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"the departure of the Cardinals.

The King

"rode that morning to view a piece of ground

which was afterwards

where Mistress Anne

"to make a park of, " called Harewell park, "had provided him a place to dine in, fearing "his return before my Lord Cardinal's depar


"Soon after these incidents, the King fent the "Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk to demand the "Great Seal from the Cardinal. This was foon "afterwards followed by the Cardinal's arrest, and" his death."

The following diftich was left upon the walls of the Cardinal's College, now that of Chrift-Church, in Oxford, whilft it was building:

Non ftabat ifta domus, multis fundata rapinis;
Aut cadet, aut alius raptor habebit eam.

Thefe walls, which rapine rais'd, what ills await,
By the juft judgment of unerring fate!

Soon or to ruin they shall fall a prey,

Or own a new ufurper's lawless fway.

The foundation-ftone of the College which the Cardinal founded at Ipswich was discovered a few years ago. It is now in the Chapter-house of Christ-Church, Oxford.

One of the most curious and entertaining pieces of biography in the English language is the account of the life of this great Child of Fortune


by his gentleman-ufher, Sir William Cavendish. It was first printed in the year 1641 by the Puritans, with many additions and interpolations, to render Archbishop Laud odious, by fhewing how far an Archbishop had once carried Church power. Mr. Grove, about the year 1761, published a correct edition of this Work, collated from the various MSS. of it in the Museum and in other of it places.

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According to this narrative, the Cardinal fays to Master Kingston upon his death-bed, "Let his Grace," meaning Henry the Eighth, con"fider the story of King Richard the Second, fon "of his progenitor, who lived in the time of "Wickliffe's feditions and herefies. Did not "the Commons, I pray you, in his time rife

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against the nobility and chief governors of this "realm, and at the last some of them were put "to death without justice or mercy? And, under "pretence of having all things common, did

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they not fall to spoiling and robbing, and at "laft tooke the Kinge's person, and carried him "about the city, making him obedient to their "proclamations?”

"Alas, if thefe be not plain precedents and "fufficient perfuafions to admonish a Prince, then "God will take away from us our prudent rulers, "and leave us to the hands of our enemies, & then " will

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"will enfue mischiefe upon mifchiefe, inconveniencies, barrenneffe, & fcarcitie, for want of "good order in the Commonwealth, from which "God of his tender mercy defend us.

"Master Kingston farewell. I wishe all things "may have good fucceffe! My time drawes on, " I may not tarrie with you. I pray remember " my words."

Wolfey was buried in the Church of the Abbey of Leicester, on the 30th of November 1530, efore day, and not (as Lord Herbert fays) at ndfor, where he had begun a monument for felf; wherein, as it appears," adds he,

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y our own records, he had not forgotten his "own image, which one Benedetto, a ftatuary "of Florence, took in hand in 1524, and con"tinued till 1529, receiving for so much as was


already done 4250 ducats; the defigne whereof "was fo glorious, that it exceeded far that of Henry the Seventh. Nevertheleffe I find the Cardinal, when this was finished, did purpose "to make a tombe for Henry the Eighth*. But dying in this manner, the King made use of


" fo

• Osborne obferves, that "Wolfey fhewed himfelf no ac4 complished courtier when he laid the foundation of a grave "for a living King, who could not be delighted with the fight "of his tomb, though never fo magnificent; having lived in "fo high fenfuality, as I may doubt whether he would have exchanged it for the joys of Heaven itfelf."

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"fo much as he found fit, and called it his. Thus "did the tomb of the Cardinal partake the "fame fortune with his College, as being affumed

by the King. The news of the Cardinal's death being brought to the King, it did fo much "afflict him, that he wished it had coft him twenty thousand pounds, upon condition that he "had lived. Howbeit, he omitted not to inquire

of about fifteen hundred pounds which the Car"dinal had lately got, without that the King "could imagine how."

It is faid in the Preface to a Grammar written by Mr. Haynes, the schoolmaster of Chrift-Church, that Cardinal Wolfey made the Accidence before Lily's Grammar.

"The Cardinal was a fhort lufty man," fays Aubrey, "not unlike Martin Luther, as appears

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by the paintings that remain of him." A great writer obferves, that few ever fell from fo high a fituation with lefs crimes objected to him. than Cardinal Wolfey: yet it must be remembered, that he gave a precedent to his rapacious Sovereign of feizing on the wealth of the Monafteries, which however the Cardinal might well apply, (fuppofing that injuftice can ever be fanctified by its confequences,) by bestowing it on the erection of seminaries of learning, yet that wealth, in the hands of Henry, became the means of pro

fufion and oppreffion; and corrupted and fubjugated that country, which it ought to have improved and protected.

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When Campejus was in England on the bufinefs of King Henry's divorce, he spent his time in hunting and gaming, and brought over with him a natural fon, whom the King knighted. The Duke of Suffolk often asked his Majefty, how he could debafe himself so, as to fubmit his caufe to fuch a vile, vicious, ftranger priest?

Menage fays, that there was a man of Campejus's acquaintance who took fuch care of his beard, that it coft him three crowns a month. The Cardinal told him one day, "That, by-andby, his beard would coft more than his head "was worth."

Many letters written by Campejus, peculiarly interesting on the hiftory of his own time, are to be met with in " Epiftolarum Mifcellanearum "Libri X."

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