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Mdaria which killed off many

of the workers Another difficulty they came across was the budding of of so so many locks to get over the high ground. So many men died when it was being made that they had to stop work. But a few later the American Government financed some money and work was started again the canal was finally finished in 1914. The canal was about forty -two miles long and had a depth from 45 to 85Ft.

years a

The Suez canal is more than twice all as long as the Panama to be about right it is 103 miles long about 194 feet wide and has an average depth of about 33 feet. This canal was easier to build than the Panama because it was over Hat country and locks were needed to be built so not many

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India is suitable for

growing rice Rice needs very wat muddy ground to live in the paddy Fields must be kept like mud all the time. The economic problems here is that there is not much machinery for reaping the crop and polishing it and the other various jobs. Some places have not got power or much water but the problem is being overcome by the building of large dams which will provide water and power.


The iron ore is put in a large furnaces with coke and lime these take out the imperties as stay, the stay is tapped from the sides of the furnaces. The molten metal is run into troughs called pigs and "sous". The metal is called pig iron to make steel the pig iron is put in a container where it is heated and blast of air is sent through it and this takes out more impuineties.

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3, David Copperfield - Charles Dickens Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain

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ته نیا گھر


Coral Island

Cruel Sea

Stevens, on.


The Christmas Carol- Charles Dickens

15, Jim Davies Masefield.

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119 Tom Brown's Schooldays - Hughes
Carp - O.L. Smeart
Roach - C. L Parker.



19 Stories of the Second Wording wa LO Write Fang - John - Buch in

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Book's Read

1. The Assent of Everest by Sir John Hunt.

2. David Copperfield


by Charles Dickens


by John Busan

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4. Elephant Bill


by Williamo The Story of the 2nd World War by Katherine Satragen.

6. the Great Escape


by. Paul Brickhill. Architects of Man


7. Operation Cicero


Adapted from

Agatha Chiake

9. Treasure Island

by. R. L. Stevenson

10. Six Great Aviators


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