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Italy-The valley of the Po-The states and forces by which it was defended

-The instructions of the directory to Bonaparte-The folly of those in-

structions-Comparative numbers and condition of the hostile armies—

Sufferings of the French-Their want of food, money, horses, and artillery

-Bonaparte relieves general Scherer-His appointment acceptable to the

troops-Not so altogether to Massena and Augereau-The force and as-

cendancy of his character-Anecdote-Transfers the head quarters to Al-

benga-Mutiny of the 29th regiment-Royalist emissary-The mutineers

punished, and the emissary arrested-Efficacious attention of Bonaparte

to the subsistence of his troops-His march to Albenga-Disdains to return

the cannonade of Nelson-Address to his army-Its character and effects

-His generals and aides de camp-The high spirit of the army-Bona-

parte's plan of invasion-His object frustrated by the advance of general

Laharpe-Stations of the several divisions of his army-Beaulieu opens

the campaign-His activity aud plan of operations-He advances upon

Voltri-Directs Argenteau upon Savona-Bonaparte resolves to detain

Beaulieu at Voltri, and to attack Argenteau-—Combat of Voltri-Of Mon-

teligino-Good conduct of Cervoni—Heroism of Rampon—Battle of Mon-

tenotte-Defeat of Argenteau-Advance of the French-Beaulieu and Nel-

son disconcerted-Battle of Millesimo-Gallantry of Joubert-Surrender

of Provera-Passage of the Bormida and storming of Dego-Defeat of

Beaulieu and further advance of the French-Surprise of Dego-Retaken

by the Austrians-Countermarch of Bonaparte-Battle of Dego-Heroic

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