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comparison of progress with
North, 488 et seq.; progress
since the close of Civil War,
498; benefits to be derived
by, from elimination of the
negro, 498 et seq.; climate not
injurious to white men, 502;
seeks immigrants, 506; de-
crease in political importance,
508; removal of negro would
elevate moral tone of, 511;
moral isolation of, 511; sen-
sitive to criticism, 523; can-
not induce immigration while
negro remains, 555
South Carolina attempts to

secure immigrants, 556
Springfield, Ill., lynching in, 199
Springfield, O., lynching in, 193
Stephens, Alexander H., views

on condition of negro, 173:
credentials as Senator, 237
Stone, Alfred Holt, comparison
of efficiency of Italian and
negro, 432; points out su-
periority of immigrant, 503
Sumner, Charles, favored amal-
gamation, 158; opposed adop
tion of second section of 14th
Amendment, 355; supported
Civil Rights Bill, 357,
Swanson, Gov. Claude A., views
on negro problem, 170

in, 25



Tables, negro population, 48;
distribution of, 52, 53, 54;
percentage of, 55; high pro-
portion of, 56; in cities, 57;
increase of, 59; illiteracy in,
60; valuation of property,
66; negro criminality, 136;
lynchings, 183 et seq.;
negro disfranchisement, 260.
261, 262, 264; operation of
plan, 370; increase of white
population by decades, 419;
comparison of increase of
white and negro population,
471; comparisons between
the North and South, 489-

491; differences on import-
ant points, 494; educational
statistics, 495; political im-
portance, 508; immigration,

Taft, Wm. H., favors negro
education, 218; calls Lincoln's
plan utterly fatuous, 412;
accepts disfranchisement of
negro, 563

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Taylor, Hannis, views on negro
vote, 277

Texas, attitude of people to-
ward negro, 272
Thirteenth Amendment, adop-
tion of, 234

Tilden, Samuel J., philosophic
observations on politics, 511
Tillman, Senator Benj. R., re-
marks on race antagonism,
153; platform for dealing
with negro, 164; views on
disfranchisement, 273; would
accept colonization, 457
Time necessary to effect negro
emigration, 369

Tribune, Chicago, statistics of
lynching, 182

Turner, Bishop Henry M., letter
to author favoring assisted
emigration, 461
Tuskegee Institute, character
of, 107; disfranchisement of
negro at, 108; Roosevelt at,
207; an English traveller at,



Uncle Tom's Cabin, influence
of, 42; remarks of Simon
Legree, 118; extract from,


Vardaman, Governor James K.,
opinion of the negro, 167;
denounces negro education,
220; remarks on the impos-
sibility of suppressing discus-
sion of negro problem, 520
Virginia disfranchises negroes,


Vote, disappearance of, in South,


Walker, Francis A., views on
immigration, 545
Warfield, Governor, views on
suffrage, 169
Washington, Booker T., defini-
tion of negro problem, 15;
views on labor conditions,
86; evades discussion of funda-
mental principles, 97; pre-
sents no definite solution, 156;
partly of white blood, 287;
views on solution of pro-
blem, 289; views on progress
of race, 293; opposes exclusion
of Chinese, 301; description
of Tuskegee methods in Africa,
402; would be averse to Lin-
coln's solution, 426; descrip-
tion of Mound Bayou, Miss.,
Washington, city of, influence
of negro upon, 113; negro
criminality in, 114
Washington, George, views on
negro slavery, 442

Webster, Daniel, said he would
be disposed to incur almost
any expense to remove ne-
groes, 445
Wells, H. G., views on negro
problem, 96; question as to
outcome, 154; remarks on
re-establishment of slavery,
522; observations on impor-
tance of negro problem, 534
White, Rev. John E., observa-

tions on claim of race supe-
riority, 500

White, Rev. W. J., banished
from Atlanta, 196

White man's country, the United
States to be, 518
Wilcox, Walter F., conclusions
as to progress of negroes,
472; statistics relating to
increase of population, 546
Williams, John Sharp, views
on negro problem, 170; views
on negro disfranchisement,
266; vote in his district, id.
Wilmington, Del., lynching in,

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