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JUN 181930


The Static,


Published by the Department of Rural Education, New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University. W. A. Stocking, jr., Acting Director. Entered as second-class matter, Ithaca, New York



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"I've plucked the berry from the bush, the brown

nut from the tree,

But heart of happy little bird ne'er broken was

by me.

I saw them in their curious nests, close crouching,

slyly peer

With their wild eyes, like glittering beads, to note

if harm were near;

I passed them by, and blessed them all; I felt that

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Rural school exhibit at the New York State College of Agriculture, Farmers' Week, February, 1913

What is Corn Day? Many girls and boys in New York State could answer this question for they have had a part in Corn Day in years past. They would say that Corn Day is a day in the school year, coming at the end of the harvest season -the first Friday in December, to be exact when special thought and study are given to corn.

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Why should corn be studied? The same children would answer that it should be studied because it is one of our most important crops, because it is found in every community, because its life history is intensely interesting, and because it responds to intelligent care in a wonderful way.

Corn Day has been observed in some schools for many years. Other schools have never celebrated it. We hope that this year may mark a great step forward, and that on December 5 every rural school in New York State will have some kind of exercise on corn. When Corn Day has become a real part of the school year other crops may be considered in like manner-potatoes, oats, beans, fruits, or vegetables. First, however, there must be definite results with one crop that will count in the State as a whole. With this in mind each school should

decide to do its part this year. Very simple exercises may be held; if there is time and good spirit, the exercises may be more elaborate.

In the fall the corn is ripe, and ears can easily be obtained for an exhibit at the school. Care should be taken in selecting the ears. It is not enough to snatch them hastily from the crib. Thought should be given to find those that conform most closely to the ideal of perfection. (See September Rural School Leaflet for 1913, page 180.) The school exhibit should illustrate definite things. It should show not only good ears of corn, but also poor ears of corn, and boys and girls should know why some ears are good and why some are poor. The exhibit should display the various types of corn grown in the neighborhood. It should illustrate methods of storing seed corn. It should show a germination test. should be artistically arranged. In addition to the corn itself, corn products may be displayed-products that are used as food for human beings and products that are used as food for animals. Records and reports of corn growing in the neighborhood will add to the interest. These records may be made from original investigations by the pupils. The test of any exhibit is the amount of explanation that it requires. A good exhibit speaks for itself and is so simple that it clearly demonstrates interesting points. A poor exhibit is confusing and some one is needed to tell what it means. It will take thought to make the school exhibit speak.


Rural school exhibit at the New York State College of Agriculture, Farmers' Week,

February, 1913

It will also take originality; and some boy or girl will have the satisfaction of working out an idea that will appeal to all who come to the school on Corn Day.


There is a practical side to the study of corn that will



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interest fathers and brothers. Remarkable results have been obtained in recent years by carefully selecting the seeds of various crops. Corn is one of the best for this purpose. If care is taken at harvest time to properly choose the best ears for seed the next year, if these ears are carefully stored during the winter, and if this operation is repeated for two or three years, the result will be evident. It will be seen that there is an improvement in the corn as a whole, that the ears are more uniformly good, and that the yield is higher. Boys and girls can help to bring this about.

Ask the teacher to read the article in the September leaflet on page 179. This will give some further suggestions about things to do on Corn Day; it will tell the points that one should consider in selecting corn for seed; it will suggest programs that are appropriate. Make


plans ahead: plan the program; plan the exhibit; plan to decorate the

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