iring, which was instantly returned with a smartness and spirit that evinced they were fully prepared for the contest. The Harrier, who had kept close astern of the Greyhound, on seeing her engaged, bore round up, and passing between the frigate and her second astern, raked them both; the latter with such effect, that they bore up in succession to return her fire, thus leaving the frigate separated from them. Being resolved to avail myself of this ad vantage, and being anxious to be in a position for supporting the Har. rier, now engaged in the centre of the enemy's line, I wore close round the frigate's bows, raking her severely while passing; and when on the starboard bow, by throwing our sails aback, we fell into the desired position. The cannonade from the Greyhound was now admirable, while, that of the frigate visibly slackened; and at last, after an action of forty minutes, wholly ceased. On hailing to know if they had struck, they answered they had, and lieutenant Home took immedi ate possession of her. On directing her fire on the ships astern, they all followed her example, except the corvette, who, from being in the rear, had suffered little from the action, and now made off towards the shore. Capt. Troubridge immedidiately wore in pursuit of her, send. ing, at the same time, a boat to take possession of the large ship, whose fire he had nearly silenced early in the action. Perceiving the corvette sailed remarkably well, and that she could spread more canvass than the Harrier, her masts and rigging being entire, I recalled the latter from a chace which was likely to be fruitless. The prizes proved to be the Dutch frigate Pallas, of 36 guns, commanded by N. S. Aalbers, a captain in the Dutch navy; the Victoria, a two-decked ship, of about 800 tons, commanded by Klaas Kenkin, senior captain in the Dutch company's service; and the Batavia, a ship of about 500 tons, commanded by William de Val, a captain in the same service: both the company's ships are armed for the purpose of war, and richly laden with the produce of the Moluccas. The ship which escaped, I learn from our prisoners, was the republican corvette William, mounting 20 twenty-four pounders, and manned with 110 men. [The letter concludes with passing the highest encomiums on the officers and ships' companies of the Greyhound and Harrier.] (Signed) E. ELPHINSTONE. Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart. RearAdmiral of the White, &c. &c. &c. List of Killed and Wounded on-board his Majesty's Ships, in Action with a Dutch Squadron on the 26th of July, 1806, off Macassar. Greyhound, 1 killed and wounded.-Harrier, 3 wounded.Total, 1 killed and 11 wounded. Officers slightly wounded.-Greyhound, James Wood, boatswain; George Majoribanks, master's mate, and John Bradford, clerk. List of Killed and Wounded on. board the Enemy's Ships, in Action on the 26th of July, 1806, off Ma A gazette extraordinary of April 13, contains an ample account of the gallant capture of Monte Video, of which the following is the substance. The dispatch from sir S. Achmuty is dated, Monte Video, Feb. 6; and after announcing the landing of the forces on the 18th of January, about nine miles from the town, and the occupying of the suburbs by our advanced posts, the general gives the following interesting account of the subsequent operations. "The next morning the enemy came out of the town, and attacked us with their whole force, about 6000 men, and a number of guns. They advanced in two columns; the right consisting of cavalry, to turn our left flank, while the other, of infantry, attacked the left of our line; this column pushed in our ad. vanced posts, and pressed so hard on our out-picquet, of 400 men, that col. Browne, who commanded on the left, ordered three companies of the 40th, under major Campbell, to their support these companies fell in with the head of the column, and very bravely charged it; the charge was as gallantly received, and great numbers fell on both sides; at length the column began to give way, when it was suddenly and impetuously attacked in flank by the rifle corps, and light battalion, which I had ordered up, and directed to the particular point. The column now gave way on all sides, and was pursued with great slaughter, and the loss of a gun, to the town. The right column, ob serving the fate of their companions, rapidly retired, without coming into action. The loss of the enemy was considerable, and has been estimated at 1500 men their killed might 4 amount to between 2 and 300; we have taken the same number of prisoners, but the principal part of the wounded got back into the town: I am happy to add, that ours was comparatively trifling.The consequences of this affair were greater than the action itself. Instead of finding ourselves surrounded with horse, and a petty warfare at our posts, many of the inhabitants of the country separa ted, and retired to their several vil lages, and we were allowed quietly to sit down before the town.From the best information I could obtain, I was led to believe that the defences of Monte Video were weak, and the garrison by no means disposed to make an obsti. nate resistance; but I found the works truly respectable, with 160 pieces of cannon; and they were ably defended. The enemy, being in possession of the island of Ra tones, commanded the harbour; and I was aware that their gunboats would annoy us, as we ap prehended. A two-gun battery was constructed on the 23d to keep them in check, and our posts were extended to the harbour, and com. pletely shut in the garrison on the land-side. Their communication was still, however, open by water, and their boats conveyed to them Even water troops and provisions, for the garrison was obtained by these means; for the wells that sup ply the town were in our posses sion. "On the 25th we opened batte ries of four 24-pounders and two mortars, and all the frigates and smaller vessels came in, as close as they could with safety, and cannonaded the town. But finding that the garrison was not intimidated into a 'surrender, surrender, I constructed, on the 28th, a battery of six 24-pounders, within 1000 yards of the south-east bastion of the citadel, which I was informed was in so weak a state that it might be easily breached. The parapet was soon in ruins, but the rampart received little injury, and I was soon convinced that my means were unequal to a regular siege; the only prospect of success that presented itself was, to erect a battery as near as possible to a wall by the south gate, that joins the works to the sea, and endeavour to breach it. This was effected by a six-gun battery, within 600 yards; and though it was exposed to a very superior fire from the enemy, which had been incessant during the whole of the siege, a breach was report ed practicable on the 2d instant. Many reasons induced me not to delay the assault, though I was aware that the troops would be exposed to a very heavy fire in approaching and mounting the breach. Orders were issued for the attack an hour before day-break the ensuing morning, and a summons was sent to the governor in the evening to surrender the town. To this measure no answer was returned -The troops destined for the assault, consisted of the rifle corps under major Gar. dener, the light infantry under lient..col. Brownrigg and major Trotter, the grenadiers under ma. jors Campbell and Tucker, and the 38th regiment under lieut..col. Vassal and major Nugent. They were supported by the 40th reg ment under major Dalrymple, and the 87th under lieutenantcolonel Butler and major Miller. The whole were commanded by colonel Browne. The remainder of my force, consisting of the 17th VOL. XLIX. light dragoons, detachments of the 20th and 21st light dragoons, the 47th regiment, a company of the 71st, and a corps of 700 marines and seamen, were encamped under brigadier-general Lumley, to protect our rear. "At the appointed hour the troops marched to the assault. They approached near the breach before they were discovered, when a destructive fire from every gun that could bear upon it, and from the musquetry of the garrison, opened upon them. Heavy as it was, our loss would have been com paratively trifling, if the breach had been open; but during the night, and under our fire, the enemy had barricaded it with hides, so as to render it nearly impracticable.-The night was extremely dark. The head of the column missed the breach; and when it was approached, it was so shut up, that it was mistaken for the untouched wall. In this situation the troops remained under a heavy fire for quarter of an hour, when the breach was discerned by captain Renny, of the 40th light infantry, who pointed it out, and gloriously fell as he mount ed it. Our gallant soldiers rushed to it, and, difficult as it was of access, forced their way into the town. Cannon were placed at the head of the principal streets, and their fire for a short time, was destructive; but the troops advanced in all directions, clearing the streets and batteries with their bayonets, and overturning their cannon. The 40th regiment, with colonel Browne. followed. They also missed the breach, and twice passed through the fire of the batteries, before they found it.-The 87th regiment was posted near the north gate, which Tt the the troops who entered at the breach were to open for them, but their ardour was so great that they could not wait. They scaled the walls, and entered the town as the troops within approached it. At daylight, every thing was in our possession except the citadel, which made a show of resistance, but soon surrendered; and early in the morning the town was quiet, and the women were peaceably walking the streets. "The gallantry displayed by the troops during the assault, and their forbearance and orderly behaviour in the town, speak so fully in their praise, that it is unnecessary for me to say how highly I am pleased with their conduct. The service they have been engaged in since we landed has been uncommonly severe and laborious, but not a murmur has escaped them; every thing I wished has been effected with order and cheerfulness.-Our loss during the siege was trifling, particularly as we were not sheltered by ap proaches, and the enemy's fire of shot and shell was incessant. But it is painful for me to add, that it was great at the assault. Many most valuable officers are among the killed and wounded. Major Dal rymple, of the 40th, was the only field officer killed. Lieut.-cols. Vassal, and Brownrigg, and major Tucker, are among the wounded. I am deeply concerned to say, that the two former are severely so. The enemy's loss was very great, about 800 killed, 500 wounded, and the governor don P. R. Hul. dobro, with upwards of 2000 offieers and men, are prisoners. About 1500 escaped in boats, or secreted themselves in the town. Lumley, and from col. Browne, I have received the most able and the most zealous assistance and support. The former protected the line from the enemy during our march, and covered our rear during the siege. The latter conducted it! with great judgement and determi.. ned bravery. The established reputation of the royal artillery has been firmly supported by the com pany under my orders; and I con sider myself much indebted to captains Watson, Dickson, Carmichael, and Wilgress, for their zealous and able exertions. Captain Fanshaw, of the engineers, was equally zealous; and though young in the ser vice, conducted himself with such propriety, that I have no doubt of his proving a valuable officer.— The captains and officers of the navy have been equally zealous to assist us; but I feel particularly indebted to captains Donnelly and Palmer for their great exertions. They commanded a corps of marines and seamen that were landed, and were essentially useful to us with the guns, and in the batteries, as well as in bringing up the ord. nance and stores.-I have the ho. nour to be, &c. S. AUCHMUTY, Brigadier-general commanding." "P. S. I am extremely concerned to add, that lieut.-cols. Vassal and Brownrigg both died yesterday of their wounds. I had flattered myself with hopes of their recovery; but a rapid mortification has deprived his majesty of two most able and gallant officers. 1 Return of the Killed, Wounded, and Missing of the Forces under the command of Brigadier-General Sir Sam. Auchmuty. Between 16th and 20th ult. 1 lieute "From brig. gen. the hon. W. nant, 1 drummer, 18 rank and file, killed; killed; 2 majors, 3 captains, 1 lieut. 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 119 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and file, missing. During the Siege, 1 cap tain, 3 rank and file. killed; 1 lieut., 1 ensign, 12 rank and file, wounded, 7 rank and file missing.-At the Assault, 1 major, 3 captains, 2 leuts., 2 serjeants, 5 drummers, 105 rank and file, killed; 2 lieut. colonels, 3 captains, 8 licuts., 4 ensigns, 4 staff, 18 serjeants, 5 drummers. 235 rank and file, wounded. -Total, 1 major, 4 captains, 3 lients., 2 serjeants, 6 drummers, 126 rank and file, killed; 2 lieut.-colo nels, 2 majors, 6 captains, 10 lieuts., 5 ensigns, 4 staff, 20 serjeants, 6 drummers,366 rank and file, wounded; 8 rank and file missing.-Cap. tains Wilgress and Crookshanks, 31 rank and file, included in the above, have since returned to their duty. Officers Killed and Wounded. Killed upon Landing, lieut. Fitzpatrick, of the 40th.--Slightly Wounded upon Landing, major Trotter, of the 83d; major Campbell, of the 40th; capts, Wilgress, of the royal artillery; Crookshanks of the 38th; Rogers of the 40th ; lieut Chawner, of the 95th.-Killed during the Siege, capt. Beaumont, of the 87th.Wounded during the Siege, lient. O'Brien, of the 87th; the hon. C. Irby, midshipman.--Killed in the Assault, major Dalrymple, of the 40th ; capt. Rennie, of ditto; ieut. Alston, of ditto; capt. Ma. son, of the 38th; lieut. Irwine, of the 87th; capt. Dickenson, of the 95th. Wounded in the assault.-11th regt. lieut. col. Brownrigg, (since Dead.)-40th, lieut. Smith, and enign Cancern.-87th, lieut. Evans, and M'Rea.-38th, lieut. col. Vas sal, (since dead,) capt. Shiplay, lieut. Brownon; ensigns White, Willshire, and Frazer, (the last since dead;) paymaster Willshire, adju tani Hewitt, and assistant surgeon Garratt.--40th. lieuts. Wallace, Johnson, and Ramus.-72i, major Tucker.-95th, lieuts. Scanian and M'Namara The A dispatch from admiral Stirling, dated Feb. 8, relates his co-operation with the military forces; and mentions the landing of 800 marines to assist them. Finding he could not get near enough with the ships to produce any el ct, he disposed of them so as to prevent any escape from the harbour. The distance (says he,) which the ships lay from the shore, with the almost constant high winds and swell we had, and the great way every thing was to be dragged by the seamen, up a heavy sandy road, made the duty excessively laborious. squadron had almost daily 1400 men on shore, and this ship was often left with only 30 men on board. -The defence made by the enemy protracted the siege longer than was expected, and reduced our stock of powder so low, that the king's ships, with all the transports, and what a fleet of merchantmen had for sale, could not have furnished a further consumption for more than two days, when a practicable breach was fortunately made, and on the 3d inst. early in the morning, the town and citadel were most gal. lantly carried by storm."— [After many encomiums on the bravery of his officers and men, the admiral states his loss at six killed, 28 wounded, and four missing, and gives a list of the prizes taken at Monte Video, comprising 57 vessels, from 100 to 650 tons, besides 15 sloopTt2 rigged |