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admitting, at least to some extent, the influence of one or more of these. Instead of doing so, Mr. Henderson has preferred a distinct charge against the membership of the English Presbyterian Church of a highly offensive character, and which I believe to be entirely unfounded.

My own opinion is that an inveterate attachment to everything Scottish in Presbyterianism, and our aversion to any innovation that savours of assimilation to English customs and ideas, is mainly to blame for the evil complained of. I have laboured for some years to impress this fact on the mind of the Church. I have stated and proved that we do not retain one-tenth of that element in the English community which is legitimately our own; to say nothing of getting hold of the English mind. I have shown that while our Church is zealous to conserve everything that is venerable in Presbyterian polity and doctrine, she fails utterly in her attempt to conserve her own children, who, though nourished and brought up within her pale, leave her in thousands to swell the ranks of other churches in England. For making such statements I have been regarded as unfriendly to our Church, as "a setter forth of strange doctrines," while my descriptions of her poverty have been indignantly denied. If proof were wanting that my unpopular opinions were founded in

truth, Mr. Henderson's letters, and such articles as that entitled "On the Wing," in the Messenger of November last, would certainly supply it.

But my object at present is not so much to establish my own opinions, as to ask for proof of Mr. Henderson's charge. The charge has been made and published, and should either be substantiated or withdrawn. Being Englishmen and Presbyterians, it is not meet that we should be "beaten openly uncondemned." We are entitled to a trial. If we have done ought worthy of censure, we refuse not to be censured; but if the charge cannot be substantiated, let it be withdrawn, and, instead of censure, let the mead of praise be awarded to us, which is the reward of those who stand firm at their post in the day of discouragement and of small things.

I do not imagine there would be any difficulty in ascertaining the average liberality of our members, and I firmly believe that when ascertained it would stand com. parison with that of any other Dissenting Church in England.

One great advantage, perhaps the greatest, that would accrue from such an investigation would be the discovery of the true source of "our leanness."


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The following Report was presented to the Synod at its late Meeting

in Sunderland.

It is with much satisfaction that the Com-phical advantages enjoyed by most of those mittee on this occasion come before the who have entered for the first time are of a Synod to report the state of the College during the year which has just elapsed.


The number of students at present is fourteen, of whom nine are Englishmen by birth, three are from Scotland, and two from Ireland.

Eight of the whole number are new to the College since last meeting of Synod. The average attendance has been considerably more than maintained; and it is gratifying to state that the literary and philoso

high order. Thus, two have attended the University of Glasgow during four sessions; one, Owen's College, Manchester, three sessions; one, Queen's College, Belfast, three sessions; one, University College, London, two sessions, of eight months each; one, the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow, four sessions, besides that of Bonn one year and a half; one, Edinburgh University, five sessions; and the eighth, who has been admitted only as a preliminary student, is now attending University College.

While remembering that the highest

qualifications for a faithful Christian ministry are those communicated by the Spirit himself, we cannot but feel it to be a matter of sincere thankfulness that, under the present circumstances of Presbyterianism in England, so many young men of good literary attainments should have been directed, during the past year, to our College, and that so good a prospect should be thus held out of securing for our Church and her congregations the services of a ministry thoroughly furnished with those accomplishments, and well-trained in those habits of study which, when added to an ardent love for the Saviour and for the souls of men, are so important to an enlightened and successful discharge of ministerial duty.

It is extremely pleasing to add that the Presbyterial examiners, before whom those students appeared as candidates for admission, have in every case expressed themselves highly satisfied with their attainments.


Last year, in accordance with a Supplementary Report of the College Committee, the Synod directed this Committee to endeavour to raise £100 annually for three years, in order to provide two scholarships of £50 per annum, to be competed for by students in an examination prescribed by this Committee.

This direction of the Supreme Court the Committee have endeavoured to carry out; and, though they have not fulfilled it to the letter, they have been enabled to do more, by securing three scholarships of £40 and one of £20. They do not doubt that the Synod will favourably accept this report of

their success.

having come to London with the view of studying for the work of the ministry among his own countrymen, was kindly adopted by them, and has been materially aided in his object, both by the instructions they have bestowed and by the contributions they have procured for him. It is pleasing to remark that the students of the Free Church of Scotland, and of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, have taken a lively interest in this labour of love, and have made remittances in aid of this object.

In addition to the regular students during ! the last session, the lectures have been attended by Behari Lal Singh, well known by name at least to the members of the Synod as a native Indian convert, educated in the Free Church Institution at Calcutta, who, though already licensed to preach the Gospel, has been welcome to avail himself of the opportunities afforded by the prelections of our Professors for enlarging his theological attainments.

Since last Synod two students have obtained license to preach the gospel-both from the Presbytery of London. One of them, Mr. David Fotheringham, has since received a cordial call to the ministry from the congregation at Glanton, vacant by the lamented death of the Rev. D. Lennie, and is now, for the first time, a member of this Court. The other, Mr. Duncan Frazer, after supplying for a time in several vacancies, has accepted a six months' engagement at Maidstone.

One student, Mr. John McGowan, has followed the example given last year by Mr. J. C. Cowie, and has left the College, with one year of his curriculum incomplete, that he might enter the missionary field in China under the London Missionary Society. Both of them have sailed, and are probably already engaged in the duties of their mission.

Previous to the opening of the autumn session these scholarships were duly competed for in terms of the Synod's directions. The three of £40 were awarded respectively to Messrs. David Gordon, Bernard M. Six students will complete their course Baker, and Thomas McLaren, and that of this session, and are expected early to apply £20 to Mr. George Edwards, who, though to their Presbyteries for licenses, namely equal to the others in logic and mathe--Messrs. Robert Thom, James Brown, matics, proved less proficient in classics. James Anderson, Richard Glover, John Three other students enjoy bursaries of £40 each from the Hewley Fund.

During the last two sessions the students have found an object of common interest in the person of a young Nestorian Christian, from Koordistan (David Johanan), who,

Kelly, and James Laing; of whom four are by birth Englishmen a proportion nearly maintained in the whole College. One of these advanced students has offered himself as our missionary to India, and has been accepted; and one of them, during the

past year, has taken partial charge of the station at Milwall, where he has laboured, as time and his College duties allowed, with acceptance and success.

There are several licentiates trained in our College, who are still without fixed charge: namely-Messrs. Dunn, Layburn, Boddie, and Frazer, who have been usefully engaged during the past year in various fields of labour, chiefly in England; and the Committee respectfully suggest that the time has come when the Synod should make a permanent arrangement for the employment of these licentiates. The Committee feel that there is much in the report they have thus rendered to encourage the Church in her collegiate enterprise. We have now realised in a fair measure the success which its earliest friends anticipated. Through its means we see rising around us a band of ministers-English in their training, and increasingly English by birth, accent, and early association-to transmit the blessings of our Presbyterial polity, along with a pure and well-taught gospel, to another generation; and, by the blessing of God and the liberality of our members, we can anticipate with confidence an extension of the blessings it confers.

the ministrations of highly educated teachers, they ought not to be so; and yet it must be to the more intelligent and wealthy that we make our chief appeal for a continuation and increase of those supplies on which the support of the Institution depends. It cannot constantly rely on fitful or spasmodic efforts, often put forth, to deliver it from the pressure of frequently-recurring embarrassments; and while our excellent Professors are faithfully giving themselves to the work committed to them by the Church, it is not too much to expect that the Church will in time take care not only to have the pecuniary affairs of this Institution put on such a footing as to deliver it from periodical difficulties, but to have them provided on so liberal a scale as to permit regular and adequate remuneration to those whose lives are devoted to its service.

The Committee believe that, at length, the Synod is in circumstances to raise the salary of Dr. Lorimer to a level with that of his colleague, and take leave to recommend that well-deserved expression should thus be given to the sense entertained by the Church of the valuable services rendered by him to her cause during a period of twenty-three years.

The financial affairs of the Institution will be given in a separate report. They The supply of new students has this year present a more healthy aspect than on many been considerably above the average, and former occasions-a result due chiefly to the licenses likely to be immediately applied the indefatigable exertions of our Treasurer, for are comparatively numerous. And yet who, undeterred by the difficulties of his we see the necessity of a still larger supply undertaking, has continued to keep the of those from whose personal devotion to the claims of the College before the Church, ministry our congregations hope to draw and has so stimulated the zeal of its friends their future teachers. This is a topic on as to bring to its aid those material supplies which, year after year, the College Comwhich it needed. The Committee beg to mittee has dwelt in its reports; nor can we remind the Synod and the Church that the yet cease to urge on the youth of our College needs a constant and regular flow Church the necessity of giving their attenof liberality to maintain it in carrying on tion to the claims which the service of the the work for which it was erected. There ministry makes upon them. On parents is little in this enterprise to address the we would still press the duty of encouraging imagination, or to awaken popular enthu- some of their sons to give themselves, with siasm. It must mainly depend on the high a true heart, to the glorious work of preachand enlightened principles of those of its ing the gospel of the grace of God to sinmembership who have intelligence to appre-ners. And to the Church at large we would ciate an advanced standard of pulpit minis- say, in conclusion,-Let this Institution be tration. In an unendowed church, efforts to you an object of deep interest and of adequately to educate the clergy have often faithful support; and let it have a more been arduous, and by the bulk of the Chris- constant place in your prayers at a throne tian people feebly supported. In our of grace. It is one of the mainstays of our Church, accustomed as our people are to system in England, and we can as little

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Association, Crookham

Do. Canning Street, Liverpool

Sabbath School, St. Peter's,


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Juvenile Missionary Association, St. Andrew's Free Church, Manchester

£4 5 0


THIS Presbytery met in the College Hall, on Tuesday, the 12th June. The following members were present-Drs. M'Crie (moderator), Hamilton, and Weir; Messrs. Thompson, Chalmers, Wright, Burns, M'Laren, and Ballantyne, ministers; Messrs. Bell, Ritchie, Wilson, Keiller, and Blest, elders.

2 10 0 The Rev. Dr. Macleod, of Nova Scotia, 0 186 and the Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ballina,

4 10 0


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2 11 2

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28 7 0

were associated.

Mr. Ritchie reported that the new church at Milwall was opened for public worship on Sabbath, the 3rd.

Dr. Hamilton laid on the table the call Donation, Mr. Edward Walker, Torquay 1 10 to the Rev. M. Davidson, of Birdhopecraig, 137 from the congregation at Dalston, addressed

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£23 2 4

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Marylebone, Subscription, R.
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4 3 3

4 10 0

9 10 0

which was sustained, and Dr. M'Crie appointed to prosecute it before the Presbytery of Northumberland.

Mr. M'Laren brought before the Presbytery resolutions unanimously adopted at a recent meeting of the congregation assembling in Old Chapel, Cliffe, Lewes, craving from the Presbytery a supply of divine ordiMr. M'Laren cordially supported nances. 0 0 100 the application, and, along with a deputy 200 from the congregation, furnished the Pres2 169 bytery with information on various points relating to it. Whereupon the Presbytery agreed to recognise the congregation at Lewes as a preaching-station within the 2 30 bounds, and appointed the Session at Brigh140 ton, with Mr. Wright, of Southampton, a 160 temporary session for their oversight. 14 0 0 On the motion of Mr. Wright, the Pres 176 bytery resolved to endeavour to raise a congregation at Exeter, to request the Home 20 0 0 Mission Committee to aid them in this work for a year, and to appoint a committee, consisting of Drs. Hamilton and M'Crie, and Messrs. Chalmers and Wright, with Messrs. Watson and Bruce, elders, to carry it on. Through the zeal of Mr. Wright, and the liberality of Robert Barbour, Esq., Manchester, a handsome church (Christ Church), capable of accommodating 1,200 persons, has been secured for three years, with the liberty of purchase on favourable terms, and 2379 is to be opened by Mr. Wright on the third 27 15 9 Sabbath of July.

3 11 6

17 7 0

41 1 7

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64 10 0

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4 12 6

Mr. Thompson, Dr. Weir, and Mr. Ballantyne were appointed a committee to exa26 14 7 mine the Schools at Woolwich, on the 20th. The consideration of the report on the Harrow Road Congregation was resumed, and the Presbytery agreed to moderate in a call there on the 26th.

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An application to moderate in a call at Maidstone was also granted.

The thanks of the Presbytery were recorded to R. A. Macfie, Esq., of Liverpool, for his kindness in presenting the members of Presbytery with a copy of the proceedings of the Conference on Missions, held at Liverpool in March last.


THIS Presbytery met at Manchester, by appointment, on the 24th of May, to dispose of a call from St. John's Presbyterian Church, Warrington, to the Rev. Andrew Inglis, of Chalmer's Church, Ancoats. PresentRev. William M'Caw, moderator, pro tem.; Dr. M'Lean; Messrs. Robinson, John Clelland, J. C. Paterson, and Inglis, ministers; and Messrs. M'Gill and Hindshaw, elders. There appeared for the Congregation at Warrington, Messrs. James Cassidy, and Donald Mackay; for the Session of Chalmer's Church, Mr. Andrew Brown; for the Congregation, Mr. John Scott; for the Board of Managers, Mr. Alexander Carson; and Mr. Inglis for himself. Parties were heard, and the call was put in the hands of Mr. Inglis, who stated that, on the whole, he felt it his duty to accept it; but that if the Presbytery desired him to continue in his present charge, he was willing to do so. Mr. Paterson moved, Dr. M'Lean seconded, and the Presbytery resolved, to grant the translation. Mr. J. C. Paterson was appointed to moderate in the Session of Chalmer's Church after the induction of Mr. Inglis into Warrington.


This day, the Presbytery met, by appointment, within St. John's Church, Warrington. Present-Rev. Dr. White, moderator, pro tem.; Messrs. M'Caw, J. C. Paterson, John Clelland, James Paterson, Cromar, Henderson, Blyth, Blelloch, and Inglis, ministers; and Mr. William Henderson, elder. The Presbytery inducted Mr. Inglis into the pastoral charge of the Congregation. Dr. White preached from Eph. vi. 18, and thereafter suitably addressed the minister and people.


ANCROFT MOOR. This congregation have resolved on building a house for their minister, and they now apply for help. Never in the history of any congregation was such an effort more needed. The membership of the congregation is 140, but with

very few exceptions it is composed almost entirely of miners and agricultural labourers. It is, however, gratifying to be able to state that out of their limited resources, and with the assistance of friends in the locality, upwards of £72 have been subscribed towards the erection. There is no suitable place of residence for the minister to be had on lease in the locality. For eight years their former minister was obliged to live nearly four miles distant from the Church, which led in a great measure to the dispersion of the congregation, and finally to the resignation of his charge. To aid them in this enterprise they now make their appeal to Christian friends in other parts of the country, as well in Scotland as in England, in the earnest hope that it will not be made in vain. Subscriptions and donations in aid of the Manse Fund will be received by the Rev. James K. M'Lean, Ancroft Moor, Berwick-on-Tweed.

HORNCLIFFE MANSE. The following communication, dated June 16, 1860, has been sent to us by Mr. Vallance, the minister of Horncliffe, to which we bespeak favourable attention :-" Be so kind as to allow me, in the Messenger to make a statement of our circumstances in regard to the manse which we have been building, and which is now finished and inhabited, and an expression of our thanks to those kind friends who have so generously assisted us in our undertaking.

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