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embark for Swatow, I had to go northwards some seven or eight miles, and found in passing through some villages that our way had been prepared through these militia men. At a village called Phu-sua (Floating Mountain) our reception was quite enthusiastic. At another village, Ayphu-sua, we had to stay six days before we could get a junk. The kindly feeling of the inhabitants seemed to increase the longer we remained, and that with the knowledge that our doctrines were quite hostile to their idolatry and ancestral worship.


the Lord's-day has been considerably reduced. I still have about ten nice children. My work in hospital has been somewhat more arduous than usual since the begin ning of August. The heat soon told upon many, especially upon those of the Engi neers and Artillery who came out last. I have had to attend the funeral of two of my men within the last three days. One of them was of the 4th Regiment, and one of the Engineers, both of them much esteemed in their respective corps.

23rd September.

I had intended to send this last Thursday, but was unable to have it ready

THE following is extracted from a letter in time. I was interrupted in writing by to Miss Webster :

I think there is again a good work going on among the soldiers-their prayer meetings are better attended. We thought when our friends of the Engineers and Artillery left us that our meetings would be limited to two or three in number, but we have been agreeably surprised, and are in hopes that this winter we may be in a more lively state. Last night I went, as usual on the Wednesday evenings, to the Garrison Church, and was very happy to see there Colonel Irving's successor in the command of the Royal Artillery. I regret that during last summer the premises occupied by the Temperance Society had to be given up, because they were not in a suitable locality, and because there were not sufficient funds to pay the rent. I hope that this winter a suitable place will be found for a hall and reading-room. Our room is, in the meantime, to be the place of meeting for committees, &c. It is not large enough to accommodate all the membere, perhaps 300 in number. There is much need for effort in this direction, for through strong drink, priest and people are alike out of the way." I would look upon the increased demand for books of the Religious Tract Society and Bibles as an index that there is more inquiry among the soldiers of the garrison. I think I mentioned to you that this year there have been more Bibles sold up to this date than during the whole of any preceding year. Last year £10 worth of Bibles were sold, but that sum was chiefly made up by the sale of family Bibles, which bring a higher price, and so were fewer in number. This year, as in 1859, about £14 worth have been sold, chiefly of smaller Bibles, with marginal references, and almost all purchased by soldiers, at prices varying from 1s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. The going away of the Artillery and Royal Engineers has not much, if at all, diminished my congregation, but my class of children on the Fridays and on

hearing the sound of many feet and voices, and on looking out at my window I saw the rampart behind my house covered with people, and in a short time crowds were pouring in the direction of the civil prison. Companies of soldiers were also running to the same place. A riot had taken place in the prison, in which there are confined upwards of 200 criminals belonging to all the islands. The chief object of their vengeance was the director, Mr. Cozziri, who was supposed to be managing the Penitentiary with much success, but who was accused by the prisoners of over-severity and other faults. They broke into the tool-house, and armed themselves with hatchets, chisels, and other lethal weapons, the ringleaders compelling all the better disposed to join them. The director just escaped with his life. The police were driven out. The British corporal, and four men on guard, finding themselves too weak, sent for assistance, which speedily came up. The prisoners were most daring. The officer commanding the troops ordered them to load and march up to the gate, which had been locked inside, and to present. This was done to intimidate the prisoners, but they stood their ground, and the officer, having no authority to fire, did not harm them. The authori ties waited for the Lord High Commissioner, who soon was on the spot. The prisoners told him they wished to state their grievances, but they were ordered to their cells for that evening, and were assured that next day their claims would be all attended to. This they refused to do. The Lord High Commissioner gave them half an hour to disperse, and, as they still held out, ten minutes more; but they seemed determined, and a party of four men was ordered to fire through the bars of the outer gate. The ringleader was instantly killed, and two more were wounded. Another was shot attempting to get over the wall. The rest of the prisoners cispersed, and the military rushed in and soon sent them all to their separate cells.

The Supreme Council on Saturday and today have been investigating the causes of complaint, but I have not heard the result. I do not remember to have seen such a commotion in this place before, and am glad that the consequences, though to be deplored, have not been more serious than they were. Some of the prisoners are said to be the most desperate characters possible.

ordained an evangelist by the Free Church Presbytery of Edinburgh, it is the wish of the brethren in Calcutta that he should return to resume his labours among the Mohammedans there; but they have kindly consented to part with his services for a short time in order that he may organise the schools and start the mission at Rampore Bauleah. For this sphere of labour he set

The Jews have got into trouble again, a frequent occurrence in this place. They published a journal styled "The Israelitish out on Tuesday, October 15, and on the Chronicle," which was very respectably previous evening a valedictory service was compiled, and was of a very moderate poli- held in Regent Square Church. Repretical tone. But the editors do not disguise sentatives of nearly all the London congretheir intention to claim for the Jews privi- gations were present. Impressive addresses leges equal to those of other Ionian citizens, such as admission to seats in the Legisla were delivered by the Rev. W. Ballantyne, tive Assembly, the right to plead as advo- the Rev. J. D. Burns, and Behari himself; cates in the courts of law, &c. A copy of and the devotional exercises were conducted this journal was laid on the table of the by Drs. Hamilton and McCrie. Numbers Exchange. It occasioned an uproar among remained at the close in order to shake the Greek subscribers to that institution. hands with the missionary, who carries with

We subjoin Mr. Burns' address to the missionary, and a few concluding words to the people :

Backed by a large mob, they struck off the list of subscribers every Jew, and the fer-him the affection and the prayers of many, ment on both sides, in consequence of this not only in our own but in other churches. act, continues. The Jews are very much crest-fallen. They expected great things from the influence of their journal, but I had warned them that they might be disappointed, and told them that there were better influences than those of journalism for the elevation of their race, and for the vindication of their rights. I tell them that amalgamation with the Gentiles, which seems to be their prepossessing thought for the present, is not a promised blessing, and that they cannot expect satisfaction from it; that their maintaining themselves as a distinct people until their restoration, seems to be the Divine decree regarding them. Strange that there should be in our day, and not previously, so far as I know their history, a general feeling which is quite contrary to my idea of the Scriptural one. A covenant-keeping God will fulfil his own truth in regard to this people. This he will do for his name and truth's sake. I remain, &c.,



ORIGINALLY a pupil and a convert of the Free Church Institution at Calcutta, Behari laboured for years with much success amongst the Mohammedan population of that city. Two years ago, for the sake of health, he was advised to take a voyage to Britain, and since then he has addressed many congregations, and made many friends both in Scotland and England. Having lately been

DEAR BROTHER,-I have been requested to say a few words to you, not so much by way of formal exhortation, as of giving expression to the interest we all feel in the work to which you are devoted, and our earnest wishes for your success. You are ready to depart on the morrow, and we have come together to commend you to the Lord in whom you have believed, to ask that His presence and blessing may go with you; for thus only can your way be prosperous and your work crowned with good success.

I feel it would be altogether out of place to enter on such a subject as the peculiar character of the work, and the difficulties you may expect to meet with. With these you are better acquainted than we can be. Your field of future labour lies in a region endeared to you by all the memories and associations that gather round the land of one's birth,-a land that you must feel to have a special and sacred claim on your sympathies, because millions are groaning under that cruel yoke of bondage, the iron of which once entered into your own soul, and from which Christ has set you free. Nor are you going, as it is the lot of most missionaries to go, inexperienced and untried, in the hardships already done the work of an evangelist, you and anxieties of missionary work. You have have made proof of your ministry; bread has been cast by your hands on these Indian waters in past years of patient labour, which

I trust has not been scattered in vain. I address myself to you as a brother beloved, stirring up your mind by way of remembrance, reminding you of those simple truths which lie at the root of all success in the work of God, and which cannot be too deeply impressed on the hearts of all to whom the solemn charge has been committed to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, and watch for souls as those that must give account.

In your present position, dear brother, there are many circumstances which warrant the belief that you have been selected and called to this work by God himself. Con⚫necting the great crisis in your past spiritual history, your passing from darkness to light, with the situation in which you now stand, an ordained minister of Christ, before this assembly, I have no doubt you have felt as if God had been arranging all these past incidents and changes with a view to this result. In the fact that God put it into the minds of some large-hearted Christian men to establish this mission in one of the most destitute parts of your native land, and that when this seemed a work for which in many respects you were qualified, there was no hindrance to your free acceptance of it, I think we are warranted to believe that the thing was from the Lord, that he was moving both their hearts and yours, bringing you and your work together. The lives of all of us bear the stamp of His providence in the occurrences of every day, but it is a happy thing when, on what may be called the grand and special business of life, that stamp is broadly and deeply set.

Many men go to India to do their own work there, to build up a fortune, to run a career, to make a name. You go to do God's work there. Remember this as the main source of your encouragement, and the great secret of your strength. It is His commission you hold, it is He who has put you in trust with the Gospel of his grace. You are to labour for the advancement of His glory in a land in which its brightness has long been dimmed by the smoke of the devil's altars, for the honour of the name of Jesus where that name is every day blasphemed, and where His kingly rights have been long disputed by the "gods many and lords many" of an abominable idolatry.

It is a work dear to Christ. The heart of the glorified Redeemer is set on it; for this He died in human weakness, for this He reigns in the power of an endless life. In the extension of His kingdom the Father worketh hitherto, and He works, and the Spirit of light and truth works, and you with them are associated,—you are a fellowworker with God. And if ever this should be felt to be a solemn and inspiring thought, it should be in the position which you

occupy, for yours is a singular honour, yours is as yet a rare and distinctive call, to preach the faith of Christ to your heathen countrymen. If love to Him who first loved us ought to fill our hearts with a holy compassion for the souls of all who are ignorant and perishing, it certainly does not exclude a peculiar love for those connected with us by the ties of kindred, and blood, and language. What a holy zeal was that which burned in the bosom of Paul, Apostle of the Gentiles though he was, for his brethren according to the flesh. He could not forget that he was an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, in his desire for their salvation; and in this sense you cannot forget your own people and your father's house; you cannot forget that those whom you see weary and heavy laden all around you are your brethren, your kindred, that their language is your own, that their feelings, and habits, and modes of thought were once your own. Though a Christian minister, you have, I trust, an Indian heart. And as Paul to the Jews was as a Jew that he might gain them to Christ, so will you go about among them as one of themselves, and show them that in coming to love Christ you have not ceased to love them.

What greater proof of love could you give them than this, that you go forth as an evangelist, a bringer of good tidings, a bearer of that message which has brought peace and joy to your own soul, and in which lies the only hope of India and the world? You return among them, commissioned by God, like Moses, when he was sent back from the wilderness to proclaim tidings to Israel of their approaching deliverance. You are to speak to them of redemption from a worse thraldom-to tell them what He, in whose name you come, and to whose cross you point them, has done for you. And in this respect you stand on a vantage ground,-when they hear you speak to them in their own tongue, they will keep the more silence.

Think of the might and the efficacy of the instrument you wield,-the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation! This is the rod of God in your hand, by which miracles were wrought in the apostles' days, by which miracles are wrought still; the rod of Christ's strength sent out of Zion, by which he is to rule in the midst of his enemies, and to rule till all his enemies are put under his feet. You are not to measure the likelihood of success by your own resources, but by the resources of the omnipotent God-by the promise, "My grace is sufficient; my strength perfect in weakness." The more you cast away all other dependence, and the more simply you rely on this, the stronger and more suecessful will you be.

Standing in the midst of a valley of vision,

and seeing scattered round you, wherever had you amongst us for a time, to have you turn your eye, the ghastly relics and heard your voice in our sanctuaries and memorials of Satan's power, souls dead in friendly gatherings, as you have gone about trespasses and sins, a voice from heaven the land preaching the Gospel of the grace falls on your ear :-" Son of man, can these of God. You leave many a pleasant rememdry bones live?" You feel that no earthly brance behind you. We repose great conzeal or power can quicken them with the fidence in you, and must cherish a peculiar breath of life: but you believe that what is esteem and affection for you as the first impossible with men is possible with God. missionary of our Church to India. We Your mission is to prophesy in the name of will rejoice in your joys and sorrow in your the Lord; and while you prophesy, to pray, sorrows, and often remember you with other "Come from the four winds, O Breath! and brethren at the throne of grace. We bid breathe upon these slain, that they may you farewell, but not as those who feel that live!" Seek in prayer this baptism of the the word is rending some close and cherished Spirit to go forth with your words, to make tie. Our farewell is only the response to them quick and powerful. Seek it that your the Master's summons calling you to His own spiritual life may be kept fresh and vineyard, and we would not keep you back, vigorous, fed and kept full from the springs for the harvest is plenteous and the labourers of heaven. This communion with God will are few, and the day is fast wearing on to be your only safeguard against the deadening the night, when no man can work. Rather and chilling influence of the atmosphere you would we say, The Lord go with you, we breathe, it will be the best preservative from bless you in the name of the Lord. We a ministry of cold and formal routine,-it"commend you to God, and the word of his will be the surest method of cultivating that practical holiness which will be the most effective commentary on the truths you preach, and make you, even when your lips are silent, a living epistle of Christ seen and read of all men.

You are going forth on a mission which, in many of its features, has a striking resemblance to our Lord's own ministry in the days of his flesh, when He went about all Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdom. Make Him your example; seek that the same mind may be in you which was in Him. Show that the spirit of your Master is yours, His love, his zeal, his meekness, his gentleness, his humility. And in a land like India much of the strength of a preacher of the faith of Christ must lie in his humility. If any spirit is more alien and opposed to the proud and intolerant spirit of Brahminical superstition-that pagan Phansaism of the East, which has created a race of Pariahs, and, intrenched within rigid barriers of caste, has ever on its lips the sneer, Sand back, I am holier than thou-it is the spirit of Jesus Christ. In the love and lowliness of a Christian evangelist, you will go into the hamlets and on the highways; you will sit by the village well and under the wayside tree; you will welcome all who come; you will lay your hand, as He did, on the leper, the outcast, the meanest and most despised, saying, I have a message from God to thee. Each of these souls is precious; and some among them, the most deeply crusted with the foulness of idolatry, may yet be refined and purified to sparkle as the brightest jewels in His crown.

You now go forth, and it may be, dear brother, we shall see your face no more, but our hopes, our sympathies, our prayers go with you. It has been a joy to us to have

grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified."

"May the Lord be thy keeper, and thy shade on thy right hand. May he defend thee from all evil, and preserve thy going out and coming in, from this time forth, and even for ever more."

I feel, my Christian friends, that we may accept your presence on this occasion as a proof of your kindly interest and sympathy with our brother in his work, as a solemn recognition of the closeness and sacredness of the tie which binds you to him as members of the Church which now numbers him amongst its evangelists. Should we not feel that that which we may call an exceptional element in his position makes the tie all the more strong and sacred? Assuredly, the circumstance which makes this a different case from that of one of our own countrymen going forth as an ambassador of Christ gives him a peculiar claim upon us; lays us under a solemn pledge to follow him, to support him, to co-operate with him, by our sympathies and prayers.

It was some years ago, under the profound impression made on the national conscience by the signal chastisements of God, that the Church of Christ had not been alive to its responsibilities to the races of that great and splendid empire which God had brought within reach of Christian influence, by bringing them under the sceptre of a Christian sovereign, that the resolution was formed of sending a representative from our own Church to India. This is not the place nor the time to advert to various causes which have led to this resolution being practicall suspended, but we may

surely look upon the agency now inaugur ated as the first step to its accomplishment. Behari goes to India as our own mis sionary; with him our Church is fully and formally identified. And in the manner in which things have been brought to this ripe result, provision for the full equipment and maintenance of the mission being generously supplied by the Christian liberality of some members of our Church, and the man being providentially supplied for the place, we have much cause of gratitude to God,enough to warrant the hope that He will command a blessing on this evangelistic enterprise.

One of the greatest of missionaries has, in one of his letters, preserved and signalised the name of the well-beloved Epenetus, as the "first-fruits of Achaia unto Christ." We cannot say this literally of our brother Behari, but we may regard him as the firstfruits of our missionary undertaking. When Epenetus was baptized into the faith of Christ, a dense mass of idolatry remained unbroken and seemingly impracticable, but the apostle rejoiced for the promise that this solitary conversion carried at its heart, and by and by all Achaia was evangelised.

It is difficult at times to keep the feeling from creeping over us that the labour is hopeless. A hoary and colossal idolatry is formidable through the weight of its own inertia. But in giving way to such fears, we leave out of our calculations these two mighty factors, the promise and the power of God. India belongs to Christ. It is part of His blood-bought heritage; it is a province of His promised sovereignty. The Prince of this world reigns there; he has reigned long, but Christ will yet take to himself His great power, and display the banner of salvation on Satan's oldest stronghold. Do we not see in him who stands before us a fulfilment of the promise, "The sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee"? And again, "Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks (he has stood in this pulpit), and the sons of the alien shall be your ploughmen and your vinedressers,"

God has been teaching us in these times to beware of underrating the efficacy of the simple Gospel, and to beware of undervaluing the power of believing prayer. How earnestly does the apostle entreat and reiterate the entreaty, "Pray for us!" and if any more than others realise their need of being supported by prayer, it is our brethren in the mission field. How constantly is this entreaty recurring in the letters that reach us from China-"Pray for us!" It was from Loodianah, in a remote province of India, that there came, two years ago, that invitation to a concert for prayer, which was so widely responded to, which has been followed by signal blessings, and the full answer to which, I believe, has not yet been received. Pray, then, for him in his special difficulties and trials-pray for all missionaries in India, and for our devoted brethren in the regions beyond. Let us thank God for all He has done, and accept this as an assurance that He will do greater things than these. Every time that we thus pray we are cooperating in God's gracious design, and speeding on the glorious work of winning the world to Christ. "For this will I be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them." So shall a blessing come down on our own souls. He will revive his work in the midst of the years, and make His glory to appear, and the beauty of the Lord our God will be upon us. In seeking the good of Jerusalem we seek our own: "They shall prosper that love thee."

Bel has bowed down, Nebo stooped before the ark, and these names of old world idolatry are heard no more. Brahm and Buddh, in like manner, shall pass away, and the crescent of Islan wane. As of old, all must die who seek the young Child's life. But "He shall live, and to him shall be given of "the gold of Sheba; prayer also shall be "made for Hm continually, and daily shall "He be praised. His name shall endure for

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LAY PREACHING. To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. SIR,-Permit me, through the medium of your columns to express my hearty concurrence with the views and sentiments con

tained in a letter addressed to you on the subject of Lay Preaching, by an Elder, which appeared in the October number.

I have reason to believe that very many of our most experienced ministers and office

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