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The following photos of the Egyptian nobility of about 2,000 years ago, when compared with the modern Anglo-Saxon, illustrate the natural development of man:

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Note the difference between this photo and those of modern AngloSaxon beauties


(164-145 B. C.)


The white race has an intensity of will and desire which is controlled by intellectuality.

Great things are undertaken readily, but not blindly. It manifests a strong utilitarianism, united with a powerful imagination, which elevates, ennobles, and idealizes its practical ideas. The negro can only imitate, the Chinese only utilize the work of the white, while the latter is abundantly capable of producing new works. His high sense of honor is a faculty unknown to other races, and springs from an exalted sentiment of which they show no indications. His sensations are less intense than in either the black or yellow, but his mentality is far more developed and energetic.

In support of the theory of Divine Creation we have the Bible and its millions of teachers. In support of the theory of "Evolution" we have many of the Bible teachers and thousands of scientists who comprise the foremost body of intellectual instructors and investigators of modern times. There is in reality no conflict between the two, for, as we have previously shown, God in His wisdom could have created man in either of the two ways.

A fire-mist and a planet,
A crystal and a cell,

A jelly-fish and a saurian,

And caves where cave-men dwell;
Then a sense of law and beauty,
And a face turned from the clod;
Some call it Evolution,

And others call it God.

A haze on the far horizon,

The infinite tender sky,

The ripe, rich tints of the cornfields,
And the wild geese sailing high,
And all over-upland and lowland-
The charm of the golden-rod;

Some of us call it Autumn,
And others call it God.

Like tides on a crescent sea-beach,
When the moon is new and thin,

Into our hearts high yearnings

Come welling and surging in;
Come from the mystic ocean,
Whose rim no foot has trod;

Some of us call it Longing,

And others call it God.

-William Herbert Carruth.

According to science, every living creature passes through the various stages of development of its race.

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I have seen negro boys, two and three years old, sleep sitting on their "haunches," as it may best be expressed, resting their head on their knees; a position that is common in the ape tribe.

H. M. Bernelot Moens, Dutch professor of zoology, left Paris March 27, 1908, with a scientific expedition for the French Congo. The financial backing for the affair is provided by Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, the prince consort and the queen mother. The Pasteur Institute, of Paris, is also aiding the expedition, and the French government has instructed the governor of the French Congo to assist in every possible way.

The object of this expedition is to create a new race midway between the anthropoid (man-like) apes and the Congolese negroes. Fossil skulls that have been found-one near Dusseldorf in 1856, a second in a cave near Namur in 1879, and a third in the Isle of Java in 1891-prove that such an intermediate race once existed. Professor Moens believes that the time is come for science, in full freedom and disregarding religious prejudices, to experiment in this field. Speaking of this investigation, Professor Moens said:

"The anthropoid ape is the type nearest to man. It has the same number of bones, the same number of muscles, the teeth are similar, the nervous system is the same, and the embryonic evolution the same. "Recent researches prove that identical blood circulates in man and the anthropoid ape. This fact is of extreme importance, for animals. not closely akin have blood of different composition. That is, we cannot succeed in mixing those bloods. When the blood of a cat is mixed with the blood of a hare both animals die in a few minutes of convulsive attacks. On the other hand, we can mix the blood of the rabbit with that of the hare, of the horse and the donkey, and the blood of a dog and a wolf without destroying the red corpuscles. Also, experience shows that such kindred animals can breed and have descendants; then why not the hybrid of a man and an anthropoid ape? Science has already crossed the various apes, overcoming the prejudices and dislikes of these animals for each other by artificial means.

"The crossing of anthropoids with the lower apes is of great value. to science. It now remains for science to cross anthropoids with the higher race, and I have chosen the negroes of the French Congo as being the nearest of all humans to these apes. Of course, you understand I shall use artificial methods, selecting as mothers the youngest and healthiest specimens of the anthropoid apes. I expect also to carry on similar experiments with Congolese negroes and female gorillas and

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