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"The One in The Many, and The Many in The One.” By Professor H. LANGHORNE ORCHARD, M.A., B.Sc.

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"The Mosaic Calendar, as a means of dating approximately certain
Ancient Writings." By E. WALTER MAUNDER, Esq., F.R.A.S.
Annual Address: "The Literary Marvels of St. Luke.'

3. The Journal of Transactions.

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By Lieut.

Volume LI of the Transactions was issued in January, 1920. The papers themselves are published in full, and also, to meet the desire of Members, the reports of the discussions, which had, owing to the heavy cost of paper and printing, been much condensed in late years.

4. Council and Officers.

The following is the List of the Council and Officers for the year 1920:

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5. Election of Council and Officers.

In accordance with the rules the following Members of the Council retire by rotation :

Joseph Graham, Esq.

The Rev. G. H. Lancaster, M.A., F.R.A.S.

T. B. Bishop, Esq.

H. Lance Gray, Esq.

The Rev. Chancellor Lias, M.A.

T. G. Pinches, Esq., LL.D., M.R.A.S.

of whom the following offer themselves and are nominated by the Council for re-election:

T. B. Bishop, Esq.

H. Lance Gray, Esq.

The Rev. Chancellor Lias, M.A.

T. G. Pinches, Esq., LL.D., M.R.A.S.

The Council propose as Vice-President :

The Rt. Rev. H. C. G. Moule, D.D., Bishop of Durham.

and as Members of Council:

W. Dale, Esq., F.S.A., F.G.S. and

Colonel C. W. R. St. John, late R.E.

6. Obituary.

The Council regret to announce the death of the following Members and Associates :

The Rev. C. H. Barlow, F. A. Bevan, Esq., Sir T. F. Victor Buxton, Bart., The Rev. John Cain, The Ven. Archdeacon W. Daunt, The Rev. J. Eskersley, The Rev. Dr. R. H. Fleming, Charles Gray, Esq., R. Gladstone, Esq., Mrs. C. S. Hogg, Sir Swinton Jacob, K.C.I.E., The Rev. Dr. H. Lansdell, The Rev. Isaac Levinson, The Ven. Archdeacon A. E. Moule, The Rev. J. S. Moffat, C.M.G., The Rev. Canon Rendell, The Hon. J. W. Symonds, Henry Sandford, Esq., and the Ven. Archdeacon A. M. Wood.

7. New Members and Associates.

The following are the names of new Members and Associates elected during 1919 :

MEMBERS.-David Anderson-Berry, Esq., M.D., LL.D., The Rev. Canon D. M. Berry, John C. Dick, Esq., M.A., J. Cavendish Molson, Esq., M.D., Edward R. P. Moon, Esq., M.A., John Marshall Spink, Esq.

ASSOCIATES.-The Rev. W. L. Baxter, D.D., Mrs. Harry Barker, Miss Edith Brown, Albert Close, Esq., Mrs. J. Cain, The Rev. Principal S. Chadwick, Miss E. A. Everett, Thomas Fox, Esq., Herbert A. Hall, Esq., J. Harvey, Esq., The Rev. Gifford H. Johnson, M.A., Miss A. C. Knox, The Rev. A. J. Nast, D.D., The Rev. C. Neill, M.A., B.D., Miss F. E. Newton, The Rev. H. G. Peile, Miss Violet H. Thorold, Mrs. N. H. Welch, Major P. J. Wiseman.

8. Number of Members and Associates.

The following statement shows the number of supporters of the Institute at the end of December, 1919 :

Life Members

Annual Members

Life Associates

Annual Associates

Missionary Associates

Library Associates


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showing a decrease of 17 as compared with the total number of subscribers in last year's return. Thirty new Members and Associates have joined during the year; but death has been busy in our ranks, otherwise the numbers would have shown a slight increase.

9. Finance.

The effects of the War have continued to make themselves felt. The only sound method of meeting this is by the incorporation of new Members and Associates. It will be noted that the actual Annual Associates outnumber the Annual Members in a proportion of more than three to one. The Council would warmly invite the co-operation of all in gaining new adherents to the Institute and urge upon these new Associates, if possible, to become Members.

10. Special Fund.

As was mentioned in the 1918 Report, the Council felt it necessary to take special steps to meet the financial position in which the Institute found itself, as an outcome of the War. An appeal was launched which met with an encouraging response. £306 7s. was received and our warm thanks are due to those who have thus generously come forward to meet the need. The following is the list of donors.

11. Donations.

Dr. J. J. Acworth, £10 10s.; Benj. Akhurst, Esq., £1 1s.; E. M. Arrowsmith, Esq., £2 2s.; A Friend, £20; Colonel A. W. C.

Bell, 10s.; The Rev. Canon D. M. Berry, £1 1s.; Miss E. H. Bolton, £10; Dr. Alfred H. Burton, £2; G. R. Christie, Esq., M.A., £1 1s.; The Rt. Hon. Lord Dunleath, £5; The Rev. Preb. Fox, M.A., £10; The Rev. Canon Girdlestone, £5 5s. ; Archibald Greenlees, Esq., £1 1s.; Arthur Jessop, Esq., £5; Lt.-Col. G. Mackinlay, £5 5s.; Miss M. Mackinlay, £2 2s.; E. Walter Maunder, Esq., F.R.A.S., £2 2s.; Dr. W. H. Plaister, £3 3s. ; E. J. Sewell, Esq., £2 2s.; Arthur W. Sutton, Esq., J.P., £10; Miss C. Tindall, £1 1s.; F. P. Trench, Esq., F.R.C.S., £1 1s. ; W. Duncan White, Esq., £5; C. E. Baring Young, Esq., £200.

12. Auditors.

The Council desire to tender to Messrs. Lance Gray and G. Avenell their warm thanks for their services as Auditors, continued through another year.

13. Gunning Prize.

The award of the Gunning Prize was allotted this year, according to the notice published in last year's report, to the best book, published within the previous three years, in accord with the objects and aims of the Victoria Institute. After careful consideration it was decided by the Council to divide a sum of £70 between the Rev. A. H. Finn (£40) for his book "The Unity of the Pentateuch," and Sir Bertram C. A. Windle, F.R.S. (£30), President of University College, Cork, for his work, The Church and Science."



The year has been marked by the appearance in pamphlet form of seven important lectures read before the Institute in previous years.

1. "The Problem of Nature." By the Rev. G. F. Whidborne, M.A.

2. "Modern Conceptions of the Universe." By G. F. C. Searle, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.

3. "The First Chapter of Genesis." By E. Walter Maunder, Esq., F.R.A.S.

4. "Creation or Evolution." By Walter Kidd, Esq., M.D.,

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The Bearing of Archæological and Historical Research upon the New Testament." By the Rev. Parke P. Flournoy, D.D.

"Indications of a Scheme in the Universe." By the Rev. Canon R. B. Girdlestone, M.A.

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6. Luminaries and Life in Connection with the Genesis Account of Creation." By the Rev. A. Irving, D.Sc., B.A.

This was made possible by the most generous intervention of one of the Life Associates of the Institute, through whom a sum of £200 was subscribed, with this special object in view. The best thanks of the Council are herewith conveyed to the kind donor. Members and Associates are warmly invited to obtain copies of these up-to-date and authoritative treatises on questions which are agitating the minds of men to-day and to circulate them as widely as possible. Copies may be had at 4d. each at the Office, Victoria Institute, Central Buildings, S.W.

15. Conclusion.

Since the publication of the last Report the peace treaty has been signed and the nations are nominally friends once more. But there is no truce in the war with the powers of evil. Unbelief in the form of destructive criticism is unwearied in its efforts to discredit the authority of the Holy Scriptures, for the defence of which the Victoria Institute stands. It is true that the powerful apologia put forth by champions of the truth has led to changes of front in the enemy's ranks. Old positions have been abandoned; "assured results" have been consigned to the dust-bin of exploded fallacies, but the attacks on the truth, even, paradoxical though it may sound, in the name of the truth," still continue and call to the defenders of the truth to close their ranks and continue their efforts. The Victoria Institute, according to its original aims and objects, desires to conduct its investigations in a reverent spirit, keeping in touch with the latest advances in Science and Research, and in humble faith in God, to combat the prevalent unbelief and pseudo-science" of the day.


Signed on behalf of the Council,



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