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Our happy society is just breaking up; but I will think with gratitude, and not with regret, of the pleasant hours which I have had. I hope this year will be happy to me; the last was encumbered with fears, and I had not much health in it, yet I was concerned at taking leave of it yesterday. I had not for it the tenderness one feels for a friend, or the gratitude one has to a benefactor; but I was reconciled to it as an old acquaintance. It had not enriched, nor, I fear, improved me, but it suffered me, and admitted my friends.

The Duchess of Portland thanks you for your letter ; she will answer it by word of mouth.-I am sorry you have been low-spirited, but I can never like you the less for it. Mutual friendships are built on mutual wants; were you completely happy, you would not need me. Imperfection wants and seeks assistance. I am, Dear Madam, &c.,



1. Write and tell your duties at school-your amusements or recreations-your walks-booksthoughts or observations.

2. Write and tell about the weather-the town -the country-the contrast-your preference, and


3. Write about an excursion to the countrythe conveyance-the party—the day—the appearances of nature-the enjoyment—the return.

4. Write about an evening party-the number -the amusements-the music-the pleasures of social intercourse.

5. Tell about the book you are reading-the name-the subject-the style-the informationyour opinion of it-any other works by the same author.

6. Tell about your school-your schoolmateshow perseverance is often more successful than talent-how much is lost by inattention--the necessity of improving the time at school.

7. Write about the town you live in-whether old or new-its situation-antiquities—principal buildings-schools-manufactures and trade-anything for which it is remarkable—the surrounding country.

8. Write about the place you last visited in the country-scenery-remarkable places in the neighbourhood-historical associations-employment of your time during stay-impressions of the people and country.

9. Write and tell what you saw at the Great Exhibition or what you heard about it-your ideas regarding it—the object of it—who originated it-any of the productions-the building-the architect.

10. Write about the days of your childhood— your earliest recollections—your first days at school -your impressions-your reflections upon that period of your life-your observations on the progress of time.

11. Write about a walk to the country-the outskirts of the town-first symptoms of rural life -the time of the year-the animal creation—the road-the hedges-the fields-the trees-your observations-specimens brought home-information gained-difficulties to be cleared up.

12. Describe any landscape in the neighbourhood of the town in which you live-the point of view the general features-wood-hill-dale—

plain-forest-water-houses-villages—-general effect-in what weather best seen.



Write a short account of the Lives of the following Eminent Characters.


I.-Henry the Second.

First of the Plantagenet dynasty-Origin of the name -Early History of Henry II.-Acquires Guienne and Poitou by his marriage with Eleanor-His claims to the throne of England-Compromise with Stephen-He succeeds to the English Crown-Early part of his government-Cause of the disputes between Henry and the clergy-Thomas á Becket-Council of Clarendon -Flight and return of Becket-His fate-Conquest of Ireland-Rebellion and ingratitude of Henry's sonsEffects upon Henry-His death and character-State of the country during his reign.

II.-Christopher Columbus.

State of navigation and geographical discovery previous to the time of Columbus-Erroneous notions regarding the figure of the earth-Theory of Ptolemy forgotten during the middle ages-Columbus-His early history-His theory of a western continent founded on the supposition of the earth's sphericity-Proposal of Columbus to the government of Genoa-His treatment by the Portuguese-Visit to Spain-Reception by Ferdinand and Isabella-His disappointments-Father Perez-First voyage of Columbus-Fears and mutiny of the crew-Dignity and fortitude of Columbus-Discovery of land-Triumph of Columbus-San SalvadorHe establishes a colony-Returns to Spain-His reception-His second, third, and fourth voyages-Neglect of Columbus-Death-Estimate of character-Grandeur of his conception-Intrepidity of his design-Effects upon Spain-Upon the destinies of mankind-Reflections

upon the treatment of the aborigines of America by Columbus-Manner in which America obtained its name.

III.-Martin Luther.

State of religion in Europe previous to the Reformation-Preparation of the public mind for a changeRevival of letters-The great Schism-Wickliffe and the earlier Reformers-Moral character of the PopesLeo X.-Luther-Origin and early history-University of Erfurth-The Bible-The monastery ofthe Augustines -Professor of Philosophy in Wittenberg-Effects of his visit to Rome-Theological Professor-Tetzel and the indulgences-Luther's ninety-five propositions-His excommunication-The Elector of Saxony-The Diet of Worms-Retirement to Wartburg-Translation of the New Testament-Its influence upon the German language-Abjures the monastic life-Marriage-Subsequent history-Death and character-Remarks on the Reformation.

IV.-John Milton.

His birth-Education-St Paul's School-Christ's College, Cambridge-His talents-Purity of manners and conversation-His desire to enter the Church-Dislike to the oaths prescribed-Quits the UniversityLives in retirement-Comus-L'Allegro-Il Penseroso -Visits France and Italy-His reception abroad-Returns to England-Becomes a schoolmaster-Engages in politics-Is appointed Latin Secretary to Oliver Cromwell-His controversial writings-Cause of his blindness-The Restoration-Milton's adherence to principle-His poverty-Anecdote of James, Duke of York-Poetical labours-Paradise Lost-Paradise Regained-Samson Agonistes-Purity of his genius contrasted with the literary character of his own age-His death and character.

V.-John Bunyan.

His parents-Their poverty-Neglect of Bunyan in his early years-His profligacy-Enlists as a soldierHis marriage-Conduct of his wife-Effects upon Bun

yan-Change in his character-Death of his wifeBunyan's preaching-Persecution of Nonconformists during the reign of Charles I.-Bunyan's imprisonment -Pilgrim's Progress-Devotedness of his second wife -His release-Effects of his preaching-His death— Remarks.

VI.-Sir Isaac Newton.

Brief review of the different theories of the Solar System-Pythagoras-Ptolemy-Copernicus-Galileo -Vortices of Descartes-Sir Isaac Newton-His parentage-Education-His early taste for mechanics-His analytical discoveries-Remarkable coincidence in the pursuits of Leibnitz-Newton's researches in Natural Philosophy at Woolsthorpe-Story of the apple-Discovery of the principle of gravitation-His experiments on light-Is appointed Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge-His Principia-Represents the University in Parliament-Investigations in Chemistry-Anecdote of his dog Diamond-President of the Royal SocietyKnighted by Queen Anne-Employment of time during his latter years-Death and character-Effects of his discoveries-Remarks on the Baconian method of in


VII.-Lord Clive.

Birth and parentage of Clive-His early characterIs sent to India-Capture of Madras by the FrenchClive a prisoner on parole-A glance at the state of affairs in the Carnatic-Dupleix the French Governor -His intrigues with the native Princes-Success of the French-Clive a military officer-His advice-Arcot

Its capture and defence-Clive's victories-His fame -Return to England-Reception-Engages in Parliamentary life-Returns to India as Governor of Fort St David-The pirate Angria-Surajah Dowlah takes Calcutta-The Blackhole-Invasion of Bengal-Battle of Plassy-Death and deposition of the Nabob-Grant to Clive-He defeats the Dutch in India-Returns to England a second time-His honours-Again returns

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