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much worth: but, certainly, our poor friend has recovered his pack of cloth, and the adversaries have in some measure lost their prestige.


to us, not only in showing us all man- the case so far as it has gone, and ner of hospitality in their own homes, promise to restrain their inferiors in but in bringing us in contact with future. Chinese promises are not very many of the missionaries here; we were, I trust, mutually refreshed by meeting with each other. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson, and Mr. Grant, are living at Mr. Edkins's, and I at Mr. Cowie's; the latter is one of my old school and college friends and townsmen; so you may suppose it was a very pleasant thing for me to meet with him and enjoy his society on my first arrival in this strange land. We expect to leave for Amoy to-day or tomorrow, in the Peterborough, Captain Orchard. She is a fine new ship, and has excellent accommodation, and her captain we like much, so far as we have seen him. She is chartered by Chinamen, and there are about 150 of them on board. This does not add, I suppose, to our comfort, but we shall have some opportunity of studying Chinese character and language.

I remain, my dear Mr. Matheson,
Yours, very sincerely,


From the following extract of a letter from Mr. Douglas-dated Amoy, 1st of June-it appears that the faith of the Christians at Anhai is being tried as with fire. May it be found to the praise of the Lord Jesus.

The little church at Pechuia is now enjoying a little quiet, in answer to many prayers.

The cloth-pedlar who was robbed had made a complaint to the Haiteng mandarin, who had shown a disposition to examine into the matter and to do some justice. The head men of the village became alarmed, and made a compromise; they pay the expenses of

But at Anhai no redress has been obtained on the contrary the wor shippers of God are sorely pressed. Several who seemed hopeful now hold back. They can no longer meet in Alat's house: it is close to a very large ancestral hall, the good luck of which would have been endangered, as the neighbours thought. Our friends have thus been compelled to meet in the house of one of their number in that part of the town where the opposition is strongest. On weekdays but few meet together. On the last two Sabbaths, eleven or twelve assembled. When they attempt to sing, stones are thrown at the house. One of the assistants has been to visit Anhai; he stayed only two days, as his presence there much increased the opposition. The mandarins seem not inclined to do anything towards restraining the people; and there are rumours that they even intend to arrest the Godworshippers, and to complain of my visiting the place. In the latter case there is considerable danger that the consul may not permit me to visit it. I believe that, at all events, he will not give me any further assistance till he receives instructions on the subject from the ambassador. We are thus all the more thrown on the promises of the word and the strength of the Lord. And we are encouraged by the help we have had from above in other places, to hope that here also, through the effectual fervent prayers of God's people, his strength shall be made perfect in our weakness.


To the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger.

Blackheath, 19th Aug., 1860. DEAR SIR, It was my lot, along with our esteemed elder, Mr. Matheson, to


carry the greetings of our Synod to that of the Vaudois Church, which met last May in the valleys of Piedmont. Already your readers have been favoured with a very interesting and correct vidimus of the business transacted by that Alpine

assembly, in a letter written immediately he felt constrained by conscience to after its close by Mr. Matheson. It may make, though he had little hope that it not be superfluous, however, in me to would be seconded, and fully expected it give a short statement of the impressions made upon my own mind by the proceedings, especially as I feel that there was on the occasion every token that could be desired by a faithful Church, of the presence and blessing of her King and Head. I was late in reaching the valleys, and already the deputations had been heard, and some of the foreign visitors, among others my excellent colleague, had taken their departure. But I was allowed to appear on a future occasion. I was peculiarly privileged in being present at an animated debate on the Constitution of their Missionary Board or Commission, and next day at the discussion and decision of the question as to the removal of the college from La Tour to Florence. The former subject had been one of much solicitude, and it was considered by some of the most experienced of the members a rather unfortunate resolution which the Synod adopted. But on the rising of the Synod all parties were more than reconciled to the decision; this arose from the vote which was afterwards taken on the second of these questions. From the earliest times a theological seminary has existed in the valleys, though its precise locality has often been disputed. For many past years, however, La Tour has been the spot dedicated to academic pursuits, and here there are at present three theological professors, besides teachers of various branches of secular learning. With the advent of religious liberty and the power of preaching in Italy, God has awakened a missionary spirit which has been duly fostered by the yearly deputations from other churches, and especially by those from the Free Church of Scotland. The removal of the college is part of the missionary movement, and the circumstances under which the resolution was taken deserve to be recorded as seeming to indicate that God was specially directing and guiding this ancient Christian Church in her counsels, and making her understand her duty, and enter on her work in a way for which she had been but imperfectly prepared.

to be met by a smile. He thought that the time had already arrived when the college should be removed from La Tour to Florence; he supported this view by several strong arguments, and sat down again, apologising for his boldness in stating these views, and expressing his belief that they would be coldly received. Mr. Meille, Italian minister at Turin, followed, reminding the court that last year he had proposed the removal to Turin, and that his motion fell unseconded to the ground, He was happy to find that he had now one brother to sustain his general principle, and that he was now ready to second the removal to Florence. Mr. Pilatte then rose and vehemently supported the same idea, concluding by an appeal to Mr. Revel, who has long been the Nestor of the Synod, and who, as a professor, had a personal interest in the question. Mr. Revel, with a sagacious smile, professed his readiness to go wherever the Synod ordered him, though it were to Rome itself, and approved of the idea that Florence was peculiarly suitable as a locality for their institute. But he saw a formidable difficulty in the financial poverty of the valleys, which could not support the great additional expenditure involved in the undertaking proposed; here was his great and at present insuperable objection. Mr. Appia, | Mr. Meille, and Mr. Pilatte, rose again successively, and declared their conviction that a removal to Florence would be so popular in England and other Protestant countries, that any sum of money necessary to carry it out would be liberally poured into their treasury; while the last of their brethren offered personally to guarantee all that was likely to be needed for the enterprise. Then speaker followed speaker, till, the conversation being exhausted, a vote was called for, when, in answer to the chairman's summons, the whole Synod rose to their feet, in token of a unanimous resolution that the removal should take place. The members for a moment looked at one another as if doubting the evidence of their senses. That morning Till the Synod met on the morning of there had been but one man bold enough the last day of its sittings, it never oc- to moot the question. Was it possible curred to any member that this great that already the whole Synod were as change was to be thought of. Mr. Appia, one in affirming it? No sooner did the a faithful minister, rose with diffidence, truth of the case appear indisputable, and apologised for a suggestion which than with one consent a murmur of

satisfaction, culminating in a hearty sniff, and something not unlike a cheer, rose from the whole assembly, while one of the Scottish deputation gave vent to his satisfaction by tossing his hat to the ceiling of the church!

may avail themselves;-and 4thly. The position of this seminary, if it be well maintained, is likely to attract the favour. able notice of the Italian community, and so give a character and importance to the Church to which otherwise it might not attain.

Let us hail this step with our hearty sympathy, and let us join our brethren in various parts of England in aiding it by our liberal contributions. Yours faithfully,


If there was anything approaching to the indecorous in such demonstrations, it may be taken as a proof of the unexpected nature of the result. The Synod had done what no member of it had previously contemplated, and the universal feeling afterwards expressed was, that God had led them to a decision from which they had been ready to shrink as too boid, but which their faith ought to have prepared them to take. I have SABBATH SCHOOL STATISTICS. been a member of very many Church To the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger. courts, and have frequently seen the DEAR SIR,-In your notice in this month's wondrous loving-kindness of God in ob- "Messenger," of a conference of ministers, viating threatened evils, and guiding his elders, and teachers, held in London on the servants through perplexities. But never 12th June last on Sabbath-schools, you did I witness a result like this, so un-have pilloried the St. Andrew's, Manchester, premeditated, so unexpected, and attained with such perfect unanimity. I had breakfasted the same morning in company with ten or twelve of the chief speakers in the Synod, and though the conversation had embraced almost every topic of immediate interest, I had noticed that this one was not even mooted. Yet here, as if by some overruling but invisible influence, all these brethren had enthusiastically voted for a measure involving the most extensive and important

results. I confess I was afraid that re-
flection might lead to grave doubts of
the wisdom of the measure. But it was
not so.
Residing in the valleys for
about a week after the rising of the
Synod, and holding friendly intercourse
with many of the pastors, there seemed
to be no misgiving on the subject. The
case was one in which the application of
our barrier act might have been very
properly employed, but in the absence
of any such safeguard against rash legis-
lation, all seemed satisfied that the deci-
sion to which they had come was right,
safe, and faithful, as well as pregnant
with the best results.

and Etal congregations for refusing to sup-
ply information. Would it not have been
more courteous to have followed the exam-
ple of the secretary of the Conference in his
Report, and appended the reasons given for
If you think so, please mend the matter by
not filling up the schedules of queries sent ?
publishing these reasons in your next issue,
and oblige
Yours faithfully,


Manchester, 24th July, 1860.

The reasons given by our Session were, that they "having already answered questions of a similar kind issued by the committee appointed by the Synod, deem it inexpedient to answer any queries put by irresponsible parties."

tion in the August number. We are not [This letter reached us too late for inseraware that any committee has of late years been appointed by the Synod to obtain statistics of our Sabbath-schools. Why is it that almost all other Presbyterian Churches, both on this and on the other side of the Atlantic, can obtain statistics of their congregations and Sabbath-schools, and we cannot? Even the Synod has tried and failed. ―ED.]

To the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger.

Some of them are obvious:—1st. The students of the valleys transported to Florence will learn a pure Italian, the want of which has been a bar to their usefulness. 2ndly. Other students will be much more readily gathered at Florence DEAR SIR,-In my report on our Sabthan at La Tour. 3rdly. There will be bath-schools I omitted any return from a field in Florence and the neighbouring Smethwick, near Birmingham, because towns and villages for missionary labours, the schedule was returned to me through of which both professors and students the post-office unfilled up, from which

I concluded that the school was discontinued. It now seems this was a mistake, as it is still in operation.

Missionaries, and about 10 as teachers of Week-day-schools.

Amended by these returns, our total figures show 1,487 teachers and 14,597 scholars in our Sabbath-schools.

I had no return from Ramsbottom, and estimated it below its actual condition. The publication of the Report It is with great pleasure I publish has produced returns from both of these these additions, and I have only further places, which I have great pleasure to express regret that all our Sabbathin now making public through your pages.

schools did not see their way to give us correct returns of their numbers, as it is Smethwick has 90 scholars and 15 evident that the Church has never yet, teachers, 6 of whom were once scholars even through its school committee (which, -one scholar has become a member of by the way, deals formally only with the the Church. Its library contains 200 Week-day-schools, and takes account of volumes, and the scholars collected the Sabbath-schools as a mere adjunct 18s. 6d. during last year towards the to its proper functions), obtained correct building of a new school. and complete statistics of the Sabbathschools within its bounds. I remain, yours truly,

Ramsbottom has 32 teachers and 425 scholars. It has sent out 8 young men as ministers to the Church, 4 as City


Notices of Books.

Old Truths and Modern Speculations. By latter class of books belongs the one at the JAMES ROBERTSON, D.D. Edinburgh: head of this notice. The work is divided William Oliphant & Co. London: into three books. The first treats of God; Hamilton, Adams, & Co. Second the second of Sin and the Plan of Salva Edition.

tion; and the third of the Church. These books are again subdivided, and the subjects treated under their natural heads. The first book, for instance, treats of Atheism, Pantheism, the True God, and Unbelief. The others are similarly treated. The style is clear, and the arguments are lucidly given.

Blind Bartimeus and his Great Physician. By PROFESSOR W. J. HODGE. Edinburgh: Strachan. London: Hamilton & Co.

THE present age has been remarkable for its
speculations of all kinds. Atheists and
Freethinkers have seized upon some shred
of philosophy or pseudo-science, and have
endeavoured, at one grand sweep, to prove
the falsity of the Bible. Even Christians
themselves have deemed it necessary, in
many cases, to appeal to philosophy and
reasoning, in order to explain some of the
plain facts of the Bible which geology and
other sciences have seemed to impugn. This
is, in a great measure, attributable to the
rapid strides that all the sciences have lat-
terly made. New discoveries have come
upon us often suddenly and unexpectedly,
and have changed many of our preconceived
notions; and as the teachers of the fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries thought it necessary
to warn their followers against the teachings
of Copernicus and Galileo, so many wise unmoved or unblest.
men of our time have thought it necessary
to "explain" some passages in the Bible
which do not appear to coincide with the
new discoveries in science. Others, on the
contrary, have deemed it wiser and better to
take their stand by the Bible in its original
simplicity, and to confound sceptics by a
simple appeal to its solid truths. To the

A VERY valuable importation from America. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it one of the most charming and useful little volumes we have read for many a day. Such faithful preaching as this must do good. The man must have a dull head and a duller

heart who can read or hear such sermons

Secret Prayer. By the Rev. CHARLES

STANFORD. Jackson & Walford.

THIS beautiful little treatise is founded upon the well-known text, "But thou when thou prayest enter into thy closet," &c. Mr. Stanford says, "The object of this appeal is to summon attention to our Lord's law

respecting secret prayer. To feel his words in all their freshness and loving force you must feel that he is speaking now, and speaking, not to a congregation, but to you, his individual disciple. With glorious love, yet with startling directness, he looks you in the face, takes you by the hand, calls you by name, and leads you out,' that he, alone, may speak to you alone."

Thus sweetly he discourses to us on this important theme, shutting the world out, and drawing us into the holy of holies.

The Eternal Purpose of God in Christ Jesus our Lord; being the Fourth Series of Lectures preached at the request of the Edinburgh Association for Promoting the Study of Prophecy. By the Rev. JAMES KELLY, M.A. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. James Nisbet & Co.

WE very cordially welcome this new edition of these able lectures, which indicates, we trust, a growing interest in the study of the great subjects of which they treat. Many will not agree with the author in some of the views advanced in his lectures, but many will concur in thinking that "the thoughts and ways of God need to be quietly pondered;" and that to the student of Prophecy Mr. Kelly has rendered important service by the publication of this volume.

Prophetical Landmarks; containing data for helping to determine the question of Christ's Pre-Millennial Advent. By HORATIUS BONAR, D.D. Third Edition. Nisbet & Co.


THIS work of Dr. Bonar's is so well and widely known that we deem it unnecessary to say more than simply announce the pearance of this new edition. In a brief preface the author says, that each year seems to add fresh confirmation to his views, and bring out more fully the deep Scriptural foundations on which they rest.

The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy. No.

XLVIII. James Nisbet & Co.

WE have a very high respect and affection for this journal, however widely we may differ from some of the views which it enforces. It cannot be read without instruction and profit. The number opens with an article or letter on "The New Heavens and Earth," which is followed by a second article, which every reader will welcome, called "Readings in First Chronicles." "The Kingdom of Christ, and Nature of the Age to C me," forms a third article on this subject, and, we think, occupies more space than it is justly entitled to. rused the number with very deep interest. We have pe

Lectures delivered before the Young Men's
Christian Association, in Exeter Hall,
from November, 1859, to February, 1860.
Nisbet & Co.

THIS forms the thirteenth volume of the
Young Men's Lectures, and it certainly
comes in no way behind its goodly prede-
cessors. No better book, the Bible ex-
cepted, could be put into the hands of a
and trials of life.
young man just entering upon the duties

The British and Foreign Evangelical Review. No. XXXIII. Nisbet & Co. THIS is an excellent number of the "British and Foreign Evangelical." The first article, on the" Book of Genesis," is full of sterling thought; and if the reader finds it somewhat too heavy and too long, he will find relief in the second article, taken from the American Board and the Choctaw Mission." Southern Presbyterian Review, on "The In the writer of this article the (Christian) slaveholders of the South have a bold and shameless advocate. We are ashamed to see a man, calling himself Presbyterian, having the effroutery to lecture his brethren on "The Christian Doctrines of Slavery; namely, that slavery is government, and, as such, is good, and is sanctioned of God!" The third article, on "The First and Second Adam," from the Princeton Review, is worthy of its parentage. The remaining articles are, "Edwards on the Atonement," Presbyterian Church Government," "The Missionary Conference," and "John Calvin."

[ocr errors]

Abner the Leper. By Wм. ANDERSON.

Author of "Bethlehem and its Kings," &c. Partridge & Co., Paternoster Row. THIS little penny book is another effusion from the pen of our literary elder. It is a well-told story for children, conveying a vivid impression of the leprosy of the body and of the still deadlier leprosy of the soul. There are few men better qualified to minister to children than Mr. Anderson,

and we would be glad to hear of superintendents encouraging him in his efforts by purchasing his little books for distribution in their schools.

The Year of Grace; a History of the

Ulster Revival of 1859. By the Rev. WILLIAM GIBSON, Professor of Ethics, and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Edinburgh: Elliott. London: Hamilton & Co.

THOSE to whom Professor Gibson is already known as an author will readily agree with us in thinking that it would be difficult to find one better qualified for writing a his tory of the Ulster Revival of 1859. A cool, clear head was needed to deal faithfully with

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