The Spanish Armada, A. D. 1588: Or The Attempt of Philip II and Pope Sixtus V to Re-establish Popery in England

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J.W. Parker, 1840 - Всего страниц: 154

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Стр. 71 - I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman ; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too ; and think foul scorn that Parma, or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm...
Стр. 71 - My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery. But I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people.
Стр. 71 - Let tyrants fear; I have always so behaved myself, that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects, and therefore I am come amongst you, as you see at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all...
Стр. 71 - I am come amongst you as you see at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all, to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain or any Prince of Europe should dare to invade the borders of...
Стр. 153 - This preservation photocopy was made and hand bound at BookLab, Inc., in compliance with copyright law. The paper is Weyerhaeuser Cougar Opaque Natural, which exceeds ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984.
Стр. 133 - Leicester delivered unto me to publish to the army in my next sermon. The sum of it was this: Don Pedro being asked, What was the intent of their coming? stoutly answered the lords, What, but to subdue your nation and root it out! Good, said the lords ; and what meant you then to do with the Catholics? He answered, We meant to send them (good men) directly unto heaven, as all you that are heretics to hell.
Стр. 60 - The ships seemed arranged for a pageant, in honour of a victory already won. Disposed in form of a crescent, the horns of which were seven miles asunder, those gilded, towered, floating castles, with their gaudy standards and their martial music, moved slowly along the channel, with an air of indolent pomp.
Стр. 131 - Rogers alive for being a Lutheran ; but he died persisting in his opinion. At this conduct the greatest part of the people took such pleasure that they were not afraid to make him many exclamations to strengthen his courage.
Стр. 116 - Spain an intention to invade her dominions, and that a principal point of the plot was to prepare a party within the realm that might adhere to the foreigner; and that the seminaries began to blossom and to send forth daily priests and professed men who should by vow taken at shrift reconcile her subjects from their obedience...
Стр. 139 - He that reigneth on high, to whom is given all power in heaven and in earth, committed one holy Catholic and Apostolic church (out of which there is no salvation) to one alone upon earth — namely, to Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, and to Peter's successor, the Bishop of Rome, to be governed in fulness of power. Him alone he made prince over all people, and all kingdoms, to pluck up, to destroy, scatter, consume, plant, and build...

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