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and claims the privileges thereof. On behalf of the Friendly Societies of Maitland

GEORGE A. SMYTH, of Lodge No. 3933 M.U.


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Messrs. Maxwell, Cox, Edwards, &c.

GENTLEMEN,-In reply to your communication I have (whilst cordially acknowledging its complimentary tone and language) to express my deep regret that I cannot comply with your request.

The Catholic Church disapproves of all "Societies" over which she does not exercise a guiding and controlling influence-she wishes to follow her children through all the various stages of life, and her solicitude for their spiritual welfare is not satisfied, unless religion, as taught within her fold, blesses and sustains all their undertakings.

When, therefore, my sanction of your proposed procession would be equivalent to a formal recognition and approval of your Society, I think that the members will sympathise with a refusal dictated solely by principle.

After a residence of nearly twenty-one years in Maitland, I can safely and confidently appeal to my close and frequent intercourse with every class and creed in the community-in proof of my earnest desire to establish and promote peace and harmony. I am, and always have been, willing to aid and assist benevolence and philanthropy in the mission of mercy and love, but I never have allowed my sense of duty, or the obedience which I owe to my Church, to parley with expediency, or bend before the shrine of popular applause. I remain, Gentlemen, your obedient servant,

J. T. LYNCH, Dean.

West Maitland, May 25th, 1859.

To the Very Rev. J. T. Lynch, Dean, &c.

REVEREND SIR,-I have been instructed, as Secretary to the General Meeting of the Friendly Societies of Maitland, holden at the Commercial Hotel, on Thursday evening last, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th instant, in answer to their deputation who waited upon you; and also to forward you a copy of the resolution passed unanimously by the meeting upon hearing your letter read.

I remain, Reverend Sir, your obedient servant,

Copy of a Resolution passed by the Friendly Societies of Maitland on Thursday evening, the 19th May, 1859.

"That this meeting hear with regret the decision that the Reverend Dean Lynch, R. C. Č., has come to with regard to the Friendly Societies of Maitland, and that this Meeting doth hereby resolve and agree, with respect to any member of the various orders in Maitland, whilst in the receipt of benefits from any such Societies-that the laws relative to the burial of deceased members shall be strictly acted upon by following their remains to their last resting-place, without reference to any creed, and that they will not permit any clerical influence of any kind whatsoever to interfere with the established customs of the

Friendly Societies, whose laws, rules, and regulations, are certified and enrolled according to the laws of our country."

[A true copy.]


West Maitland, May 27th, 1859.

The Very Rev. Dean Lynch regrets that he must return the resolution with which Mr. Alex. Wilkinson has been instructed to favor him.

Dean Lynch is always anxious to treat individuals and "Societies" with proper courtesy, and he would not willingly give pain; but self-respect, and due regard for his position, forbids the reception of a resolution ignoring and disclaiming all deference and consideration for ecclesiastical authority.

The members of the various Orders in Maitland may rest assured that Dean Lynch will enforce and carry out, by his "clerical influence," the laws and discipline of the Catholic Church.


On the receipt of the above letter from the Very Rev. Dean Lynch, returning the resolution of the 19th ultimo, a special general meeting of all the Friendly Societies was convened by advertisement on Monday evening last, the 6th instant, when the undermentioned resolution was passed :"Resolved: That the Friendly Societies of Maitland do hereby express their unqualified indignation at the despotic conduct of the Reverend Dean Lynch, Roman Catholic clergyman, in attempting to tyrannise over and crush them, as exhibited in his letter of the 27th May last, and hereby unanimously confirm their resolution of the 19th May, and repudiate the authority which the Dean so unwarrantably arrogates to himself over them, or any of their members."


ABERDARE-On the evening of Friday, the 7th of October, a splendid gold guard chain, value five guineas, the spontaneous gift of the brethren of the John Watkins Lodge, was presented to P.G. William Edmonds, their faithful and zealous permanent secretary. Mr. Edmonds has been many years secretary to the Temple of Love Lodge, and numerous other societies, in all of which he has signalised himself by a careful and diligent discharge of his duties.

ABERSYCHAN.-QUARTERLY MEETING.-PRESENTATION TO P.P.G.M. SHELLARD. The delegates of the Pontypool District of the M.U. of Odd-fellows met for the transaction of their quarterly business, at the White Hart Inn, on Monday, September 19th. The delegates reported favourably of the state of their lodges, and it was announced that 54 new members had been initiated during the last quarter, making the total number of 1,536 members of the district. A dispensation was granted for the opening of a new lodge at Mr. Trubey's, Steadman's Terrace, Sebastopol. A sum of £4 13s., which had been collected at various lodges, was presented to a brother named Dunn, who was in distress. After the general business of the meeting had been concluded, the delegates proceeded to present Brother P.P.G.M. Shellard with a testimonial, which consisted of a double-bottomed gold lever


watch, purchased at a cost of £17 10s., by the joint subscription of the mem-
bers. It was supplied by Brother D. Evans, watchmaker and jeweller, Ponty-
pool, and bore the following inscription :-" Presented to P.P.G.M. Wm.
H. Shellard, by the Pontypool District of the M.U.I.O. of O.F., for his faithful
exertions in the Order 37 years.-September 19th, 1859." Brother George
Thomas, C.S. of the District, made the presentation in an eloquent and
appropriate speech. Mr. Shellard acknowledging, said that he scarcely could
express the emotions that were then agitating his bosom. Reference had
kindly been made by Mr. Thomas to the part he had taken, and to the
exertions he had made in the cause of Odd-fellowship; but he was not
It afforded him,
aware that he had done anything more than his duty.
however, the greatest satisfaction, to think that he had not laboured in vain,
and that his conduct had met with their approval.

BELFAST. The annual Ball and Soiree of the Members of the Belfast District took place on the 16th of December, when a very full attendance gave evidence of the interest the members of the several Lodges in the District take in Odd-Fellowship. Victoria Hall was gaily decorated for the occasion, and a large number of members and friends appeared in regalia. The late period of the month at P. Prov. G.M. Downing in the chair. which the report reached us, prevents a more extended notice.

BIRMINGHAM.-On Monday, 14th November, the members and friends of the Victoria Lodge met to celebrate the twenty-second anniversary. After the dinner (provided in excellent style,) the chair was taken by Mr. Spratt, the vice-chair being ably filled by Mr. George Fletcher. The usual loyal toasts being disposed of, the chairman proposed, "The Manchester Order of Birmingham had its share in Odd-fellows, and the health of its Officers." the government of the Unity, one of its useful officers, their valued C.S. H. Buck, being D.G.M. In proposing prosperity to Birmingham district, it was stated that it was in a most flourishing condition, having 3,673 memProv. G.M. Owen responded in a very able bers, and a capital of £35,077. speech, followed by an effective address, by Prov. D.G.M. Leighton. The chairman stated that the position of the lodge was good, being 68 members, and a capital of £567 11s. Some capital singing concluded the evening.

BRISTOL.-The members of the Loyal Benevolent Lodge held their seventeenth anniversary on Tuesday, October 11th, Prov. D.G.M. Michael Jackson, in the chair, and P.G. Francis Wood, in the vice-chair, supported by Dr. M'Donald, P.P.D.G.M.; Francis Young, P.G.M.; Thomas Adams, C.S., After the removal of and nearly sixty of the members and their friends. the cloth a variety of toasts were given and responded to; among the toasts was, "the health of G.M., D.G.M., and Board of Directors in Manchester;" after the toast, "Prosperity to the Benevolent Lodge," Past Prov. G.M. John Bridgwood, the treasurer of the lodge, stated that the number of members on the lodge books was 150, and that the total amount of surplus cash out at interest was £709; that after paying upwards of £100 for sick pay, they had been enabled to deposit £80 in the Savings Bank, being the gain on the past year. The chairman then, in the name of the lodge, presented to P.G. John Silley, a diploma enclosed in a very handsome gilt frame and glass, certifying that he had filled the several offices in the lodge to their entire satisfaction. P.G. William D. Bedgood then amused the Blaize company with several airs on the piano. The evening's amusement was closed by the whole company singing the National Anthem. Castle Lodge.-On the 28th July last, a new Lodge was opened at the Black Boy Inn, Durdham Down, called the Blaize Castle Lodge, under very

promising auspices, and it has since been making its way very successfully. Mr. F. B. Coates has had the privilege of being appointed the first Noble Grand. A young member of the lodge has written some pleasing poetical reminiscences of the progress of the lodge during the first three months of its existence, for which we regret we cannot find space.-Widow's Hope Lodge. On Monday evening, October 31st, the members of this Lodge, with several friends, dined together at their lodge house, for the purpose of cele brating their nineteenth anniversary. The chairs were filled by N.G. Wm. Thomas, and P.G. Joseph Roberts. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, the Secretary, P.G. Charles Williams, gave a financial statement of the lodge funds, and showed an increase of £78 on the past year. The chairman, at this period of the evening, called their attention to the pleasing duty they had appointed him to perform, viz., that of presenting to P.P.G.M. George Harvey, a gold Albert chain, value £4, subscribed for by the members as a small acknowledgment of the many services he had rendered the lodge for many years, whereby a considerable saving was effected in the general expenditure of the society.

BURY ST. EDMUND's.-The brethren and friends of the Loyal West Suffolk Design Lodge, No. 2425, held their nineteenth anniversary on Monday, Sept. 12. A large number of the members met in the morning at the Castle Inn, and from thence went in procession with the regalia of the order, accompanied by the band of the West Suffolk Militia (by permission of Captain Halls), to Saint Mary's Church, where an excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Richardson. After service, the members and their friends adjourned to the Botanic Gardens, which were kindly thrown open by the proprietor, and in various amusements occupied their time until the dinner hour. The dinner took place in the Corn Exchange, at four o'clock, when nearly 300 sat down to an excellent and substantial repast, provided by host and Brother Baker, of the Castle Inn. The chair was occupied by J. A. Hardcastle, Esq., M.P., who was supported by T. Bridgeman, Esq., T. Collins, Esq., T. W. Cooper, Esq., J. Kilner, Esq., Rev. H. E. Daniel, &c.. &c. Brother Banyard filled the vice-chair. The report of this anniversary occupies 24 columns of the Bury and Norwich Post, but we can only spare space to say that in answer to the toast of the evening, Brother Copeland stated that it was now seven years ago that their lodge became a legalized body, from which time he was happy to say it had been a flourishing body. Since they had registered the lodge they had initiated 183 members, 37 of them initiated since their last anniversary. The excess of income in the seven years was £1079 188. 01d., being an average of £155 5s. 5d. per year. The excess of income was last year larger than in any previous year-it was then £197 148. 44d. The value of the lodge fund at the present time was £2100. They had been more favoured this year as regarded sickness, than in any year previous, the sick pay being some £56 less than in the year before, when it was £120 78. The average

sickness this year was not more than six days, whereas the average of the Unity was something like nine or ten days. The sick pay of the lodge during the seven years had amounted to £775 2s. 11d., and the funeral expenditure to £161 15s. 11., giving a total of payments from the lodge of £936 188.

CREWE. The anniversary of the establishment of the Loyal Strangers' Home District Lodge was celebrated by a dinner at Brother Furber's, Adelphi Hotel, Crewe, on August the 27th, when upwards of 74 gentlemen (71 of whom were members of this and other lodges) sat down to a good and substantial banquet; James G. Tinning, P. Prov. G.M., of the Crewe Lodge, in the chair; Joseph Slack, P.G., in the vice-chair. The present number of members is 65, the numbers last year being 53, which shows an increase of 12.

The total funds also amount to £253 3s. 114d., being an increase of £30 over last year's funds.

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CWMBRAN-The members of the Loyal Good Intent Lodge held their anniversary on Monday, July 25. The brethren and friends mustered to the number of 140, and headed by the military band, walked in procession to the Chapel-of-Ease, where an excellent sermon was preached to them from the text-"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another." At the conclusion of the religious service, the brethren returned to the club-room, where an excellent repast awaited them. On the removal of the cloth, John Lawrence, Esq., was called to the chair; David Brown, Esq., acted as vicechairman. The Good Intent Lodge numbers 112 members, the average age of whom is twenty-nine years. They possess a fund of £430 188. 84d., which had been increased during the past twelve months £58 16s. 84d. The proceedings were brought to a close by dancing, which was kept up until a late hour.

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DUBLIN. On Thursday, November 17th, 1859, a massive silver snuff-box, together with a silver medal, was presented to Mr. Thomas Gray, of No. 2, Sandymount Green, Sandymount. The box bears the following inscription:Presented (with a Silver Medal) by the Odd-fellows of the Dublin District, M.U., to P.P.G.M. Thomas Gray, in token of their respect for the zealous and efficient manner in which he discharged the onerous duties of Grand Master of the Dublin District, during his year of office, October, 1859. The medal bears the insignia of the order on one side, and a similar inscription to that on the box on the other. The meeting, which comprised deputies from the various lodges in the district, and several guests unconnected with the society, was rather of an imposing character, the brethren appearing in full regalia of the order. An appropriate address, artistically engrossed by Mr. J. J. Carroll, Secretary to the Old England Lodge, was delivered by the present Grand Master of the district, Mr. James A. Hyde.-The Dublin District Annual Grand Ball. The members gave their annual district ball on Monday, November 21st, in the Rotundo, in aid of the funds for the relief of the widows and orphans of the deceased members of the society. The whole suite of rooms were thrown open on the occasion, and the attendance was most numerous and respectable. There were upwards of 1,000 persons present.

FRAMLINGHAM.--The Loyal Star of the East Lodge, of this town, celebrated its fifteenth anniversary by a dinner at the Corn Hall, on the 14th of October. A sermon was preached in the parish Church by Brother the Rev. T. J. Brereton. There were upwards of 150 guests at dinner. Since its formation, the Lodge has received for entrance fees and contributions £1,98€ 13s., and expended for sickness and funeral donations £748 17., leaving balance in the hands of the treasurer of £1,237 16s. The Lodge is in a flourishing state and numbers upwards of 160 honorary and benefit members.

HANLEY.-On Monday, November 14, the brethren of St. Andrew's Lodg celebrated their 24th anniversary by dining together. Mr. Edwin Alcock, G.M. of the district, in the chair. A number of toasts and sentiments wer given by the chairman, and speeches delivered by various members. Mr. Brain, in responding to the toast of "The Lodge," read a pleasing report, wherein it appears that, though the lodge numbers but over 40 members, yet that there had been a saving of funds during the past year of nearly £50. Mr. Rowe's band was in attendance, and played a number of favourite airs. Mr. Farrington played a solo on the flute, and a very agreeable evening was spent.

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