British and Foreign State PapersH.M. Stationery Office, 1866 |
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Стр. 108
... Earl of Clarendon . SIE , CH . A. MURRAY . No. 49. - The Earl of Clarendon to Mr. Murray . Foreign Office , August 1 , 1855 . Ix reply to your despatch of the 22nd of June , I have to state to you that under the circumstances which you ...
... Earl of Clarendon . SIE , CH . A. MURRAY . No. 49. - The Earl of Clarendon to Mr. Murray . Foreign Office , August 1 , 1855 . Ix reply to your despatch of the 22nd of June , I have to state to you that under the circumstances which you ...
Стр. 118
... CLARENDON . No. 55. - Lord Stratford de Redcliffe to the Earl of Clarendon . ( Received January 14. ) MY LORD , Constantinople , January 3 , 1856 . THE Persian Chargé d'Affaires , acting under the instructions of his Government , sought ...
... CLARENDON . No. 55. - Lord Stratford de Redcliffe to the Earl of Clarendon . ( Received January 14. ) MY LORD , Constantinople , January 3 , 1856 . THE Persian Chargé d'Affaires , acting under the instructions of his Government , sought ...
Стр. 132
... Earl of Clarendon . No. 58.-Mr. Murray to the Earl of Clarendon .- ( Rec . Jan. 22 , 1856. ) ( Extract . ) Tehran , December 3 , 1855 . ON reviewing the whole of the discussion with the Persian Government on the case of Meerza Hashem ...
... Earl of Clarendon . No. 58.-Mr. Murray to the Earl of Clarendon .- ( Rec . Jan. 22 , 1856. ) ( Extract . ) Tehran , December 3 , 1855 . ON reviewing the whole of the discussion with the Persian Government on the case of Meerza Hashem ...
Стр. 134
... Earl of Clarendon .- ( Rec . Jan. 22 , 1856. ) MY LORD , Tehran December 4 , 1855 I HAVE the honour to inclose for your Lordship's information , a translation of a paragraph which appeared in last week's " Tehran Gazette , " regarding ...
... Earl of Clarendon .- ( Rec . Jan. 22 , 1856. ) MY LORD , Tehran December 4 , 1855 I HAVE the honour to inclose for your Lordship's information , a translation of a paragraph which appeared in last week's " Tehran Gazette , " regarding ...
Стр. 136
... Earl of Clarendon . CH . A. MURRAY . No. 61. - Lord Stratford de Redcliffe to the Earl of Clarendon . ( Received January 29. ) MY LORD , Constantinople January 12 , 1856 . WITH reference to my despatch of the 3rd instant , I have the ...
... Earl of Clarendon . CH . A. MURRAY . No. 61. - Lord Stratford de Redcliffe to the Earl of Clarendon . ( Received January 29. ) MY LORD , Constantinople January 12 , 1856 . WITH reference to my despatch of the 3rd instant , I have the ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Affairs Agents Consulaires Article autres bâtiments Britain British Government British subjects Central America charge Chargé d'Affaires citoyens colonies commerce communication Consul Consuls-Généraux Convention copy Crampton d'une despatch deux pays Dost Mahomed Khan droit Earl of Clarendon Earl of Clarendon.-(Rec effet engaged enlist entendu Etats été être Excellency fait Ferokh Khan Foreign Office Français Hautes Parties Contractantes Herat Honduras honour inclose Inclosure instructions Islands jouiront l'autre l'Ordre letter Liberia Lord Clarendon Lord Stratford Lordship Majesté le Roi Majesty Majesty's Government marchandises Meerza Hashem Khan ment Mission Mosquito Indians Murray nation nationaux navires Neuchâtel Nicaragua Pays-Bas Persian Government Persian Ministers person Plénipotentiaires Portaria ports pourront present province qu'ils ratifications received recruiting Republic respect respectifs Royaume Sadr Azim Sardes sera seront Shah Shiraz Stevens Stratford de Redcliffe sujets supercargoes Tehran territory tion tout Traité Treaty United United Kingdom vessel Vice-Consuls et Agents William Ouseley
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 364 - That if any person shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States, enlist or enter himself, or hire or retain another person to enlist or enter himself, or to go beyond the limits or jurisdiction of the United States with intent to be enlisted or entered...
Стр. 320 - Measures, is hereby declared inoperative and void : it being the true intent and meaning of this act, not to legislate slavery into any territory or state, nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the constitution of the United States...
Стр. 775 - ... north latitude, thence along the said parallel of 31° 20' to the lllth meridian of longitude west of Greenwich, thence in a straight line to a point on the Colorado River twenty English miles below the junction of the Gila and Colorado rivers, thence up the middle of the said river Colorado until it intersects the present line between the United States and Mexico.
Стр. 268 - States ship, shall be permitted to continue their voyage, if, on examination of their papers, it shall appear that their cargoes were taken on board before the expiration of the above term ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall...
Стр. 312 - ... erect or maintain any fortifications commanding the same or in the vicinity thereof, or occupy, or fortify or colonize, or assume, or exercise any dominion over Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito coast, or any part of Central America...
Стр. 12 - Hindon, a Peer of the United Kingdom, a Member of Her Britannic Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter...
Стр. 35 - Dues, have resolved to conclude a Convention for that purpose, and have named as their plenipotentiaries, that is to say, the President of the United States, Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of the United States, and his Majesty the King of.
Стр. 324 - then the article providing for Slavery shall be stricken from the constitution by the president of this Convention ;" and it is expressly declared that " no Slavery shall exist in the State of Kansas, except that the right of property in slaves now in the Territory shall in no manner be interfered with...
Стр. 674 - The United States of America and her Majesty, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain...
Стр. 657 - The Commissioners so named shall meet in the city of Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia, at the earliest convenient period after they have been respectively named, and shall, before proceeding to any business, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide...