Acts and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1845

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Стр. 376 - ... it shall be the duty of legislatures and magistrates, in all future periods of this commonwealth, to cherish the interests of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries of them; especially the university at Cambridge, public schools and grammar schools in the towns...
Стр. 684 - I know nothing that could, in this view, be said better, than " do unto others as ye would that others should do unto you...
Стр. 585 - ... fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court...
Стр. 73 - Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to each of the Governors of the several states and territories of this Union, and that our Senators and Representatives in Congress be requested to lay the same before their respective Houses of Congress.^ TEXAS.
Стр. 285 - Asylum, for the purpose of assisting and providing for deserted and destitute infant children, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes, and in all general laws which now are, or hereafter may be in force relating to such corporations.
Стр. 372 - It is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his life, liberty, property, and character, that there be an impartial interpretation of the laws, and administration of justice. It is the right of every citizen to be tried by judges as free, impartial, and independent as the lot of humanity will admit.
Стр. 45 - Geo. 4, c. 37,) it is enacted, " that in all cases where it shall be made to appear to any two or more justices of the peace of any county, riding, or division having a separate commission of the peace, or to any two or more justices of the peace of any liberty, franchise, city, or town in England or Wales...
Стр. 545 - Boston, and as such, shall have, exercise, and enjoy, all the rights, immunities, powers, and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties and obligations now incumbent upon and appertaining to, said city, as a municipal corporation.
Стр. 267 - Each of such arbitrators shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of the city or town in which the controversy...
Стр. 427 - Association, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions, set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes...

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