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understanding of the laws governing the universe, nearer and nearer has been the approach to perfection in the working out of these difficult problems, but the many limitations surrounding them have always kept their full solution somewhere in the future.

The diurnal revolution of the earth, which gives the solar day, and the revolution of the earth around the sun, the solar year, are the arbitrary divisions of time marked off with the utmost precision by the celestial bodies; and while the length of the solar day has, from before the Christian era, been fairly well defined, the length of the solar year was but approximately known until within a few hundred years.

The length of the year as counted by the Julian calendar was too long by eleven minutes and fourteen seconds, and this error amounted to ten full days in the sixteen hundred years from the time the Julian Calendar went into effect until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.

A few years ago, when visiting the Vatican Observatory, I was particularly interested in the Gregorian tower, which forms a part of the Vatican Library Building. After passing through a number of rooms which are used in connection with the observatory, when near the top of the tower, I was taken into the spacious and beautiful calendar room, the walls of which are covered with paintings of the highest order, executed centuries ago, under the direction of Pope Gregory XIII. In the center of the room and forming a part of the floor there was a large marble slab, on which was cut a fine line exactly in the true meridian, and upon the line was a special mark which indicated the altitude of the sun at noon of a certain day. On the south wall, near the top of the room, there was a small aperture through which the direct rays of the sun passed at noon, projecting a bright spot on the meridian line.

All of this had been planned and executed by the astronomers in order that they might demonstrate the necessity of reforming the calendar, and when at noon on the 11th of March, 1582, Pope Gregcry saw that the altitude of the sun as shown by the beam of light was not for that particular day, but for the day ten days later, he directed that ten days be stricken from the calendar, and that day should be the 21st of March instead of the 11th.

With such precision had the astronomers determined the true length of the year that our present calendar, with its intercalations, will continue on for twenty thousand years with an error not to exceed a single day.

The line on the marble slab and the aperture through the wall of the calendar room were devices simple in the extreme, and in this day of instruments such a method would hardly be considered, yet they served their purposes admirably, and the placing of that line on the

true meridian, with an accuracy never before attained, was considered one of the greatest scientific achievements of that age.

Since an unknown time the day has been divided into twenty-four hours, and as civilization has advanced the greater has been the necessity for the utmost precision in the measurement of each hour with its subdivisions.

The sun dial is not only the earliest, but the most interesting of all the numerous arrangements that have been devised for measuring the divisions of the day. Notwithstanding its limitations, it has been a subject which has attracted the brightest minds for ages. Within these later years there has been a renewed interest in this ancient timekeeper, not only in copying the types of dials, which are valuable because of their antiquity, but in working out new forms. Recently a new dial has been invented by which the rays of the sun will indicate the true mean time for each day of the year with an error not to exceed one minute.

The hour glass, which came later, was considered a much more practical method, inasmuch as it could be used either day or night, and because its use was not confined to a particular location; however, as a timekeeper it was not satisfactory, even in those early days.

The clepsydra, or water clock, which is supposed to have been invented by the Greeks, was found to be a much better timekeeper than either the sun dial or hour glass, and it was a great step in advance toward the accurate measurement of time.

These water clocks are to this day used extensively in the East, more especially in China. Those first used by the Greeks consisted of two water jars so arranged that the water from the upper ran into the lower, and the time of day was determined by measuring the depth of water in the upper jar, and at sunrise each day the water was returned to the upper jar. In the city of Canton there is a water clock which has been running for eight hundred years, and at the present time it is the standard clock of that city. This clock consists of four water jars, each having a capacity of 8 or 10 gallons. The jars are placed one above the other in the form of a terrace, the three upper ones being provided with a small orifice near the bottom through which the water drops into the jar next below, and so on down from one to the other until the water reaches the lowest or registering jar. In this there is a float, to which is attached an upright, having graduations for the hours and parts of hours, and as the water rises the time can be determined by noting the height of the float in relation to the crossbar at the top of the jar.

In this improved form of water clock the variation in the flow of water due to the difference in height is overcome by having a series of jars, the outlet of the upper being so graduated that there is but

little variation in the height of water in the second jar, and in the third the height remains practically uniform, thus insuring a constant head for the water which drops into the registering jar. At the beginning of each day the water is taken from below and carried. up a flight of steps to the top.

That such an arrangement has some elements favorable to the accurate measurement of time there can be no doubt. It certainly has the element of simplicity, and notwithstanding its long service, the only wear noticeable was confined to the steps leading to the upper jar.

Clocks of the present type, although used as far back as the twelfth century, and possibly earlier, were but fair timekeepers until several centuries later. Those which the astronomers used in their observatories at the end of the fifteenth century were so unreliable that modified forms of the clepsydras of the ancients were used, and as they did not prove to be satisfactory, most of the observations were made without the use of clocks.

Galileo's beautiful discovery of the isochronism of the pendulum from the swinging chandelier in the cathedral at Pisa was of great value in many respects, but in none more so than in its application to the measurement of time.

Soon after that great discovery the English clock maker, Graham, invented the mercurial pendulum, by which the variation in its length caused by the difference in temperature was fully compensated, and some years later Harrison, another English clock maker, invented a compensating pendulum, which consisted of a series of metal bars having different coefficients of expansion-so that two hundred years ago, as it is to-day, the pendulum was the nearest perfect of all the devices that have been employed for governing or controlling the motions of a clock mechanism.

Every part of the clock down to the minutest detail has been the subject of study and improvement, and clocks are made and adjusted with such precision and delicacy that in testing them the question is within how small a fraction of a second will they run. Not content with their marvelous performance when under normal conditions, some of the finest astronomical clocks are surrounded by glass or metal cases, in which a partial vacuum is maintained, and in order that the cases may not be opened or disturbed the winding is done automatically by means of electricity, the frequency of the winding in some cases being as often as once every minute. These clocks are set up in especially constructed rooms or underground vaults, where they are free from jar or vibration, where the temperature and barometric conditions remain practically constant, and where every possible precaution is taken to further minimize the errors of the running rate.

A clock in the observatory at Berlin has run for several months under these favorable conditions with a rate having a mean error of but fifteen one-thousandths of a second per day and a maximum error of thirty one-thousandths of a second per day.

Another clock, installed at the observatory of Case School of Applied Science, at Cleveland, running under similar conditions, also has a mean error of fifteen one-thousandths of a second per day, with a maximum error for several months of but twenty-two one-thousandths of a second per day.

These are notable examples of the present state of the art of clock making and show the wonderful precision with which minute intervals of time can be measured.

From the time of the invention of Peter Hele, in 1477, of the "Nuremburg animated egg," or "pocket clock," which required winding twice a day and varied an hour and a half in the same length. of time, the development of the watch has kept pace with the "mother clock" and followed closely to it in time-keeping qualities. These marvelous little machines, whether made at the homes of the peasants among the hills and mountains of Switzerland, where the skill required for making a single part has been handed down from generation to generation, or made in the great factories of this country, where fully 2,000,000 high-grade movements are turned out annually and where the skill of the workmen has been supplemented by modern methods and machinery, are, notwithstanding the difficulties attending their manufacture, produced so cheaply as to be within the reach of almost everyone.

The larger watch, or ship chronometer, with its escapement so delicately made and adjusted that it must always be kept in the same position, was greatly improved through the efforts of the British Government in 1714 by offering rewards of ten, fifteen, and twenty thousand pounds to any who should make chronometers that would run so accurately that the longitude of a ship at sea could be determined within 60, 40, and 30 miles. Harrison, the inventor of the compensating pendulum and the compensating balance, which is now used in watches, succeeded in making a chronometer which, after being tested on a long voyage, was found to run so closely that the position of the ship was determined within 18 miles, and he was therefore paid the full award of £20,000. That historic chronometer, which marked a new era in navigation, is now numbered among the treasures of the Greenwich Observatory.

Modern ships are equipped with chronometers so accurate and so reliable and with sextants of such precision that navigators can determine their position in latitude and longitude within a few miles. Therefore, with the increased speed of the powerful ships, carrying hundreds or even thousands of passengers, together with their val

uable cargoes; the methods and instruments used in navigation have been so improved as to greatly diminish the dangers in crossing the


The perfection attained in the measurement of time, which is of such great practical value in nearly every sphere of life, would not have been possible were it not for the even greater refinements that have characterized the methods and instruments used by the astronomer in determining the length of the day and of the year, which are the fundamental standards of time.

The division of the circle and the measurement of angles have ever been among the unsolved problems of the astronomer, yet in the instruments used by him circles have formed a most important part.

Long before the telescope was invented, Tycho Brahe, the Danish astronomer," the founder of modern astronomy," constructed for his observatory instruments of various kinds having graduated circles and ares of circles. His instruments for the most part were improvements on those used by Arabian astronomers in the eighth and ninth centuries, and these in turn were copied after similar instruments used by the Greeks and Egyptians a thousand years previous, and it is supposed that such instruments were used by the Chinese at an even earlier period, so that graduated circles have come down to us from the far-off ages.

The longer the radius the more accurate the graduations, was the principle upon which the early instruments were made. The Arabians in about the year 1000 built a sextant with a 60-foot radius and a quadrant with a 21-foot radius, but to Tycho Brahe is due the credit of constructing instruments having circles much smaller in diameter and graduated with a greater precision than ever before. It was by the use of such improved instruments of his own making, and by his observations which were made without a telescope or any means of magnification, that he was able to give the positions of a large number of stars within less than one minute of arc from the positions given by modern astronomers.

The graduation of an 8-foot mural circle in 1725 by Graham, of England, for the National Observatory, and of an 8-foot quadrant by Bird, in 1767, were notable steps in advance in the division of the circle and the measurement of angles; but these and similar instruments, although their efficiency was greatly augumented by the use of the telescope, have been supplanted by others more practical.

The first circular dividing engine was made in 1740 by Henry Hindley, of York, England, for cutting the teeth of clock wheels, and it is interesting to note that in the same year Huntsmann, another clockmaker, of Sheffield, invented the process of making crucible steel, that he might have a metal suitable for the springs of his clocks.

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