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Abbot, Speaker, and the Catholics, ii.

Aberdeen, Lord, foreign policy of, ii. 517
- becomes prime minister, ii. 520
Abjuration scheme, the (1690), ii. 38.
Abolition of purchase, ii. 531
Abyssinian War, the, ii. 498

Act of Settlement, the (1701), ii. 78
its provisions, ii. 79

Acton Burnell, Statute of, i. 149
Addington, Henry, first speaker of the

Imperial Parliament, ii. 345
becomes prime minister, ii. 346
his resignation, ii. 349

created Viscount Sidmouth, ii. 349

[blocks in formation]

Anne, Queen, accession of, ii. 199

her first speech in parliament, ii. 199
confers honours on Marlborough, ii.

and Prince George's Annuity Bill,
ii. 201

establishes Queen Anne's bounty, ii.

the succession under, ii. 208
ruled by her favourites, ii. 209
she favours Sacheverell, ii. 215
dismisses the Duchess of Marl-
borough, ii. 217

opens parliament in 1712, ii. 220
creates twelve peers, ii. 221

her death, ii. 226

Annual Mutiny Act first passed, ii. 93
Annual parliaments ordered to be held
by Edward III., i. 198

Argyle's rebellion suppressed, ii. 6
Armada, the Spanish, i. 346

Army and Navy Service Bill (1807), ii.


Army reforms, ii. 530

Arundel, trial of Earl of (1397), i. 236
his successor imprisoned by Charles
I., i. 382

Ashburton Treaty, the, ii. 517
Assembly of nominees, the, i. 450
Assize of arms, i. 71

of the forest, i. 71

of Clarendon, i. 75
of Northampton, i. 77
of measures, i. 86

Assizes, the Bloody, ii. 6

Athelstan, the laws of, i. 19
Atterbury, Bishop, prosecution of, ii. 240
| Australian Colonies Bill, the, ii. 477
Aylesbury election case, the, ii. 204

Bacon, Francis, his first appearance in
the Commons, i. 350

his impeachment, i. 372

Baliol's parliament at Scone (1292), ii.

Ball, John, i. 225

Ballot, the, ii. 537, 546

Bangorian controversy, the, ii. 234
Bank Charter Act of 1833, ii. 464
1844, ii. 494
Bank-holidays Act, ii. 485

Bank of England established, ii. 48
Bankruptcy Acts, ii. 528

Barebone, Praise-God, i. 451

Barnard, Sir John, on Walpole's finance,
ii. 252

Baronage, the Norman, i. 47

estate of the, i. 171

Baronets, creation of, i. 369
Barons and King John, the, i. 103
Barré, Colonel Isaac, ii. 284
Bats, parliament of, i. 265
Baxter, Richard, imprisoned, ii. 4
Beaconsfield, Lord, dissolves parliament,
ii. 513

his foreign policy condemned, ii. 523
Beaufort, Cardinal, i. 268-9

Beaufoy's motions on the Test Act, ii.

Becket, his conflict with Henry II., i. 72
his flight, i. 75

excommunicates the bishops, i. 76
his assassination, i. 76
Bedchamber Plot, the, ii. 477
Bedford, the Protector, i. 267
Bedford-Grenville ministry, the, ii. 290
Belhaven, Lord, his speech in the Scot-
tish Estates, ii. 179

Berkeley, Bishop, and Bermuda, ii. 243
Berlin Congress, the, ii. 523
Bigamy, Statute of, i. 145
Bill of Rights, the, ii. 27
text of the, ii. 561
Billeting Act, the, ii. 156
Birmingham, riot at (1791), ii. 336
Bishops' Bill of Elizabeth, the, i. 332
Bishops in parliament, the, i. 65
Black Prince, death of the, i. 217
Blackstone on general councils, i. 5
Blenheim, victory of, ii. 206
Board of Trade established, ii. 55
Bohun and Bigod, their patriotic action,
i. 158

Bold speech of a Welsh judge, ii. 276
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, secretary
of war, ii. 206


resigns office, ii. 212

becomes secretary of state, ii. 216

favours the Stuart restoration, ii, 225
dismissed from office, ii. 227
impeached, ii. 229

his flight to the Continent, ii. 229
subsequent career and death, ii. 241
Borough representation under Edward I.,

i. 167

curiosities of, i. 168

Boroughs, privileges of the, i. 107
Boston Port Bill, the, ii. 310

Bracton on the Royal Prerogative, i. 141
Bradlaugh case, the, ii. 536
Bradshaw and Charles I., i. 437
Breda, Declaration of, i. 495
Peace of, i. 515

Brehon Laws, the, ii. 374
Bretwalda, the title of, i. 7
Bribery Acts, ii. 285, 540
Bribery extraordinary, ii. 297
Bribery in Elizabeth's reign, i. 339
Bristol's case, Lord, i. 383

Britain under the Romans, i. 6
British Museum founded, ii. 277
"Broad Bottom" administration, the,
ii. 271

Bromley, William, chosen speaker, ii.

[blocks in formation]

carries a Catholic Relief Bill, ii. 432
Burgesses, debate on the validity of, i.

Burgh, fall of Hubert de, i. 114
Burgh courts or parliaments, ii. 104
Burial Laws Amendment Act, ii. 537
Burke, Edmund, his first appearance in

the Commons, ii. 294

his scheme of economical reform,
ii. 317

his quarrel with Fox, ii. 333
his famous dagger scene, ii. 337
retires from parliament, ii. 343
his death, ii. 344

Burnell, Robert, Edward I,'s chancellor,
i. 144

Bute, Earl of, his rise, ii. 282

becomes prime minister, ii, 284
his vindictiveness, ii. 285

unpopularity and resignation, ii. 287
Butt, Isaac, resigns the Irish leadership,

ii. 512

Byng, Admiral, case of, ii. 280

Cabal Ministry, i. 518
Cabinet, the, ii. 587
originated, ii. 93

Cade's rebellion, i. 272
Caen, Treaty of, i. 56
Calendar reform, ii. 274
Cambridge, Statute of, i. 233

Camden on the Witenagemot, i. 13
Campbell's Act, Lord, ii. 525
Canada, affairs of, ii. 474
Canada Bill, Pitt's, ii. 333

Canning, George, under-secretary for
foreign affairs, ii. 343
foreign secretary, ii. 354

duel with Castlereagh, ii. 355

I president of the Board of Control,
ii. 358

declares in favour of the Catholic
claims, ii. 364, 428

becomes foreign secretary, ii. 429
introduces bill to relieve Catholic
peers, ii. 429

attacks upon him, ii. 430

memorable speech by, ii. 431
becomes prime minister, ii. 433
his premature death, ii. 433
foreign policy, ii. 433
Canute's laws, i. 24

spirit of his legislation, i. 25
his redress of grievances, i. 26

Caroline, Queen, ii. 426

her claims, ii. 426

bill to degrade her, ii. 427
its abandonment, ii. 427
her death, ii. 428

Carteret, secretary of state, ii. 240

sent to Ireland, ii. 240

his resignation, ii. 271

Carucage of 1198, i. 87

Casket letters, the, ii. 131

Castlereagh, Lord, secretary for Ireland,
ii. 343

becomes foreign secretary, ii. 357
his foreign policy, ii. 358

and the union with Ireland, ii. 419
Catholic Association formed, the, ii.

its suppression, ii. 436

Catholic claims supported by Canning,
ii. 428

efforts at relief, ii. 430
emancipation carried, ii. 436
its justification, ii. 438

Catholic offices, the, under James II.,
ii. 8

Cato Street conspiracy, the, ii. 425
Cattle plague, the, ii. 530

Cavalier or pension parliament called,
i. 502

[blocks in formation]

Cave, Edward, and the parliamentary
debates, ii. 246

Cavendish, Lord F., assassination of, ii.

Central Criminal Court Act, ii. 464
Chamberlain's Bankruptcy Act, Mr., ii.


Chancellors of the Exchequer, List of
the, ii. 568

Chancery court abolished, i. 452
Chandos, Marquis of, and the Reform
Bill, ii. 451

Charity commission, origin of the, i, 353
Charles I., his character, i. 379



his first parliament, i. 380

conduct towards Lords Arundel and
Bristol, i. 382

his illegal imposts, i. 389

governs without parliament, i. 392
calls the Long Parliament, i. 399
attempts to seize the five members,
i. 408

his position towards the House of
Commons, i. 413

final breach with parliament, i. 414
takes the field, i. 416

surrenders to the Scots, i. 423

is delivered to the parliament, i. 424
seized by the army, i. 426

rejects the army proposals, i. 427
his flight, i. 428

treats with the Scots, i. 429
parliament moves against him, i.

[blocks in formation]

his policy, i. 518

his second parliament, i. 520

issues his Declaration of Indulgence,
i. 521

its withdrawal, i. 522

is opposed by the Commons, i. 524
suspends the sitting of parliament,
i. 535

his treaty with Louis, i. 539

his anti-popish policy, i. 544
appoints a council of thirty, i. 546
opens the parliament of 1680, i. 549


Charles II. dissolves the parliament of
1680, i. 553

calls the Oxford parliament, i. 554
suddenly dissolves it, i. 557

his death, i. 559

- parliamentary progress in his reign,
i. 559

Chartist demonstration, ii. 538
Chatham, Earl of (William Pitt), in the
House of Commons, ii. 260

on the Spanish Convention, ii. 261
paymaster of the forces, ii. 272
powerful speech by, ii. 278
secretary of state, ii. 279

prosecutes the wars with vigour, ii.

the "Great Commoner," ii. 281
his resignation, ii. 283
attacks upon, ii. 284

speech on the American colonies, ii.

becomes Lord Privy Seal, ii. 294
his Order in Council, ii. 295
speech on Wilkes's case, ii. 301
attacks Lord North's ministry, ii.

on parliamentary reform, ii. 308
eloquent speeches on America, ii.

his last great speech, ii. 313
his death, ii. 315

Chesterfield, Lord, on the Playhouse
Bill, ii. 259

secretary of state, ii. 273

Childers, Mr., chancellor of the ex-
chequer, ii. 500

Chinese difficulty with England, ii.

Church influence on the State, i. 13
councils in the thirteenth century,
i. 145

reforms, ii. 465, 524

rates, ii. 527

[blocks in formation]

Coal and Iron Mines Act, ii. 481
Coalition government of Lord Aberdeen,
ii. 520

Coalition Ministry of 1783, ii. 323

its dismissal, ii. 324

Cobbett and Hone prosecuted, ii. 361
Cobden, Richard, and the Corn Laws,
ii. 472

Coinage, depreciation of the, ii. 53
Coke, Sir Edward, i. 385

Mr., sent to the Tower, ii. 10
Colonial slavery abolished, ii. 463
Colonial and Indian legislation, ii. 474
Office, the, ii. 478

Commander-in-chief, the, ii. 530
Committee of safety formed, i. 487
of Council, ii. 488

Commoners first summoned, i. 91.
Commons, House of, asserts its financial
rights, ii. 43

members bought by the East India
Company, ii. 76

at variance with the nation, ii. 83
members instructed by their con-
stituents, ii. 89

discusses petitions for dissolving
parliament, ii. 89

great party conflict in, ii. 90
acquires the chief power in the
state, ii. 92

(see Parliament)

Commonwealth established, the, i. 443
its close in 1660, i. 491
Communal orders in England, i. 35
Compton, Bishop, remarkable speech
by, ii. 10

Connaught, sequestration of, ii. 388
Conspiracy to Murder Bill, the, ii. 521
Constantinople Conference (1876), ii.

Constituencies of the United Kingdom,
Table of the, ii. 581
Constitution, bases of the, i. 4

the, in the fourteenth century, i. 241
the, from Edward I. to Victoria, ii.

Constitutional Addenda, ii. 549
Conventicle Act, the, i. 511
Convention assembles, the, ii. 19
addresses the Prince, ii. 19
declares the throne vacant, ii. 21
becomes a parliament, ii. 30
Convention of royal burghs, ii. 105
Convention Parliament, meeting of the,
i. 496

its dissolution, i. 501
Convocation, i. 145

and Bishop Hoadley, ii. 234
Corn Laws, sketch of the, ii, 443

[blocks in formation]

Coventry, parliament of, i. 275
Coventry Act, the, i. 521

Cowell, Dr., on divine right, i. 368
Coyne and livery, ii. 379

Craggs, Secretary, commits suicide, ii.

Criminal Law reforms, ii. 444, 524
Cromwell, Oliver, his early life, i. 416
-career in parliament, i. 417

his relations with the Presbyterians,
i. 421

successes in the second civil war, i.

his campaigns in Ireland and Scot-
land, i. 445

expels the Long Parliament, i. 448
becomes Lord Protector, i. 457
his imposing installation, i. 458
his instrument of government, i. 459
his first parliament, i. 461
attempts to limit his power, i. 462
prolonged debates on his govern-
ment, i. 463

his constitutional aims, i. 465
his foreign policy, i. 466

summons a new parliament, i. 467
attempts against his life, i. 467
important speech in parliament, i.

project for making him king, i. 469
and the Humble Petition and Advice,
i. 471

[blocks in formation]

Danby, Lord, his manipulation of parlia-
ment, i. 528

brings about the marriage of Prin-
cess Mary, i. 529

his impeachment, i. 542
his imprisonment, i. 546
released, ii. 5

a second time impeached, ii. 52
Darien scheme, Isthmus of, ii. 55
history of, ii. 166

Dashwood, Sir Francis, chancellor of
the exchequer, ii. 285

his financial measures, ii. 286
David II., parliaments of, ii. 106
David of Wales, his trial, i. 148
Davitt, Michael, founds the Land League,
ii. 512

De Religiosis Statute, i. 147

Debates, reporting, forbidden, ii. 50
Declaration of Indulgence by Charles
II., i. 521

its withdrawal, i. 522

Declaration of Rights, the, ii. 25

Defoe, Daniel, and the Legion Memo-
rial, ii. 83

Deposition of kings, i. 16

Derby, Lord, foreign secretary, ii. 522
resigns in 1878, ii. 523

Dering, Sir E., expelled the House, ii.

Desmond, attainder of, ii, 386
Despensers, the, exiled, i. 189
executed, i. 193

Digges, Sir D., i. 381

his arrest, i. 382
Discipline, the Book of, ii. 129

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