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that, except in the case of a perverted appetite. We would indeed refer, as such an exception-though we have our doubts, after all, whether it is one or not -to the apple or the pear, which may possibly be rendered a little more nutritious by simple boiling, baking, etc. The specific properties of fruits, as fruits, are almost wholly lost when they are used with wine, or in pies or puddings; and worse than lost when they are made into sauces, or preserves, or sweetmeats.

We think a good deal of health is lost by the errors to which, in the two preceding paragraphs, we have adverted; and we call upon the common sense of all our readers to set about a reform in this matter. It is due to themselves, at a more advanced age; but it is especially due to their children. No child, not perverted-and that strangely perverted, too-would ever prefer cherries, or whortleberries, or apples, in a pie or a pudding, to the simple use of the fruit as it comes from the hand of the Creator, and cooked in nature's own manner. We might safely challenge the whole world to prove the contrary.

10. How Fruit should be taken.Fruit should usually be taken as an article of food, either as a whole meal or a part of one. Perhaps no error in regard to fruit has done more mischief than that which prevails-at least in practice that fruit is not food; that we may cat our usual allowance of food, and afterwards a quantity of fruit in addition.

Some of the German physicians recommend that the breakfast for the young, especially for those who are not very vigorous, should consist either of fruit alone, or of fruit and milk. Thousands and thousands make a whole breakfast of fruit. But where milk is taken by the young, we prefer that it should be taken at breakfast, to the partial or entire exclusion of the fruit. Those who make their breakfast of milk, however, if they are under four or five years of age, and especially if they take it at six o'clock, may take a small meal of fruit at nine o'clock; while those who are older, and do not need more than three meals a day, may take a

part of their fruit with the meal of milk, and a part with their dinner. Let not the parent be anxious about a want of nutriment in fruit, as if a meal made of simple fruit would not hold out. No parent ever fears that milk will not hold out, or potatoes. And yet there are few ripe, perfect fruits-probably none except melons and cucumbersthat do not contain about as much nutriment to the pound as milk or potatoes.

There is not, there cannot be, a more wholesome breakfast in hot weather for adults or for children, than a breakfast made up entirely of fruits; as strawberries, raspberries, cherries, whortleberries, etc. Nor is there one more delightful, ere the taste and habits have been perverted and depraved. those testify on this subject who have tried the method; other testimony is merely negative.



But if mixtures are adopted, milk, or bread, or homony, or rice, are probably the best adjuncts. Potatoes may answer, but we do not like them so well. less do we like peas, and beans, and soups, and butter, and cheese, and even plain puddings. Simple bread, good bread, and plain milk, are the best.


As to the irregular use of fruits between our meals, as is the way of most children, and even of some adults, we conceive it to be abominable. thing sooner breaks up digestion, and induces derangement of the stomach and bowels, than eating irregularly between meals, even when the substance eaten is in itself unexceptionable. It is, in fact, one of the most prolific causes of our summer and fall complaints; and hence the importance of understanding this whole subject, and of governing ourselves and our families accordingly.

There is one circumstance which renders it particularly necessary to avoid overloading or irritating the alimentary canal, during the summer season, especially with the skins, seeds, stones, hulls, etc., of fruits whose pulp is in itself wholesome. It is this: the great heats, by acting so long on the skin, weaken this covering membrane of our bodies; and whatever weakens this, weakens, at the same time, by what is

called sympathy, the lining membrane of the alimentary canal. Our food, therefore, and our drink, under these circumstances, ought to be lighter and less irritating than usual,instead of being more heavy and more likely, by their nature, to cause disturbance; and the stomach, above all, ought to have its seasons of rest between our meals, instead of being constantly plied with any thing whatever.

Although the fruits come exactly in the season when they are wanted, if used as God in nature intended they should be, they come exactly when they should not, if we are to abuse them, as is too frequently the custom. If they are used without regard to the rules we have laid down, and especially in defiance of those rules, nothing could be worse for us. Even as they are now often managed by some people, it would not be far from truth to say, that they come to them in the worst season of the year, and in the worst circumstances. Their abuse of them, in the winter, or even late in the fall, or early in the spring, would not be half so dangerous.

When we consider how much imperfect and bad fruit, together with multitudes of other crude substances-greens, salads, pickles, cucumbers, horse-radish, mustard, radishes, etc. etc.-is thrown into the human stomach between the months of May and October-the very time, as we have said before, when they are most injurious-we are often struck with surprise that the amount of disease in the community is no greater than it actually is. Surely the human constitution is very strong, or it could not bear up under such an accumulation of abuses, especially when they are repeated from year to year; and are often continued through life!

11. Kinds of Fruit.-The question will here arise in the minds of manyWhat kinds of fruit are best? A question to which we were well nigh ready to make a very laconic, if not paradoxical reply, and say-All are best.' Nor would the reply be so far from truth, as some might at first suppose. Of the various kinds of domestic fruits, whose

use is sanctioned by custom, almost all are wholesome, when used in accordance with the principles we have endeavoured to develope in this essay. The foreign fruits, except perhaps the grape, and the dried fruits, raisins, figs, prunes, etc., owing to the reasons we have elsewhere given, should be chiefly avoided.

Some of the fruits are adapted, as we have seen, to one season, some to another. A few of them can be preserved in tolerable perfection almost the year round. Such are the apple and some kinds of pears; and, with suitable pains, the grape. Many of them may be preserved, by drying, without having their properties essentially impaired. Such are the apple, the peach, the currant, the whortleberry, and the plum.

We have said that the fruits in common use are almost all good in their season and place, if used properly; and we have more than intimated the difficulty of selecting. The sweet and mildly sour apple, the milder and more tender sort of pear, some kinds of peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, whortleberries, melons, and bilberries, may be said, as a general rule, to be among the better class of fruits; and next to these are the winter apple, the cherry, the gooseberry, the currant, the mulberry, the best grapes, and some sorts of plums.

Of the currant and mulberry, to which we have assigned a secondary place in our catalogue, we ought, however, to remark, that there are some kinds of them far preferable to others. The sweetest of the former, and those which are least sweet of the latter, are preferable.

As a general rule, then, we would only say, in closing, choose those sorts or kinds of fruit which are either moderately sweet, or gently acid; and those individual fruits, of each general sort or kind, which are the ripest and most perfect. And having made your choice, endeavour to use them in accordance with the laws of life and health in general, and with the principles we have endeavoured to develope in this





IT is far from being our purpose, at the present time, to write an extended or learned essay on the eye. What we aim at, is simply a few plain, practical remarks, on the frequent abuses of this organ. 'The light of the body is the eye,' says the Scripture; if, therefore, thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light; but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.' This alone is a strong testimonial, by Him who made the eye, to its value, and to the importance of its integrity; and an indication of the mental error or darkness which may result, if this more important window of the soul becomes, by any means, clouded or darkened.

But the physical evils which may befal us, in consequence of imperfection or abuse of the eye, are much more numerous than any other. They may, however, be chiefly arranged in two classes-local and general. We shall treat first of those which may be called


The adult human eye is about an inch in diameter, though the size varies exceedingly in different individuals of nearly the same size. It consists essentially of a mass of thick fluid, in its general appearance not unlike melted glass, covered with a coat or crust, and this crust consisting of several layers. The eye, or eyeball, as it is sometimes called, thus constructed, is loosely imbedded in a deep socket of bone, at the lower and fore part of the cranium or brain-case.

The loose bed for the eye, to which we have adverted, consists of a spongy, fat substance. Its looseness or sponginess is designed, in part at least, to admit motion without friction. The eye has, or should have, a good deal of motion. We may roll it, by means of muscles attached to its different sides, in every direction we please; and even project it, not a little, from the socket.

The sensibility of the eye is not very great, except in a small portion of the fore part of its outside covering. Those

various layers, which form what I have called the crust of the eye, may be cut, or punctured, or lacerated, almost without any pain; and as for the internal glassy contents of the globe of the eye, there is no more sensation there than in so much horn or putty. We are aware that this opinion is contrary to the general impression; it will, nevertheless, be found substantially correct.

We have admitted that the outer covering at the fore part of the eye is very sensible. We allude to that projection of the skin which, running over the edges of the eye-lids, forms their lining, and then goes from thence over about half the fore part of the ball or globe of the eye. The central part of this covering is, as is well known, very thin and transparent, and is called, in the language of books, the cornea, while the coat or membrane, as a whole, is called the tunica conjunctiva.

This coat is always kept moist in the healthy eye of a living adult by the tears. These are secreted or formed in a small gland, which lies in the upper part of the socket in which the eye-ball is placed; and are brought to the spot where they are wanted in small channels or pipes. When they are in too great quantity, they are conducted away in a small pipe, and escape through the


These tears keep the membrane which covers the fore part of the eye, especially the cornea, from becoming too dry. The eye-lids, by being closed at will, protect the eye from external injuries, at least in part. The position of the eye is peculiarly favourable to its security. Imbedded deeply in the socket, it can receive no injury, at least readily, except in front. But to guard it from blows even here, in addition to the strong eye-lids which I have already mentioned, the bones at the edge of the socket of the eye project a little, and so do the contiguous bones of the nose. The eye. brows and eye-lashes are also, to some extent, a defence, especially from small dust, and too strong a light.

But, notwithstanding all these arrangements of the Divine Author of the eye to defend it from harm, it is a very frequent sufferer, and in various ways. We are reminded of one form of injury which the eye often sustains by the remarks of the preceding paragraph concerning light. The eye is often injured by excess of light, especially when long continued. It is indeed true that the Author of nature, and of the eye among the rest, has so wonderfully constructed this organ, that it can adapt itself, in time, though not always immediately, to almost any quantity or degree of this stimulus. This is done by means of what is called the iris-a moveable circular curtain situated in the fore part ot the eye, a little behind the cornea. When

we are in a dark place, this curtain, the iris, so shrinks or withdraws towards the circumference of the eye, as to leave a very large opening in its centre, in order that as many rays of light as can possibly be collected, may reach the retina, or expansion of the optic nerve, at the inner back part of the eye. On the contrary, when we go from a dark place to a light one, the iris extends itself again towards the centre, and thus renders the opening very small. This opening, which so readily enlarges or contracts, is usually called the pupil of

the eye.

Now, although Divine Providence has kindly furnished us with this curtain, to save the eye from being utterly destroyed by those numerous exposures to which it is subjected, either from carelessness or ignorance, still the eye is subjected to many injuries from sudden changes. If we strike up a light suddenly in a very dark room, the iris not being able to adapt itself to the great number of rays suddenly thrown upon the retina, we experience a sensation of pain; or if we do not perceive it, the nerve is overstimulated, and the sight is certainly injured. And even when we go into a dark room too suddenly, the eye seems to adjust itself to the few rays of light which remain, with considerable difficulty.

But the greatest injury is done to the eye, when, from great darkness, it is brought suddenly to a strong light.

Let all who are accustomed to this error, be their eyes ever so strong at present, take warning. The ultimate effects, should the immediate sensations be less trying, are like those of sudden changes from a very high to a very low temperature of the body in generalthe vitality of the eye is greatly exhausted, and the result may even be utter blindness.

Most persons are probably aware, that when an individual who has long been blind from what is called a cataract, is operated upon, and the cataract removed, no skilful surgeon lets in the full light of day upon the eye at once; for if he did, it might produce the most terrible results. Every reader of ancient history will recollect the dreadful effects which have sometimes followed cutting off the eye-lids as a punishment, as in the case of the tyrant Dionysius; that of the Carthagenians in their punishment of Regulus, etc.

It is curious to observe what pains have been taken to adapt the eye to the general course of things in nature. In most parts of the earth, the brilliant light of the sun is not ushered in at once, but by a gradually increasing twilight. Did we open our eyes in the morning to the full blaze of a meridian sun, or a sun fully risen, how different would be the effect. In like manner, the sun's light does not go out suddenly at evening, but fades away slowly.

How erroneous, then, are some of the customs of artificial life. Many exclude all light from their sleeping rooms, until the light is ready to burst upon them in its full strength. And of those who rise early in the morning, while it is yet dark, how few take pains to come to the light gradually. The change is, very often, from total darkness to the full blaze of a lamp or candle; and this without any measure of precaution, such as kindling a gradual fire in the first place, or throwing a shade over the eyes to save them from the first glare.

It is, indeed, true that the eye is rested in the morning, and restored, as well as the rest of the system; and will, therefore, bear these abuses better than it will in the evening. Happy for mankind

that it is so, for otherwise there would be many more weak eyes among us than there now are. Nevertheless, even in the morning, these abuses should be avoided. So also should that of sitting without a light at evening, till it is quite dark, and then introducing a light suddenly.

To illustrate the danger of morning errors, to which we have alluded, we might mention the case of an individual who, after awaking two or three mornings in succession, with the sun shining full in his face, was seized with a violent ophthalmia, which caused, for years, a vast amount of suffering; and that of a student, a room-mate of our own, who sustained much injury from striking up a lamp at four o'clock, without taking any pains to guard against its ill effects. And as to the evening error to which we have referred, Dr. Reynolds, of Boston, mentions, in his writings, the case of a lawyer who brought on a serious disease by performing his studies in a gloomy and somewhat dark room, and then passing into one of brilliant light to take his meals.

Here we are reminded of another very common, but very serious errorthat of using our artificial lights in such a way that there is nothing interposed between them and the eye. Now the Author of nature has prevented the glare of the sun's rays (except when that body is just above the horizon, either soon after rising or just before setting), from reaching the eye, by placing the eye-lid in such a position that it serves as a sort of screen. We, however, in our houses, seem to forget or overlook this indication of nature, or rather of her Divine Author, and place our lamps and candles in such a position that the purpose of the eye-lids, so far as the evening is concerned, is defeated. And, to add to all this, many persons sit around a fire whose light also shines full in the eyes, perhaps till ten or eleven o'clock, or till midnight.

We know very well that what we say is very far from being true of all. Some there are, indeed, many, in these days of fuel, who use stoves furnaces. This of course saves the eyes, so far as the glare of light merely


is concerned. And there are a few who use astral or other lamps, which answer as a sort of substitute for eye-lids.

If our long evenings, and our lamps and candles, and open stoves and fireplaces, could be transferred to the morning-if people would retire to rest at dark, and rise as much before daylight in the morning, as they are now accustomed to sit up after the light is gone at evening, the injury to the eyes, of which we are speaking, would be less than it now is. We do not say that artificial light would not be hurtful, let us come to it on rising as gradually as we might. Still, the injury would be far less than now, because the eye, being rested and restored, with the rest of the system, by sleep, as we have elsewhere said, would be better able to resist debilitating impressions; and here, by the way, is one argument for early retiring and early rising.

If our rooms are so constructed that the light in them is usually about equal to the light out of doors in a moderately cloudy day; if we rise at three or four o'clock, and have our evenings in the morning; if we are cautious about coming suddenly to the light when we rise; if we turn our faces from the fire, when sitting by it, and have our lamps and candles shaded, or, what is still better, placed above us, as the sun is above us in the firmament; if we wear something on our heads when we go out in the sun; if we avoid the use of lights and fires as much as possible in the evening; and, finally, if we avoid other evils to be mentioned hereafter, there is great reason for believing we shall seldom have weak eyes, or require the use, prematurely, of spectacles.

Heat is one exceedingly common and fruitful source of mischief to the eye. It is on this account, and on this alone, principally, that we object to open stoves and fire-places, and prefer furnaces, could they be suitably constructed. Nevertheless, we should prefer fire-places to furnaces, if people would turn away their faces from the fire when they sit by it.

Heat, in excess, injures the eye directly and indirectly. Directly, by exciting too much the tender vessels,

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