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marked Bantu physical type, so that this term has rather a linguistic than an ethnical value."

While the white and the mixed-white have steadily encroached upon the negro, isolating him, crossing with his race until the mixbreed inhabitants of the continent outnumber the true negro, massed encroachments alone will not account for the widespread miscegenation. True it is that mongrelization by process of race encroachment has been under way from remote times, and it is by this process that the greater number of mongrels may be accounted for. But there is another and nowise negligible factor in the negro's distribution north and east, where amalgamation following his dwelling there has resulted in modification of the physical type of the inhabitants. Kidnaping slave-raids dating back to early Egypt and continuing down to the present generation have sent endless caravans of captive negroes to servitude in northern and eastern Africa and western Asia.

The institution of negro slavery is of remote origin. It is responsible for the negro's presence in the New World and in some of the more outlying districts of the Old World. Slavery has visited upon the negroes great hardship, but it is through slavery that they have had their chief advantage, in that "for the past ten thousand years they have

1Ethnology, A. H. Keane, pp. 271-272.

been worried, disciplined, taught and saved by the invading races of the northern hemisphere."1

The white man alone is not responsible for enslavement of the negro, for the negro himself has from ancient times held the weaker of his race in enforced servitude; and the mixbreeds who surround the negro have ever enslaved him. The early era of the European slave trade, begun by the Portuguese, was marked by the purchase of slaves from their negro or negroid masters, rather than by slave raiding. It is said the North American colonials began the latter practice. This may be true in so far as European slave raiding is concerned, but it is certain that the more powerful negro tribes resorted to conquest and compulsion to augment their supply of slaves, and it is equally true that the Hamitic and Semitic negroids to the north and east of the negro domain have ever proved the most cruel of slave hunters, mercilessly destroying the older women and adult males.

We have noted that as a result of the thousands of years of Caucasian contact with negro Africa a large part of its inhabitants are mixbreeds. The degree of mixture ranges from near-Caucasian to near-negro. The near-white element has within the past three centuries been considerably augmented in southern Africa by Holland and British colonials interbreeding with Hottentot and Kaffir. But of

1Sir H. H. Johnston, Britain Beyond the Seas, p. 37.

the vast number of mongrels, only a small per cent are first crossings. An overwhelming majority is the result of the mongrel's reproduction of their kind. The history of Africa and of many other parts of the world seems to discredit the theory that a mongrel people may not endure.

Let us now turn to Asia, the meeting ground of the white and yellow. We saw in the previous chapters that the white race had, in prehistoric times, reached the Pacific by two routes-a northern route passing from Europe across Asia, through Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria and Korea into Japan; a southern route from North Africa through Asia Minor, Arabia and Persia into India, and from thence by mainland and islands into furthest Polynesia. It is along these routes that white-hybrid peoples will be found. The northern route, from Lapland to Japan, is characterized by white-yellow hybrids, but along the southern route the white man came into contact with the negro as well as the Mongolian.

We have seen also that the Mongolian race is composed of two divisions, a northern and a southern. These divisions are well marked physically. They are classified as "Siberic" and "Sinitic" (Brinton), speak different tongues and are possessed of a radically different history. The difference in physical appearance, language and history has been determined, in the main, by Caucasian blood, which is

prevalent in the northern group but which only slightly modifies the southern. From the standpoint of their geographical distribution the Mongolian peoples are essentially a mongrel race, the greater part of their vast territory being occupied by yellowwhite, or, in the south and southeast, by yellowwhite-black hybrids. The beginning of such admixture dates from early times and is continuing everywhere at present.

In discussing the distribution of the Mongolian race, Keane says, "after the separation (he is alluding to that remote time when Homo Mongolicus separated from the human prototype of all the races) the parent stem continued to spread over a great part of the continent, reaching its extreme eastern limits probably in the paleolithic age, passing later southward into Malaysia, and penetrating in neolithic times into Europe, but apparently not into Africa. This early expansion of the Mongol race, of which there is monumental proof in Mesopotamia and abundant ethnical proof in Indo-China and the Amur basin, brought about fresh groupings and interminglings, not only with kindred tribes, but also with Caucasic peoples, who had already at remote times spread from their primeval homes in North Africa and Europe eastward to Japan, southeastward to India and Indo-China, and thence to Malaysia, Australasia and Polynesia. Thus arose not only on the confines, but in the very heart of

the Mongol domain, those Mongoloid and Caucasian aberrant groups, such as the Malaysian Indonesians, the Mesopotamian Akkads, the Dravidians of the Indian Peninsula, the Urgian Finns, the Turki peoples, wrongly called Tartars, all of whom are found fully constituted long before the dawn of history. . . . In the presence of distinctly fair types and regular 'European' features in Manchuria, Korea, Yezo (Japan), Turkestan, parts of Siberia, and Malaysia, the assumption must be abandoned that these regions have always been the exclusive appanage of the yellow race.


The white-yellow mongrels composing the Siberic subdivision of the Mongolian race, "all of whom were fully constituted long before the dawn of history," are in turn being subjected to continuous modification of physical type along their western border, where they are in contact with the white man of Europe and western Asia, and along their eastern front where they are in contact with the Chinese. The Siberic subdivision as classified by Brinton, comprises four groups, the Finnic (Finnish, Lappish, Magyar, Bulgarian); Tartaric (Turkish, Cossack, etc.); Japanese (Japanese, Korean); Mongolic (Kalmuk).

We cannot grasp the essentials of the color problem without having first appreciated the influence of Caucasian blood in mixbreed races of the 1Ethnology, pp. 297-299.

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