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qualified to enter upon a life of holy
zeal and activity in the cause of God,
we see a prospect of the conversion of
the world. When we can look into
each church, and behold a band of
holy and devoted youths ready for
every good word and work, we may
then say,
"Now is God about to ac-
complish his purposes of grace, for he
has raised up the necessary agents for
it." When this is the case, his people
will soon have the disposition to pro-
vide the means to send them forth into
all parts of the earth as the heralds of

If our prospects of the progress of the gospel at home and abroad are not 80 bright as we could desire, it does not arise altogether from fear that temporal supplies will be wanting, but also from a consideration of the present state of things among young men. They are so generally living unworthy of the name by which they are called, that they are diɛqualified, to a great extent, for taking any part in this great work; and what is more, they are great obstacles in the way of those who judge of Christianity rather by their conduct, than from examining its hallowed principles. This is a very painful reflection; but it may be useful, as it serves to show how important it is that all who feel interested in the spread of the gospel, should seek the moral and spiritual benefit of young


When this is done generally, many of those obstacles which now exist will be removed, and we may expect the gospel to have "free course, and be glorified." Nay, even more than this, the ordering of your conversation and conduct upon Christian principles, stands connected with the revival of religion.

teristics of a revival of religion in individual churches, it is found in such cases. Writing on the subject of a general revival of religion in America, the Rev. C. Colton says: "Let any one conversant with the revivals of the time, read the history of them as they occurred in the days of President Edwards, and as reduced by his hand; and under the minute, lively, and glowing representations, made by that excellent man, of those interesting scenes, he will find himself in the same atmosphere. a witness of the same occurrences, as himself has felt with his own heart, and seen with his own eyes."

The testimony which President Edwards bears is in unison with the remarks already made, that the young were particularly the subjects of that revival. He says, "the news of it seemed to be almost like a flash of lightning upon the hearts of the young people all over the town, and upon many others." In another place he adds: "Our young people, when they met, were wont to spend the time in talking of the excellency and dying love of Jesus Christ; the glory of the way of salvation; the wonderful, the free, the sovereign grace of God; his glorious work in the conversion of the soul; the truth and certainty of the great things of God's word; the sweetness of the views of his perfections," &c.

Such seasons as these, and such results, are to be most fervently, desired. This will, no doubt, be admitted at once; but have the proper means been used to secure them? Have you properly considered the connection which exists between your attention to your best interests, and such results? If the one is to be realized, it must be by a sacred regard to the other. Dr. Cox, We have heard much of what is thus in his tract to promote the revival and designated, and it has often been asked, extension of religion, says: "A remarkwhere may we expect it to begin? To able feature in American churches is, this question various replies have been that of juvenile piety and communion. given; we answer, we ought to look Notwithstanding the exertions which for some of its first movings among have been recently made in our own you. We make this reply as founded country, to advance the spiritual welupon observation and testimony. Ge- fare of the young, we have not yet nerally speaking, those churches flou- gone far and deep enough. Parental rish best where the greatest attention or ministerial attentions have not, it is paid to Christian character by those is apprehended, been sufficiently emwho are just rising up to manhood. If ployed with the view of bringing chilwe are able to trace any of the charac-dren and youth into fellowship with the

church. However important it has been thought to win the heart to religion, by appeals from the pulpit, or tuition in the parlour, the direct and immediate object has, perhaps, seldom been to lead to early profession.

"The chief reason, probably, that juvenile piety has not been sufficiently regarded in this country is, that a sufficient expectation has not been excited, an adequate effort has not been made. Though the seed of the kingdom has been widely scattered by Sundayschools, we have scarcely ventured to hope for a speedy harvest; and because the maturity of Christian character must bear some proportion to the development of the faculties, we have been almost incredulous respecting the early implantation of religion in the heart. My observations on America would lead to this conclusion, that those who had professed the earliest had persevered the longest."

The result of such efforts as these must be a great in-gathering of youth to the church, and, as a necessary consequence, the introduction of an immense body of agents into the field of labour. Many a choice plant would by this means be taken from the wilderness, and planted in the garden of the Lord, where they would acquire the stability of the oak, become fragrant as the rose, and fruitful as the vine-tree. Those who are at present living in indolence, would become active; those who are wasting their energies on unworthy objects, would concentrate them on others that are valuable; those who are now injurious, would become useful; and many a fine spirit, with great talent, might be induced to consecrate both to the cause of religion. This is not imaginary; facts show that by this means a mighty piece of machinery would be brought into contact with the powers of darkness, calculated to overthrow them.

In a communication from the South Seas, detailing the progress and results of a revival of religion which took place there in the year 1835, we have a delightful instance of its connection with young men, in raising up teachers for schools, and preachers to proclaim the gospel on the widest and most extensive scale. One of the Missionaries

writes: "In the course of this day no less than seven persons have been to speak to me on the subject of their becoming teachers; more than twenty persons have spoken to me on this subject in the last month." Further in his journal, he proceeds to add: "After singing and prayer, we proceeded to the examination of the preachers. The fourteen young men who were received on trial last quarter are now received on the plan. Their brethren have spoken of them in a creditable manner. Upwards of forty young men were then proposed to the meeting, and nearly all received. These have been selected as being the most likely to be employed out of about ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY, whose names I have taken down since last quarter-day."

Now, it is in this way we may expect our Sabbath-schools, our Bible and Tract Societies, our City and Foreign Missionary Societies, to be supplied with a numerous and efficient agency. Such young men have all that youthful zeal, love, and ardent desire for noble undertakings, which are requisite to extend our holy religion in the earth. It is such a "band of men, whose hearts God has touched," that we want for the noble fields of usefulness that are now, or may hereafter be opened. And why have they not long ago appeared? Has not appeal after appeal been made to the churches, to thrust forth young men of talent, burning zeal, and ardent piety for home and foreign service? Why, then, has not the appeal been responded to? The answer is, young men are not yet prepared. Indeed, it is to be feared that there are few of such as are required in the churches, compared with what might have been, and what ought to be found. If, in some instances, there are a few, they have not been properly trained. They have not been induced to take a proper view of their responsibility as a class of society. They have not even been aware, that on them rested anything of importance in the world. How should they, when so few of their seniors have made the subject a matter of serious thought themselves? they begin to view them in connection with the future glory of the church, and the final triumph of the gospel over the


whole earth; and when young men are led to see the matter in the same light, we may expect that, feeling their responsibility, there will be no want of suitable labourers. Talents of the highest order will be sacredly consecrated to the cause of Christ; the spirit of Christianity, the love of the Saviour, and the love of souls, will constrain multitudes to say, " Here am I, send me;" for "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

Closely connected with this multiplication of agents, it is most probable there will be an astonishing accession of funds, which will give vigour to every effort made for the diffusion of the gospel at home and abroad. We have usually directed our thoughts to your seniors, in the expectation of obtaining what was requisite from them for this great work. Not, perhaps, without reason; for, in the present state of things, young men have little to spare after they have plunged so deeply into this world's follies; but we are now anticipating a period when, by the blessing of God on well-directed and well-sustained efforts for your moral and spiritual benefit, a great change will be effected. It is too much to expect, that a great portion of the amount that is now devoted to sin will be devoted to Christ? A sense of obligation will constrain you to offer your property as well as yourselves, and where there may possibly be an obstacle in the way of the one, the other will be readily yielded.

We met with a case some little time ago, illustrative of this remark. A young man, who had been awakened to a sense of his responsibility, in the arrangements of Providence had the prospect of possessing a considerable fortune. Before he received it, he wrote to a Christian friend, intreating him to pray that God would either give him a heart to use it properly, or not to allow him to possess it all. He has since received it, and has consecrated a considerable portion of it to the cause of religion. Such instances as this, we hope, will be greatly multiplied as young men more deeply feel their responsibility.

If but half the amount now spent by young men upon a single vice, were

turned from the cause of sin to the cause of holiness, what a stimulus would this give to the various objects of Christian enterprise! It would be the means, not only of carrying out existing institutions with greater vigour and efficiency, but of originating others, which would produce an effect of which we can have but a feeble conception. This remark, however, proceeds only on the supposition that what is given for the support of a single vice were thus transferred to other objects. What might not be accomplished instrumentally, if a large portion of the whole funds squandered away by young men were to be laid at the foot of the cross! Yet we hope and believe the day is fast approaching when such will be the case. Nay, even more, we expect that those principles which induce them to make such a transfer of what they possess as young men, will mature with their age, and when they occupy the places of their fathers, will constrain them to give of their increased store to every object which secures the glory of God. Every observer of the possessors of wealth must deplore how reluctantly, as a class, they come forward with their abundance to seek the evangelization of the world. An honoured few stand out as examples for imitation, but the mass retain and worship their gold. From them we turn to you, my young friends, who are soon to fill their places, and have the disposal of their treasures, in the hope that an expansive benevolence and a boundless charity will distinguish your character; that you will so powerfully feel that you are stewards of all you possess as to improve it for God; and that you will study both to lay out yourselves, and all you have, for the extension of his kingdom in the world.

When this becomes the general character of young men, we shall witness a combination of piety, wealth, and efficiency in a vast body of agency, which, by the blessing of God, will ere long produce the most glorious results. and warrant us to expect the fulfilment of that prophecy: "The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

The Church.

THE TRUE CHURCH. THE following is the substance of a conversation which ook place, a few weeks since, between a local preacher of the Primitive Methodist Society, of upwards of twenty years' standing, and who continues to labour with success for the conversion of sinners to God, and a young man, whose father lately purchased his present living for him. His fitness and deep interest in the spiritual welfare of his charge, may be inferred from his name appearing in the list of one of the York papers of last Saturday, with a license to shoot game. After a few remarks on the weather, the conversation is commenced by the remark of the

L. P. I hope, sir, that you have had a good congregation this morning?

C. No, sir, I have not had a good one. L. P. Strange to me, sir, that the people do not attend the places of worship better in this country; for I have been to the Independent chapel this morning, and there were only about fifty persons present.

C. Fifty!!-there ought not to have been one.

L. P. How so, sir?

C. I warn you-and bear in mind that the warning comes from the lips of him who alone has authority to warn you in this parish-I warn you, and, through you, all your associates, to forsake those chapels and heretics, and return to the true church.

L. P. True church, sir? Do bricks, stones, and timber, make a true church, sir? I think when a number of people, soundly converted to God, unite together, and follow the instructions of the Bible, that there is a true church, sir.

C. Oh! it is of no use talking to such fellows as you. I wonder that the earth does not open and swallow you up, as it did Dathan and Abiram before you, for their disobedience to the priests.

You must allow that this is not amiss for a sporting parson, whose father purchased S- living for him, so that he might get a piece of bread. A

young lady who heard the story, very justly said that it sounded like "serious nonsense."

QUALIFICATIONS OF A PUSEYITE, OR CATHOLIC MINISTER. THE grand business of the minister of religion is not to be a preacher, but a priest. His work ceases to be one requiring high intellectual endowments, but becomes one requiring skilful mechanical execution. It demands but little intellect, little learning, and no eloquence, to be a priest. All the knowledge necessary for a Jewish priest, consisted in keeping up the order of the festivals and the fasts; in acquaintance with the right methods of burning incense, and of killing, flaying, and offering animals on the altar. All this could be acquired in a brief period, and by any class of men; and might, therefore, be intrusted indiscriminately to a whole tribe of men, without reference to any special endowments. And so over all the world, where the main reliance on the perpetuity and propagation of religion, is on the performance of certain rites and ceremonies; on the proper administration of the sacraments; on the proper reading of prayers; and on the suitable interment of the dead;-little learning or talent is necessary, and there is little to call forth the powers of an orator. The priest is essentially no more intellec tual or eloquent than the teller in a bank, or the superintendent of a cottonjenny, or the engineer that works a steam-engine. It is as easy to become a priest, as it is to be familiar with any other mechanical calling; and if, under such a system, a man is learned or eloquent, it is in spite of the essential tendency of his system. You can act those things on which the efficacy of religion depends, you cannot preach them. Over all the world, therefore, the priesthood, as such,-with, indeed, some eminent exceptions, (exceptions occurring only in the few instances where, as in the cases of Bourdalone and Massilon,

under higher and nobler influences, men forget that they are priests, and rise to the dignity of preachers,)—has been little distinguished for talent, or learning, or eloquence, or even moral worth. And yet everywhere there is a tendency to transform the preacher to a priest the form of theology, which contemplates an appeal from the pulpit to the reason and the conscience, to that which contemplates success by ascertaining that men are in a certain line of succession, and by an influence that goes forth from the altar. For this is an easier form of religion. It imparts at once power as a man enters on his way, which in the other case can be gained only by reasoning, and argument, and persuasion, and by learning slowly acquired. The mere priest is always a man of power, if you will give him the control of the religious principle; for there is no principle so mighty to move men as that, and he who wields that controls the world. There is power, which can be gained through the truth, and by eloquence, indeed; but it can be secured by no mechanical means. No man can start with it when he begins his public life. It can be secured only as the result of patient study, and of untiring efforts, and of a personal character in which the world will see that it has reason to confide.

I need hardly say that there is now, as, in fact, there has been at all times, a tendency to the form of theology of which I am now speaking-the theology which contemplates success, not primarily from preaching, but from mechanical influences. Its home, its embodiment, its most finished form, is in the Church of Rome; its spirit is abroad in nearly all other churches, and it is striving everywhere for the ascendancy. -Albert Barnes.


TO THE EDITOR.-SIR,-A case of clerical oppression having come to my knowledge, whereby the feelings of a poor but respectable family have, in my opinion, been outraged in the highest degree, I will state the particulars as I had them from an eye-witness.

The circumstances of the case are as follows:

At Bishop Stortford, Herts, a poor woman was to be buried the other Sunday, at four o'clock. The friends of the deceased having come together, a numerous family, some from a great distance, arrived at the church in due time, where the clergyman met them as usual. They entered the "sacred" edifice; a portion of the service was read in due form; and they left the church to proceed to the grave. But when they got outside, the clergyman by some means learned that the poor woman, just before she died, had given birth to a child, which had breathed a few times, but no other symptoms of life appeared. The family, it seems, even had the impiety to put this polluted thing into the coffin with its mother, instead of first taking it to the priest to have, from his holy hands, administered the water of consecration, whereby it might be "regenerated," and "made a new creature." As soon as they left the church, the procession was commanded to stand. The weeping relatives thought they had arrived at the grave; but what was their consternation, when they were gravely told that he, the clergyman, would not bury the body; that they must remove it, and take the child out of the coffin, and then he would bury the body if they came at eight o'clock. Now just see here the aged father and mother, the husband, the children, four brothers, one sister, and other relatives, all in a state of consternation and amazement, looking at each other, not knowing what to do; but after many fruitless attempts on the part of the friends, and also of the medical man, to induce the clergyman to comply with their wishes, they were told that he "dare not, and would not!' After much delay, and many tears, the friends of the deceased took the body to an inn close by, as the friends were living at a distance. The friends had to get a man, on a sabbathday, to make a coffin for the child. The coffin was unscrewed, though it had been screwed down four or five days, and the little object removed and put into his own place. At the time appointed the friends again attended, and then the clergyman buried the

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