreame so ferefull) that my thoughtes in my bedde troubled my head greuously.

Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, ch. iv.

He called Diuitiacus vnto him, and remouinge his accustomed interpreters, commoned with him by Caius Valerius Troacillus, chiefe whom he chiefly trusted vnto in al thinges. gouernour of the Romane Prouince in Gallia, his familiar friend

Arthur Goldyng. Cæsar. Commentaries, fol. 15.

He saide to her in sport that ye Gods gaue him good aduice: and thereupon called back his familiars, and sat drynking till it was two houres after day light.

Brende. Quintus Curtius, book viii. fol. 227.

This grudge was perceived, by their mutuall frendes, whiche by charytable exhortacion and godly aduertisement, exhorted theim to renewe their old loue and famylyarytye, and to mete and enteruieu, in some place decent and conuenient.

Hall. Henry VI. The twelfth Yere. But ye that knowe me nerer & more familiarly, who doe yt I am? There Peter being more ardet and fyerie then the residue, ye saie made answer in ye name of them al: we know the to be Messias, whom God hath enoincted with al heauenly giftes of grace.

Udall. Luke, ch. ix.

MOR. JUN. My lord, the family of the Mortimores
Are not so poor, but, would they sell their land,
Could levy men enough to anger you.
Marlow. Edward II.

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