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negroes were captured and imported into Greece as slaves, together with thousands of captives taken from the mixed-blooded tribes and nations against whom Greece waged war.

"These were never exported, yet they have long since disappeared, leaving no progeny of negroes in their stead. And it is a scientific fact, and one which no anthropologist, no historian, and no traveler will deny, that the white-skinned, fair-haired Greek of ancient times has also disappeared, leaving no progeny of white-skinned, fair-haired Greeks.

"What became of them? A glance at our surroundings should convince us that, in an evil hour, amalgamation laid its blighting touch upon the vitals of Greece; and, in the course of centuries, under its destructive influences, the white-skinned, fair-haired Greek and the black-skinned, woollyhaired negro disappeared, and were replaced by the dark-haired Greek of modern times. This radical change in the physical characteristics of her population was accompanied by a corresponding change in their mentality, and consequently in the status of Greece among the nations of the earth; and that fair land, once the home of the highest culture, became the abode of ignorance and superstition. Many a long century has dragged its weary length into eternity since Greece produced a Homer, an Aristides, a Herodotus, a Pericles, a Solon, a Plato, or a Demosthenes.

"Pausing amid the busy scenes of daily life to view the routes which man has trodden from the creation to the crucifixion, or even down to the fall of the Roman Empire, or down to our day, if you will, we observe the wrecks of principalities, kingdoms and empires, with here and there one which in the zenith of its wealth and power ruled the world. But, alas! their glory has departed; their once intellectual, cultured and powerful populations no longer grace the earth; their name is history; in many instances even their national boundaries are stricken from the maps of the world; their once fertile fields that bloomed and fruited in the smiles of heaven and yielded an abundant harvest as the reward of intelligent, industrious culture are now barren wastes; their former cities, once the flourishing marts of the world's commerce, are now buried beneath the earth, or if any vestige of them remains upon its surface still, a mass of ruins alone mark their sites; their once splendid capitals, within the palaces of which royalty, the nobility, the intellect, the culture, the beauty, the chivalry, the wealth and fashion of those ancient realms held high revel, are now swept from the earth, or are in ruins. Like Petra, Idumea's once proud capital, they are degraded to a fold for herds and flocks; or, like Ninevah, that city that dwelt carelessly,' they have become a 'desolation-a place for beasts to lie down in'; or, like Palenque, the ruins of their former beauties and grandeurs are now buried in the gloom and solitude of the jungle. Their histories or their traditions, if any have descended to us, or their monuments or their inscriptions, if any remain, all teach us that in their prosperous days the white and black-man and negro-were represented in their populations. But, strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless true that any remnant of their descendants which can be identified are colored-some shade of brown or yellow. If neither history, nor tradition, nor monument, nor inscription, nor any remnant of their descendants can be found, an investigation of the ruins of their civilization reveals the idol-the most infallible evidence that amalgamation destroyed them."

"Many valuable arts which these ancient whites possessed were inherited by their mixed-blooded descendants and lost; such as the art of tempering copper to the hardness of steel, etc.'

"On the monuments of Central America there are representations of bearded men. How could the beardless American Indian have imagined a bearded race?

"Professor Wilson describes the hair of the ancient Peruvians as found upon their mummies as a light brown and of a fineness of texture which equals the Anglo-Saxon race.

"Ancient ruins of remarkable edifices were found near Hungaria, and described by Cieca de Leon, who said that, according to tradition, that city was built by bearded white men who came there long before the time of Incas and established a settlement."

Quatrefages says: "In the crossings between unequal human races the father almost always belongs to the superior race. In every case, and especially in the transient amours, woman refuses to lower herself; man is less delicate." This is also proven in the association of the whites and negroes of America.

According to Renouf, Wilkerson, Rawlinson, Legge, Clark and Max Muller, many of the mixed-blooded races, such as the Chinese, Hindoos, Egyptians, etc., have preserved some of the literature of their white ancestors. Careful investigation of this literature reveals the fact that their remote ancestors were monotheists. Yet in every instance their mixed-blooded descendants, when far removed from the influence of the whites, have lost all knowledge of God, and have in many instances. descended to idolatry.




From time immemorial the various tribes of Africa have made slaves not only of their enemies, but also of numbers of their own tribes. Almost every European nation has from time to time secured and retained as slaves these blacks of Africa.

Negroes were not, as a rule, filched from their homes by white depredators, but were gathered into convict gangs by their own village chiefs and driven to the baracoons (barracks), where they were held until purchased and shipped off to foreign lands. Neighbors who had domestic quarrels had only to prefer charges of witchcraft in order to get each other into the chain gang, ordeals by poison, or fire, determining their guilt, subject to the caprice of the petty officials administering them, and these in turn were easily susceptible to bribes. As a rule, white slave traders, or contractors, as they were termed, had native chiefs in their service, who went on raids for the purpose of collecting slaves for export; so that, between the upper and nether millstones, common people had a poor chance for a permanent residence on the Dark Continent.

Following this custom, a Dutch trader sailed to Liberia, situated on the western coast of Africa, and captured in 1620 a ship load of these black natives of the jungle, and, thinking only of his ill-gotten gain, regardless of the future results upon the nation, introduced the slave trade into America.

At that time the people of the southern States were as loath to keeping slaves as were those of the northern States. No slave was ever brought to this country by a southern vessel.

From 1670 to 1864 negroes were kept as slaves south of Mason and Dixon's Line (boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania), where they cultivated cotton, tobacco, and corn. During this time they learned to till the soil, harvest crops, raise live stock, and some of them learned the rudiments of the carpenter trade.

Their contact with American people, especially on the plantations of men like George Washington, had a tendency to make them more. capable of making a living and supporting a family than in their natural

state. They were still entirely incapable of managing their own affairs, but in this condition were turned loose in 1864 a free race among the most highly civilized people of the world. Some of them were glad to get away from cruel traders; others refused to leave good masters. Through the influence of United States Senators Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner, the former one of the most unscrupulous, yet influential, politicians that was ever in the United States Congress, a law was passed giving the negroes a right to vote and disfranchising the southern whites who had participated in the civil war. Stevens opposed Lincoln in all of his policies. In his argument with Stevens, Abraham Lincoln said: "I believe that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will forever forbid their living together on terms of political and social equality. If such be attempted. one must go to the wall."

"Very well," said Stevens, "pin the southern white man to the wall! Our party and the nation will then be safe. The life of our party demands that the negro be given the ballot and made the ruler of the South."

"My God! Stevens, are you a man or a savage?" replied Lincoln. "The negro has cost us $5,000,000,000, the desolation of ten great states, and rivers of blood. We can well afford a few million dollars more to effect a permanent settlement of the issue. We must assimilate or expel them.

"I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal. A mulatto citizenship would be too dear a price to pay even for emancipation. We can never attain the ideal Union our fathers dreamed of, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable. A nation cannot exist half white and half black, any more than it could exist half slave and half free."-The Clansman.

At this point it will be well to recall the fact that in 1778 Virginia, and in 1798 Georgia, passed acts prohibiting the importation of slaves, Virginia fixing as a penalty the fine of 1,000 pounds.

Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky formed a compact to support a practical system of emancipating slaves by degrees. This movement was stopped by the abolitionists, who demanded immediate and uncompensated freedom of all slaves.

After the assassination of Lincoln, which marked the saddest event that the nation ever knew, and at one of the most critical crises, when he, above all men, was needed to solve the race problem of America, Thaddeus Stevens was not only instrumental in annulling Lincoln's plans, but succeeded in enforcing laws directly contrary to them. Lincoln had told Stevens that he promised to reinstate the South when they laid down their arms. This he intended to do, regardless of Stevens

or anyone else. He also told Stevens that he would colonize the negro. Stevens replied: "The South must be wiped off the map and made submissive." After the disfranchising of all southern whites who had participated in the war and placing the ballot in the hands of the negroes a condition existed in the southern states the equal of which has never been recorded in history. Big, black, burly, bare-footed, ragged negroes with dirty white collars and bright red or yellow neckties sat in public offices, and, although they could neither read nor write their names, executed the laws of their communities, while the aristocratic southern men, who had been their masters and owners, could neither command, instruct, nor vote with them.

J. S. Pike, who at that time was United States Minister to Holland, and who had been an abolitionist during the war, visited the South, and afterwards wrote a little book called "Black Parliament," in which he says:

"Here, then, is the outcome, the ripe fruit, of boasted civilization of the South. She gradually rose to wealth, culture, and refinement. Now reduced and prostrate in the dust. Overruled by conglomerate ranks of its own servile population, rude, most ignorant democracy that mankind ever saw, invested with functions of government. The dregs of the population inhabit the robes of their predecessors. Barbarism overwhelming civilization. A wonder and a shame to civilization."

W. L. Clowes, a northerner, reporting for The New York Times, who spent twelve years in the South investigating race conditions at that time, writes in "Black America":

"In North Carolina several members of the State Legislature were unable to read. They robbed the state and trifled with its credit. A barroom was established in the capitol building, where drinking and smoking continued from morning till night.”

On account of the Republican party being in power during the civil war and at its close, the negroes were Republicans to a man.

In Alabama there were 26 negroes in the House and I in the Senate. The negroes sold their votes to the highest bidder. Strife and illfeeling was kept up between the two races.

In South Carolina, in 1876, the election returns for delegates for framing a new state constitution showed 63 negroes and 34 whites. The whites were northern adventurers and southern renegades. The constitution drawn up by this body was adopted in 1867 by negro voters, who were not legally franchised until March 30, 1870.


They exploited the state for their own private interests. Fancy clocks, expensive sofas, and $20 spittoons replaced the old ones. A combination restaurant and saloon was also established in the capitol.

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