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arrangements as they deem proper, and as shall appear to them most onducive to the good government and management of the Society, and the promotion of its objects. And the Council may hire apartments, and appoint persons, whether Members of the Council, or Members or Associates of the Institute, or not, to be salaried officers, clerks, or servants, for carrying on the necessary business of the Society; and may allow them respectively such salaries, gratuities, and privileges, as to them, the Council, may seem proper; and they may suspend any such officer, clerk or servant from his office and duties, whenever there shall seem to them occasion; provided always, that every such appointment or suspension shall be reported by the Council to the next ensuing General Meeting of the Members and Associates to be then confirmed or otherwise as such Meeting may think fit.



APPLICATION for the Admission of Vice-Patrons, Members, or Associates of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE.

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Honorary Secretary of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE,

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I am,

Your obedient Servant,


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A GENERAL INDEX to the first forty-three volumes of the Journal of Transactions of the Institute (No. I, 1865, to No. XLIII, 1911), arranged alphabetically under both the names of the Authors and the Subjects, was issued with volume XLIV, and repeated with the two subsequent volumes. The Index is not repeated in the present volume, which is already a large one, as it appears scarcely necessary to do so every year, but it will be repeated, enlarged and brought up to date, in a subsequent volume. In the meantime, the present General Index can be obtained from the Secretary in separate form, bound in cloth, for one shilling the copy.



Annual Address. Modern Unrest and the Bible. By SIR ANDREW WINGATE, K.C.I.E. The Genealogies of our Lord. By Mrs. A. S. LEWIS, LL.D.

Natural Law and Miracle. By Dr. LUDWIG VON GERDTELL.

The Greek Papyri. By The Rev. Professor G. MILLIGAN, D.D.

The Conditions of Habitability of a Planet, with Special Reference to the Planet
Mars. By E. WALTER MAUNDER, Esq., F.R.A.S.

The Historicity of the Mosaic Tabernacle. By the Rev. Professor JAMES ORR, D.D.
The Real Personality or Transcendental Ego. By SYDNEY T. KLEIN, Esq., F.L.S..

Difficulties of Belief. By the Right Rev. THE BISHOP Of Down.
Some Lucan Problems. By Lieut.-Colonel G. MACKINLAY.

Archeology and Modern Biblical Scholarship. By the Rev. JOHN TUCKWELL. M.R. A.Ş.
Adaptation in Plants and Animals to their Conditions of Life are the Result of the
Directivity of Life. By the Rev. Professor G. HENSLOW, M.A.

International Arbitration in the Greek World. By MARCUS N. TOD. Esq., M.A
The Influence of Babylonian Conceptions on Jewish Thought. By the Venerable

Index of Authors and Subjects in 43 previous volumes.


Annual Address. From Suez to Sinai. By ARTHUR W. SUTTON, Esq., J.P., F.L.S. (Illustrations),

Immortality. By the Rer. A. R. WHATELY, D.D

Present Day Factors in New Testament Study. By the Rev. Professor R. J. KNOWLING, D.D.

The Fact of Prediction. By the Rev. JoHN URQUHART.

Vision in Sacred and other History. By the Rev. J. H. SKRINE, M.A., D.D.

Methods of Biblical Criticism. By the Ven. Archdeacon WILLIAM SINCLAIR, D.D.

Pompeii. By E. J. SEWELL, Esq.

The Bearing of Archaeological and Historical Research on the New Testament. By the Rev. PARKE P. FLOURNOY, D.D. (being the Gunning Prize Essay, 1912),

The Samaritan Pentateuch, and Philological Questions connected therewith. By the Rev. J. IVERACH MUNRO, M.A.

The Origin of Life, what do we know of it? By Professor G. SIMS WOODHEAD, M.A., M.D.

Old Testament Criticism, its Position and Principles. By the Very Rev. H. WACE, D.D., Dean of Canterbury.


Annual Address. Jerusalem, Past and Present. By Colonel Sir CHARLES M. WATSON, K.C.M.G.

The Fall of Babylon and Daniel v, 30. By the Rev. ANDREW CRAIG ROBINSON, M.A. Japan, and some of its Problems, Religious and Social. By the Rev. Prebendary H. E. Fox, M.A.

The Christian Doctrine of Atonement. By the Rev. H. J. R. MARSTON, M.A.

Is the so-called " Priestly Code" of Post-exilic date? By the Rev. CHANCELLOR LIAS, M.A.

The Character of the Bible inferred from its Versions. By the Rev. T. H. DARLOW, M.A.

The Number of the Stars. By SYDNEY CHAPMAN, Esq., B.A., D.Sc., Chief Assistant of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

The First Chapter of Genesis. By E. WALTER MAUNDER, Esq., F.R.A.S.

The Latest Discoveries in Babylonia. By T. G. PINCHES, Esq., LL.D., M.R.A.S.
Frederic Godet, Tutor of Frederick the Noble. By Professor F. F. ROGET.

The Composite of Races and Religions in America. By the Rev. S. B. MCCORMICK, D.D.,
Chancellor of Pittsburg University, U.S.A.

The Supremacy of Christianity. By the Right Rev. Bishop J. E. C. WELLDON, D.D.


Annual Address. The Unity of Genesis. By Professor H. EDOUARD NAVILLE, D.C.L. LL.D.

The Principles of World Empire. By E. WALTER MAUNDER, F.R.A.S.

The Life and Work of Homer. By Professor D. S. MARGOLIOUTH, D.Litt.; Laudian Professor of Arabic.

Modernism and Traditional Christianity. By the Rev. Canon E. MCCLURE, M.A., M.R.I.A.

Present Position of the Theory of Organic Evolution. By Professor ERNEST W. MACBRIDE, M.A., F.R.S.

Traces of a Religious Belief of Primeval Man. By the Rev. D. GATH WHITLEY.

The Spectra of Stars and Nebulæ. By Professor A. FOWLER, F.R.S.

The Determination of Easter Day. By Dr. A. M. W. DOWNING, M.A., F.R.S.
Astronomical Allusions in Sacred Books of the East. By Mrs. WALTER MAUNDER.
The Zoroastrian Conception of a Future Life. By Professor J. HOPE MOULTON, M.A.,

Mahâyâna Buddhism and Christianity. By the Rev. W. St. CLAIR TISDALL, M.A., D.D.
Weights and Measures of the Hebrews. By Professor ARCHIBALD R. S. KENNEDY,
M.A., D.D.

The Old and New Versions of the Babylonian Creation and Flood Stories. By T. G. PINCHES, Esq., LL.D., M.R.A.S.

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