Psychological Bulletin, Том 10

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American Psychological Association, 1913
Issues for 1904-38 contain the literature section of the Psychological reviews publications.

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Стр. 122 - Section of Anthropology and Psychology of the New York Academy of Sciences on April 24, 1911.
Стр. 49 - What a Student of Elementary Psychology Should be Taught Concerning the Functions of the Nervous System.
Стр. 426 - When the scratch-reflex elicited from a spot of skin is fatigued, the fatigue holds for that spot, but does not implicate the reflex as obtained from the surrounding skin.
Стр. 210 - Barker (LF). Some phases of the mental hygiene movement and the scope of the work of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene.
Стр. 460 - BobbsMerrill, 1914. AYRES, LEONARD P. Spelling Vocabularies of Personal and Business Letters. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 1913. STORY TELLING. HOUGHTON, LS Telling Bible Stories. New York, Scribners, 1905.
Стр. 380 - Greek times to the present have been impressed with the importance of bodily exercise and harmonious muscular development for the welfare of the mind and of the nervous system. If we wish our children to be strong, energetic and courageous, if we desire to insure them against the nervous ills which follow in the wake of debility, inertia and timidity we must see to it that all the muscles of their bodies are systematically and regularly exercised. For this purpose the plays of children are very important,...
Стр. 188 - I shall advance brief arguments, both psychological and historical, in support of the four following propositions : — 1. Gods grew out of several different ideas of superhuman beings. 2. These beings had independent origins. 3. The attributes of the gods differ according to their origin. 4. The historical gods are usually mongrel gods, the outcome of the combination of characteristics belonging to superhuman beings of different origins.
Стр. 120 - Tumour in the Pulvinar Thalami Optici. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Vision of Forms," Folia Neurobiologiea, 1911, V, 7 ; Manuel de Neurtlagic, I, Anatomie du systime nerveux, 1918, p.
Стр. 150 - ... through their school subjects from grade to grade. The data consist of 21,682 final term marks from the Horace Mann and Francis Parker Schools. It must be recognized, since we are investigating the school standing age and since the promotions are based on marks, that these records must be taken at their face value, because they represent school practice and because they offer tangible criteria of the efficiency of the individual and of the school. The 11 charts give graphically the average mark,...
Стр. 189 - My task in this chapter will be to show : — 1. That belief in the gods of religion and, indirectly, certain other fundamental doctrines, rest, as a matter of fact, upon inductions drawn from the " inner " life. 2. That religious experience ("inner experience") belongs entirely to psychology — "entirely...

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