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The discovery of America is generally ascribed to Colon, or as commonly called Columbus. He failed from Spain, in quest of the new world, on Friday the third of August, 1492. On the first of October he was, by his reckoning, feven hundred feventy leagues west of the Canaries. His men began to mutiny, and he was forced to promife to return in three days, if land did not appear. With the dawn of Friday, the twelfth October, they discovered a beautiful isle, two leagues to the north, which Columbus called San Salvador. Soon afterwards he discovered Cuba and St. Domingo, and returned at Lisfabon on the fourth of March 1493.

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The fecond voyage of Columbus began on the twen ty fifth of September 1493. He discovered feveral of the Caribbee islands, founded a town in St Domingo, the first european fettlement in the new world, and did not return till 1496. His third voyage was in 1498, when he discovered the island of Trinidad, not for from the mouth of the river Oronoco. Accufed by flanderers and envious perfons, he was fent back

to Spain in chains in 1500. Amerigo Vespucci, a
Florentine, failed thither in 1499, and from him this
part of the world is called America. After many re-
ports concerning the riches of Peru, that country
was at last visited by Pizarro in 1526.
In 1543
the Spanish viceroy appeared in Peru.

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The Rusfian empire is, perhaps, the most extensive that ever appeared; the length being about nine thousand two hundred english miles, and the breadth two thoufand four hundred. In the fixteenth century Rusfia first attracted the obfervation of enlighteaed Europe. The great founder of the Russian power was Ivan the fourth, who reigned from 1534 to 1584, and fubdued the former kingdom of Aftracan. The population of Rusfia is estimated at fourty millions. The ancient capital of this empire is Moscow. The new capital is Petersburg, the imperial refidence, with two hundred and fifty thousand inhabiThe canal of Ladoga extends almost feventy

tants.. miles.



That ever appeared,

welligt. uitgebreid.

dat ooit beftaan heeft.

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The island of Great Britain extends from fifty to fifty eight and a half degrees of north latitude, being about five hundred geographical miles in length. Its greatest breadth from the land's end to the north foreland in Kent is three hundred and twenty geogra phical miles. The extent of England and Wales, in fquare miles, is computed at fifty eight thousand three hundred; and the population being estimated at nine millions, five hundred thousand three hundred, the number of inhabitants to a fqare mile will be about hundred fixty two. England proper is divided into forty counties fhires, and the principality of Wales into twelve, thus making the whole number fifty two.

To extend,
North latitude,




England proper,
County or fhire,

Making the whole number,

zich uitftrekken.
noorder breedte.
voorgebergte. n.


het eigenlijke Engeland:
graafschap. n.
prinsdom. n.

makende het geheele getal.

London, the metropolis of England, is fituated in an extensive plain or valley, watered by the Thames, which is, here about, four hundred forty yards in breadth. The population of this city has by fome been exaggerated to a million of fouls; but by the late enumeration it contains about eight hundred fixty thousand. London requires in one year hundred thoufand beeves, feven hundred thoufand fheep, with calves and pigs in proportion. The vegetables and fruits annually confumed are valued at a million fterling. The churches and chapels exceed two hundred in number, and a few are of beautiful architecture.

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The branch of York in England began with Edward the fourth. His fuccesfor, Edward the fifth, and the duke of York his brother, were most inhumanly murdered by order of their uncle, who, at their death ascended the throne, with the title of Richard the third. The differences between the houfes of York and Lancaster were terminated under Henry the feventh. The moors were compelled to evacuate Spain in 1492, by the capture of Grenada. Cardinal Richelieu, minifter of Lewis the thirteenth of France, very much encreas


ed the royal power. A great plague raged in London, during the reign of James the first.

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The word adverb fignifies joined to a verb. Its ufe is to determine the fignification of an action; or to express fome particular modification or circumftance of the verb.

According to the expresfion the adverbs are di vided into two forts: oorfpronkelijke, primitive, and afgeleide, derivative.

The primitive adverbs are hier, here; ja, yes; neen, no; niet, not.

The derivative are: wijsfelijk, wifely, from; wijs, wife; zekerlijk, certainly, from; zeker, certain; voor zigtiglijk, prudently, from; voorzigtig, prudent. They are alfo divided into enkelvoudig, fimple, and zamengesteld, compounded. To the former be long: zelden, feldom; dikwijls, often; eertijds, formerly. To the latter: tot hiertoe, hitherto; in kort, in fhort; van waar, from whence, etc.

According to their fignification the adverbs are di vided into the following ten forts:

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