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20. Write short accounts of any four of the following: (a) the Great Fire of London; (b) John Bunyan; (c) the Darien scheme; (d) Daniel Defoe; (e) Thomas Newcomen; (f) James Watt; (g) John Wilkinson; (h) the charges against Warren Hastings at his trial.


*21. Examine the map of Britain and the inset illustrating transport developments in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; then in your answer-book

(a) name (i) Canal A, (ii) Canal B, (iii) Canal C, (iv) Canal D, (v) Road E, (vi) Railway F, (vii) Railway G, (viii) Bridge H, (ix) Bridge J, (x) Railway Junction K.

(b) Write a short account of the achievements of Telford and Macadam.

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22. Describe briefly the Younger Pitt's domestic policy (a) before 1793, (b) after 1793.

23. What part did the British army play in securing the defeat of Napoleon?

24. Write a short account of the reforms introduced by Huskisson and Peel between 1822 and 1830.

25. Examine the achievements in India of two of the following: (a) Wellesley, (b) Bentinck, (c) Dalhousie.

26. Write a short account of the domestic achievements of Peel's ministry of 1841-46.

27. Discuss the foreign policy of Palmerston as Foreign Secretary.

28. Write a short account of the part played by Britain in the Crimean War. Is it fair to say that the results of the war were trifling and temporary "?


29. Trace the development of Canada from 1783 to the establishment of the Dominion in 1867.

30. State the main facts concerning any four of the following: (a) William Wilberforce; (b) Edwin Chadwick; (c) Feargus O'Connor; (d) the Prince Consort; (e)" Clemency Canning"; (f) Charles Darwin; (g) Robert Lowe; (h) Lord Macaulay.


*31. Examine the map of North East Africa (page 29); then in your answer-book

(a) name (i) Island A, (ii) Naval Base B, (iii) Town C, (iv) Port D, (v) Waterway E, (vi) Territory F, (vii) Territory G, (viii) Territory H, (ix) Town J, (x) Battle K.

(b) Write a short account of Cromer's work in Egypt.

32. By what means and with what success did Gladstone try to pacify Ireland?

33. Describe the reforms of Gladstone and Disraeli between 1867 and 1885 under two of the following headings: (a) education, (b) trade unions, (c) parliamentary reform.

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34. What part did Britain play in the "scramble for Africa" in the last quarter of the nineteenth century?

35. Explain how and why relations between Britain and the following countries improved from 1901 to 1914: (a) Japan, (b) France, (c) Russia.

36. Describe briefly any three of the following: (a) the Battle of the Marne, 1914; (b) the operations in Gallipoli; (c) the Battle of Jutland, 1916; (d) the German offensive on the Western front in 1918.

37. Write an account of Gandhi's career and achievements.

38. What social and economic reforms were made in Britain between the two World Wars?

39. Give a short account of the relations between Britain and Germany from Hitler's accession to power in 1933 to the outbreak of war in 1939.

40. State the main facts concerning any four of the following: (a) the Fourth Party; (b) the Manchester Ship Canal; (c) the General Election of 1906; (d) the two General Elections of 1910; (e) the Irish Home Rule Bill of 1914; (f) the Easter Rebellion in Ireland, 1916; (g) the General Strike; (h) the first Labour Government.



*41. Examine the map of the Mediterranean in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; then in your answer-book

(a) name (i) Area A, (ii) the King who conquered Area B, (iii) the Spanish King who acquired State C, (iv) the explorer who was born in D, (v) the Holy Roman Emperor who sacked Town E, (vi) sea battle F, (vii) Port G, (viii) Turkish base H, (ix) Turkish base J, (x) Town K.

(b) Describe the difficulties of the Emperor Charles V in the Mediterranean area.

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42. Describe the part played in the Italian Wars by (a) Charles VIII, (b) Ferdinand of Aragon.

43. Outline the career and achievements of Martin Luther.

44. Describe the steps taken by the Church of Rome in the sixteenth century to meet the challenge of the Protestants to its authority.

45. What were the causes and results of the revolt of the Netherlands?

46. (a) What were the causes of the religious wars in France in the latter part of the sixteenth century? (b) Show how Henry IV restored royal power in France.

47. Give an account of the part played by Sweden in the Thirty Years War.

48. Indicate the main provisions of the Treaty of Westphalia and estimate their importance.

49. Describe the struggle between France and Spain from the Treaty of Westphalia to the Treaty of the Pyrenees.

50. Write brief accounts of any four of the following: (a) Leonardo da Vinci; (b) Pizarro; (c) Caesar Borgia; (d) Louis XII of France; (e) Don John of Austria; (f) Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Emperor); (g) Christina, Queen of Sweden; (h) Turenne.


51. Describe the position of each of the following and explain briefly why they were important in the eighteenth century:

(a) St. Petersburg, (b) the Barrier Fortresses, (c) Antwerp, (d) Bavaria, (e) the Crimea.

52. Discuss the value of Colbert's work in France.

53. Explain how the weakness of the Spanish monarchy affected the relations between the Great Powers in the second half of the seventeenth century.

54. Describe the decline of Sweden as a Great Power between the Treaty of Oliva and the Treaty of Nystadt.

55. Describe the attempts that were made between 1715 and 1740 to upset the peace settlement of Utrecht and explain why they failed.

56. Give an account of the domestic policy of Frederick the Great.

57. Indicate the main provisions of the treaties of Paris and Hubertsburg, 1763, and estimate their importance.

58. Why is Joseph II regarded as an enlightened despot?

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