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rlesiastical Observer

(Formerly the British Harbinger),

Devoted to Primitive Ghristianity and Biblical Cruth.


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RE are martyrs, and martyrs, AND marrs-at least three classes; those dragged e or stoning in defence of great principles, or the good of their fellows; those who, wn to fame, prematurely reach the grave rsistent quiet services of love and duty; hose who for a good cause wage warfare by irable methods, exhaustant of vital power, who too soon meet the embrace of death. of the last-named class do noble work, deserve honourable mention; but after all ste of life stands to their account, and to of the systems under which they fall. se remarks are suggested by the death, a days back, of another Baptist Minister-T. Pike, of Leicester. In 1859 he became pastor Friar Lane Chapel, in that town, and it aid that "what he was as pastor may be best erred from the general affection in which he held by his people, who very sincerely urn their loss. Both as preacher and pastor was highly esteemed, for he discharged the ties of the pulpit with faithfulness, while his ectionate bearing in every-day life won for m a place in the hearts of your nd old. He ver sought distinction beyond vely limited sphere in which He was a diligent stay-at-home



ERMS.-The Ecclesiastical Observer can be ordered from BOOKSELLERS by giving the name of publishers -Hall and Co., Paternoster Row, London; or, post free from the EDITOR, on payment of 4s. for the year, 2s. for the half-year, or 5s. per annum to America, Australia, or Canada. Postal copies to be prepaid. Postage stamps received for sums not exceeding 5s.

ADVERTISEMENTS.-Under sixty words, 2s. 6d., and at half that rate after the first sixty; subsequent insertion reduced one half.

ITEMS OF NEWS to be in hand at least ten days before the date of publication.

PAYMENTS acknowledged only on the second page. DUNN, CARTER, AND Co., Booksellers, opposite Post Office, Melbourne, Australia, remit orders, or supply monthly. The several friends who have hitherto received orders and payments on our behalf will, no doubt, continue to do so; or subscribers can send P.0.0. direct.

has gone to his grave under sixty years of age, and this is the record "There is reason to fear that the deceased pastor must be reckoned among those victims of overwork of whom, alas! in these days we have so many examples." Such is the verdict of the editor of the Baptist, and last year and of late death has been busy in prematurely removing higher class Baptist Ministers. The facts seem to say to young men who contemplate entering the ministry, "Your prospect is that of becoming a medium preacher, in which case you will be driven from pillar to post, seeking pasture and finding but little; or of reaching the altitude of the few, who keep up large congregations, and then your work will demand mental application calculated to bring you to a non-natural death at ten, fifteen, or more years before life should terminate."

Those who, from love to God and man, thus sacrifice themselves claim a place upon the martyr's roll, and the Lord accepting the love may not take from the reward on account of mis

applied strength and shortened life. But the system under which the sacrifice is made is not of 1, has no place in Christianity, is a Moloch,

stitute even of plausible excuse, inasmuch Bings fewer souls to God than would rea return to the apostolic plan.


Observer, Aug. 15, '76.

BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c., direct from the Editor, by Post or Rail.

CLOTH CASES for the E. O., gilt lettered. T THE NEW TESTAMENT, showing the Greet

with strings to secure twelve numbers, post free,

Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans.
By Moses E. Lard. Price 12s. 6d., P. 11d.
Life of A. Campbell. 14s., P. 1s.
Commentary on New Tes., Vol I, MATTHEW AND
MARK. By J. W. McGarvey. Price 9s., P. 6d.
Commentary on New Tes., Vol. IX. EPISTLE

TO THE HEBREWS. By Pres. Milligan. 9s., P. 6d.
Commentary on Acts of Apostles. By J. W.
McGarvey. 5s. 6d. P. 6d.

Life of Walter Scott, with Portrait. 8s. 6d., P. 6d. Scheme of Redemption. By Pres. Milligan. 93. 6d., P. 8d.

Reason and Revelation.

98. 6d., P. 8d.

By Pres. Milligan.

[blocks in formation]

HE INTERPRETING CONCORDANCE OF Original of every word, with a Glossary, explaining all the Greek words of the New Testament, and giving their varied renderings in the Authorized version. By JAMES GALL. Price, post-free, 68.6d.

[blocks in formation]

Translation of New Tes. By the American Bible A

Union. Small type. P. free, 1s. 6d.


Debate on Romanism, with Bishop Purcell. 6s. 3d.,
P. 6d.

Debate on Evidences of Christianity, with

R. Owen. 78., P. 6d.

Christian Baptist. 12s. 6d., P. 10d.
The Christian System. 6s. 3d., P. 5d.
Lectures on Pentateuch. 78., P. 6d.
Popular Lectures. 10s., P. 10d.
Christian Baptism. 6s. 3d., P. 6d.
Christianity as it Was at the First. P. free, 1s.


Psalms and Hymns for Christians: Fourth
Edition of New Selection. Roan, 1s. 11d.; Turkey
Roan, gilt edges, 2s. 9d. Reduction on ten or more
of 2d. each Roan, and 2d. best. Purchaser pays

Hymns and Bible Lesson Songs, for Children.
Cloth, 2d.; Twenty-five, 3s. 6d.
Purchaser pays
Immersion v. Sprinkling and Pouring: The
Question Settled. 6d., P. 1d.

Why Baptize the Little Ones? 4d., P. ‡d.
On the Restoration of Apostles, a Refutation of
the Claims of Irvingism. P. free, six copies, 3d.
The Resurrection of Saints and Sinners at the
Coming of the Lord. 3d., P. d.

Good Friday, Easter, and Lent, of Pagan
Origin. The Saviour not crucified on the Friday.
Six copies, P. free, 3d.

[blocks in formation]

METRICAL RENDERING OF THE GOSPEL BY JOHN. By GILBERT Y TICKLE. The text carefully compared with the best translations, and rendered in blank verse. Bound in neat cloth, with bevelled edges and gilt lettering. Post free 2s. 6d.


SHORT MARGUMENTSofs for Plain Christians that

the Coming of Christ will not be Pre-millennial; that His reign on earth will not be personal. A book for the times, by B. C. YOUNG. Second thousand, post-free, 2s. 6d.

THE MAN OF SIN, by B. C. YOUNG, Author of

T Short Arguments about the Millennium." Price

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

AUSTRALIA. Any of the Works published

by A. Campbell can be obtained, or ordered, from DUNN, CARTER, and COLLINS, opposite corner to the Post Office, Melbourne, who also supply, to order, the Ecclesiastical Observer.



on Christianity and Secularism, Six Nights. Post ree, 1s. 1d; in Cloth, 1s. 7d.

[blocks in formation]

Testament Lessons, including the International Lessons, conducted by J. Adam and F. Taylor. Monthly price One Penny. Four copies free by post. Orders to be sent to the Publisher, A. Richardson, Warwick Lane, London.

Printed by MOODY BROTHERS, at their offices, No. 12, Cannon Street, Market Hall Ward. Birmingham, and published by Dar KING, at No. 30, Belgrave Road, Birmingham.-Tuesday, August 15, 1876. London Publishers, HALL & Co., Paternoster Bow

Ecclesiastical Observer

(Formerly the British Harbinger),



Devoted to Primitive Ghristianity and Biblical Cruth.


No. 17.-VOL. XXIX.

SEPTEMBER 1st, 1876.


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ERMS.-The Ecclesiastical Observer can be ordered

.... 259 from BOOKSELLERS by giving the name of publishers

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ALL COMMUNICATIONS (Including those for the Committee of the Free Distribution Fund) to be addressed Editor of the Ecclesiastical Observer, 30, Belgrave Road, Birmingham."


HERE are martyrs, and martyrs, AND martyrs-at least three classes; those dragged to stake or stoning in defence of great principles, and for the good of their fellows; those who, unknown to fame, prematurely reach the grave by persistent quiet services of love and duty; also those who for a good cause wage warfare by undesirable methods, exhaustant of vital power, and who too soon meet the embrace of death. Many of the last-named class do noble work, and deserve honourable mention; but after all a waste of life stands to their account, and to that of the systems under which they fall. These remarks are suggested by the death, a few days back, of another Baptist Minister-T. C. Pike, of Leicester. In 1859 he became pastor at Friar Lane Chapel, in that town, and it is said that "what he was as pastor may be best inferred from the general affection in which he was held by his people, who very sincerely mourn their loss. Both as preacher and pastor he was highly esteemed, for he discharged the duties of the pulpit with faithfulness, while his affectionate bearing in every-day life won for him a place in the hearts of young and old. He never sought distinction beyond that comparatively limited sphere in which his duties lay. He was a diligent stay-at-home worker." He

Hall and Co., Paternoster Row, London; or, post free from the EDITOR, on payment of 4s. for the year, 2s. for the half-year, or 5s. per annum to America, Australia, or Canada. Postal copies to be prepaid. Postage stamps received for sums not exceeding 5s.

ADVERTISEMENTS.--Under sixty words, 2s. 6d., and at half that rate after the first sixty; subsequent insertion reduced one half.

ITEMS OF NEWs to be in hand at least ten days before the date of publication.

PAYMENTS acknowledged only on the second page. DUNN, CARTER, AND CO., Booksellers, opposite Post Office, Melbourne, Australia, remit orders, or supply monthly. The several friends who have hitherto received orders and payments on our behalf will, no doubt, continue to do so; or subscribers can send P.0.0. direct.

has gone to his grave under sixty years of age, and this is the record:"There is reason to fear that the deceased pastor must be reckoned among those victims of overwork of whom, alas! in these days we have so many examples." Such is the verdict of the editor of the Baptist, and last year and of late death has been busy in prematurely removing higher class Baptist Ministers. The facts seem to say to young men who contemplate entering the ministry, "Your prospect is that of becoming a medium preacher, in which case you will be driven from pillar to post, seeking pasture and finding but little; or of reaching the altitude of the few, who keep up large congregations, and then your work will demand mental application calculated to bring you to a non-natural death at ten, fifteen, or more years before life should terminate."

Those who, from love to God and man, thus sacrifice themselves claim a place upon the martyr's roll, and the Lord accepting the love may not take from the reward on account of misapplied strength and shortened life. But the system under which the sacrifice is made is not of God, has no place in Christianity, is a Moloch, and destitute even of plausible excuse, inasmuch as it brings fewer souls to God than would result from a return to the apostolic plan.

Observer, Aug. 15, '76.

BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c., direct from the Editor, by Post or Rail.

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CLOTH CASES for the E. O gilt lettered. THE NEW TESTAMENT, showing the Gre

with strings to secure twelve numbers, post free, 8d.

Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans.

By Moses E. Lard. Price 12s. 6d., P. 11d. Life of A. Campbell. 148., P. 1s. Commentary on New Tes., Vol I, MATTHEW AND

MARK. By J. W. McGarvey. Price 9s., P. 6d. Commentary on New Tes., Vol. IX. EPISTLE

TO THE HEBREWS. By Pres. Milligan. 9s., P. 6d. Commentary on Acts of Apostles. By J. W. McGarvey. 5s. 6d. P. 6d.

Life of Walter Scott, with Portrait. 8s. 6d., P. 6d. Scheme of Redemption. By Pres. Milligan. 9s. 6d., P. 8d.

Reason and Revelation.

9s. 6d., P. 8d.

By Pres. Milligan.

[blocks in formation]

Psalms and Hymns for Christians: Fourth Edition of New Selection. Roan, 1s. 11d.; Turkey Roan, gilt edges, 28. 9d. Reduction on ten or more of 2d. each Roan, and 2d. best. Purchaser pays carriage.

Hymns and Bible Lesson Songs, for Children.
Cloth, 2d.; Twenty-five, 3s. 6d.
Purchaser pays
Immersion v. Sprinkling and Pouring: The
Question Settled. 6d., P. 1d.

Why Baptize the Little Ones? 4d., P. §d.
On the Restoration of Apostles, a Refutation of
the Claims of Irvingism. P. free, six copies, 3d.
The Resurrection of Saints and Sinners at the
Coming of the Lord. 3d., P. d.

Good Friday, Easter, and Lent, of Pagan
Origin. The Saviour not crucified on the Friday.
Six copies, P. free, 3d.

[blocks in formation]

Original of every word, with a Glossary, explaining all the Greek words of the New Testament, and giving their varied renderings in the Authorized version. By JAMES GALL. Price, post-free, 68.6d.

[blocks in formation]


THE OLD PATHS, in Volumes, can be used as an eligible and instructive present, both for persons of mature age and for the young. Volumes for 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875, sent post-free, 6d. each volume. The Volumes for 1873 and 1875, Bound in Cloth, post-free, 11d. each.


METRICAL RENDERING OF THE GOSPEL BY JOHN. By GILBERT F TICKLE. The text carefully compared with the best translations, and rendered in blank verse. Bound in neat cloth, with bevelled edges and gilt lettering. Postfree 2s. 6d.


HORT ARGUMENTS ABOUT THE MILLEN NIUM; or Plain Proofs for Plain Christians that the Coming of Christ will not be Pre-millennial; that His reign on earth will not be personal. A book for the times, by B. C. YOUNG. Second thousand, post-free, 2s. 6d.


THE MAN OF SIN, by B. C. YOUNG, Author of "Short Arguments about the Millennium." Price 1s., postage ld.

"Competent scholarship and great vigour."-Freeman. Important information, able criticism, and great thoughts."Homilist.

[blocks in formation]


HE BRIDGE OF HISTORY OVER THE GULF OF TIME: a Popular View of the Historic Evidence for the Truth of Christianity. By Thomas Cooper. Price 2s. 6d., post free 28. 8d.

AUSTRALIA.-Any of the Works published

by A. Campbell can be obtained, or ordered, from DUNN, CARTER, and COLLINS, opposite corner to the Post Office, Melbourne, who also supply, to order, the Ecclesiastical Observer.


Testament Lessons, including the International Lessons, conducted by J. Adam and F. Taylor. Monthly price One Penny. Four copies free by post. Orders to be sent to the Publisher, A. Richardson, Warwick Lane, London.

Printed by MOODY BROTHERS, at their offices, No. 12, Cannon Street, Market Hall Ward, Birmingham, and published by David KING, at No. 30, Belgrave Road, Birmingham.-Tuesday, August 15, 1876. London Publishers, HALL & Co., Paternoster Bow.

Ecclesiastical Observer

(Formerly the British Harbinger),

Devoted to Primitive Ghristianity and Biblical Cruth.


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THERE HERE are martyrs, and martyrs, AND martyrs-at least three classes; those dragged to stake or stoning in defence of great principles, and for the good of their fellows; those who, unknown to fame, prematurely reach the grave by persistent quiet services of love and duty; also those who for a good cause wage warfare by undesirable methods, exhaustant of vital power, and who too soon meet the embrace of death. Many of the last-named class do noble work, and deserve honourable mention; but after all a waste of life stands to their account, and to that of the systems under which they fall. These remarks are suggested by the death, a few days back, of another Baptist Minister—T. C. Pike, of Leicester. In 1859 he became pastor at Friar Lane Chapel, in that town, and it is said that "what he was as pastor may be best inferred from the general affection in which he was held by his people, who very sincerely mourn their loss. Both as preacher and pastor he was highly esteemed, for he discharged the duties of the pulpit with faithfulness, while his affectionate bearing in every-day life won for him a place in the hearts of young and old. He never sought distinction beyond that comparatively limited sphere in which his duties lay. He was a diligent stay-at-home worker." He

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ERMS.-The Ecclesiastical Observer can be ordered from BOOKSELLERS by giving the name of publishers Hall and Co., Paternoster Row, London; or, post free from the EDITOR, on payment of 4s. for the year, 2s. for the half-year, or 5s. per annum to America, Australia, or Canada. Postal copies to be prepaid. Postage stamps received for sums not exceeding 5s.

ADVERTISEMENTS.--Under sixty words, 2s. 6d., and at half that rate after the first sixty; subsequent insertion reduced one half.

ITEMS OF NEWs to be in hand at least ten days before the date of publication.

PAYMENTS acknowledged only on the second page. DUNN, CARTER, AND CO., Booksellers, opposite Post Office, Melbourne, Australia, remit orders, or supply monthly. The several friends who have hitherto received orders and payments on our behalf will, no doubt, continue to do so; or subscribers can send P.0.0. direct.

has gone to his grave under sixty years of age, and this is the record :" There is reason to fear that the deceased pastor must be reckoned among those victims of overwork of whom, alas! in these days we have so many examples." Such is the verdict of the editor of the Baptist, and last year and of late death has been busy in prematurely removing higher class Baptist Ministers. The facts seem to say to young men who contemplate entering the ministry, "Your prospect is that of becoming a medium preacher, in which case you will be driven from pillar to post, seeking pasture and finding but little; or of reaching the altitude of the few, who keep up large congregations, and then your work will demand mental application calculated to bring you to a non-natural death at ten, fifteen, or more years before life should terminate."

Those who, from love to God and man, thus sacrifice themselves claim a place upon the martyr's roll, and the Lord accepting the love may not take from the reward on account of mis

applied strength and shortened life. But the system under which the sacrifice is made is not of God, has no place in Christianity, is a Moloch, and destitute even of plausible excuse, inasmuch as it brings fewer souls to God than would result from a return to the apostolic plan.

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