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When the portrait of Erafmus was one day Thewn to Luther, he said, "Were I to look like "this picture, I should be the greatest knave in "the world."

Luther had a perfonal diflike to Erafmus. They differed in opinion refpecting free-will. At the beginning of the difputes between the Papists and the Proteftants, Luther had done every thing in his power to bring him over to his opinion, and according to Boffuet had written fome very fervile letters to him for that purpose. At first Erasmus favoured the fentiments of Luther; but when he found the fchifm between the two Churches openly declared, he withdrew from Luther, and wrote against him with his ufual moderation. Luther answered with extreme violence; and Erafmus in one of his letters to Melancthon fays, "I really thought that Luther's marriage would have "foftened him a little. It is very hard for a "man of my moderation, and of my years, to "be obliged to write against a favage beaft and "furious wild boar."

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Erafmus, in another letter to Melancthon, speaks of Luther's excess of vehemence, and gives a folution of it. "What shocks me the "most in Luther is, that whatever opinion he "undertakes to defend, he pushes it to the ut"moft. And when he is told of this, inftead of becoming more moderate he goes on ftill


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farther, and seems to have a great pleasure to hurry on to a greater extremity. I know his difpofition from his writings as well as if I was living with him. He is of an ardent and impetuous fpirit. You see in every thing that he does, an Achilles, whofe anger is not to be sub"dued. Add to all this, his great success, the fa"vourable opinion of mankind, and the applaufes "of the great Theatre of the World, there is "furely fufficient to fpoil a man of the most modeft difpofition."

Malichias fays of Erasmus," that he used to "rife early, and give up his mornings to study "and to writing; then, in imitation of the An"<tients, make a late dinner, and afterwards give * himself up to the company of his friends, or "take a walk with them, and in converfation "chat pleasantly and cheerfully with them, or "repeat thofe fentences which, taken down in writing from his mouth by fome of them, have "fince appeared with the title of his Familiar "Colloquies."

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Erafmus had so great an averfion to fish, that he could not even bear the smell of it: this made the Papifts fay, that Erafmus had not only a Lutheran difpofition, but a Lutheran ftomach.

The memory of Erafmus was held in fuch veneration even by fovereigns, that Philip the Second of Spain, Mary Queen of Hungary, aud many Princes

Princes in their train, who were at Rotterdam in 1549, inflamed with a veneration for the memory of this great man, vifited the house and the chamber in which he was born.


THE memory of this learned and excellent Prelate will be ever endeared to all lovers of literature, for the patronage which he constantly afforded to Erafmus.

Warham died, as d'Alembert fays a Catholic Bishop ever should die, without debts and without legacies. Though he had passed through the higheft offices in the Church and State, he left little more than was requifite to pay his funeral charges. Not long before he died, he called for his fteward to know how much money he had in his hands, who told him that he had about thirty pounds. "Well then," replied he cheerfully, fatis "viatici ad Cælum: There is enough to laft me to "Heaven."

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Erafmus, on hearing of the death of this kindeft patron he ever had, thus expreffed himfelf in one of his letters to Charles Blunt, the fon of Lord Mountjoy: "My letter is, I fear, an

unpleasant melancholy letter. I have this in


"ftant heard that that incomparable treasure of "virtue and goodness William Warham has

changed this life for a better. I lament my "fate, not his; for he was truly my conftant anchor. We had made a folemn compact together, that we would have one common

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fepulchre; and I had no apprehenfion but "that he, though he was fixteen years older "than myfelf, would have furvived me. Nei"ther age nor difeafe took away from us this "excellent man, but a fatality not only to him"felf, but to Learning, to Religion, to the "State, to the Church. Though, as Lord

Archbishop of Canterbury, and Lord Chan"cellor of England, obliged to give audiences "to Ambaffadors, and his time to fuitors, yet " he had ftill time enough not only to tranfact "all his fecular bufinefs, but to beftow a large "portion of it upon ftudy and religion: for he "never loft a moment in hunting, in gaming, "in idle talk, or in amusement of any kind. "He occafionally received two hundred guests "at his table; amongst whom were Bifhops, "Dukes, and Earls; yet the dinner was always

over within the hour. Himfelf feldom tafted "wine; and when he was near feventy, he "drank, and that very moderately, a weak "liquor which the English call Beer. Though "fo fparing in his diet, he was always cheerful

" and

and lively in his converfation; and both be"fore and after dinner, preserved the fame

fobriety of behaviour. He joked himself, but "with great pleafantry, and permitted it in "others; yet he never allowed his jokes, or those "of his friends, to defcend into perfonality and "detraction, which he abhorred as much as any

man can deteft a ferpent. One peculiarity "he had which was fomething royal; he never "difmiffed any fuitor from him diffatisfied or out of humour."


In fpite of all his fubmiffions, joined with the great merits of his past services, would most probably have been executed, had not the death of Henry reserved him for more merciful times,

One of the Articles brought against the Duke was, that he had complained to a Mr. Holland, that he was not of the Cabinet, (or as he termed it, the Privy Council) that his Majefty loved him not because he was too much loved in the country; and that he would follow his father's leffon, which was, that the lefs opinion others fet by him, the more he would fet by himself.

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