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Financial statement of the Sick and Funeral Fund of seventy lodges in the orth London District, from their last audit in 1857, to their last audit in 1858.

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6,116 2 1

Then subtracting expenditure...

Left the total capital at the last audit, in 1858.....
In sixty-four lodges the income exceeded the expenditure by .
In six lodges the expenditure was more than the income by...

Which shows the net increase of capital to the Sick and
Funeral in the year 1858, to be

46,457 4 4 3,803 12 11 64 11 0

3,739 1 11

The returns, of ages, from two lodges being incomplete, are omitted; but the number of members in sixty-nine lodges is 7,047, and the number at each ageis as follows:

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We congratulate the lodges in the North London District for giving in their returns the number of members at each age. The average age of the members may be very well as a matter of curiosity, or as a measure by which one society may be compared with another. But the Actuary requires the number of members at each age, as a solid basis upon which to calculate the present value of an assurance at death, an allowance in sickness, or an annuity.


ALBY, NORFOLK.-The thirteenth anniversary of the Loyal Lord Suffield Lodge was held on Wednesday, July 27th. The members met at the lodge house at one o'clock, and proceeded, in procession, to church, headed by

Tuddenham's brass band. An excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. H. G. Griffith. They returned in the same order to the Horse Shoes Inn, where an excellent dinner was served up in a spacious booth, which was gaily and appropriately decorated with flags and evergreens. About 110 sat down under the presidency of J. Shepherd, Esq., surgeon; supported by the Rev. H. G. Griffith, P.G.M. Daynes, J. Cook, J. Shepherd, sen., and V. Colman, Esqrs., with Messrs. Richardson, Hicks, Pedgrift, Pratt, Gay, and Burrell. The Rev. G. Griffith, in responding to the toast of "the Clergy," took a general view of Odd-Fellows' societies, and commented upon the great benefits derived therefrom. On the health of the G.M. and Board of Directors being proposed, P.G.M. Daynes, the respected C.S. of the District, responded in a very able speech. Several other toasts having been proposed and responded to, interspersed with some excellent songs, dancing was kept up with great spirit till the company separated.


ATTLEBOROUGH, NUNEATON, WARWICKSHIRE.-The members of the Loyal Howard Lodge met on Sunday evening, 14th Septr., as is their custom every year previous to their anniversary dinner, about 70 walked in procession to church. The service was conducted by the Very Rev. Dr. Mackie, of Chilvers Caton, and a most excellent sermon was preached by Bro. Rev. J. R. Quirk. On Wednesday, the 19th inst., 96 of the brethren and friends sat down to an excellent dinner; the chair being occupied by Bro. John Estlin, solicitor, and on one side by the Rev. Dr. Mackie, the Rev. J. R. Quirk, R. B. Nason, suggeon, H. Smith, and John Powers, Esqs. The vice-chairs by P.P. G.M. Charles Lilley and P.G. Henry Clews, supported on each side by past officers. the usual loyal, patriotic, and complimentary toasts, Mr. W. Taverner, the secretary, said - -"Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, I told you at our last anniversary meeting that our funds amounted to £300; now I have the pleasure of informing you that they amount to more than £1300, so that beside paying sick payments and all other charges we have added more than £100 to our stock. I think this will tell for itself the prosperity of the lodge. Our number on the book is 119, and the last eight months we have declined making any more members, upon these grounds: we, who have braved the storm for 16, 17, 18, and 19 years, and paid our £1 1s., or more, at entrance, think there is no reason in initiating others for five shillings or seven and sixpence, who are immediately partners in the said £1300; and now we shall initiate any approved person up to 27 years for £1. 1s., and the annual or additional payments according to the 145th General Law, according to age.' Several other toasts, interspersed with some good singing, concluded the evening's proceedings.

CHESTERTON.-On Tuesday, July 19th, the members of the Loyal Miners' Lodge celebrated their anniversary. The lodge assembled at eight o'clock A.M., at the Red Lion Inn, when a number of new members, one of whom was L. L. Haslope, Esq., were initiated, the ceremony being performed by P.G.M. Glass, P.G.M. Alcock, C.S. Bowers, and P.G. Bennett. At the conclusion of this business the brethren and a number of friends, altogether about 200, headed by their banner and two bands of music, marched in procession through the village to the residence of Mr. Haslope, by whom they were most kindly received. After making a short stay at this pleasant spot, the party proceeded to church, where divine service was held, prayers being read and an excellent sermon preached by the Rev. W. H. Jackson. At the conclusion of the service the brethren repaired in procession to Apedale Hall, the residence of J. E. Heathcote, Esq., who briefly and appropriately addressed his visitors, congratulating them upon the satisfactory condition of the lodge, and wishing it every success. The party remained on the grounds about half an hour, which

was very agreeably spent, the performances of a party of glee singers and the bands materially adding to their pleasure, after which they adjourned to a tastefully decorated tent, near the Red Lion Inn, where a bountiful and excellent dinner was done ample justice to; P.G. Bennett officiated as chairman, supported by the Rev. W. H. Jackson and L. L. Haslope, Esq., and several officers of the lodge. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured, the Rev. W. H. Jackson responding to the "Bishop and Clergy." Other toasts, including "The Order," responded to by Brother Glass, "The Health of Mr. Haslope," responded to by that gentleman, &c., were cordially drunk; after which the guests adjourned to the field adjoining, where a variety of sports were heartily entered into. At six o'clock the members with their friends, numbering altogether about 400, again entered the tent and partook of an excellent tea, kindly provided by Mr. Haslope, the new member. The party then returned to the field, and in a round of gymnastic amusements pleasantly whiled away the evening hours, until "darkness spread its mantle o'er the earth," when they repaired to their homes invigorated in health, and with agreeable remembrances of one of the happiest days of their toiling lives. We are glad to hear that this lodge is in a most prosperous state, its members now numbering 160, and its funds amounting to £900.

DEVIZES-The Loyal Independent and Providential Dolphin Lodges in this town held a festival on Monday, August 29. A large proportion of the members assembled in the morning and formed in procession, in "full regalia." | We understand the banners and flags were purchased by voluntary subscription by the members of the two lodges. A very interesting feature in the procession was the number of children carrying little flags. At eleven o'clock, preceded by Messrs. Moulton's excellent brass band from Bradford, they walked to St. James's Church, where divine service was performed, and a very suitable sermon was preached by the Rev. B. C. Dowding, the incumbent, from the words, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed ?" (Amos iii. 3.) The choir, under the direction of Mr. D. Greenland, the organist, performed the choral service. After service, the procession paraded the town to the merry strains of the band, accompanied by the ringing of the bells of all the churches. Between three and four, at the Rising Sun Inn, a very large company sat down to dinner. So numerous were they that the lodge room, which has been considerably enlarged, was unable to contain them, and many were obliged to dine separately. The party consisted chiefly of the Order, with a few visitors, and was presided over by Brother C. Darby Griffith, Esq., M.P., who appeared to enter very heartily into the proceedings. Brother James Pyke, the D.G,M., occupied the vice-chair. The room was gaily dressed with flowers and evergreens, and the usual mottoes. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, Br. Jones, secretary of the Providential Dolphin, gave some particulars of the progress of that lodge, which he said was in a most flourishing state. In 1857, the year of their last procession, it had 154 members, and the income exceeded the expenditure by £96. 2s. 10d. For the year 1858 the income was £274. Os. 6d., and exceeded the expenditure by £174. 14s. 2d., the number of members being 173. The funds of the lodge now exceeded £1,500, and as it had been in existence about seventeen years, he reckoned the savings at an average of £90 a year. The lodge was started by eight members, and now numbered 189.Brother G. T. Gregory, secretary of the Loyal Independent, said that their numbers had been increased by 30 during the half year. The books of the Independent Lodge show the following results:-Total capital, £1,133. 5s. 9d.; receipts for the half year ending June 26th, £102, 14s. 10d.; expenses, £72. 9s. 5d.; giving an increase during the half year of £30. 5s. 5d. The number of members at present is 141; giving an increase of 14 since the 31st

of December 1858, after allowing for one death, emigration, seceders, &e.— More toasts followed and concluded the festivities.

EDINBURGH.-On Saturday, the 23rd July, a large party of members and friends left the Waverley Station on a pleasure excursion to Perth and St. Andrews. The weather was cloudy, with drizzling rain at starting; but as the steamer approached Burntisland the sky began to clear, and continued bright throughout the day. At Burntisland, where two trains of railway carriages were awaiting, the large party separated, the greater portion going to Perth, where the excursionists enjoyed themselves in visiting the North and South Inches, the Hill of Kinnoul, and other objects of interest in and around the "Fair City." By the kind permission of Archibald Turnbull, Esq., the beautiful grounds of Bellwood were thrown open to the whole party. The other portion who went to St. Andrews were equally gratified with the kind reception they met with in viewing the many places of historical interest in that ancient city. A number of the excursionists, headed by Dr. John Middleton, P.P. G.M., on reaching Perth, started for Dunkeld, leaving, however, the train at Murthly Station, for the purpose of paying a visit to Murthly Castle and grounds, the property of Sir W. D. Stewart, who, in the most courteous and handsome manner, granted them free access to the splendid walks and scenery around his magnificent mansion. The old castle, with the beautiful chapel and gardens, would of themselves well repay a journey from any part of Her Majesty's dominions. The arrangements of Prov. G.M. William Scott, Prov. C.S. Hugh Cameron, and other members of the committee were most excellent, and reflected great credit on these worthy brethren. After passing a very pleasant day, the excursionists returned home, reaching the Waverley Station, Princess Street, in safety at 10 P.M.

EGHAM, SURREY.-The beautiful and romantic village of Egham was, in August, the scene of gay festivity among the brethren of the Manchester Unity celebrating the nineteenth anniversary of the Lord Portman Lodge, North London District. The train from London containing the brethren and their friends arrived about twelve o'clock, at which time the church bells struck up a merry peal; the members of the Magna Charta Lodge, accompanied by the Egham Band, were in attendance at the station, and gave a hearty welcome to the London party. At half-past twelve o'clock, the procession was formed by P.G. Gardener and P.P.G.M. Phillips, and, led by the band, proceeded through the village in regalia, with handsome banners and flags. At this time the scene presented the most gay and animated appearance; all Egham appeared in a state of excitement. The procession moved onwards until it reached the Catherine Wheel, now kept by P.G. Channing, of the Lord Portman Lodge, at which establishment, shortly after two o'clock, about 80 members and friends sat down to dinner, presided over by P.P.G.M. Wearing, assisted by P.G. Treacher, as vice-chairman; supported by Mr.. W. Gardener, jun., and other members of the Magna Charta Lodge, Captain Brown, Mr. Wye, Mr. Braddock, Mr. Thwaites, and Mr. Durrant; Messrs. Funnell, Flint, W. Stone, Harrison, Phillips, R. Adams, Graves, Chettle, Weaver, Newman, Millage, Drayton, Meller, Robinson, and Diprose, and a number of the members of the Windsor and North London Districts. After the usual loyal and complimentary toasts, Mr. Diprose stated that the Lord Portman Lodge comprised about 200 members, and after paying nearly £3,000 they have a capital of £2,000 belonging to the sick and funeral fund; the Lord Portman Lodge was but a humble branch of the Manchester Unity, yet he believed he was right in saying that they had endeavoured to carry out the noble principles of that important and valuable institution-the Manchester Unity of Odd-Fellows

consisting of 300,000 members, and possessing a capital of nearly two millions of money. During the last twelve months the lodge had done a vast amount of good in cases which were beyond the jurisdiction of the funds. One, he might mention, where a brother died suddenly, and not being entitled to the benefits of the Widow and Orphan Fund, left his family in a helpless condition; but he was proud to say that, by a little exertion on the part of the members, they realised the sum of £30, thus enabling the family to obtain their own livelihood. Several other toasts having been proposed and duly responded to, the company broke up to enjoy the remaining portion of amusements prepared for them.

LEISTON.-On Wednesday, August 10th, a new lodge was opened at the White Horse Inn by J. Pitcher. Esq., Prov. G.M., Mr. H. Stevens, Prov. D.G.M., and Mr. John Crispin, Prov. C.S., Ipswich District, and other members, under dispensation from the G M. and Board of Directors. About 22 members were initiated, and Mr. J. Birch, having been appointed N.G. of the lodge, received the dispensation, books, &c. After transacting other lodge business, the members and friends, upwards of 50, partook of a bountiful repast, P.G.M. J. Pitcher occupying the chair. From the enthusiasm which pervaded the meeting, and the number of persons waiting and anxious to join this lodge, it cannot be doubted that a successful and profitable career will attend this branch of our useful and honourable institution.

MUTUAL IMTROVEMENT AND DISCUSSION SOCIETY.-On Wednesday evening, August 3rd, the first meeting of this recently-formed society was held at the Worsley Lodge-room, on which occasion the Law of Clearance was the subject of discussion. It was introduced by Prov. G.M. Ball, and after an animated debate, in which several members took part, the meeting adjourned to that day fortnight. The object of this society is to render its members more fully conversant with the working of the Order, and of the system of laws to which Odd-Fellows of the Manchester Unity are subject. Since then the society has progressed in the right direction, and at the present time numbers about 40 members. The meetings are held at the various lodge houses in rotation. The small entrance fee (6d.) will, it is hoped, induce many more of the members of the Order in Lincoln to enrol themselves. Brother the Rev. W. N. Jepson has kindly consented to become president; P.G. Holmes, vice-president; C. S. Gadd, treasurer; and Brother J. H. Perkyns, secretary.

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NORTH LONDON DISTRICT.-NAPIER LODGE.-This lodge celebrated its anniversary on Tuesday evening, September 6th, at the Macclesfield Arms, City Road; Prov. G.M. Filsell presided, and V.G. Ratcliffe occupied the vice-chair. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, the Manchester Unity and Board of Directors" was received by the 80 members and friends present with much enthusiasm, and P.G.M. Roe, one of the Directors, responded. In proposing the "North London District" the chairman, as its Grand Master, took occasion to explain its working as the largest branch of the society, and stated its exact financial position, the figures of which will be found in another page. "The Widow and Orphan Fund" was responded to by P.G. Harris, who stated that upwards of £19,000 had been paid for benefits, and that there was now in hand £8,800, and 300 widows and 490 children were receiving the pensions. P.G. Jones, in acknowledging the toast of the Napier Lodge, said it had now 114 members, of the average age of 28 years, and its own capital, carefully saved and kept, of £720. Mr. J. Cornelius, the surgeon, stated the members to be not only youthful but healthy. "The Press" followed, representatives of the Daily Telegraph, Friendly Societies' Journal, &c., being present, and wa

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