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chimpanzees. Unscientific people may criticise this work, but it is of the greatest value as showing the origin and development of the human race."

The fifth, ninth, tenth and eleventh chapters of Genesis; the first chapter of Ist Chronicles, and the first chapter of Matthew, upon which the theory of the descent of the negro from Ham is based, does not convey that idea to the thoughtful reader. Genesis 10-19 proves the contrary.

If the Hamite origin of the negro were true, the Hottentots, Australians, Papuan and negroes have greatly degenerated, contrary to all the laws of nature, as will be observed by the outline on pages 5 and 6. Dr. Winchell says:

"Negroes are void of sensibility to a surprising degree. They are not subject to nervous disease, nor does any mental disturbance keep them awake. "The mental indolence of negroes is further shown in the comparative records of insanity and idiocy. While among whites mania occurs in the proportion of 0.76 per thousand, among negroes it is only 0.10 per thousand. While idiocy among the former is 0.73 per thousand, among the latter it is 0.37 per thousand.

"Let me mention one fact especially, drawn from my own experience of forty years.

"The coarseness of their organization makes them require about double the dose of ordinary medicine used for whites.

"The exemption of the negro from malarial diseases, and sundry other pathological affections of the white race is another significant diagnostic. If the population of New England, Germany, France, England, or other northern climates, should come to Mobile, or to New Orleans, a large proportion would die of yellow fever. On the contrary, negroes, under all circumstances, enjoy an almost perfect exemption from the disease, even though brought from our northern states.

"In the negro the development of the body is generally in advance of the white. His wisdom teeth are cut sooner; and in estimating the age of his skull we must reckon it as at least five years in advance of the white.

"The person of the white exhales an odor which is scarcely perceptible, and not especially offensive. In striking contrast to this the negro is characterized by a very strong, offensive odor.

Among negroes the forearm is longer in proportion to the arm than is the case with whites. The same is true of anthropoid apes. The negro's arm when suspended by the side reaches the knee-pan within a distance of only four and three-eighths per cent of the whole length of the body. The white man's arm reaches the knee-pan within a distance which is seven and one-half per cent of the whole length of the body. This length of the arm is a quadrumanous characteristic.

"The teeth of the negro are wider apart than in the white races, beautifully white, very firm and sound, and set slanting in the jaw. Their ears are small, round, and their border not well curled, the lobule short and scarcely detached, and the auditory opening wide. The neck is short, lips thick, hair woolly, nose flat, calves slender, and the retreating contour of the chin as compared with the European approximates the negro to the chimpanzee and lower mammals. The entire face, and especially the lower portion, projects forward. The face occupies the greater portion of the total length of the head. The anterior cranium is less developed than the

posterior, relatively to that of the white. In other words, the negro has the cerebral cranium less developed than the white.

"In some parts of southern Asia and eastern Africa the natives live together in herds without the slightest attempt at clothing, and their whole mode of living shows much more resemblance to that of hordes of wild apes than to any civilized community.

There are also places in rural districts of Louisiana where the negroes live in a similar manner. They live in large colonies, poor, filthy, diseased, and act like semi-savages.

"It is a well-known fact that the chimpanzees and monkeys of Africa use stones to crack nuts, and throw them with almost as much accuracy as the natives of that continent.

"Buffon's chimpanzee offered people his arm and walked with them in an orderly manner. He also used a knife and fork while eating."

This is only one of the thousands of similar known instances of almost human intelligence that have been displayed by these animals. In view of the fact that all nature tends to rise in the scale of life, is it any wonder that science was led to trace the relationship of such human-acting creatures to the lowest forms of man?

"The inferiority of the negro is fundamentally structural. I have enumerated the points in his anatomy in which he diverges from the white race and have indicated that, in all these particulars, he approximates the organisms below. It follows that what the negro is structurally at the present time is the best he has ever been. It follows that he has not descended from Adam."

Negroes know no bashfulness, and are never ashamed of their conduct. If accused they enumerate all sorts of excuses, and assume a look of innocence that would do credit to a saint.

On March 12, 1908, I saw a negro boy, evidently about thirteen years old, being led by handcuffs through the Baltimore union depot. He walked erect, rattled his handcuffs, and attracted attention, with apparent pride in the performance. Eye-witnesses to his theft said that he professed absolute ignorance of it.

Dr. Winchell also says that capacity of cranium is universally recognized as a criterion of psychic power.

"The average weight of the European brain, male and female, is 1340 grams; that of the negro is 1178; of the Hottentot, 974. The brain of Byron, the poet, at 36 years of age, weighed 1807 grams, and that of Cuvier, the naturalist, at 63 years, weighed 1829 grams.'

The following table shows the inferiority of an admixture of negro blood:

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1278 -Anthropology.

Notwithstanding these facts, there are some who claim that the negro

is the equal of the caucasian.

Dr. Hrdlicka, of the Smithsonian and National Museum, and one of the best authorities on the subject, says:

"While the chimpanzee is very close to man in a great many respects, yet it is probable that the one or several direct progenitors of mankind were other primates, now modified or extinct. Man's evolution has doubtless been in most respects gradual, and intermediary forms between the last ape-primate and the actual man were surely innumerable."

Such evolution of the negro is certainly no more improbable than that of the domestic fowl from the snake family, as proved by science. The earliest known historical reference to the "races of men" is given by Plato, 300 years B. C. His father, Solon, a law-giver of Athens, spent ten years in Egypt, where he obtained fragments of the history of the lost continent of Atlantis, from which the earliest races probably sprung. Plato frequently alludes to "the human race" and "the race of men.'

Since Plato's time, Darwin, Haeckel, Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer, Winchell, M. de Quatrefages and others have traced the probable development of certain species of animals to the lower species of man, types of the negro, leaving us to conclude for ourselves whether or not the Malay, Indian, Mongolian and Caucasian developed from the former.

From this we may assume that whether we believe in the theory of Natural Development, or Divine Creation, the negro descended from a species of prehistoric animal of which there may be several "missing links."



History has taught us that in all great migrations, where one class of people migrated to or invaded another country, one of three conditions is inevitable:

First, the invaders might absorb and finally exterminate the original inhabitants.

Second, they might be driven out by the original possessors of the country.

Third, they might be absorbed by the original inhabitants.

The first condition mentioned was what happened with regard to the North American Indians. There was no absorption or amalgamation; they were driven westward, step by step, as the white man advanced. Examples of the second are numerous among the various tribes of Africa. The Jews of Russia may also be included in this class.

As to the third, the belief is quite prevalent that the Indian and Mongolian are the result of an amalgamation of the Caucasian race and those of the Malay and negro.

Many of the nations that have achieved greatness and whose powers are a thing of the past have probably been reduced to their present condition by the adoption of such methods.

Greece, Rome and China are the most remarkable examples of this phenomena. Carroll discusses the subject as follows:

"Mixed bloods in which the white blood largely predominates may, under favorable conditions, retain more or less of their inherited possessions for an indefinite period. From among the numerous examples of this kind which are furnished by various continents we shall select Greece as an illustration, since her history, both ancient and modern, is more generally understood.

"There was a period in the history of Greece when her people were famed throughout the world for their white skins, their fair hair, and their possession of all the exalted physical and mental characters which are peculiar to that sublime creature whom God honored in the creation by the bestowal of His 'likeness' and His 'image.' In that remote age of her history, Greece gave to posterity a galaxy of intellects whose names and whose achievements adorn the brightest pages in the world's history. But, alas! alas! their towering intellectuality, their boundless enterprise, their resistless energy, their dauntless courage, combined with their forgetfulness of God, paved the way to their ruin. During their various wars thousands of

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