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AUSTRALIA. We have received the Newcastle Chronicle of October 30th, containing a full and interesting account of the laying of the foundation stone of an Odd-fellows' Hall,i n Newcastle, Australia. From the address of James Hannell, Esq., Justice of the Peace, we learn that Odd-fellowship in Australia is everywhere flourishing, and that the principles of our Order are fully carried out and appreciated by our brethren across the seas. We regret that we cannot find space for the admirable speech of this gentleman, one of the oldest Odd-fellows in the colony.

BARNARD CASTLE UNITED BROTHERS' LODGE. - The members of the above lodge held a public tea party at the house of Mr. Robert Borrowdale, Bridgegate, on Friday, the 31st of December, 1858. The soirée was for the benefit of the Children's Funeral Fund connected with the society; and the occasion had also been selected by the members to present their secretary, Mr. John Gibbon, with a pair of silver spectacles. The tea and its concomitants were all that could be desired, and reflected the highest credit upon the ladies who had provided the repast. After tea J. C. Cust, Esq., was unanimously called to the chair, and various speeches were made by members and others on the advantages derived from Odd-fellowship. Want of space compels us to omit the very full and interesting report with which we have been furnished.

BOSTON. HEARTS OF OAK LODGE.-In 1837, a few respectable mechanics, anxious to provide against those temporary causes which too often paralyse all subsequent efforts, conceived the idea of following in the wake of many large towns, by the establishment of an Odd-fellows' Lodge; the principle had been fairly tested in the manufacturing districts, and it was justly argued that an institution in Boston, under proper management, must be productive of equally good results. The movement was countenanced by several intelligent tradesmen, the preliminaries were duly arranged, and in the month of April, 1838, the "Hearts of Oak" Lodge opened under excellent auspices, officered by men of business habits, and conducted with economy, gradually extended in numbers, obtained from several residents in the borough substantial support in the form of honorary members, be came an institution of some magnitude for an agricultural district, and extended its branches in various directions. The lodge now numbers 124 members. The following is the state of its funds :-Sick and Funeral Fund, £1,076 68. Sd.; Incidental Fund, £4 19s. 43d.; Widows' and Orphans' Fund, £4 19s. Cd.; total, £1,086 5s. Oğd. This very flourishing state of things has been brought about by continued good management, by carefully protecting the funds from superfluous expenditure, and by invariably keeping faith with the public, largely augmenting the number of members. Notwithstanding the past year has been much more expensive than the average, we find that there has been an increase over 1857 of £40 19s. 54d. No fewerthan 32 members received sick pay during the paste twelve months.

BRISTOL.-The Loyal Benevolent Lodge held their sixteenth anniversary in the lodge room, Limekiln Lane, on Tuesday, February 22nd, when about 50 of the members partook of an excellent dinner. The chairs were taken by the N.G. and V.G. of the lodge-Mr. John Silley, N.G., and Mr. Francis Wood, V.G. W. D. Bigwood presided at the piano. After the usual loyal and lodge toasts, a very handsome silver snuff-box was presented to one of the past officers, bearing the following inscription: Presented by the members of the Benevolent Lodge to P.G. Richard Derham, as a token of respect for his long and faithful services. 1858."

CAMBRIDGE.-On Tuesday evening, January 25th, a large number of the members of the Earl Fitzwilliam Lodge met for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to P.P.G.M. Cursley, as a recognition of his services as cashier, and for his energetic exertions in promoting the prosperity of Odd-fellowship. The testimonial consisted of a handsome and valuable silver watch, and was presented to Mr. Cursley by Mr. Ginn, who in an appropriate speech alluded to the zeal and energy evinced by Mr. Cursley for the welfare of the lodge, and also to his benevolent disposition, and to the general respect the members had for him. Mr. Cursley, in acknowledging the compliment, referred to his connection with that and other lodges during a period of eighteen years, and said that he should never part with such a handsome mark of esteem. A few remarks from the Chairinan of the Committee followed. In the lodge room was placed an emblem containing the following inscription: "In commemoration of the presentation of a testimonial to P.P.G. M. George William Cursley, by the members of the Earl Fitzwilliam Lodge, in approbation of his zeal and diligence in the performance of his duties as cashier of the lodge, and in appreciation of his general perseverance in the cause of Odd-fellowship. The following members comprised the committee to carry out the intentions of the subscribers, and the testimonial was a handsome silver watch of the value of £5. P.G. Barrell, P.G. J. Hempstead, P.G. Peters, P.G. Tuxford, N.G. Fulcher, P.G. Willmott, Bro. Denis, Bro. D. Gatwood. January 25, 1959."

DEWSBURY. A grand soirée took place at the Public Hall, Dewsbury, on the 28th of December last, at which about four hundred persons were present. The hall was decorated with drapery and flags bearing appropriate mottoes, such as, "The Independent Order of Odd-fellows, M.U.,' "Welcome Alexander, G.M. of the Order," "Knowledge is Power," "Union is Strength," &c. Among the guests present were the Rev. James Dixon, of Hanging Heaton; Rev. Dr. Hook, vicar of Leeds; Rev. J. Taylor, Dewsbury; Rev. J. Ogden; Rev. J. Mc.Callum; Mr. Wm. Alexander, G.M. of the Order; Mr. J. Schofield, of Bradford, P.G M.; W. Aitken, Esq., of Ashton-under-Lyne; and other gentlemen of influence. The Ossett Apollo Glee Club was in attendance, and contributed greatly to the pleasure of the evening, by the excellent manner in which they rendered a number of songs, glees, &c.-Lapse of time prevents our inserting a more extended notice of this interesting meeting; we cannot, however, resist making a short extract from the speech of our friend and Grand Master, Mr. Alexander, in reference to the recent attack of the Times:"While we are using every exertion in our power to make our members better men and better citizens, we do not deserve the castigation of the Times, in calling us swindlers, &c. Odd-fellowship has brought many from the brink of ruin, and thousands have lived to bless the day they joined our Order."

HEREFORD.-The musical soirée, for the benefit of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, of the Manchester Unity of Odd-fellows, took place at the Corn Exchange, in this city, on Monday evening, January 3rd, 1859. His worship the Mayor (E. Abley, Esq.) was kind enough to preside; and a highly respectable company, numbering nearly 400, assembled at the appointed time. Tea, with its usual concomitants, was served in excellent style, after which the Mayor, in a brief address, congratulated the audience upon the suitable and spacious room in which they were assembled, and the large numbers and great respectability of the company present. The object which brought them together was most laudable, and he not only expressed his coincidence with the principles of the institution, but announced his intention to join it as a member. He felt it a pleasure and an honour to preside over such a

meeting assembled for such a purpose (cheers). Mr. G. Price, the treasurer, then read the following report:-"In presenting their annual report to the members and friends of this branch of our institution, the committee beg to congratulate them on the prosperity that has attended the society during the past year. At the present time the claims on the society are one widow and two orphans. By the returns of the different lodges in the district for the year 1858, we find that three members have died who were not subscribers of this society. To this fact the committee beg to call the attention of those members not connected with it, to show the importance of their at once becoming members, and making some provision for their wives and children, should it please Providence to remove them from this earthly lodge. We would urge them not to delay becoming subscribers, as no time is like the present. The committee trust the fund during the present year will receive a large accession of new members who have hearts to feel, as there cannot be any employment which is calculated to give more pleasure to the mind than that of relieving the distresses and administering to the wants of our fellow creatures, particularly of the widows and orphans, of those dear ones who are left to mourn in sorrow for the loss of him who in life was their solace and friend. Let us all therefore unite to gladden the heart of the fatherless and widow in the hour of affliction. In the statement of the accounts it will be seen that the fund has increased during the past year £51 10s. 6¿d., and during the same period, twelve new members joined. Donations have also been received from ladies and gentlemen, and these the committee gratefully acknowledge. They also beg, in behalf of the society, to tender their thanks to those friends who have come forward and so liberally supported them on every endeavour to add to the stability and prosperity of the fund. They also hope that the present meeting may prove as pleasant and agreeable as the last two soirées, and that as the principles of Odd-fellowship become better known and understood, the appeal made annually on behalf of the Widows and Orphans' Fund may meet with a hearty response. Value of fund, December 29th, 1857, £580 ls. 5d.; ditto, December 28th, 1858, £634 11s. 114d.; increase, £54 10s. 6d. Number of members, 1857, 108; ditto, 1858, 120. Invested with Town Council, £500; in Savings Bank, £117 16s. 1d.; balance in hand (general fund), £11 14s. 2d.; ditto, (management fund), £5 1s. 84d.; total, £634 11s. 114d."

Mr. Wood, Mr. Jas. Hull, P.G., and others addressed the meeting in eloquent terms, and a vote of thanks to the chairman was proposed and carried with acclamations.-The Mayor made a brief and suitable acknowledgement of the compliment.

Then commenced a concert, of which the following is a programme

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Mr. T. Carpenter ably presided at the pianoforte, and the musical corps comprised some of the lay clerks, and some amateurs, who acquitted themselv es exceedingly well, and earned the warm applause of the audience. The finale of "God save the Queen" terminated the entertainments of a very pleasant evening.

NUNEATON, WARWICKSHIRE. - On Monday, January 17th, the Loyal Tradesman's Hope Lodge, No. 3720, celebrated their anniversary at the Newdegate Arms Hotel, (Host and Brother Thomas Bills,) when about eighty brethren and visiting friends sat down to a sumptuous repast. R. B. Nason, Esq., surgeon, presided, supported on the right by T. S. Bourne, Esq., surgeon, and T. Stanton, and on the left by W. Wagstaff, treasurer to the Howard Lodge, Attleborough, and Joseph Adams, the trustee of the Tradesman's Hope; the vice-chair being efficiently occupied by the secretary, Mr. D. Drake, supported by Mr. W. Taverner, of the Howard Lodge, and G.M. ofthe Atherstone district, with brother officers on the left. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, the chairman addressed the brethren on the beneficial results of Odd-fellowship generally, especially the M.U., and proposed "success to the Tradesman's Hope Lodge." The secretary, in responding to the toast, said that in January, 1858, their lodge consisted of 68 members, and their funds £310 4s. 3d. ; and in January, 1859, their numbers were still sixty-eight, while their funds had steadily increased to £385 3s. 4d., leaving a clear gain to the lodge, after paying the sick and all other incidental demands, of £74 19s. 1d., which, of itself, spoke more than he could tell them for the cause of Odd-fellowship. After various toasts had been proposed and responded to, the evening was devoted to harmony, in which the Nuneaton Glee Club and several brothers and visitors cordially assisted.

NORFOLK.-The fifteenth anniversary meeting of the members and friends of the Loyal Nelson Lodge was held at the Grapes Inn on the 24th of Feb., when a large party dined together in the lodge room, which has recently been very considerably enlarged. P.S. James Springhall presided; supported by John Norgate, Esq., the treasurer; J. B. Pitt, Esq., the surgeon of the lodge; C.S. Samuel Daynes, P.G.M. Calver, P.D.G.M. Samuel Clarke, and several respectable citizens. N.G. Smith occupied the vicechair. After an excellent dinner, the customary loyal and patriotic toasts were given, followed by the health of the chief magistrate, G. Middleton, Esq., and prosperity to the city of Norwich. The chairman then proceeded to what was regarded as the principal feature of the evening's proceedings-the presentation of a handsome gold watch-chain and medallion to P.G. Samuel Bond, the medallion bearing the following inscription, engraved by Mr. Dallinger:-"Testimonial of esteem presented to P.G. Samuel Bond, by the members and friends of the Loyal Nelson Lodge, M.U.I.O.F., for fourteen years' active services in promoting its prosperity. Feb. 24th, 1859."-In making the presentation, the chairman expressed great delight in having to discharge so agreeable a duty, observing that Brother Bond, during his fourteen years' connection with the lodge, had borne an unimpeachable character, and performed many important services. For nearly the whole of that time he had filled the office of sick steward, ever evincing the greatest kindness to the brethren in affliction. As secretary, too, his duties had been very onerous, but his accounts had nevertheless been kept with what might be termed almost marvellous accuracy. In every respect he had proved himself worthy of all the esteem and regard they could possibly manifest towards him, and it was but right therefore that they should endeavour to pay to him some little tribute of respect.P.G. Samuel Bond expressed his sincere gratitude for the kindness of his

friends, and his deep sense of the honour which they had conferred upon him in presenting him with so valuable a gift. He recounted the various offices which he had filled in connection with Odd-fellowship, and concluded by giving, "the health of the Grand Master and Board of Directors," coupling with the toast the name of C.S. Samuel Daynes.-Mr. Daynes said that that meeting was interesting to him for two reasons-because it celebrated the accumulation of a certain amount of capital by that lodge, which was the first to set the excellent example of adjusting the rate of payments according to the amount of benefits expected from their contributions, and because a personal friend of his had that evening received at their hands a well-deserved tribute of esteem and respect. Although in the beginning of 1858 the country had scarcely emerged from a great commercial crisis, yet during that year the number of members in connection with the Order, was increased to the extent of 11 000, and on the 1st of January, the Unity could boast of no fewer than 287,000 paying members. In the Norwich District alone they paid, during the year 1855, £2,645 7s. 114d. to 1,241 sick members. The great utility of these societies was now acknowledged by every class in the community, but considerable doubts had existed as to their financial stability. If there had ever been a ground, however, for such doubts, it had been removed entirely by the adoption of the increased contributions, the example of Norwich having been followed in this respect by nineteen-twentieths of the Manchester Unity. The additional payment of a penny per week, or 4s. 4d. per annum, from each of the 5,802 members of this district, had realised the large sum of £1,277 2s., more than one-third of their accumulation for the past year. This was sufficient to show the importance of the work accomplished by such men as Mr. Bond, and others, who had taken upon themselves the disagreeable duty of asking for increased taxation. The fact was that the Order was financially placed on a sound and lasting basis. They had had a compliment recently paid to the efforts of the industrial classes by a great man, a man whose power of intellect was not disputed, however much people might differ from him in other matters. Mr. Bright had told the people of Bradford, that the registered benefit societies of this country possessed a capital of £9,000,000 sterling, and he gave this as a proof of the advancing intelligence of the working classes, and as a reason why he thought them fit to Le intrusted with additional political power. He (Mr. Daynes) did not use this as a political argument, but merely cited Mr. Bright's words as showing that gentleman's impression of the utility and value of benefit societies. The hon. gentleman's information was taken from a phamphlet prepared by Mr. Tidd Pratt, under the order of the Government, and this document showed that the registered benefit societies not only possessed a capital of £9,000,000 sterling, in the middle of last year, but, during that year had expended not less than £2,000,000 in the relief of their sick members. The registered Societies, however, were but a small portion of the benefit societies of this country, and if they took into their calculation the other clubs of a similar character, they would find, from the best information that could be obtained, that the whole body of benefit societies in this kingdom possessed a capital of £40,000,000, and if they added to this the accumulation in the savings' banks, it would be found that the total accumulated wealth of the lower orders, amounted to the large sum of no less than £70,000,000. Mr. Daynes then adverted to the value of the social element in the Manchester Unity, which he contended was an important bond of union, and the absence of which in many other societies, was the cause of the want of sympathy and the weakness that prevailed. ̧ He concluded by proposing the toast, "Success to the Nelson Lodge "-P.G. James Gaze responded to the toast, and gave some valuable statistics as to the past and present condition of the


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