ANGOLA. Portaria (Portuguese). Conveyance of Slaves by Sea from one Page. Lisbon, 17th February, 1857. 933 ANHALT-BERNBOURG. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. gation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 ANHALT-DESSAU-COETHEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Treaty with Prussia, &c. Friendship. ARRANGEMENTS. See TREATIES. Commerce. Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS. Message (United States). Transit Routes. Washington, 15th May, 1856. 782 AUSTRIA. Correspondence with Switzerland. Affairs of Neuchâtel. Protocol of Conference with Turkey, &c. Bessarabian Frontier. January, 1857. 1302 Paris, 6th January, 1857. 92 35 BADEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Netherlands. Convention. Consuls in Dutch Colonies. Carlsruhe, 27th July, 1857. 518 Page BADEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :—with Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 BAVARIA. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Dues. Navi- gation.........Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 BAY ISLANDS. Convention. Great Britain and Honduras (not ratified). London, 27th August, 1856. 673 BELGIUM. Law. Immunities of Foreign Consuls in Belgium. Brussels, 1st January, 1856. 991 Protocol of Conference with Denmark, &c. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Copenhagen, 14th March, 1857. 35 24 Copenhagen, 14th March, 1857. 612 Schwerin, 2nd Dues.... Copenhagen, 9th February, 1857. 610 Persia. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Brussels, 31st July, 1857. 622 Sardinia. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Do. Turin, 10th December, 1857. 642 Additional Articles. Salt Duties. Turin, 19th February, 1858. 650 Sicilies. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Naples, 23rd March, 1857. 613 Do. Monte Video, 16th September, 1853. 626 Rio de Janeiro, 21st February, 1857. 634 BENTO, or BRASS, RIVER. Regulations with Great Britain. Commerce. BERGEN, MR. BESSARABIA. Protocol of Conference. Austria, &c. and Turkey. Frontier. .1848. 1222 92 Treaty. Austria, &c. and Turkey. Frontier. 60 BIMBIA. Engagement with Great Britain. Differences with Boobee. BLACKFOOT INDIANS. Treaty with United States. Peace. Friendship. 7th February, 1855, 547 Page BLOCKADE. Notification (British). Port and River of Canton. London, 13th October, 1857. 560 BONNY. Engagements with Great Britain. Debts of King Pepple. Slave Declaration with Great Britain. ex-King Pepple........ Declaration with Great Britain. Discontinuance of Allowance to .Bonny, 12th February, 1855. 547 River Bonny, 11th September, 1855. 548 Declaration with Great Britain. Payment of Comey. River Bonny, 12th September, 1855. 548 Additional Articles with Great Britain. River Bonny, 12th September, 1855. 549 (Grand). Agreement with Great Britain. Commerce. Slave Trade. BOOBEE. Engagement with Great Britain. Peace. 7th February, 1855. 546 BOUNDARIES. Act of Parliament (British). Boundaries between Canada ............................................... Proclamation (United States). Paris, 24th August, 1857. 765 States and Mexico. Washington, 2nd June, 1856. 789 92 60 (France and Spain) Limits. Bayonne, 2nd December, 1856. 765 BRASS RIVER. See BENTO. Rio de Janeiro, 3rd May, 1856. 1038 BREMEN. See HANS TOWNS. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-—with C. CALABAR. See NEW CALABAR; OLD CALABAR. River Cameroons, 1st February, 1855. 545 River Cameroons, 2nd February, 1855. 545 Bye Laws. British Commerce. River Cameroons, 14th January, 1856. 552 Page CANADA. Act of Parliament (British). Boundaries. Canada and New Message (United States). Affairs of Central America. Transit Routes through New Granada and Nicaragua. Washington, 15th May, 1856. 782 Treaty. Great Britain and United States (not ratified). London, 17th October, 1856. 677 CHICKASAW INDIANS. Treaty with United States. Cession. Washington, 22nd June, 1855. 1108 CHINA. List. Fees receivable by British Consuls. Hong Kong, 25th March, 1854. 592 Notification. Cession of Property of Chinese to British Subjects. Hong Kong, 10th March, 1856. 602 Do. (British). Blockade of Port and River of Canton. London, 13th October, 1857. 560 Order in Council (British). Government of British Subjects. Ordinance. Windsor, 2nd February, 1857. 561 Prevention of Desertion of Seamen belonging to Foreign Ships and Vessels at Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 17th December, 1850. 588 Hong Kong, 19th January, 1854. 591 Hong Kong, 31st March, 1854. 593 Enforcing Neutrality during Civil War in China. Hong Kong, 17th January, 1855. 598 Establishing proper System of Registration for Hong Kong, 5th March, 1856. 369 Page CHINA. Ordinance. Explaining Law as to Removals of Prisoners, Hong Kong, 29th May, 1856. 602 Hong Kong, 29th May, 1856. 603 Regulating Chinese Burials, and preventing certain Hong Kong, 12th June, 1856. 1370 Hong Kong, 22nd August, 1856. 604 Regulations. British Trade in Five Ports of China. Hong Kong, 18th May, 1854. 594 CHIPPEWA INDIANS (Sault St. Marie). Treaty with United States. Cession. Detroit, 2nd August, 1855. 1118 (Saginaw). Treaty with United States. Detroit, 2nd August, 1855. 1120 CHOCKTAW INDIANS. Treaty with United States. Cession. CONCORDAT. Rome and Wurtemberg...................Rome, 8th April, 1857. 1283 CONGO RIVER. Agreement with Great Britain. Commerce. Congo River, 20th June, 1854. 540 CONSPIRACY. Act of Parliament (British). Power to Lord-Lieutenant of CONSTANTINOPLE. Order in Council (British). Supreme Consular Court. CONSTITUTION. Mexico......... Peru London, 27th August, 1857. 572 ......... .Mexico, 15th May, 1856. 1067 Spain. Additional Act........Madrid, 15th September, 1856. 793 CONSULAR COURT. See CONSTANTINOPLE. CONSULS. Law (Belgian). Privileges.............Brussels, 1st January, 1856. 991 Hong Kong, 25th March, 1854. 592 Ordinance (China). Oaths and Notarial Acts. See also TREATIES. CONVENTIONS. See TREATIES. Hong Kong, 22nd August, 1856. 604 COPYRIGHT. Convention. Great Britain and Spain.... Madrid, 7th July, 1857. 48 Osborne, 16th May, 1857. 568 |